Personally Opposed to Homosexuality?... Judge OK's Expulsion from College...

I didn't say that... Don't be an Asshole.


This from an idiot that posts a picture of a woman holding a bible as "proof" that she was booted because she's a Christian.

Your a coward, mal...a moral coward. And a weasel. :thup:

Well, don't forget stupid.

I don't Think Ravi digs "Chicks" who try to look and act like Men... You are probably Hitting in the Wind there, Dumptruck!... :rofl:


peace... you think that a college should give someone a degree when they are unwilling to do some of the required work?

I Think they have made Exceptions for Beliefs in the Past...

I bet they wouldn't Require a Vegitarian to do some things that might be Required...

To what aspects of a degree in counseling would a vegetarian be opposed?

Why don't we Start from the Start and Discuss what this Specific Woman was Against Counseling...

Is that Information Available in a Non-Biased and Complete Form?


So mal, you believe no Christian has ever graduated from that program?

You're an idiot.

I didn't say that... Don't be an Asshole.


This from an idiot that posts a picture of a woman holding a bible as "proof" that she was booted because she's a Christian.

Your a coward, mal...a moral coward. And a weasel. :thup:

My God... You are either the Biggest Asshole online or your are EXTREMELY Stupid:

"A federal judge has ruled in favor of a public university that removed a Christian student from its graduate program in school counseling over her belief that homosexuality is morally wrong."

From the Original Story that you Apparently FAILED to Read.

Holy Shit, Ravi... Does it Hurt being the way you are?... :rofl:


I didn't say that... Don't be an Asshole.


This from an idiot that posts a picture of a woman holding a bible as "proof" that she was booted because she's a Christian.

Your a coward, mal...a moral coward. And a weasel. :thup:

My God... You are either the Biggest Asshole online or your are EXTREMELY Stupid:

"A federal judge has ruled in favor of a public university that removed a Christian student from its graduate program in school counseling over her belief that homosexuality is morally wrong."

From the Original Story that you Apparently FAILED to Read.

Holy Shit, Ravi... Does it Hurt being the way you are?... :rofl:


I get it mal. You're stupid. Just because it is pointed out that she is Christian doesn't mean that she was booted because she is Christian. I know this is hard to grasp since when you notice someone is black you figure they're a criminal.

In this case the term Christian is just Fox's effort to further their agenda.
This from an idiot that posts a picture of a woman holding a bible as "proof" that she was booted because she's a Christian.

Your a coward, mal...a moral coward. And a weasel. :thup:

My God... You are either the Biggest Asshole online or your are EXTREMELY Stupid:

"A federal judge has ruled in favor of a public university that removed a Christian student from its graduate program in school counseling over her belief that homosexuality is morally wrong."

From the Original Story that you Apparently FAILED to Read.

Holy Shit, Ravi... Does it Hurt being the way you are?... :rofl:


I get it mal. You're stupid. Just because it is pointed out that she is Christian doesn't mean that she was booted because she is Christian. I know this is hard to grasp since when you notice someone is black you figure they're a criminal.

In this case the term Christian is just Fox's effort to further their agenda.

Thanks for Verifying that you are a Dishonest Asshole... :lol:


My God... You are either the Biggest Asshole online or your are EXTREMELY Stupid:

"A federal judge has ruled in favor of a public university that removed a Christian student from its graduate program in school counseling over her belief that homosexuality is morally wrong."

From the Original Story that you Apparently FAILED to Read.

Holy Shit, Ravi... Does it Hurt being the way you are?... :rofl:


I get it mal. You're stupid. Just because it is pointed out that she is Christian doesn't mean that she was booted because she is Christian. I know this is hard to grasp since when you notice someone is black you figure they're a criminal.

In this case the term Christian is just Fox's effort to further their agenda.

Thanks for Verifying that you are a Dishonest Asshole... :lol:


No, that would be you. She was booted because she refused to counsel homosexuals.

