Pete Buttigieg and Husband Announce the Birth of Their Son and Daughter

Life was so much better when we had closets. Must suck that they have to rely on NATURAL man and woman sex to continue their charade of "normal." The kid will be severely messed up in this pretend relationship

Why are they in bed together in the maternity ward? Mrs. Buttplug must have had a difficult birthing process. Do queers give birth through their Pee-hole like a female. So many questions, so few answers.
It shows the two faggots in bed in the hospital like they actually gave birth. God should burn the world.

Seriously. How do they determine who should be the wife and who should be the husband?
Two men are not the same as a married couple. And no, I don't "hate" anyone. But I do resent the Democrat Media (CNN) trying to define normal. Or these two queers trying to look like a normal couple who just had a baby. The left is insane. They have no idea what is normal and natural.
These two men are a married couple – clearly it is about hate, fear, and ignorance on the part of the reprehensible right.

Conservatives are indeed scum.
It's not about hating homosexuals, it's about what's in the best interests of the child.

It is not in the best interests of a child to place them with a same-sex couple.
And how do you know this?

I know a number of children that come from same-sex couples.
The children are very normal.
I know a number of children that come from 'in your normal' and they are very normal too.

I don't know a lot of children that are really "fucked up" but those that I do know come from a man and a woman that had a child and totally fucked up any child raising experience.

I know a number of children over time, and NOT just in my community, that have committed suicide, for whatever reason, and NONE of them that I know have come from same-sex couples.
Why are they in bed together in the maternity ward? Mrs. Buttplug must have had a difficult birthing process. Do queers give birth through their Pee-hole like a female. So many questions, so few answers.
They adopt. But they have to play "normal" for the cameras and hope no one notices it's two dudes.

"It's Ma'am!!"
Does this make sense in your tiny mind?
What does that have to do with a married man and his female wife using a surrogate to have a child in this UnNatural way.
Why do you have to use insults?


Pete and his husband are being lauded. . . why? They are being congratulated and showered with praise. . . why? All they did was start a family, no big deal.

Traditionally, the reason folks congratulated a family on a successful birth, is that childbirth was, and still is, a risky endeavor. NOW, in your example, of the man and woman using a surrogate, the person that needs congratulations, of course, is the woman who gave birth.

SHE is the courageous one. NOT only did she help a couple have a child, she is going to suffer the separation post-partum of losing a child, that empty hole in her life. . . forever.

You seem to want to trivialize the act of creation, the act of creating happy, healthy families. . . it is a great miracle, and a great stress, emotionally. Pete and his husband think they can just treat it like a mail order Amazon experience, and we can laud them like heroes. . . it doesn't work that way, and it never has.

There are bonding hormones, chemicals, and real emotions that work in real families. . IF you had ever been part of one, you would know the real stress that goes on in a real family. So, even in the example that you gave, I am sure that many families that create their family this way work out just fine. . but I am also sure, there are some that have problems because they started this way.

Human reproduction and human families are an ancient thing, and the woman was revered for her power in this regard; it is the most ancient and sacred right, and any woman that cheapens this power, and dilutes it by congratulating a couple of men for ordering them selves up a child and just calling themselves a family. . . probably has no idea what is involved in giving birth herself.

One of the oldest works of art known to humanity . . . why do you think that is? :dunno:


A woman that can't conceive, for whatever reason, but they can use the mans sperm and her egg, and have another woman carry the baby (I can't believe I have to explain this to you) is not NATURAL either.

There was a time where this ^^^^^^ was not normal, and some wackos made noise about it being un-natural, but it seems pretty acceptable today, even to you.
It is a disgusting spectacle. Gay marriage is Satanic, and an abomination of the holy institution of marriage.

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