Pete Buttigieg Bitch Slaps Trumps - Accuses Trump of Dodging Military Service

Buttplug met Caroline Kennedy and what do you know, he joined the Navy Reserves and shuffled paper in the "Intel" service. Did he recommend himself for any medals? It's ironic that his idol JFK was kicked out of Naval Intelligence for his relationship with a (female) Nazi spy. Now Buttplug presumes to be an expert on Vietnam era enlistments. No surprises here.

You don't recommend yourself for a medal only your commanding officer can. I know this for a fact.
The wounds were scratches. Three purple hearts and you get to go home if you want.

You must have misunderstood what I said. His commander must have recommended him. I understand it perfectly since the last year I was in this is what I did. It doesn't matter if they were scratches someone recommended the medals.
Does that make it right? People will do favors for certain people in order to gain something. Aren't you aware of that?

Yes; we R aware. Trump offered some porn stars and some hookers some 'favors' in receipt for some 'silence.'

Funny shit, huh?
Yep, and no one cares just like you guys don't care about Kerry's sins.
You don't recommend yourself for a medal only your commanding officer can. I know this for a fact.
The wounds were scratches. Three purple hearts and you get to go home if you want.

You must have misunderstood what I said. His commander must have recommended him. I understand it perfectly since the last year I was in this is what I did. It doesn't matter if they were scratches someone recommended the medals.
Does that make it right? People will do favors for certain people in order to gain something. Aren't you aware of that?

Yes; we R aware. Trump offered some porn stars and some hookers some 'favors' in receipt for some 'silence.'

Funny shit, huh?
Yep, and no one cares just like you guys don't care about Kerry's sins.

well, you brought it up Miss Duck Ass; what R Kerry's sins?

Tell US what you know girl ........
The wounds were scratches. Three purple hearts and you get to go home if you want.

You must have misunderstood what I said. His commander must have recommended him. I understand it perfectly since the last year I was in this is what I did. It doesn't matter if they were scratches someone recommended the medals.
Does that make it right? People will do favors for certain people in order to gain something. Aren't you aware of that?

Yes; we R aware. Trump offered some porn stars and some hookers some 'favors' in receipt for some 'silence.'

Funny shit, huh?
Yep, and no one cares just like you guys don't care about Kerry's sins.

well, you brought it up Miss Duck Ass; what R Kerry's sins?

Tell US what you know girl ........
Phoney, backstabber, coward, leftist loser.
You must have misunderstood what I said. His commander must have recommended him. I understand it perfectly since the last year I was in this is what I did. It doesn't matter if they were scratches someone recommended the medals.
Does that make it right? People will do favors for certain people in order to gain something. Aren't you aware of that?

Yes; we R aware. Trump offered some porn stars and some hookers some 'favors' in receipt for some 'silence.'

Funny shit, huh?
Yep, and no one cares just like you guys don't care about Kerry's sins.

well, you brought it up Miss Duck Ass; what R Kerry's sins?

Tell US what you know girl ........
Phoney, backstabber, coward, leftist loser.

well, Miss Duck Ass; you are the one that asked BUT go ahead & take your ball, leave the playground & act like the dumb ass duck bitch that UR .
Got an eyewitness that was on the boat with Kerry.
I once knew a guy who claimed to see a houseplant talk.
That's nothing. Democrats had a President that screwed an intern with a cigar in the Oval Office, and the First Lady knew all about it, blaming a vast right-wing conspiracy, ran for President herself, and millions of people voted for the sick bitch.
Even if so, at least he wasn't protesting his own country abroad like Slick Willy did...

"Mr Clinton 's week-long visit to the Soviet capital, 23 years ago, had been part of a 40-day winter holiday touring Germany and Scandinavia while a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. But Mr Clinton 's entire student experience, evading the Vietnam draft, taking part in anti-war demonstrations in Britain...."

"Does anyone even remember that Bill Clinton was a draft dodger who went to the Soviet Union and protested against America on foreign soil?

Draft Dodging Clinton |

Sorry; the thread isn't about Clinton but thanks for the derail.
No derail....just adding relevant factual information.

Of course, speaking of Buttcake, I am sure he can provide as much evidence to back his accusation as the Democrats have been able to provide against President Trump after 3 years in their attempted failed coup attempt.


I'm confident that Mayor Pete served his country via volunteering for military service & did not run away like pussy Trump did.

Did you have your pussy hat on when you pecked this out?

