Pete Buttigieg Bitch Slaps Trumps - Accuses Trump of Dodging Military Service

It’s common knowledge that Trump got his daddy to get him out of serving.

I don’t mind conciencious objectors - provided they are anti-war at ALL times.

How is it "common knowledge"? Just because its consistent with the Fake News Narrative of the left, doesn't make it either knowledge or common.

Further, Fred Trump died many many years ago. To attack him when is can't defend himself is a disgrace
At least Trump was out building a business empire
Haha, no he wasnt. He was banging chicks at a university he was unqualified to attend. Because, as you know, he is a moron.

Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.

A Moron IQ is between 50 and 74, so as usual, you are only off by about 70+ points.

I bet if you were to sit down at a table across from Trump, you would melt like an ice-cream cone. This is a man who commands billions of dollars and employs thousands of people and makes life or death decisions in his sleep. He took Hillary Clinton a veteran politician with the whole world backing her and without any experience in the toughest fight in the world, wiped his ass with her. People like you are only good at talking shit behind a keyboard in a little, darkened room. Trump would eat you alive in a face-to-face confrontation.

I'm not sure how many people actually met someone like Trump.
I can name several modern "captains of industry" who have incredible business skills:
Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.
Waltons (Walmart)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Bill Gates (Microsoft)
Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City)

Politicians are not cut from this "driven" cloth. Most pols are lawyers by trade, and solicit bribes from K-Street and other PAC donors who need favors done.
I'm glad Trump won, and hope that most people see that he is doing a fine job and should be re-elected in 2020.
Dems don't appreciate competence, socialists only see wealth to tax, but don't appreciate what it takes to create wealth.

I've told this before I think twice and I'll mention it again. My uncle met Trump several times, sat across the table from him. Had lunch with him, all back in the late 70s and early 80s. My uncle told me about it in phone conversations; he's long dead now, this was before Trump ran for political office. Who was my uncle? Back then, he was VP to a big contractor that provided services that Trump hired in the building of some of his buildings in NYC.

My uncle was no slouch. Keen penetrating mind that looked right through you. Smart as a whip. What was his take on Trump?

He came away feeling that Trump was an unusually nice person, very personable and easy to get along with. Fair. Both driven to keep cost and time at a minimum, demanding, critical, but conversely, quality driven and usually considerate of his employees. Very down to earth, open minded and responsive. Able to adapt to changing situations and stay on balance. Whatever the deal, he was sure to try his best to come out on top and make money, but he wanted those working with him to make money as well. He understood that the best deal was one that profited everyone. That way, it was likely to succeed and be good and maybe lead to other deals.

Trump was magnanimous. He paid for everything: rooms, transportation, food. I suspect Trump is still like that. That he is rather easy to get along with if you are only reasonable and fair with him as well. I suspect that this is how he is dealing with other countries, and that all the animus has come from democrats, never-Trumping GOPers who fear change and foreign governments fearing being pulled from the teat of America and being asked to stand on their own and pay their fair share.

In other words, Trump is a very PRACTICAL person. Realistic. Always looking for new ways to do things. Takes the shortest path he can to his goals. Hates waste. The anti-politician. I believe he sees America as capable of being far more and better than it is today if only we all worked toward that goal. This is why I was excited when he decided to run and still support him. I believe he would have achieved far more at this point if not for all this constant opposition to block him by the democrats.
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Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.
So, based on jack shit. And, as we know, money talks louder than SATs. Likely the only requirement of trump was a cashier's check.

Trumo is a moron. He cant understand simple concepts. He has the vocabulary of an 8 year old. He doesnt know anything and doesnt learn anything.
At least Trump was out building a business empire
Haha, no he wasnt. He was banging chicks at a university he was unqualified to attend. Because, as you know, he is a moron.

Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.

A Moron IQ is between 50 and 74, so as usual, you are only off by about 70+ points.

I bet if you were to sit down at a table across from Trump, you would melt like an ice-cream cone. This is a man who commands billions of dollars and employs thousands of people and makes life or death decisions in his sleep. He took Hillary Clinton a veteran politician with the whole world backing her and without any experience in the toughest fight in the world, wiped his ass with her. People like you are only good at talking shit behind a keyboard in a little, darkened room. Trump would eat you alive in a face-to-face confrontation.

