"Perhaps Only Property Owners Should Be Allowed To Vote," Said Steve Bannon

Only federal taxpayers should be allowed to vote in federal elections. The same for state taxpayers and voting rights. Those that have THEIR skin in the game. Only 50% of the population pays federal taxes, the rest get a free ride.

A major part of our problem is deficits and most of that comes from entitlements to the dead beats the left capitalizes on. Give people the option to vote themselves "free stuff" and they'll vote for it every time.

The only requirements to be able to vote should be the 2 already in place, being 18 and an American citizen, and having to pass a basic intelligence test to see if you can tell the difference between fake news (the kind you read) and real news (the kind smart people read).
Since you believed Hillary was going to win, you just eliminated yourself.

Even Trump believed Hillary was going to win. I guess he eliminated himself too.
Only federal taxpayers should be allowed to vote in federal elections. The same for state taxpayers and voting rights. Those that have THEIR skin in the game. Only 50% of the population pays federal taxes, the rest get a free ride.

A major part of our problem is deficits and most of that comes from entitlements to the dead beats the left capitalizes on. Give people the option to vote themselves "free stuff" and they'll vote for it every time.

The only requirements to be able to vote should be the 2 already in place, being 18 and an American citizen, and having to pass a basic intelligence test to see if you can tell the difference between fake news (the kind you read) and real news (the kind smart people read).
Since you believed Hillary was going to win, you just eliminated yourself.

Even Trump believed Hillary was going to win. I guess he eliminated himself too.
So you agree you were duped.
If such an absurdity were to become law - that you have to own property to vote -

people opposing it, who had the means, could simply buy a piece of property sell 100,000 shares of the ownership for a penny apiece,

and voila! 100,000 new property owners.
lets cut the bullshit, and make it LAKE property over 10 acres ...

where do I vote ?
All you really are is a flaming looney. I also love it when flaming loonies try to tell me what I actually believe. Grow the hell up and quit throwing around accepted terms you made up your own looney definitions for.

You do GRASP that people can read the idiocy you post here, right Comrade?

There is nothing remotely "liberal" about you. You are a socialist who consistently promotes Stalinist government and economics.
Liberals are solely responsible for all socio-economic trends of the last hundred years?!?!

You are not a liberal, you are a Bolshevik. You are "anti-liberal," seeking a central authoritarian state which owns all and dispenses as pleases whichever faction of looters is in control.

I am a liberal.

All westernized countries have went from agrarian to industrial to service economies.

An unsustainable model,

That means people go to the city where the real money is. You say liberals are responsible for raising this country up from a nation of ignorant, starving subsistence farmers to educated wage earners? I'll buy that.

I'm saying that leftists seek to drive the country to a dependent and miserable population of serfs who exist at the pleasure of a tiny elite who can and will dispose of them as easily.

The most recognizable feature of a liberal is the promotion of Laissez Faire Capitalism, which indeed is the motive power that transformed our world.

The motive power of you of the left is the lust to reestablish the feudal structures of old, concentrating all wealth in the hands of the state (the crown) where an impoverished masses serve the elite.

I am a liberal, you are a leftist. I am an advocate of the ideal of Mason, you are an advocate of the ideals of Stalin or Pol Pot.
The terms liberal, leftist, conservative, rightest are over simplified descriptions of people. They are stereotypes, useful in creating propaganda and creating division within a nation. Most people in this country are left or right leaning. There are really few conservatives that would like to see all forms of government supported social services abolished just as there are few liberals that want to see all private ownership abolished. Humans are just not that simple. Most people in the US are slightly right of center in most of their beliefs. However, they move left and right depending on the issue.
Liberals are solely responsible for all socio-economic trends of the last hundred years?!?!

You are not a liberal, you are a Bolshevik. You are "anti-liberal," seeking a central authoritarian state which owns all and dispenses as pleases whichever faction of looters is in control.

I am a liberal.

All westernized countries have went from agrarian to industrial to service economies.

An unsustainable model,

That means people go to the city where the real money is. You say liberals are responsible for raising this country up from a nation of ignorant, starving subsistence farmers to educated wage earners? I'll buy that.

