Perry Calls It Quits

Feel sorry Perry dropped out so soon......he looked so smart in his new glasses
Fall is a great time for a Southern soiree!!

Lindsey Graham is either going to drop out or come out!! and they say Republicans are Homophobic!! Tell me, are there any log cabin Democrats? The LGBT does not count since they are not part of any political party.
I feel kind of bad for Perry. He actually had a compelling argument he never really got to make because of his flubbed campaign from four years ago.
Don't feel bad Joey. Perry was a typical R big gov progressive elitist...and dumb...but then you may like that in a politician.

Well, you are right. There really isn't a guy who appeals to crazy people like you.

Yes, I do like politicians who can actually run governments. It's kind of like a job requirement.

Or do you think Civilization just happens with magic thinking?
I doubt Bush will drop out any time soon. I predict either Huckabee or Jindal dropping out next. Most likely Jindal. Like Perry he has ZERO buzz surrounding his campaign. At least Huckabee has been keeping his name in the news a bit.
Jeb Bush is not as rich as people think. His donations are drying up and I don't think he will run on his own money. Jindal is in big trouble as well.

What Jeb has going for him is the support of establishment Republicans. What I see happening is a repeat of 2012's "anybody but Romney" primary. If so Republicans will be fighting an uphill battle to win the presidency.
The "establishment" has already lost. That being proven by Trump's AND Sanders numbers. This is the year of the wild card.
I guess someone forgot to tell you the election is 14 months away, Not 2015..

Wildcard huh, Guiliina or whatever his name is was the Wildcard in 2007, and Santorum in 2012, they did really well against the so called establishment in the end huh??

This is a marathon not a sprint, cherry pick the guys you like now , it probably won't mean shit, a year from now..

I guess Perry's 2 back to back sorry weak ass Presidential runs just confirm what I already knew , this country DOES NOT want to be run like Texasss...
I feel kind of bad for Perry. He actually had a compelling argument he never really got to make because of his flubbed campaign from four years ago.
Don't feel bad Joey. Perry was a typical R big gov progressive elitist...and dumb...but then you may like that in a politician.

Well, you are right. There really isn't a guy who appeals to crazy people like you.

Yes, I do like politicians who can actually run governments. It's kind of like a job requirement.

Or do you think Civilization just happens with magic thinking?
If only there weren't so many brainwashed statist drones in America.

To think we need this government to have civilization, is really despairing. Americans once knew that big government is terribly harmful, but not so much any more. Makes me want to puke.
If only there weren't so many brainwashed statist drones in America.

To think we need this government to have civilization, is really despairing. Americans once knew that big government is terribly harmful, but not so much any more. Makes me want to puke.

When did they know this? In the 19th century, when people who weren't slaves scraped by working in sweatshops and dirt farms and died young at 50?

Yeah, fuck big government with its sanitation and its health care and its social safety net.

I'm sure you'll get right around to dying when the rich have no more use for you.
If only there weren't so many brainwashed statist drones in America.

To think we need this government to have civilization, is really despairing. Americans once knew that big government is terribly harmful, but not so much any more. Makes me want to puke.

When did they know this? In the 19th century, when people who weren't slaves scraped by working in sweatshops and dirt farms and died young at 50?

Yeah, fuck big government with its sanitation and its health care and its social safety net.

I'm sure you'll get right around to dying when the rich have no more use for you.

You need to read REAL history. You might remember from second grade that Americans fought for independence from big government. They set up a central government that was supposed to be extremely limited. Sadly stinking progressives bastardized everything.
You need to read REAL history. You might remember from second grade that Americans fought for independence from big government.

they did no such thing. the rebelled because a few rich assholes didn't want to pay their taxes.

They set up a central government that was supposed to be extremely limited.

And it was obvious pretty early on that it didn't work.
If only there weren't so many brainwashed statist drones in America.

To think we need this government to have civilization, is really despairing. Americans once knew that big government is terribly harmful, but not so much any more. Makes me want to puke.

When did they know this? In the 19th century, when people who weren't slaves scraped by working in sweatshops and dirt farms and died young at 50?

Yeah, fuck big government with its sanitation and its health care and its social safety net.

I'm sure you'll get right around to dying when the rich have no more use for you.

You need to read REAL history. You might remember from second grade that Americans fought for independence from big government. They set up a central government that was supposed to be extremely limited. Sadly stinking progressives bastardized everything.

Monarchys are actually a smaller form of government than Republics.

You really mean 'oppressive government' like dictatorships and despotisms. However, I suspect the main form of oppression you are looking at is in terms of taxes and fees.

Hate to tell you, but Republics, like our own, have a bad history of levying taxes and fees. A Republic, in theory, is the best capital raising form of government ever created by man. Some even say that a Republics main job is to make money, since even owning businesses and leasing out its armies and lands is all part of the process of funding the government.

If there is a way to make a buck, there is a Republic that have used it.
Actuarial tables being the bitch they are there's a good chance natural attrition will thin the field by about one (1, liberals) twixt now and November, 2016.

That said, if either side can come up with a candidate announcement that he/she/it has cancer but is magically in remission with a strong possibility of "cure" then he/she/it is a shoo-in.

Say, what's Mr. Carter doing with his spare time just now.......

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