I'm not sure how many people actually met someone like Trump.
I can name several modern "captains of industry" who have incredible business skills:
Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.
Waltons (Walmart)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Bill Gates (Microsoft)
Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City)

Politicians are not cut from this "driven" cloth. Most pols are lawyers by trade, and solicit bribes from K-Street and other PAC donors who need favors done.
I'm glad Trump won, and hope that most people see that he is doing a fine job and should be re-elected in 2020.
Dems don't appreciate competence, socialists only see wealth to tax, but don't appreciate what it takes to create wealth.

You equate adding over $2 trillion to the deficit as "create wealth?"

LOFL, and you keep your brain where; in your ****?

You obviously don't understand the difference between GDP and Debt.
Its easy fixing the Debt: Kill Medicaid, Welfare, Foreign Aid, Education, and cut $200b from Defense, there the Budget is balanced.
Cutting spending does NOT create wealth, duh. Growing the economy creates wealth.
Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.
So, based on jack shit. And, as we know, money talks louder than SATs. Likely the only requirement of trump was a cashier's check.

Trumo is a moron. He cant understand simple concepts. He has the vocabulary of an 8 year old. He doesnt know anything and doesnt learn anything.

If the next Democrat Party candidate takes President Trump so lightly, they will get schlonged just like Hillary Clinton was.

Reality is a little different. Donald J. Trump has been described as a "very stable genius". When the President received a physical examination by Dr. Ronny Jackson , Jackson administered the official Cognitive Test. Trump made a record score, the finest of all time.

The truth, and I don't know if you can handle it, is that President Trump has outstanding intelligence and memory and is able to adapt to new situations with ease. During Wrestlemania 23, in the Battle of the Billionaires, things were looking bad for him. Announcer Jim Ross observed "This is a new world for Donald Trump, this is not real estate, this is the WWE." And then, Trump administered his patented Hostile Takeover to Vince McMahon, the rest is history
At least Trump was out building a business empire
Haha, no he wasnt. He was banging chicks at a university he was unqualified to attend. Because, as you know, he is a moron.

Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.

A Moron IQ is between 50 and 74, so as usual, you are only off by about 70+ points.

I bet if you were to sit down at a table across from Trump, you would melt like an ice-cream cone. This is a man who commands billions of dollars and employs thousands of people and makes life or death decisions in his sleep. He took Hillary Clinton a veteran politician with the whole world backing her and without any experience in the toughest fight in the world, wiped his ass with her. People like you are only good at talking shit behind a keyboard in a little, darkened room. Trump would eat you alive in a face-to-face confrontation.

I'm not sure how many people actually met someone like Trump.
I can name several modern "captains of industry" who have incredible business skills:
Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.
Waltons (Walmart)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Bill Gates (Microsoft)
Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City)

Politicians are not cut from this "driven" cloth. Most pols are lawyers by trade, and solicit bribes from K-Street and other PAC donors who need favors done.
I'm glad Trump won, and hope that most people see that he is doing a fine job and should be re-elected in 2020.
Dems don't appreciate competence, socialists only see wealth to tax, but don't appreciate what it takes to create wealth.

You equate adding over $2 trillion to the deficit as "create wealth?"

LOFL, and you keep your brain where; in your ****?

You obviously don't understand the difference between GDP and Debt.
Its easy fixing the Debt: Kill Medicaid, Welfare, Foreign Aid, Education, and cut $200b from Defense, there the Budget is balanced.
Cutting spending does NOT create wealth, duh. Growing the economy creates wealth.

I don't? LOFL, I understand.

Creating over $2 TRILLION in additional DEBT during a time in which Trump's mouth is moving (LYING) telling US the economy is better than ever in the history of Uranus is EXACTLY THE TIME when the US should be paying down debt.

Financing that ADDITIONAL $2 TRILLION PLUS in debt will destroy wealth; not create wealth.

I don't require a lesson in economics but I am confident you require a fucking lobotomy.
Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.
So, based on jack shit. And, as we know, money talks louder than SATs. Likely the only requirement of trump was a cashier's check.

Trumo is a moron. He cant understand simple concepts. He has the vocabulary of an 8 year old. He doesnt know anything and doesnt learn anything.