I'm saying that leftists seek to drive the country to a dependent and miserable population of serfs who exist at the pleasure of a tiny elite who can and will dispose of them as easily.

The most recognizable feature of a liberal is the promotion of Laissez Faire Capitalism, which indeed is the motive power that transformed our world.

The motive power of you of the left is the lust to reestablish the feudal structures of old, concentrating all wealth in the hands of the state (the crown) where an impoverished masses serve the elite.

I am a liberal, you are a leftist. I am an advocate of the ideal of Mason, you are an advocate of the ideals of Stalin or Pol Pot.
The terms liberal, leftist, conservative, rightest are over simplified descriptions of people. They are stereotypes, useful in creating propaganda and creating division within a nation. Most people in this country are left or right leaning. There are really few conservatives that would like to see all forms of government supported social services abolished just as there are few liberals that want to see all private ownership abolished. Humans are just not that simple. Most people in the US are slightly right of center in most of their beliefs. However, the move left and right depending on the issue.

I agree. My point is that "liberal" has no place in describing the American left.
Liberals are solely responsible for all socio-economic trends of the last hundred years?!?!

You are not a liberal, you are a Bolshevik. You are "anti-liberal," seeking a central authoritarian state which owns all and dispenses as pleases whichever faction of looters is in control.

I am a liberal.

All westernized countries have went from agrarian to industrial to service economies.

An unsustainable model,

That means people go to the city where the real money is. You say liberals are responsible for raising this country up from a nation of ignorant, starving subsistence farmers to educated wage earners? I'll buy that.

I'm saying that leftists seek to drive the country to a dependent and miserable population of serfs who exist at the pleasure of a tiny elite who can and will dispose of them as easily.

The most recognizable feature of a liberal is the promotion of Laissez Faire Capitalism, which indeed is the motive power that transformed our world.

The motive power of you of the left is the lust to reestablish the feudal structures of old, concentrating all wealth in the hands of the state (the crown) where an impoverished masses serve the elite.

I am a liberal, you are a leftist. I am an advocate of the ideal of Mason, you are an advocate of the ideals of Stalin or Pol Pot.
The terms liberal, leftist, conservative, rightest are over simplified descriptions of people. They are stereotypes, useful in creating propaganda and creating division within a nation. Most people in this country are left or right leaning. There are really few conservatives that would like to see all forms of government supported social services abolished just as there are few liberals that want to see all private ownership abolished. Humans are just not that simple. Most people in the US are slightly right of center in most of their beliefs. However, the move left and right depending on the issue.

I agree. My point is that "liberal" has no place in describing the American left.
The public does not differentiate the Left and liberal or conservative and the Right. They define these in terms of issues, not political concepts.
Liberals are solely responsible for all socio-economic trends of the last hundred years?!?!

You are not a liberal, you are a Bolshevik. You are "anti-liberal," seeking a central authoritarian state which owns all and dispenses as pleases whichever faction of looters is in control.

I am a liberal.

All westernized countries have went from agrarian to industrial to service economies.

An unsustainable model,

That means people go to the city where the real money is. You say liberals are responsible for raising this country up from a nation of ignorant, starving subsistence farmers to educated wage earners? I'll buy that.

I'm saying that leftists seek to drive the country to a dependent and miserable population of serfs who exist at the pleasure of a tiny elite who can and will dispose of them as easily.

The most recognizable feature of a liberal is the promotion of Laissez Faire Capitalism, which indeed is the motive power that transformed our world.

The motive power of you of the left is the lust to reestablish the feudal structures of old, concentrating all wealth in the hands of the state (the crown) where an impoverished masses serve the elite.

I am a liberal, you are a leftist. I am an advocate of the ideal of Mason, you are an advocate of the ideals of Stalin or Pol Pot.
The terms liberal, leftist, conservative, rightest are over simplified descriptions of people. They are stereotypes, useful in creating propaganda and creating division within a nation. Most people in this country are left or right leaning. There are really few conservatives that would like to see all forms of government supported social services abolished just as there are few liberals that want to see all private ownership abolished. Humans are just not that simple. Most people in the US are slightly right of center in most of their beliefs. However, the move left and right depending on the issue.

