Permanent injunction against 10 round magazine ban? In California? Excellent....

Yes 3 with at least 90rds among them just in their guns.

The suspected shooters in the San Bernardino massacre -- which left 14 dead -- had more than 1,600 rounds of ammunition with them

San Bernardino Shooters Had More Than 6,000 Rounds of Ammo, Police Say

And how is your 50 round magazine going to help you Rambo?
None Of your fucking business

What's next, Chief, you going to want free Firewater? Sorry, you have to pay for it just like everyone else.
I’m with you brother

Why should someone have to stop killing just to reload?

Actually, if you analyze it, the problem is that people are killing. Why don't we regulate that? Oh yeah...
I am perfectly willing to regulate which people gain access to guns

That's not the issue. The issue is that murder is illegal and yet you repeatedly advocate shooting children. If we start regulating who an gain access to guns, we need to start with you.

You have yet to provide any reason for a 50 round magazine other than slaughtering school children

You need 50 rounds to hunt squirrels?
Shouldn't have to have a reason for a law abiding citizen to exercise a Constitutional right.

True, but murdering children is not a Constitutional right, so rightwinger should stop advocating it.
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Actually, if you analyze it, the problem is that people are killing. Why don't we regulate that? Oh yeah...
I am perfectly willing to regulate which people gain access to guns

That's not the issue. The issue is that murder is illegal and yet you repeatedly advocate shooting children. If we start regulating who an gain access to guns, we need to start with you.

You have yet to provide any reason for a 50 round magazine other than slaughtering school children

You need 50 rounds to hunt squirrels?
Shouldn't have to have a reason for a law abiding citizen to exercise a Constitutional right.

True, but murdering children is not a Constitutional right, so you should stop advocating it.

So you think that opposing frivolous ineffective gun laws is the same as advocating the murder of children?
I am perfectly willing to regulate which people gain access to guns

That's not the issue. The issue is that murder is illegal and yet you repeatedly advocate shooting children. If we start regulating who an gain access to guns, we need to start with you.

You have yet to provide any reason for a 50 round magazine other than slaughtering school children

You need 50 rounds to hunt squirrels?
Shouldn't have to have a reason for a law abiding citizen to exercise a Constitutional right.

True, but murdering children is not a Constitutional right, so you should stop advocating it.

So you think that opposing frivolous ineffective gun laws is the same as advocating the murder of children?

No, I had a typo and wrote "you" instead of "rightwinger". It's been corrected.
If this is true and accurate, the Bill of Rights lives in the worst state for Civil Rights........apparently, a permanent injunction was handed down against the 10 round magazine ban in California.......if this is true and accurate, sanity has ruled the day.....

BREAKING: NRA Legal Team Wins Permanent Injunction Against California's Mag Ban - The Truth About Guns

the actual decision......happy dance....


1. Defendant Attorney General Xavier Becerra, and his officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and those persons in active concert or participation with him, and those duly sworn state peace officers and federal law enforcement officers who gain knowledge of this injunction order, or know of the existence of this injunction order, are enjoined from enforcing California Penal Code section 32310.

2. Defendant Becerra shall provide, by personal service or otherwise, actual notice of this order to all law enforcement personnel who are responsible for implementing or enforcing the enjoined statute. The government shall file a declaration establishing proof of such notice.

DATED: March 29, 2019

They cite Caetano and Heller.......

3. Lethality is Not the Test Some say that the use of “large capacity magazines” increases the lethality of gun violence.

They point out that when large capacity magazines are used in mass shootings, more shots are fired, more people are wounded, and more wounds are fatal than in other mass shootings.31 That may or may not be true. Certainly, a gun when abused is lethal. A gun holding more than 10 rounds is lethal to more people than a gun holding less than 10 rounds, but it is not constitutionally decisive. Nothing in the Second Amendment makes lethality a factor to consider because a gun’s lethality, or dangerousness, is assumed.

The Second Amendment does not exist to protect the right to bear down pillows and foam baseball bats. It protects guns and every gun is dangerous. “If Heller tells us anything, it is that firearms cannot be categorically prohibited just because they are dangerous.” Caetano v. Massachusetts, 136 S. Ct. 1027, 1031 (2016) (Alito, J. and Thomas, J., concurring); Maloney v. Singas, 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 211546 *19 (E.D.N.Y. Dec. 14, 2018) (striking down 1974 ban on possession of dangerous nunchaku in violation of the Second Amendment and quoting Caetano).