Christianity is a tool she is using, as is Fox.

btw, there is nothing in the bible that would lead one to believe coulseling homosexuals is wrong.
yes, that we don't respect the 1st amendment and anyone who wants to counsel people that homosexuality is morally wrong, cannot do so

and yes, you need the degree to get the job or start your own practice

i am amazed how how the left hates free speech and freedom of religion, no, i guess i shouldn't be....the left fumes when schools are required to teach creationism, yet has no problem with mandating that we force people to believe homosexuality is morally right

Have you ever read the first amendment?

It has nothing to do with individuals and possible consequences of your speech. When you say something...there is always the possibility of a consequence

The government just can't punish you for speech...private individuals can

This is not the same as the other case, it is not an issue of free speech or thought. She was assigned a case with a same sex couple as part of her course work, and she refused to counsel them. As this was a graduation requirement, in that she was required to accept anyone who was randomly assigned, the school is right to reuse to graduate her. She clearly demonstrated a lack of the required ability to do school work and let her personal beliefs to interfere with her ability to even talk to someone who needs help.

That's the first that I've heard this piece of it, if true then I agree with you.
Personally Opposed to Homosexuality?...Don't date gay. There, problem solved. NEXT!
If it were about religion, no Christians would graduate from the program. That is not the case.

A LOT of People Claim Christianity... But it's really about Redefining it..
. Kind of like how Many of these same People want to Redefine Marriage.

Coincidence?... Nope.



Do you really realize how fucking retarded, historically, that statement is?
She can get a degree in Christian based counseling. Most Bible Colleges offer it

She just went to the wrong school
She can get a degree in Christian based counseling. Most Bible Colleges offer it

She just went to the wrong school

If this school receives tax funds, RW, she had a right to go t the school, which did not have a right to audit her religious beliefs. The school will lose on their girl's appeal.
If it were about religion, no Christians would graduate from the program. That is not the case.

A LOT of People Claim Christianity... But it's really about Redefining it..
. Kind of like how Many of these same People want to Redefine Marriage.

Coincidence?... Nope.



Do you really realize how fucking retarded, historically, that statement is?

Homosexuality is Sin... 100% of the Time... Old to New Testaments...

Christians can NOT Embrace Homosexuality...

They can Love the Sinner, but they can NOT Embrace or Condone Homosexuality as Good and of God.

If you don't Like it, make your own Faith.



A LOT of People Claim Christianity... But it's really about Redefining it..
. Kind of like how Many of these same People want to Redefine Marriage.

Coincidence?... Nope.



Do you really realize how fucking retarded, historically, that statement is?

Homosexuality is Sin... 100% of the Time... Old to New Testaments...

Christians can NOT Embrace Homosexuality...

They can Love the Sinner, but they can NOT Embrace or Condone Homosexuality as Good and of God.

If you don't Like it, make your own Faith.


Says who? It isn't listed in the ten commandments. And eating lobster was also forbidden.

Not that it matters, she was booted because she refused to do her assignment.

Not that it matters, she was booted because she refused to do her assignment.

Her assignment was Counselling Queers 101.

I thought Queers were supposed to be "Normal?"

What does being Queer have to do with needing counselling?
Do you really realize how fucking retarded, historically, that statement is?

Homosexuality is Sin... 100% of the Time... Old to New Testaments...

Christians can NOT Embrace Homosexuality...

They can Love the Sinner, but they can NOT Embrace or Condone Homosexuality as Good and of God.

If you don't Like it, make your own Faith.


Says who? It isn't listed in the ten commandments. And eating lobster was also forbidden.

Not that it matters, she was booted because she refused to do her assignment.

Jewish Cerimonial Law and Moral Law are not up for Debate... They are what they are and Distinct.

Homosexuality is Listed with Dog Fuckng and Child Killing in Moral Law...

Let me Know when those things were OK'd after that, either in the Old or New Testaments...

They weren't.

Go ahead and show me ANYWHERE in the Old or New where Homosexuality is list as ANYTHING but Sin and Abomination.

I'll be here.



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