Typing stupid shit doesn't make it true. You got links to backup your garbage?
Haha, no he wasnt. He was banging chicks at a university he was unqualified to attend. Because, as you know, he is a moron.

Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.

A Moron IQ is between 50 and 74, so as usual, you are only off by about 70+ points.

I bet if you were to sit down at a table across from Trump, you would melt like an ice-cream cone. This is a man who commands billions of dollars and employs thousands of people and makes life or death decisions in his sleep. He took Hillary Clinton a veteran politician with the whole world backing her and without any experience in the toughest fight in the world, wiped his ass with her. People like you are only good at talking shit behind a keyboard in a little, darkened room. Trump would eat you alive in a face-to-face confrontation.

I'm not sure how many people actually met someone like Trump.
I can name several modern "captains of industry" who have incredible business skills:
Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.
Waltons (Walmart)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Bill Gates (Microsoft)
Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City)

Politicians are not cut from this "driven" cloth. Most pols are lawyers by trade, and solicit bribes from K-Street and other PAC donors who need favors done.
I'm glad Trump won, and hope that most people see that he is doing a fine job and should be re-elected in 2020.
Dems don't appreciate competence, socialists only see wealth to tax, but don't appreciate what it takes to create wealth.

You equate adding over $2 trillion to the deficit as "create wealth?"

LOFL, and you keep your brain where; in your ****?

You obviously don't understand the difference between GDP and Debt.
Its easy fixing the Debt: Kill Medicaid, Welfare, Foreign Aid, Education, and cut $200b from Defense, there the Budget is balanced.
Cutting spending does NOT create wealth, duh. Growing the economy creates wealth.

I don't? LOFL, I understand.

Creating over $2 TRILLION in additional DEBT during a time in which Trump's mouth is moving (LYING) telling US the economy is better than ever in the history of Uranus is EXACTLY THE TIME when the US should be paying down debt.

Financing that ADDITIONAL $2 TRILLION PLUS in debt will destroy wealth; not create wealth.

I don't require a lesson in economics but I am confident you require a fucking lobotomy.

So who writes the fucking 2020 Budget? That's right the dems in the House. So why the fuck aren't they doing it?
Haha, no he wasnt. He was banging chicks at a university he was unqualified to attend. Because, as you know, he is a moron.

Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.

A Moron IQ is between 50 and 74, so as usual, you are only off by about 70+ points.

I bet if you were to sit down at a table across from Trump, you would melt like an ice-cream cone. This is a man who commands billions of dollars and employs thousands of people and makes life or death decisions in his sleep. He took Hillary Clinton a veteran politician with the whole world backing her and without any experience in the toughest fight in the world, wiped his ass with her. People like you are only good at talking shit behind a keyboard in a little, darkened room. Trump would eat you alive in a face-to-face confrontation.

I'm not sure how many people actually met someone like Trump.
I can name several modern "captains of industry" who have incredible business skills:
Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.
Waltons (Walmart)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Bill Gates (Microsoft)
Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City)

Politicians are not cut from this "driven" cloth. Most pols are lawyers by trade, and solicit bribes from K-Street and other PAC donors who need favors done.
I'm glad Trump won, and hope that most people see that he is doing a fine job and should be re-elected in 2020.
Dems don't appreciate competence, socialists only see wealth to tax, but don't appreciate what it takes to create wealth.

You equate adding over $2 trillion to the deficit as "create wealth?"

LOFL, and you keep your brain where; in your ****?

You obviously don't understand the difference between GDP and Debt.
Its easy fixing the Debt: Kill Medicaid, Welfare, Foreign Aid, Education, and cut $200b from Defense, there the Budget is balanced.
Cutting spending does NOT create wealth, duh. Growing the economy creates wealth.

I don't? LOFL, I understand.

Creating over $2 TRILLION in additional DEBT during a time in which Trump's mouth is moving (LYING) telling US the economy is better than ever in the history of Uranus is EXACTLY THE TIME when the US should be paying down debt.

Financing that ADDITIONAL $2 TRILLION PLUS in debt will destroy wealth; not create wealth.

I don't require a lesson in economics but I am confident you require a fucking lobotomy.

So what is the Democrat Plan for budget cuts to pay down the debt?