“[T]he relative dangerousness of a weapon is irrelevant when the weapon belongs to a class of arms commonly used for lawful purposes.” Id. California law presently permits the lethality of a gun with a 10-round magazine. In other words, a gun with an 11-round magazine or a 15-round magazine is apparently too lethal to be possessed by a law-abiding citizen. A gun with a 10-round magazine is not. Missing is a constitutionally-permissible standard for testing acceptable lethality. The Attorney General offers no objective standard. Heller sets out a commonality

If the “too lethal” standard is followed to its logical conclusion, the government may dictate in the future that a magazine of eight rounds is too lethal. And after that, it may dictate that a gun with a magazine holding three rounds is too lethal since a person usually fires only 2.2 rounds in self-defense. This stepped-down approach may continue32 until the time comes when government declares that only guns holding a single round are sufficiently lacking in lethality that they are both “safe” to possess and powerful enough to provide a means of self-defense.33

The 9th is a good place to look at testing the impeachment of judges. They should be investigated for corruption.
I’m with you brother

Why should someone have to stop killing just to reload?

Actually, if you analyze it, the problem is that people are killing. Why don't we regulate that? Oh yeah...
I am perfectly willing to regulate which people gain access to guns

That's not the issue. The issue is that murder is illegal and yet you repeatedly advocate shooting children. If we start regulating who an gain access to guns, we need to start with you.

You have yet to provide any reason for a 50 round magazine other than slaughtering school children

You need 50 rounds to hunt squirrels?
Shouldn't have to have a reason for a law abiding citizen to exercise a Constitutional right.
You have no right to any weapon you choose
Neither does the guy planning to shoot up a school
When has our country ever needed a second amendment to defend our freedom?
Every day, moron. Just look at Venezuela. Do you imagine Maduro would still be in power if the civilians were armed?

<sob>. But....but....what about Venezuela?

This ain’t Venezuela Finger Boy
It will be if douchebags like you ever get their way. One of the first things Chavez did is implement strict gun control.

Hey Finger Boy
We are not Venezuela....not Somalia either
That's because we have things like the Second Amendment, douchebag. If we followed your advice, we would quickly turn into Venezuela.
Our freedom never depended on the second amendment

Thank god for the first
Actually, if you analyze it, the problem is that people are killing. Why don't we regulate that? Oh yeah...
I am perfectly willing to regulate which people gain access to guns

That's not the issue. The issue is that murder is illegal and yet you repeatedly advocate shooting children. If we start regulating who an gain access to guns, we need to start with you.

You have yet to provide any reason for a 50 round magazine other than slaughtering school children

You need 50 rounds to hunt squirrels?
Shouldn't have to have a reason for a law abiding citizen to exercise a Constitutional right.
You have no right to any weapon you choose
Neither does the guy planning to shoot up a school

Oh, so you're the thought police now? You know who is planning to shoot up a school?
Every day, moron. Just look at Venezuela. Do you imagine Maduro would still be in power if the civilians were armed?

<sob>. But....but....what about Venezuela?

This ain’t Venezuela Finger Boy
It will be if douchebags like you ever get their way. One of the first things Chavez did is implement strict gun control.

Hey Finger Boy
We are not Venezuela....not Somalia either
That's because we have things like the Second Amendment, douchebag. If we followed your advice, we would quickly turn into Venezuela.
Our freedom never depended on the second amendment

Thank god for the first

Our freedoms depend on ALL the Amendments (Except the 18th)
Since I fully believe in allowing people - such as yourself - who have no idea what they're talking about embarrass themselves as much as possible, I 'll give you the opportunity to prove for your claim that 30-rd magazines "put more of a stress on the AR than it's designed to take when you have to handle it a little rough".
But, we know you won't, because you know you can't.
Let the avoidance begin... er... continue.
I don't have to prove a thing.
Thank you for confirming what we already knew - you're talking out your ass.
Well, I have a nice award for you to take to an engraver. Hope you enjoy it.
Thank you for further confirming what we already knew - you're talking out your ass.
Actually, if you analyze it, the problem is that people are killing. Why don't we regulate that? Oh yeah...
I am perfectly willing to regulate which people gain access to guns

That's not the issue. The issue is that murder is illegal and yet you repeatedly advocate shooting children. If we start regulating who an gain access to guns, we need to start with you.

You have yet to provide any reason for a 50 round magazine other than slaughtering school children

You need 50 rounds to hunt squirrels?
Shouldn't have to have a reason for a law abiding citizen to exercise a Constitutional right.
You have no right to any weapon you choose
Neither does the guy planning to shoot up a school
Yes, I do have a right to any weapon I choose.

Let us know when you can read minds so you can tell us what someone is planning.
Every day, moron. Just look at Venezuela. Do you imagine Maduro would still be in power if the civilians were armed?

<sob>. But....but....what about Venezuela?

This ain’t Venezuela Finger Boy
It will be if douchebags like you ever get their way. One of the first things Chavez did is implement strict gun control.

