Pete Buttigieg Bitch Slaps Trumps - Accuses Trump of Dodging Military Service

Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Yes, having been there, you would not believe the excuses by millions. Guys became teachers to get out of the draft, which explains why Johnny can't read. The worst though is Lying DaNang Dick Blumenthal, who first used a student deferment, and when that was abolished in favor of a lottery, he went into the guard to be safe and then told voters he served in VietNam! What a worthless POS! He should be impeached before Trump!

Danang Dick was not in the National Guard.
What WAS he in? Cowards Anonymous?

United States Marine Corps Reserve! If you cannot get it right, don't talk out of your ass. It's embarrassing.
Guard or reserve, same thing to me-means no combat. I asked and you answered-are you worried your answer is wrong? Out of all the posters here, you seem the most unstable. What do you think, Moonglow?
Trump was referring specifically to John McCain, not POW's in general. And he didn't make that remark until AFTER Mr. McCain attack ed the President's supporters as "crazy".

President Trump had a deferment because he was disabled as a young man. He could not have gone if he had wanted to. BTW, neither could have Butthead back in the 1960's and 70's. Homos weren't drafted into the military under the rules of selective service.

Moral disabilities were as disqualifying as physical ones.
as USUAL--these member spew dumbshit and babble
I ask for evidence and they provide NONE

So, you admit you voted for a draft dodger in November, 2016 & you were completely oblivious to the fact that you voted for a draft dodger.

I'm not surprised that you voted for a draft dodger & were completely ignorant of the fact, because you do seem quite ignorant.

When I vote I prefer to view my vote as a 'purchase' and when I make a purchase I like to be an 'informed buyer.'

I actually investigate a purchase, before I buy.

I do the same when I cast a vote.

I bet you are one of those ignorant people that go out & buy shit without being informed of what you buy, just like when you vote, and you don't know what you are voting for, huh?

So, why didn't you KNOW Trump was a draft dodger, B 4 U voted for a draft dodger?

Your vote dosen't mean much 2 U?
you are so much smarter than us Trumpers
WHAT were we thinking when we voted for him???!!!!
you make me see the errors of my ways

I kinda wondered the same thing about anyone that would cast a vote for a draft dodging, multi adulterer, con man, egomaniac, 'reality' TV personality, self absorbed, spoiled child, void of any political experience candidate.

But hey, folks gotta vote for someone, right?
....I can't see how someone could've voted for a racist/white hater/cop hater/AMERICA HATER like Obama--I'd take a ''''draft dodger'''' before someone who hates America

Thread is about Buttigieg & Trump, not Obama, although I realize Obama is your obsession.
Maybe one day in the future you can remove Obama from your ****.
as USUAL--these member spew dumbshit and babble
I ask for evidence and they provide NONE

So, you admit you voted for a draft dodger in November, 2016 & you were completely oblivious to the fact that you voted for a draft dodger.

I'm not surprised that you voted for a draft dodger & were completely ignorant of the fact, because you do seem quite ignorant.

When I vote I prefer to view my vote as a 'purchase' and when I make a purchase I like to be an 'informed buyer.'

I actually investigate a purchase, before I buy.

I do the same when I cast a vote.

I bet you are one of those ignorant people that go out & buy shit without being informed of what you buy, just like when you vote, and you don't know what you are voting for, huh?

So, why didn't you KNOW Trump was a draft dodger, B 4 U voted for a draft dodger?

Your vote dosen't mean much 2 U?
you are so much smarter than us Trumpers
WHAT were we thinking when we voted for him???!!!!
you make me see the errors of my ways

I kinda wondered the same thing about anyone that would cast a vote for a draft dodging, multi adulterer, con man, egomaniac, 'reality' TV personality, self absorbed, spoiled child, void of any political experience candidate.

But hey, folks gotta vote for someone, right?
....I can't see how someone could've voted for a racist/white hater/cop hater/AMERICA HATER like Obama--I'd take a ''''draft dodger'''' before someone who hates America

Thread is about Buttigieg & Trump, not Obama, although I realize Obama is your obsession.
Maybe one day in the future you can remove Obama from your ****.
but you mentioned voting for a POTUS--sorry
as USUAL--these member spew dumbshit and babble
I ask for evidence and they provide NONE

So, you admit you voted for a draft dodger in November, 2016 & you were completely oblivious to the fact that you voted for a draft dodger.

