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Zone1 Persecution of Jews on US campuses

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Exposing the brutality of the terrorist state of Israel and its murderous IDF stormtroopers isn't being anti-semitic.
Oh come now Sunni it was Envir Pasha of the Ottoman Empire that created the Ottoman Turk stormtroopers with the help of their German counterparts in and around 1917 so these tactics are of German and Islamic creations hardly Israeli since the state of Israel did not come into being till 1948 and Israel which is not perfect tries her best to not harm civilians which we cannot say for Islamic armies or terror groups and entities. To call the state of Israel terrorist is to ignore the many examples of the use of terrorism used by other states esp those in the region that back such groups as the Muslim brotherhood,the plo, Hamas , Hezbullah and other groups spread far and wide and embedded in most if not all Islamic states in the area…So your poor attempt to point fingers at Israel is easily shown to be false and nothing more then smoke screening and lies and deceptions if one is to be honest,,, Wink Wink,,,
For anyone who doesn't know the truth about this, students at US Universities were becoming well educated about the situation of the Palestinians and felt motivated to help them . Knowing that these were the people who would be running the US in a few years, Israel went crazy. Oh and another bit of it. A lot of Jews were in agreement with other students on the position of the Palestinians. That made Israel even more crazy. So there has become this meme that they are apparently antisemite in order to stop them being able to do free open study at a US University.
I watch the Central Synagogue services, too.

And yes, the extremist liberals have made certain progressive campuses horrible for Jews. The media doesn’t report it, because it would kill their “Trump is an antisemite” narrative, but he issued an EO that eliminated federal funds from campuses that were antisemitic and whose Administration did nothing to control.

There was an effort by Republicans in Congress to make it permanent legislation, as a way of ramping down on the Jew-hate (most pronounced of course on liberal campuses), but the DEMOCRATS were opposed and it never made it out of committee. Even the liberal NY Jews, well aware of the antisemitism at Columbia and NYU, didn’t support the legislation because….get this….Muslims would be offended.

Peel back one more layer, and it’s obvious why: Anti-semitic Arabs are pouring millions into colleges to indoctrinate the students to favor Arabs and hate Jews.

Funny thing is many lib leaders are self hating jews.
So you will understand and possibly go with the rest of the far right when they go against Jews,
No worse than the extremes on the left when they go against Jews.

But ELECTED Republicans aren’t working to allow antisemitism to grow on colleges campuses they way th ELECTED Democrats are. Republicans in support of Trump’s anti-antisemitism EO and ready to make it permanent legislation, but the liberal Democrats blocked it!

You people need to understand the difference between some fringe groups on the right (and the left) and the elected Democrats giving permission to antisemites to continue their hateful ways.
Funny thing is many lib leaders are self hating jews.
For sure! When the Republicans wanted to extend Trump’s anti-antisemitism EO by making it permanent legislation, they couldn’t find Dems willing to sign on. Even Schumer and Nadler - NY libs - refused on the grounds it would be offensive to Muslims.

That is because rich Arab countries are pouring money into liberal colleges as long as they side with Muslims - and teach the students that Israel is an apartheid state. That is why some college wouldn’t allow a Jew to serve on the Student Body unless she first condemned Israel.
For anyone who doesn't know the truth about this, students at US Universities were becoming well educated about the situation of the Palestinians and felt motivated to help them . Knowing that these were the people who would be running the US in a few years, Israel went crazy. Oh and another bit of it. A lot of Jews were in agreement with other students on the position of the Palestinians. That made Israel even more crazy. So there has become this meme that they are apparently antisemite in order to stop them being able to do free open study at a US University.
What you call “the situation about Palestinians” is being taught by the same biased, anti-Israel liberals as you. Did they teach how these Palestinians elected Islamic terrorists dedicated to the total elimination of the Jewish State as their leaders? Do they teach how young Muslims are used as sacrificial bombs to blow up innocent Jews? Did they teach how some Palestinian savages blew up an Israeli bus of regular citizens? Or a nightclub of young Israeli adults? Or a hotel on the night Jews were conducting their Passover Seder there?

And you’re one to talk about “free open study” at universities. The professors are all leftists, happily allowing antisemitism to grow, and conservative students are silenced. When the Republicans tried to stop the antisemitism, the Democrats wouldn’t allow it. To the Dems, it is worse that a Muslim might be offended than a Jew beat up so badly he ends up in the hospital.