Hey Finger Boy
We are not Venezuela....not Somalia either
That's because we have things like the Second Amendment, douchebag. If we followed your advice, we would quickly turn into Venezuela.
Our freedom never depended on the second amendment

Thank god for the first
It certainly does. Just ask the people of Venezuela.
Actually, if you analyze it, the problem is that people are killing. Why don't we regulate that? Oh yeah...
I am perfectly willing to regulate which people gain access to guns

That's not the issue. The issue is that murder is illegal and yet you repeatedly advocate shooting children. If we start regulating who an gain access to guns, we need to start with you.

You have yet to provide any reason for a 50 round magazine other than slaughtering school children

You need 50 rounds to hunt squirrels?
Shouldn't have to have a reason for a law abiding citizen to exercise a Constitutional right.
You have no right to any weapon you choose
Neither does the guy planning to shoot up a school
Yes I do the fucking ultimate law of the land says I do. Your opinion doesn't mean jack shit on the subject why don't you lefty loons try your unconstitutional gun grabbing the legal way. Call for a Convention or an Amendment vote. It would be all kinds of hilarious to see your asses handed to you.
Didn't watch the video did you ?
I’m with you brother

Why should someone have to stop killing just to reload?

Actually, if you analyze it, the problem is that people are killing. Why don't we regulate that? Oh yeah...
I am perfectly willing to regulate which people gain access to guns

That's not the issue. The issue is that murder is illegal and yet you repeatedly advocate shooting children. If we start regulating who an gain access to guns, we need to start with you.

You have yet to provide any reason for a 50 round magazine other than slaughtering school children

You need 50 rounds to hunt squirrels?

I have never seen a 50 round magazine in my life, and I doubt such a thing actually exists.
The standard all AR clones come with is 30 shot, and you can get a 100 round double drum.

The main reason for a large magazine is so you can spend less time concentrating on your firing/stance/breathing practice for being a better shot.
Changing magazines throws it all off.
But a second reason is that since 30 rounds is the military norm, they are the cheapest, due to surplus.

In no way does larger magazine size aid crime. You can change smaller magazines more quickly than larger magazines, and all these mass shooters did successfully change magazines.
All this crap. Here are a couple of thoughts.

No, we are not coming for all your guns. Never going to happen. So come out from under that well defended bunker under your beds. And you others can stop with the wet dreams of joining in on the gun confiscation brigades.

As for common sense firearms regulations, get used to them. More and more states are adopting them. I won't try and justify either way on this one. It only suffices to say that the majority of the population is for common sense gun regulations. If you can't figure out what common sense gun regulations are, you are somewhat lacking in common sense.
As for common sense firearms regulations, get used to them. More and more states are adopting them. I won't try and justify either way on this one. It only suffices to say that the majority of the population is for common sense gun regulations. If you can't figure out what common sense gun regulations are, you are somewhat lacking in common sense.
Ironic, given there isn't any sense at all in any firearm regulation described by anti-gun loons as "common sense".
As for common sense firearms regulations, get used to them. More and more states are adopting them. I won't try and justify either way on this one. It only suffices to say that the majority of the population is for common sense gun regulations. If you can't figure out what common sense gun regulations are, you are somewhat lacking in common sense.
Ironic, given there isn't any sense at all in any firearm regulation described by anti-gun loons as "common sense".

You just confirmed what I was talking about the lack of common sense on the one side. Chances are, the other side has enough sense (not common sense maybe) to not comment on this. But you seem to lack that ability. So you get an award with one Silver Oak Leaf Cluster.


As for common sense firearms regulations, get used to them. More and more states are adopting them. I won't try and justify either way on this one. It only suffices to say that the majority of the population is for common sense gun regulations. If you can't figure out what common sense gun regulations are, you are somewhat lacking in common sense.
Ironic, given there isn't any sense at all in any firearm regulation described by anti-gun loons as "common sense".
You just confirmed what I was talking about the lack of common sense on the one side.
Well yes - the lack of sense on the anti-gun side is legendary.
None of the restrictions they seek have any rational basis -- and thus, cannot have any sense at all.
Thanks for agreeing.
As for common sense firearms regulations, get used to them. More and more states are adopting them. I won't try and justify either way on this one. It only suffices to say that the majority of the population is for common sense gun regulations. If you can't figure out what common sense gun regulations are, you are somewhat lacking in common sense.
Ironic, given there isn't any sense at all in any firearm regulation described by anti-gun loons as "common sense".
You just confirmed what I was talking about the lack of common sense on the one side.
Well yes - the lack of sense on the anti-gun side is legendary.
None of the restrictions they seek have any rational basis -- and thus, cannot have any sense at all.
Thanks for agreeing.

Sorry, you already got your silver oak leaf cluster. Only one oak leaf cluster per day to any and all fruitcakes.

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