Trump has a hat, a red hat; it states, "Make Pussy Great Again" but I heard Melania was opposed to the pussy.

You Tards are Soooo Stupid...

I can't understand why I like flucking with you....

There’s no challenge...

It’s like stepping on a bug....

Except I like bugs....
Got an eyewitness that was on the boat with Kerry.
I once knew a guy who claimed to see a houseplant talk.
That's nothing. Democrats had a President that screwed an intern with a cigar in the Oval Office, and the First Lady knew all about it, blaming a vast right-wing conspiracy, ran for President herself, and millions of people voted for the sick bitch.
So, the Clinton threads are about the Clintons. And the Trump threads are about the Clintons. Got it. I'm starting to understand how this site works.
Does that make it right? People will do favors for certain people in order to gain something. Aren't you aware of that?

Yes; we R aware. Trump offered some porn stars and some hookers some 'favors' in receipt for some 'silence.'

Funny shit, huh?
Yep, and no one cares just like you guys don't care about Kerry's sins.

well, you brought it up Miss Duck Ass; what R Kerry's sins?

Tell US what you know girl ........
Phoney, backstabber, coward, leftist loser.

well, Miss Duck Ass; you are the one that asked BUT go ahead & take your ball, leave the playground & act like the dumb ass duck bitch that UR .
I'm not going anywhere, pusillanimous punk.
Got an eyewitness that was on the boat with Kerry.
I once knew a guy who claimed to see a houseplant talk.
That's nothing. Democrats had a President that screwed an intern with a cigar in the Oval Office, and the First Lady knew all about it, blaming a vast right-wing conspiracy, ran for President herself, and millions of people voted for the sick bitch.
So, the Clinton threads are about the Clintons. And the Trump threads are about the Clintons. Got it. I'm starting to understand how this site works.
Took you long enough.
I once knew a guy who claimed to see a houseplant talk.
That's nothing. Democrats had a President that screwed an intern with a cigar in the Oval Office, and the First Lady knew all about it, blaming a vast right-wing conspiracy, ran for President herself, and millions of people voted for the sick bitch.
So, the Clinton threads are about the Clintons. And the Trump threads are about the Clintons. Got it. I'm starting to understand how this site works.
Took you long enough.
Not as long as it will take for trump to testify under oath...because that, my friend, is forever....
Yes; we R aware. Trump offered some porn stars and some hookers some 'favors' in receipt for some 'silence.'

Funny shit, huh?
Yep, and no one cares just like you guys don't care about Kerry's sins.

well, you brought it up Miss Duck Ass; what R Kerry's sins?

Tell US what you know girl ........
Phoney, backstabber, coward, leftist loser.

well, Miss Duck Ass; you are the one that asked BUT go ahead & take your ball, leave the playground & act like the dumb ass duck bitch that UR .
I'm not going anywhere, pusillanimous punk.

walks like a duck, looks like a duck, smells like a pussy; it's a duck with a pussy .........
I once knew a guy who claimed to see a houseplant talk.
That's nothing. Democrats had a President that screwed an intern with a cigar in the Oval Office, and the First Lady knew all about it, blaming a vast right-wing conspiracy, ran for President herself, and millions of people voted for the sick bitch.
So, the Clinton threads are about the Clintons. And the Trump threads are about the Clintons. Got it. I'm starting to understand how this site works.
Took you long enough.
Not as long as it will take for trump to testify under oath...because that, my friend, is forever....
Trump isn't going to testify anywhere. What are you smoking?
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."


LOFL, Pete just called Trump a pussy!!! The gloves just came off. LOFL ...............
Yes, having been there, you would not believe the excuses by millions. Guys became teachers to get out of the draft, which explains why Johnny can't read. The worst though is Lying DaNang Dick Blumenthal, who first used a student deferment, and when that was abolished in favor of a lottery, he went into the guard to be safe and then told voters he served in VietNam! What a worthless POS! He should be impeached before Trump!

Danang Dick was not in the National Guard.
What WAS he in? Cowards Anonymous?

United States Marine Corps Reserve! If you cannot get it right, don't talk out of your ass. It's embarrassing.

I'm more pissed about "stolen valor" where Dick claimed to have served in VN. Lying coxucker.
FACT CHECK: Did Senator Richard Blumenthal Misrepresent His Military Service?

Agreed, but I also do not respect anyone who accuses someone of something when they cannot get their own story straight! Blumenthal is an incredible ass!

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