Pete Buttigieg Announces He And Husband Chasten Have Become Parents

Thank you for that brilliant and thoughtful thesis on parenting and child development. Clearly you are very knowledgable and must hold advanced degrees from the finest universities in child psychology, sociology and biology. Please continue to share your pearls of wisdome about what children need.
So your rule of thumb for things are, what degrees does the person have, that is espousing his opinion.

Here is is something advanced, children should revere and honor their father and mother. I will hazard to guess that you don’t know any kids that do that.
Good stuff.

I like to add mushroom and tomato and bake it kinda brown.
You know you reminded me, that I like to cut up tomato’s and add them.
I will try to remember to get some mushrooms and add those too. But they may not make it to the pizza, I eat them out of the box, after a water rinse.
Yes, I understand and highly value sarcasm, and I love irony.
I have taken a beating from a serious case of diabetes for 20 years, and it has beaten me down. I am trying to change and be kinder too.
But there is a bitterness that has set up in me.
Sorry to hear of you troubles, but that does not give you license to say stupid ass shit about gay parents and what kids need
Sorry to hear of you troubles, but that does not give you license to say stupid ass shit about gay parents and what kids need
I will say what I want to say, and when you stand up as a defender of Buttigeg, then I will say them to you. America has been turned inside out by people like you defending the indefensible . Gays have no right to ruin society.

Are you bi polar or something? I am not nor will I ever be a friend to the gay community, they are corrosive by nature.
Jesus, common sense should be your guide here.
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How can two fags make a baby?


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