I'm not surprised that you voted for a draft dodger & were completely ignorant of the fact, because you do seem quite ignorant.

When I vote I prefer to view my vote as a 'purchase' and when I make a purchase I like to be an 'informed buyer.'

I actually investigate a purchase, before I buy.

I do the same when I cast a vote.

I bet you are one of those ignorant people that go out & buy shit without being informed of what you buy, just like when you vote, and you don't know what you are voting for, huh?

So, why didn't you KNOW Trump was a draft dodger, B 4 U voted for a draft dodger?

Your vote dosen't mean much 2 U?
you are so much smarter than us Trumpers
WHAT were we thinking when we voted for him???!!!!
you make me see the errors of my ways

I kinda wondered the same thing about anyone that would cast a vote for a draft dodging, multi adulterer, con man, egomaniac, 'reality' TV personality, self absorbed, spoiled child, void of any political experience candidate.

But hey, folks gotta vote for someone, right?
....I can't see how someone could've voted for a racist/white hater/cop hater/AMERICA HATER like Obama--I'd take a ''''draft dodger'''' before someone who hates America

Thread is about Buttigieg & Trump, not Obama, although I realize Obama is your obsession.
Maybe one day in the future you can remove Obama from your ****.
ButtBoy is a disgrace to the military by taking it in the a##
So, you admit you voted for a draft dodger in November, 2016 & you were completely oblivious to the fact that you voted for a draft dodger.

I'm not surprised that you voted for a draft dodger & were completely ignorant of the fact, because you do seem quite ignorant.

When I vote I prefer to view my vote as a 'purchase' and when I make a purchase I like to be an 'informed buyer.'

I actually investigate a purchase, before I buy.

I do the same when I cast a vote.

I bet you are one of those ignorant people that go out & buy shit without being informed of what you buy, just like when you vote, and you don't know what you are voting for, huh?

So, why didn't you KNOW Trump was a draft dodger, B 4 U voted for a draft dodger?

Your vote dosen't mean much 2 U?
you are so much smarter than us Trumpers
WHAT were we thinking when we voted for him???!!!!
you make me see the errors of my ways

I kinda wondered the same thing about anyone that would cast a vote for a draft dodging, multi adulterer, con man, egomaniac, 'reality' TV personality, self absorbed, spoiled child, void of any political experience candidate.

But hey, folks gotta vote for someone, right?
....I can't see how someone could've voted for a racist/white hater/cop hater/AMERICA HATER like Obama--I'd take a ''''draft dodger'''' before someone who hates America

Thread is about Buttigieg & Trump, not Obama, although I realize Obama is your obsession.
Maybe one day in the future you can remove Obama from your ****.
but you mentioned voting for a POTUS--sorry

I wasn't aware Obama was planning to run for POTUS in 2020 but hey; you must have crystal ballz
you are so much smarter than us Trumpers
WHAT were we thinking when we voted for him???!!!!
you make me see the errors of my ways

I kinda wondered the same thing about anyone that would cast a vote for a draft dodging, multi adulterer, con man, egomaniac, 'reality' TV personality, self absorbed, spoiled child, void of any political experience candidate.

But hey, folks gotta vote for someone, right?
....I can't see how someone could've voted for a racist/white hater/cop hater/AMERICA HATER like Obama--I'd take a ''''draft dodger'''' before someone who hates America

Thread is about Buttigieg & Trump, not Obama, although I realize Obama is your obsession.
Maybe one day in the future you can remove Obama from your ****.
but you mentioned voting for a POTUS--sorry

I wasn't aware Obama was planning to run for POTUS in 2020 but hey; you must have crystal ballz
I can't believe you would vote for a racist white hater--unless you are one also
At least Trump was out building a business empire
Haha, no he wasnt. He was banging chicks at a university he was unqualified to attend. Because, as you know, he is a moron.

Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.

A Moron IQ is between 50 and 74, so as usual, you are only off by about 70+ points.