I haven't heard a word from any of them, in fact all I heard was unanimous endorsement of the $94 Trillion New Green Deal.
Never thought I would see the day Republicans would defend draft dodgers.

Not only defend them, but idolize them.

Oh well, that's the GOP.

The Lawless Party.
It’s common knowledge that Trump got his daddy to get him out of serving.
Who got you out of serving? We know you never actually served in a single war, combat zone, never spilt a single drop of blood against an enemy, not even a paper cut. You're no one to criticize Trump whose served his country in far bigger ways than you ever will!
I don’t mind conciencious objectors - provided they are anti-war at ALL times.
Man you sure have your conditions, don't you, McMaggot? I know real vets in wheelchairs with limbs blown off far kinder than you are! Aren't you really describing yourself? You are a conscientious objector (I even spelled it right) and anti war all the time, to the point that your heart would never be in ANY fight, even if you did march around and do a few drills every 30 days across town on a nice, clean grass field.
Trump has lied about his bone spurs (you would not forget which ankle got you outta serving your country)...and then he insulted a true hero McCain. Trump is a human maggot.
Better to HAVE a bone spur than to BE a bone spur. As far as McCain, he was a maggot and a failure in the eyes of his father. A lousy senator and a failed candidate who only lived on to try to stab his president and party in the back. No wonder you like him.
If the next Democrat Party candidate takes President Trump so lightly, they will get schlonged just like Hillary Clinton was.
Trump is a moron.

His memory is not good. You should stop woshing for the rru p of old. What we have now is a mentally ill moron who can't complete sentences without a script.
Its like one of the many fiefdoms. The African American Women fiefdom of Mayors, Council people, local and state lawyers, Congresswomen, etc.. It is exactly the same. Everyone a Prog Socialist with no changes and the same responses to issues. Its like a science fiction episode of identical solution clones that do not help anything and only exist because of the constant funneling of taxpayer money and the embarrassing corporate begging of giving back to the neighborhood. When one is replaced, an identical one shows up to do the same thing. Chicago, Baltimore, Philly any other city. It does not matter. Same if a state elected lawyer. And yet you see commercials of African American Female warrior chiefs leading into war with her army in tow. Black guys do not even listen to them unless they get something. So I understand what you typed. The real figures are not hidden and reality is what the propagandists push.
Never thought I would see the day Republicans would defend draft dodgers.

Not only defend them, but idolize them.

Oh well, that's the GOP.

The Lawless Party.

I haven't seen any proof that President Trump was a draft dodger at all.

He had a deferment, but a deferment isn't "draft dodging".

Not by any stretch of the imagination.

All I've heard are unfounded allegations which suggest that Mr. Trump lied about having heel spurs. If the libs could produce an actual LETTER signed by the podiatrist who supposed agreed to commit this capital crime, I think that 60 Minutes would be glad to see it and put it on their air right before the 2020 election.
Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.

A Moron IQ is between 50 and 74, so as usual, you are only off by about 70+ points.

I bet if you were to sit down at a table across from Trump, you would melt like an ice-cream cone. This is a man who commands billions of dollars and employs thousands of people and makes life or death decisions in his sleep. He took Hillary Clinton a veteran politician with the whole world backing her and without any experience in the toughest fight in the world, wiped his ass with her. People like you are only good at talking shit behind a keyboard in a little, darkened room. Trump would eat you alive in a face-to-face confrontation.

I'm not sure how many people actually met someone like Trump.
I can name several modern "captains of industry" who have incredible business skills:
Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.
Waltons (Walmart)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Bill Gates (Microsoft)
Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City)

Politicians are not cut from this "driven" cloth. Most pols are lawyers by trade, and solicit bribes from K-Street and other PAC donors who need favors done.
I'm glad Trump won, and hope that most people see that he is doing a fine job and should be re-elected in 2020.
Dems don't appreciate competence, socialists only see wealth to tax, but don't appreciate what it takes to create wealth.

You equate adding over $2 trillion to the deficit as "create wealth?"

LOFL, and you keep your brain where; in your ****?

You obviously don't understand the difference between GDP and Debt.
Its easy fixing the Debt: Kill Medicaid, Welfare, Foreign Aid, Education, and cut $200b from Defense, there the Budget is balanced.
Cutting spending does NOT create wealth, duh. Growing the economy creates wealth.

