Perry Lost The Debate AND His Presidential Chances Tonight Over Subsidizing Illegals


May 29, 2010
He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his aweful stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate. Watching the post debate show on Fox News now is revealing that audience members are totally turned off by Perry and have switched to other candidates by his 'you don't have a heart' comment. I agree with them.
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He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate.
So, to be a viable GOP presidential candidate one must be opposed to the rule of law and advocate the building of a wall (idiotic) that will waste taxpayers’ money and not work.

I think the only person who lost this debate was President Barack Obama.

Perry clearly didnt have a good showing. But lost his Presidential chances? In your dreams.
He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his aweful stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate. Watching the post debate show on Fox News now is revealing that audience members are totally turned off by Perry and have switched to other candidates by his 'you don't have a heart' comment. I agree with them.

only an idiot thinks building a wall is a good idea.

oh, never mind
I think building a wall is an excellent idea. Of course, if we annexed Mexico first....
Some once upon a time democrats have a hard time keeping little Obama locked inside.
He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his aweful stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate. Watching the post debate show on Fox News now is revealing that audience members are totally turned off by Perry and have switched to other candidates by his 'you don't have a heart' comment. I agree with them.

only an idiot thinks building a wall is a good idea.

oh, never mind

It is a good idea to build a wall and keep the illegal bastards out. Only a blatant idiot would disagree. Building a border wall and initiating President Eisenhowers former goverment program 'Operation Wetback' would rid the country of the illegal immoral invaders.
He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate.
So, to be a viable GOP presidential candidate one must be opposed to the rule of law and advocate the building of a wall (idiotic) that will waste taxpayers’ money and not work.


In 22 years we've gone from:

[ame=]Reagan - Tear Down This Wall - YouTube[/ame]

To: "Mr. President, BUILD THIS WALL!".

Walls don't just keep people out. They keep them in as well. I am surprised by Perry. I thought he'd come across as batshit crazy. He's been more rational then I gave him credit for. If he survives the primary, Obama is going to have some trouble on his hands.
He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his aweful stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate. Watching the post debate show on Fox News now is revealing that audience members are totally turned off by Perry and have switched to other candidates by his 'you don't have a heart' comment. I agree with them.

Why wasn't Palin at the debate?????
He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his aweful stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate. Watching the post debate show on Fox News now is revealing that audience members are totally turned off by Perry and have switched to other candidates by his 'you don't have a heart' comment. I agree with them.

only an idiot thinks building a wall is a good idea.

oh, never mind

It is a good idea to build a wall and keep the illegal bastards out. Only a blatant idiot would disagree. Building a border wall and initiating President Eisenhowers former goverment program 'Operation Wetback' would rid the country of the illegal immoral invaders.

Yeah, like that time McNamara wanted to build an electric fence to separate North and South Viet Nam.

Great idea.

If a fucking river isn't going to keep people from crossing the border, a fucking wall isn't either. Hell, they are tunneling across the border now. If you think this problem can be solved by a wall, you are the blatant idiot.
He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his aweful stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate. Watching the post debate show on Fox News now is revealing that audience members are totally turned off by Perry and have switched to other candidates by his 'you don't have a heart' comment. I agree with them.

Why wasn't Palin at the debate?????

she was at a basketball game
the Hard Right may get their wet dream honey in the debate after all. Perry, if he wants to beat Obama, can't if he supports the wall and pisses of 50 mm Hispanics. Their are not enough Tea Party voters to counter the Hispanic vote. The numbers move Perry, not Hard Right dreaming.
the Hard Right may get their wet dream honey in the debate after all. Perry, if he wants to beat Obama, can't if he supports the wall and pisses of 50 mm Hispanics. Their are not enough Tea Party voters to counter the Hispanic vote. The numbers move Perry, not Hard Right dreaming.

Ive seen no evidence that hispanic voters overwhelmingly oppose the wall. Most hispanic voters have come through the process legally and abhor illegal immigration.
I think building a wall is an excellent idea. Of course, if we annexed Mexico first....

If we annexed Mexico we would not need to build a wall on the Southern Border. The Mexican already did. Their Southern Border is Fenced, and patrolled by the Military.

He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his aweful stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate. Watching the post debate show on Fox News now is revealing that audience members are totally turned off by Perry and have switched to other candidates by his 'you don't have a heart' comment. I agree with them.

I disagree but I understand your eager to put Palin front and center.

Children aren't pawns my friend.
He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his aweful stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate. Watching the post debate show on Fox News now is revealing that audience members are totally turned off by Perry and have switched to other candidates by his 'you don't have a heart' comment. I agree with them.

only an idiot thinks building a wall is a good idea.

oh, never mind

Tell that to the Isrealis, and certain border communities here in America.
the Hard Right may get their wet dream honey in the debate after all. Perry, if he wants to beat Obama, can't if he supports the wall and pisses of 50 mm Hispanics. Their are not enough Tea Party voters to counter the Hispanic vote. The numbers move Perry, not Hard Right dreaming.

Ive seen no evidence that hispanic voters overwhelmingly oppose the wall. Most hispanic voters have come through the process legally and abhor illegal immigration.