I bet if you were to sit down at a table across from Trump, you would melt like an ice-cream cone. This is a man who commands billions of dollars and employs thousands of people and makes life or death decisions in his sleep. He took Hillary Clinton a veteran politician with the whole world backing her and without any experience in the toughest fight in the world, wiped his ass with her. People like you are only good at talking shit behind a keyboard in a little, darkened room. Trump would eat you alive in a face-to-face confrontation.

trump_angry-1068x561 2.jpg

Last edited:
I kinda wondered the same thing about anyone that would cast a vote for a draft dodging, multi adulterer, con man, egomaniac, 'reality' TV personality, self absorbed, spoiled child, void of any political experience candidate.

But hey, folks gotta vote for someone, right?
....I can't see how someone could've voted for a racist/white hater/cop hater/AMERICA HATER like Obama--I'd take a ''''draft dodger'''' before someone who hates America

Thread is about Buttigieg & Trump, not Obama, although I realize Obama is your obsession.
Maybe one day in the future you can remove Obama from your ****.
but you mentioned voting for a POTUS--sorry

I wasn't aware Obama was planning to run for POTUS in 2020 but hey; you must have crystal ballz
I can't believe you would vote for a racist white hater--unless you are one also

I guess your crystal ballz are malfunctioning; the 2020 vote is over 17 months away.

Maybe you should stop using drugz.
....I can't see how someone could've voted for a racist/white hater/cop hater/AMERICA HATER like Obama--I'd take a ''''draft dodger'''' before someone who hates America

Thread is about Buttigieg & Trump, not Obama, although I realize Obama is your obsession.
Maybe one day in the future you can remove Obama from your ****.
but you mentioned voting for a POTUS--sorry

I wasn't aware Obama was planning to run for POTUS in 2020 but hey; you must have crystal ballz
I can't believe you would vote for a racist white hater--unless you are one also

I guess your crystal ballz are malfunctioning; the 2020 vote is over 17 months away.

Maybe you should stop using drugz.
you must be a white and America hater
Thread is about Buttigieg & Trump, not Obama, although I realize Obama is your obsession.
Maybe one day in the future you can remove Obama from your ****.
but you mentioned voting for a POTUS--sorry

I wasn't aware Obama was planning to run for POTUS in 2020 but hey; you must have crystal ballz
I can't believe you would vote for a racist white hater--unless you are one also

I guess your crystal ballz are malfunctioning; the 2020 vote is over 17 months away.

Maybe you should stop using drugz.
you must be a white and America hater

you must be derailing the thread, again
but you mentioned voting for a POTUS--sorry

I wasn't aware Obama was planning to run for POTUS in 2020 but hey; you must have crystal ballz
I can't believe you would vote for a racist white hater--unless you are one also

I guess your crystal ballz are malfunctioning; the 2020 vote is over 17 months away.

Maybe you should stop using drugz.
you must be a white and America hater

you must be derailing the thread, again
of course you don't deny it
President Trump's deferments from the military were already discussed and processed by the people in 2016.

Little real point in rehashing the phony issue. President Trump has a real record now. Record low unemployment among minorities as well as Honkies. Record high markets. Respect abroad with our close friends, the Israelites and others. Peace in the world.

Mr. Buttigieg needs to be running against Trumponomics and Pax Trumpiana. The President's domestic as well as foreign relations programs.

There is plenty of time for the gaybeau to argue in favor of economic malaise, high taxes, war, between now and when the people are sealed into the voting cubicles.
At least Trump was out building a business empire
Haha, no he wasnt. He was banging chicks at a university he was unqualified to attend. Because, as you know, he is a moron.

Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.

A Moron IQ is between 50 and 74, so as usual, you are only off by about 70+ points.

I bet if you were to sit down at a table across from Trump, you would melt like an ice-cream cone. This is a man who commands billions of dollars and employs thousands of people and makes life or death decisions in his sleep. He took Hillary Clinton a veteran politician with the whole world backing her and without any experience in the toughest fight in the world, wiped his ass with her. People like you are only good at talking shit behind a keyboard in a little, darkened room. Trump would eat you alive in a face-to-face confrontation.

I'm not sure how many people actually met someone like Trump.
I can name several modern "captains of industry" who have incredible business skills:
Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.
Waltons (Walmart)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Bill Gates (Microsoft)
Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City)

Politicians are not cut from this "driven" cloth. Most pols are lawyers by trade, and solicit bribes from K-Street and other PAC donors who need favors done.
I'm glad Trump won, and hope that most people see that he is doing a fine job and should be re-elected in 2020.
Dems don't appreciate competence, socialists only see wealth to tax, but don't appreciate what it takes to create wealth.
I wasn't aware Obama was planning to run for POTUS in 2020 but hey; you must have crystal ballz
I can't believe you would vote for a racist white hater--unless you are one also

I guess your crystal ballz are malfunctioning; the 2020 vote is over 17 months away.