I agree. My point is that "liberal" has no place in describing the American left.
The public does not differentiate the Left and liberal or conservative and the Right. They define these in terms of issues, not political concepts.

This allows the left to engage in fraud and deceit.
  • Kellogg to join others in removing advertising on Breitbart
    Source: USA Today

    Kellogg, the food manufacturer that owns Pringles and Pop-Tarts, confirmed Tuesday that it will discontinue advertising on Breitbart.com, the far-right news and commentary site that was formerly run by a top aide of President-elect Donald Trump, Steve Bannon.

    The site has come under fire on social media in recent days as consumers, angered at what they say is its racist, sexist and anti-Semitic content, publicly name its advertisers. Bannon worked as executive chairman of Breitbart News until he left to run Trump's campaign. He was scheduled to return to Breitbart, but earlier this month, Trump named Bannon his chief strategist, stirring more of the site's critics to call out its content and appeal to its advertisers.

    "We regularly work with our media buying partners to ensure our ads do not appear on sites that aren't aligned with our values as a company," Kellogg spokesperson Kris Charles in a statement. "This involves reviewing websites where ads could potentially be placed using filtering technology to assess site content. As you can imagine, there is a very large volume of websites, so occasionally something is inadvertently missed. In this case, we learned from consumers that ads were placed on Breitbart.com and decided to discontinue advertising there."


    Other companies have already said on Twitter that they will stop advertising on Breitbart. They include pharmaceutical manufacturer Novo Nordisk, eyeglasses maker Warby Parker and the San Diego Zoo.


    Read more: Kellogg to join others in removing advertising on Breitbart
  • Kellogg to join others in removing advertising on Breitbart
    Source: USA Today

    Kellogg, the food manufacturer that owns Pringles and Pop-Tarts, confirmed Tuesday that it will discontinue advertising on Breitbart.com, the far-right news and commentary site that was formerly run by a top aide of President-elect Donald Trump, Steve Bannon.

    The site has come under fire on social media in recent days as consumers, angered at what they say is its racist, sexist and anti-Semitic content, publicly name its advertisers. Bannon worked as executive chairman of Breitbart News until he left to run Trump's campaign. He was scheduled to return to Breitbart, but earlier this month, Trump named Bannon his chief strategist, stirring more of the site's critics to call out its content and appeal to its advertisers.

    "We regularly work with our media buying partners to ensure our ads do not appear on sites that aren't aligned with our values as a company," Kellogg spokesperson Kris Charles in a statement. "This involves reviewing websites where ads could potentially be placed using filtering technology to assess site content. As you can imagine, there is a very large volume of websites, so occasionally something is inadvertently missed. In this case, we learned from consumers that ads were placed on Breitbart.com and decided to discontinue advertising there."


    Other companies have already said on Twitter that they will stop advertising on Breitbart. They include pharmaceutical manufacturer Novo Nordisk, eyeglasses maker Warby Parker and the San Diego Zoo.


    Read more: Kellogg to join others in removing advertising on Breitbart

And I will stop buying Kellogg products.
Breitbart....sensationalist wackos.
Breitbart News symbolizes everything that is wrong with a lot of media news today, namely it's not news. It's commentary intermixed with a bit of news, misquotes, and out of context statements in an attempt to support an opinion or build a story where none exist. However, Breitbart is not alone. There are hundreds if not thousands of websites both liberal, conservative, and special interest doing the same thing.

Unfortunately, the existence of these media sites, is the fault of the public. They don't want to be confused by just the truth and facts, they want their beliefs reinforced and their are plenty of people who will accommodate them.

Real news is not entertaining and thus not very profitable. For years radio and TV was forced by the FCC to provide a certain number hours of news as a public service. By adding human interest stories and additional coverage, news programs began to attracting sponsors in the 50's. In the 60's, TV execs started asking questions like "If Jack Benny can make money why can't the news." Why is the entertainment division supporting the news division?" Thus started a move to make News entertaining and profitable. By the turn of the 21st century, network execs had learned the best way to increase their audience was to give the public what it really wanted, which was programming that reinforced their beliefs which was the end of objective news reporting. Today, Propaganda better describes news today.
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