Because there is none, the Hispanic Community is Divided on the issue. Those 50mm Hispanics are not all people who came here Illegally. In fact Most of them came here legally.

It is sheer insanity the way you Open Borders people ignore basic security to further your Cause. We can have a well controlled and Monitored Border, and yet be Open to Immigration. If you want more of the people coming here Illegally to be able to come Legally. Then fight to change the Immigration laws and increase the Limits. Stop Holding our Border Security Hostage to your Desire to see Immigration Reform. We can not accept an uncontrolled Number of undocumented persons crossing into our Country Daily.

Every other nation on earth. If confronted with Mass amounts of what amount to Refugees from a country that can not support them. Would Have them living in Refugee camps and be forcing the UN to pay for it. Were America so we would never do that, but that does not mean we have to just leave our Border wide Open and take in all the Failing Nations to our South can serve up.

Where are we all going to illegally immigrate to when the US collapses under all the weight of all your Liberal Ideals. Canada? Hell no if millions of Americans were fleeing Economic Collapse in the US, by illegally entering Canada. The Canadians would damn well put a stop to it.

Build High Fences, and have Open Doors, that's what I say.
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He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his aweful stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate. Watching the post debate show on Fox News now is revealing that audience members are totally turned off by Perry and have switched to other candidates by his 'you don't have a heart' comment. I agree with them.

OK, you're right on--he has a problem with letting aliens within the confines of our borders starve and become perpetual servants to serve our every lazy bone.

And he says a couple of obnoxious things about his colleagues as being a tad heartless. And they are very offended!

He fumbles on his first few times in front of a national audience and looks like a novice. Consarn it, why isn't he out in the field shuckin' corn and loadin' hay in north Texas somewhere?

Well, kiss my grits.

What in the world is this cornpone dufus doing up there on the stage in front of God and everybody, suffering himself to look like a total unmitigated ass? I'll tell ya, I don't know. :eek: He could have a comfy life right now, he's a loved governor who shoots his mouth off a time or two when he sees people without jobs. He shot his mouth off so many times, they got busy in his state, just to shut him up.

They formed committees, they hasseled their pals, and they had this big huge meeting, how we gonna shut the guvn'r up. And a little man, dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans that look a lot like the jeans you see in a junk store said "Oh, that's easy. He'll shut up when you hire some people and you and you and you and you and you...." and he called each one of those fellas by their first names.

Well, those dumb ol sweet Texans who met to lynch that mouthy governor Perry decided, okay, we'll hire some people, if he will just stfu.

So they got their lil ol butts in gear and went on a hiring campaign. The more they hired, the more teachers, police, and firemen they needed, and they still hadn't shut up Guv Perry, who was still on the yap about doing some more jobs, he got a call from someone down in San Antone who said he just couldn't spare any more welfare money, so San Antone Joe went back home and figured out a way to hire another 400 folks, and another way to make them get good salaries. He talked to a couple of pals, and one started a venture, and first thing you know, almost every community in the whole state was helped by those fellas who put the word out the governor would shut up if they just kept hiring and figuring out new get-rich-quick schemes and instead of getting rich, would turn the dollars under to employing a few more hands here and there. When it was all said and done, the good old boys club had lowered the unemployment rate in Texas, and they and their friends with 100 in this community and 250 in that, put the people who wanted to raise their family with a steady job, got one.

That's a heart.

A man who talks poorly, but you can just shut him the fuck up if you get out there and beat on a few doors to hire people and put America back to work.

Plus, Governor Perry is eccentric. He doesn't look at the color of a man or a woman's skin. If they got a kid at home who needs school stuff, and they can't afford it, he just starts the jabberwocky bit to the good old boys club, and they do it all for him.

I think we oughta hire this man with the yappety yap that gets good old boys out there hiring people.

If we hire him to be President, why we might just help shut him up, too.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I know you're thinkin' right now, "Oh, no! Not another stutterin' Texan!"

Did I tell ya the cowpoke-lookin guy in the plaid shirt and the Army surplus jeans was none other than George Bush? :D
the Hard Right may get their wet dream honey in the debate after all. Perry, if he wants to beat Obama, can't if he supports the wall and pisses of 50 mm Hispanics. Their are not enough Tea Party voters to counter the Hispanic vote. The numbers move Perry, not Hard Right dreaming.

Ive seen no evidence that hispanic voters overwhelmingly oppose the wall. Most hispanic voters have come through the process legally and abhor illegal immigration.

You will find nothing that shows even a sizable minority support the wall. Perry will not endanger his votes from Hispanics at the expense of making the Hard Right feel warm and fuzzy about the wall.
No, Perry is not a loved governor by all of Texas.

He is a governor loved by the 37% of Texas who are social values conservatives, whose collective ass he darn well will kiss every good opportunity he gets.

Why? They form the nucleus that put him in office, they are the ones he appoints to the commissions and other government agencies, they are the ones who dominate much of state government.

And the reason is that he is governor is that Texans would rather have him and his silly-ass social values hanger ons then put in a democrat. No other reason.

He is catching on (he is bright!) that the rest of the country is a small minority of Hard Right, a small minority of Lefties, some liberal democrats and moderate republicans, and a whole HUGE group of moderates.

The second he knows he has the nomination, he will sail right into the Sea of Center Moderation. Watch!

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