Maybe you should stop using drugz.
you must be a white and America hater

you must be derailing the thread, again
of course you don't deny it

deny what? I don't deny that you continue to derail & to troll the thread, and to badger me
At least Trump was out building a business empire
Haha, no he wasnt. He was banging chicks at a university he was unqualified to attend. Because, as you know, he is a moron.

Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.

A Moron IQ is between 50 and 74, so as usual, you are only off by about 70+ points.

I bet if you were to sit down at a table across from Trump, you would melt like an ice-cream cone. This is a man who commands billions of dollars and employs thousands of people and makes life or death decisions in his sleep. He took Hillary Clinton a veteran politician with the whole world backing her and without any experience in the toughest fight in the world, wiped his ass with her. People like you are only good at talking shit behind a keyboard in a little, darkened room. Trump would eat you alive in a face-to-face confrontation.

I'm not sure how many people actually met someone like Trump.
I can name several modern "captains of industry" who have incredible business skills:
Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.
Waltons (Walmart)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Bill Gates (Microsoft)
Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City)

Politicians are not cut from this "driven" cloth. Most pols are lawyers by trade, and solicit bribes from K-Street and other PAC donors who need favors done.
I'm glad Trump won, and hope that most people see that he is doing a fine job and should be re-elected in 2020.
Dems don't appreciate competence, socialists only see wealth to tax, but don't appreciate what it takes to create wealth.

You equate adding over $2 trillion to the deficit as "create wealth?"

LOFL, and you keep your brain where; in your ****?
You equate adding over $2 trillion to the deficit as "create wealth?"

LOFL, and you keep your brain where; in your ****?

I haven't heard any plans by any of the ultra liberal candidates in the race on how to eliminate the debt? In fact, I've heard a lot of liberal whining about how President Trump eliminated the massive Tax Loophole that allowed ultra wealthy taxpayers to deduct unlimited amounts of state and local taxation.

Trump closed that loophole allowing a maximum $10,000 deduction which is plenty. Any more only benefits affluent people.
I can't believe you would vote for a racist white hater--unless you are one also

I guess your crystal ballz are malfunctioning; the 2020 vote is over 17 months away.

Maybe you should stop using drugz.
you must be a white and America hater

you must be derailing the thread, again
of course you don't deny it

deny what? I don't deny that you continue to derail & to troll the thread, and to badger me
ButtBoy is a disgrace to every American
At least Trump was out building a business empire
Haha, no he wasnt. He was banging chicks at a university he was unqualified to attend. Because, as you know, he is a moron.

Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.

A Moron IQ is between 50 and 74, so as usual, you are only off by about 70+ points.

I bet if you were to sit down at a table across from Trump, you would melt like an ice-cream cone. This is a man who commands billions of dollars and employs thousands of people and makes life or death decisions in his sleep. He took Hillary Clinton a veteran politician with the whole world backing her and without any experience in the toughest fight in the world, wiped his ass with her. People like you are only good at talking shit behind a keyboard in a little, darkened room. Trump would eat you alive in a face-to-face confrontation.

I'm not sure how many people actually met someone like Trump.
I can name several modern "captains of industry" who have incredible business skills:
Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.
Waltons (Walmart)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Bill Gates (Microsoft)
Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City)

Politicians are not cut from this "driven" cloth. Most pols are lawyers by trade, and solicit bribes from K-Street and other PAC donors who need favors done.
I'm glad Trump won, and hope that most people see that he is doing a fine job and should be re-elected in 2020.
Dems don't appreciate competence, socialists only see wealth to tax, but don't appreciate what it takes to create wealth.
most politicians are buttkissers --trying to please ALL the people--trying to keep votes
Trump is not like this
It’s common knowledge that Trump got his daddy to get him out of serving.

I don’t mind conciencious objectors - provided they are anti-war at ALL times.

Trump has lied about his bone spurs (you would not forget which ankle got you outta serving your country)...and then he insulted a true hero McCain.

Trump is a human maggot.

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