"Perhaps Only Property Owners Should Be Allowed To Vote," Said Steve Bannon

I'm 50% German, maybe you should stop talking to me...
Or maybe you should seriously ask yourself, for once, why things went as far as they did. Americans used to know, shame that many have apparently forgot. The same impulse that made America reject McCarthyism is absent now, hopefully millions do not have to die this time for us to remember why we found Trump's kind of rhetoric distasteful for so long.

I watched the full videos of every claim leveled upon Trump. Not once did I come away from it with the same impression as the MSM. In fact, he rather reminds me of my husband, total asshole at times, but someone who strives to do the right thing.

Can you say the same or did you just rely on the snippets and MSM spin? I suspect that's the case.

I also suspect that your opinion of "distasteful" is far far different from my own.
I'm 50% German, maybe you should stop talking to me...
Or maybe you should seriously ask yourself, for once, why things went as far as they did. Americans used to know, shame that many have apparently forgot. The same impulse that made America reject McCarthyism is absent now, hopefully millions do not have to die this time for us to remember why we found Trump's kind of rhetoric distasteful for so long.

I watched the full videos of every claim leveled upon Trump. Not once did I come away from it with the same impression as the MSM. In fact, he rather reminds me of my husband, total asshole at times, but someone who strives to do the right thing.

Can you say the same or did you just rely on the snippets and MSM spin? I suspect that's the case.

I also suspect that your opinion of "distasteful" is far far different from my own.
Perhaps, but it is not just my opinion and I am not going to put up with people acting like something is wrong with me because I did not like his negativity, fear mongering and scapegoating. In spite of his slogan his campaign was an optimism free zone. He made no effort to appeal to my values of kindness, forgiveness, generosity, humility, responsibility etc. so I have no use for him. I fear he has encouraged the worst of us into thinking their hate is acceptable, until he rejects these people in no uncertain terms he is a menace to our country and our way of life.
What are your thoughts on the face that if Bannon had his way, you wouldn't have been allowed to vote since you still live in your parents basement?

Actually my current rent could be used instead for a home mortgage of more than $300K, but I am considering relocating plus housing appreciation is still weak and does not offset the yearly real estate taxes. I am interested in a house with a walk in basement though to contain sound levels as a result of live instruments. Otherwise, I would have to do quite a bit of renovation to sound proof a room.
occupied Well I don't let others decide how I feel on any issue (I'm a leader not a follower) but that aside, I completely disagree with the second and third sentences there - "Make America Great Again" is optimistic in my world and that's just the campaign slogan, much less what he's talking about doing to make good changes. Whatever, you believe what you want :)

I can somewhat agree with the latter, but honestly I blame that more on the MSM because of the BS picture they've painted and the twisting and misrepresentation of his character. He has rejected the KKK and white nationalists, more than once so the latter bit of your statement is misinformed.

Even so, it's rather similar to BLM and OWS and Obama's spoken support of them no less (and of course again with the MSM whipping the flames) - do/did you have the same impression of "encouragement" there?
What are your thoughts on the face that if Bannon had his way, you wouldn't have been allowed to vote since you still live in your parents basement?

Actually my current rent could be used instead for a home mortgage of more than $300K, but I am considering relocating plus housing appreciation is still weak and does not offset the yearly real estate taxes. I am interested in a house with a walk in basement though to contain sound levels as a result of live instruments. Otherwise, I would have to do quite a bit of renovation to sound proof a room.

You could always build an isolation booth for your guitar amp. I know of a session guy that has one in his garage and does all his tracking through them. Neighbors never hear a thing.
I wish that was the way it is. But it isnt.
I wouldn't want to strip voting rights from people. I just wish they never had the chance.
I used to be one of those people that said we only became a republic in the 20s, but fuck that. A lot of people are retarded. ALOT
If your "retards" are voting in such huge numbers as to affect the outcome of an election, perhaps you should look int the mirror and wonder if it is YOU who is the "retard."
We hold these truths to be sef evident that
I would modify that stance. Property owners with an exception for vets.
So you would re implement taxation without representation? Would you strike out that part of the Declaration of Independence that reads : "We hold these truths that all men are created equal?"There is no hidden clause there diminishing the "equality" of a man because he votes for his own interests instead of yours!

If you don't have a stake in the game, you shouldn't be able to vote for yourself the property of another man.

There's the problem, a politician says vote for me I'll steal money from your neighbor and give it to you. Their rich, fuck em lets take all their money come on follow me we'll march on Washington.
The Democrats are already dead.

You are just too stupid to understand that.

Republicans were never supposed to win the presidency ever again without going full Democrat neo-leftist. Obama was supposed to be the proof that the Reagan coalition was all that Republicans could ever have AND IT WOULDN'T BE ENOUGH.

Trump not only won convincingly, but he broke through into previous HARDCORE LEFTIST BASTIONS that Reagan didn't even get.
Democrats are not Republicans, we will learn from this while you people build an even more retarded clone of the GWB administration and make all the same mistakes again, only worse.
Please state a logical explanation for your position to the OP. I would LOVE to hear it
Please pose an intelligible question and I might answer it.
Did the word "logical" scare you off?
I haven't gone anywhere, you just don't know how to property phrase a question. Go back and read it again and be more specific about whatever you are asking.
Nice grammatical error, igit
maybe not land owners, thats going too far. Good Americans can rent. But I would say Tax payers
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I wish that was the way it is. But it isnt.
I wouldn't want to strip voting rights from people. I just wish they never had the chance.
I used to be one of those people that said we only became a republic in the 20s, but fuck that. A lot of people are retarded. ALOT

You think people who don't own property are retarded? That's the indicator?

Let's start here:

Are you aware of how many members of the military don't own property?
I wish that was the way it is. But it isnt.
I wouldn't want to strip voting rights from people. I just wish they never had the chance.
I used to be one of those people that said we only became a republic in the 20s, but fuck that. A lot of people are retarded. ALOT

You think people who don't own property are retarded? That's the indicator?

Let's start here:

Are you aware of how many members of the military don't own property?
Yes, because I implied every person that doesn't own property is retarded.
I wish that was the way it is. But it isnt.
I wouldn't want to strip voting rights from people. I just wish they never had the chance.
I used to be one of those people that said we only became a republic in the 20s, but fuck that. A lot of people are retarded. ALOT

You think people who don't own property are retarded? That's the indicator?

Let's start here:

Are you aware of how many members of the military don't own property?
Yes, because I implied every person that doesn't own property is retarded.

Yes, you did.

Could you face a person in the service and tell them they're losing their right to vote because they don't own a home, and that proves he or she is too stupid to vote?
I wish that was the way it is. But it isnt.
I wouldn't want to strip voting rights from people. I just wish they never had the chance.
I used to be one of those people that said we only became a republic in the 20s, but fuck that. A lot of people are retarded. ALOT

Are you posting from the 1800's?
No, im posting from a guy that has learned a lot of people are fucking retarded and vote that way. Look at the Presidents we have had the past 3 or 4 decades. Its disgusting.
If only decent minded people that had a vested interest in the running of this country voted, we might not be enveloped by a corrupt duopoly.
What, in your opinion, makes the Presidents before the past 3 or 4 decades any better?

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