It always amazes me when a lib talks about free speech given how they are silencing and censoring conservative voices.
Sunni is suffering from post Abraham Accords syndrome he needs to take his meds or take a long vacation to recharge hisbatteries…
Yup. The antisemitic Muslims were aghast that some moderate Arab countries have diplomatic relations with Israel. It goes against their goal to ostracize Israel.
Oh come now Sunni it was Envir Pasha of the Ottoman Empire that created the Ottoman Turk stormtroopers with the help of their German counterparts in and around 1917 so these tactics are of German and Islamic creations hardly Israeli since the state of Israel did not come into being till 1948 and Israel which is not perfect tries her best to not harm civilians which we cannot say for Islamic armies or terror groups and entities. To call the state of Israel terrorist is to ignore the many examples of the use of terrorism used by other states esp those in the region that back such groups as the Muslim brotherhood,the plo, Hamas , Hezbullah and other groups spread far and wide and embedded in most if not all Islamic states in the area…So your poor attempt to point fingers at Israel is easily shown to be false and nothing more then smoke screening and lies and deceptions if one is to be honest,,, Wink Wink,,,
And that is how you know the targeted hate for Israel is driven by antisemitism: the double standards. The antisemites ignore MUCH more egregious actions by other countries, and focus their hatred solely on the Jewish State.
So you will understand and possibly go with the rest of the far right when they go against Jews,
right----left have no meaning. There was a time
when Republicans (called right) were typical
WASPS ----I grew up in a republican town---so
REPUBLICAN (full of wasps----methodists,
anglicans, episcopalians) that the town had
actually been RESTRICTED until it became very
profitable to sell little houses to BABY BOOM
families in the 1950s. It was so RESTRICTED that
several people got hysterical when a jewish family
with FIVE KIDS (all the protestants seemed to be
two kid families and either a dog or a cat) Magically managed to MOVE IN In my
childhood town people said things like "that's
the christian thing to do" I was informed at age
five that I killed someone named Jesus. Sunday was actually a holiday and I got invited to sunday school. (christian thing to do) Stores were closed by LAW. Democrats were
considered COMMUNISTS. Rabid antisemetic
pamphlets fluttered in the breeze ALL OVER TOWN Them days is over-----even in the town of my childhood. I have no doubt that some of the
old timers SMILED when they heard that FLORIO
I ran into a young male engineer, black, who
(GASP) now lives there. (back in the day--the cops
would show up if someone REPORTED a black guy
walking down the street), That right/left thing
no longer exists
For anyone who doesn't know the truth about this, students at US Universities were becoming well educated about the situation of the Palestinians and felt motivated to help them . Knowing that these were the people who would be running the US in a few years, Israel went crazy. Oh and another bit of it. A lot of Jews were in agreement with other students on the position of the Palestinians. That made Israel even more crazy. So there has become this meme that they are apparently antisemite in order to stop them being able to do free open study at a US University.
you know lots of israelis, Alexa? Can you say just
how Israel manifested "CRAZY" ? in response to
the current wave of antisemitism in the USA. True--
it's nothing new. Who is being stopped from free
open study at US UNIVERSITIES? When you were
a kid did mom threaten you----"THE SHEENY WILL
GET YOU" ? (for the record---I grew up in a town
with a very considerable Irish population----at that
time "sheeeny" was a term some shit mouths used
for jew --1950s) Do you know what a dual citizen
Sunni is suffering from post Abraham Accords syndrome he needs to take his meds or take a long vacation to recharge hisbatteries…
I have not been in a mosque for many decades.
I wonder how the "abraham accords" are being
""discussed"" on fridays. I did survive Pope
John XXIII and his pronouncement that absolved
"present day jews" of guilt in the crucifixion of some guy named Jesus ------in my town the catholic kids tolerated the OBVIOUS HERESY ---but the PROTESTANTS got all bent out of shape----it
actually gave them yet another reason to disparage
the catholics (and freed us from fishstick friday in
school) Based on my extensive interaction with muslims in the USA-----the "abraham accord"
situation is not being celebrated
- and teach the students that Israel is an apartheid state.

no teaching is necessary, they are not alone in the middleeast for their practice -


but who would deny its existence would be a liar.
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