Perry Calls It Quits

I think the next candidate to quit will be Trump.
And this is based on what? Lack of money? Bad poll numbers? What?

Peaking too soon. Some idiots are even endorsing him outright at such an early stage and then trying to convince everyone his competitors are dropping out of the race.

You'd have to be a total moron to call it so soon for Trump.
Like I said...
Works for me... I'm not calling it YET but it's getting clearer.

If Trump does what I dream of. He will make a team of the best of the best.

Trump President

Walker Vice President

Cruz Are you kidding me AGy

Doctor Ben Carson Surgeon General

I can go on forever. They can keep calling us the clown car but our people are awesome. Fuck what the left says.
OMG smoker.

That would really work for me.

I love that guy. He's real beyond.
I think the next candidate to quit will be Trump.
And this is based on what? Lack of money? Bad poll numbers? What?

Peaking too soon. Some idiots are even endorsing him outright at such an early stage and then trying to convince everyone his competitors are dropping out of the race.

You'd have to be a total moron to call it so soon for Trump.
Like I said...
Works for me... I'm not calling it YET but it's getting clearer.

i called trump/carson two months ago- book it!
Why Bush? He's probably going to be in for the long haul, he's got plenty of money.

Happens every election time.

This is where the 1%'s ( Bikers term ) actually decide that they do not have enough public support so they bow out to save money.

I do have a list in my head of whom will bow out ; and in my head is where I will keep it. With the exception of one - Hillary. I look for her to drop out later than sooner to safe face, protect against embarrassment. A motivational exit speech will mention her, the Democratic Party and how well the party is, and will advance. The Democratic party is in good hands and has excellent leadership......that will not include her. Hillary has enemy's in not only corporate America ( whom will spend millions to help defeat her ), but in voters that do not like her, as well as her own political party whom turns their heads at the sight of her...... and whom some feel greatly embarrassed by her leadership at State, her Email and computer events, as well as Benghazi.

Hillary went way further than make mistake and small blunders like most people do.........she messed everything up and left the State Department in far worse condition.....FAR worse condition than she received it. A large and very distinguished dark mark for any leader.....especially in Government.

I see Hillary's run for Pennsylvania Avenue as a smirk towards some of her fellow politicians......whom she dislikes. Hillary is being vindictive and hostile towards those......whom do not like her. How to get revenge = Run for President of the United States. I see that she feels even though she does not win, she still give a "Black Eye" to those whom despise her. One of her neglects, is that I do not believe she really knows how many enemy's she has, and whom they actually are.

People show up at their office every morning, lay the "Wall Street Journal" , the "New York Post", and the "Washington Times" on their desk; and they plot on how to ruin, sabotage, destroy her Presidential run. It is early in the "throw your hat" into the ring for the most prestigious house in Washington,DC. The real mud slinging has not started yet. Some have simply put the burners on low ( email scandal and Benghazi ) - the real flames will not start for awhile.

Some people fail at looking into the future. Some people simply neglect to plan, and fail to do so because of just being inept..... or lazy of the most elevated extreme.

Some fail to recognize = Cost, Consequences, and Damage(s) made. They have tunnel vision, and a plan of action that is not even worthy of placing in the ballpark for everyone to see. Their ideas and hopes are fantasy, and very-very far from realistic. They make promises that they cannot keep, which leads to lies upon lies. They plan way to far ahead, and their simply a fantasy world. And everything is "Honky-Dory.......till their world crumbles around them.......then comes the blame game, and everyone is at fault, but not themselves. They simply will not accept the blame for the hours or years of events that they are solely responsible for and planned themselves.

****Simply put.......all the revelations, have yet to be revealed. ****

**** Some secrets shall remain, always and forever....a secret. This helps tell whom is lying, manipulating and using others. Evidence is sometimes better, than accusations. ****

Ammo is still being saved, and very large in quantity. I believe that there is thousands, if not millions of dump trucks....full of 100 dollar bills supplied by private and wealthy individuals; as well as corporate America ( whom some were once were her biggest supporters ) that will be used to not only destroy her, but cause her significant embarrassment. We will see in time, if I am correct.

Bush Topic :

If Bush drops out it will be shocking, and well away from the Bush political history. Not only that, for him to drop out....would be an embarrassment. I can see Barbara Bush hitting him over the head with a broom on the front porch of Bush Sr's house....if he drops out.

Shadow 355
I feel kind of bad for Perry. He actually had a compelling argument he never really got to make because of his flubbed campaign from four years ago.
Don't feel bad Joey. Perry was a typical R big gov progressive elitist...and dumb...but then you may like that in a politician.

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