I don't? LOFL, I understand.

Creating over $2 TRILLION in additional DEBT during a time in which Trump's mouth is moving (LYING) telling US the economy is better than ever in the history of Uranus is EXACTLY THE TIME when the US should be paying down debt.

Financing that ADDITIONAL $2 TRILLION PLUS in debt will destroy wealth; not create wealth.

I don't require a lesson in economics but I am confident you require a fucking lobotomy.

So who writes the fucking 2020 Budget? That's right the dems in the House. So why the fuck aren't they doing it?

Sorry Annette but I'm discussing the past two (fiscal) years in which the Republicunts had a House majority, in which King Trump accrued the $2 TRILLION extra condom sales, from his House majority
Oddly enough, even Snopes best estimate of Trump's likely IQ based on Wharton SAT requirements which Trump attended and graduated from even though he did not enter as a freshman, puts Wharton's requirements closer to between 145 and 149. That is pretty damn smart.

A Moron IQ is between 50 and 74, so as usual, you are only off by about 70+ points.

I bet if you were to sit down at a table across from Trump, you would melt like an ice-cream cone. This is a man who commands billions of dollars and employs thousands of people and makes life or death decisions in his sleep. He took Hillary Clinton a veteran politician with the whole world backing her and without any experience in the toughest fight in the world, wiped his ass with her. People like you are only good at talking shit behind a keyboard in a little, darkened room. Trump would eat you alive in a face-to-face confrontation.

I'm not sure how many people actually met someone like Trump.
I can name several modern "captains of industry" who have incredible business skills:
Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.
Waltons (Walmart)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Bill Gates (Microsoft)
Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City)

Politicians are not cut from this "driven" cloth. Most pols are lawyers by trade, and solicit bribes from K-Street and other PAC donors who need favors done.
I'm glad Trump won, and hope that most people see that he is doing a fine job and should be re-elected in 2020.
Dems don't appreciate competence, socialists only see wealth to tax, but don't appreciate what it takes to create wealth.

You equate adding over $2 trillion to the deficit as "create wealth?"

LOFL, and you keep your brain where; in your ****?

You obviously don't understand the difference between GDP and Debt.
Its easy fixing the Debt: Kill Medicaid, Welfare, Foreign Aid, Education, and cut $200b from Defense, there the Budget is balanced.
Cutting spending does NOT create wealth, duh. Growing the economy creates wealth.

I don't? LOFL, I understand.

Creating over $2 TRILLION in additional DEBT during a time in which Trump's mouth is moving (LYING) telling US the economy is better than ever in the history of Uranus is EXACTLY THE TIME when the US should be paying down debt.

Financing that ADDITIONAL $2 TRILLION PLUS in debt will destroy wealth; not create wealth.

I don't require a lesson in economics but I am confident you require a fucking lobotomy.

So what is the Democrat Plan for budget cuts to pay down the debt?

I haven't heard a word from any of them, in fact all I heard was unanimous endorsement of the $94 Trillion New Green Deal.

you could ask your Congress critter; I'm not a House member & if I were your representative I would likely kill myself
I'm not sure how many people actually met someone like Trump.
I can name several modern "captains of industry" who have incredible business skills:
Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.
Waltons (Walmart)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Bill Gates (Microsoft)
Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City)

Politicians are not cut from this "driven" cloth. Most pols are lawyers by trade, and solicit bribes from K-Street and other PAC donors who need favors done.
I'm glad Trump won, and hope that most people see that he is doing a fine job and should be re-elected in 2020.
Dems don't appreciate competence, socialists only see wealth to tax, but don't appreciate what it takes to create wealth.

You equate adding over $2 trillion to the deficit as "create wealth?"

LOFL, and you keep your brain where; in your ****?

You obviously don't understand the difference between GDP and Debt.
Its easy fixing the Debt: Kill Medicaid, Welfare, Foreign Aid, Education, and cut $200b from Defense, there the Budget is balanced.
Cutting spending does NOT create wealth, duh. Growing the economy creates wealth.

I don't? LOFL, I understand.

Creating over $2 TRILLION in additional DEBT during a time in which Trump's mouth is moving (LYING) telling US the economy is better than ever in the history of Uranus is EXACTLY THE TIME when the US should be paying down debt.

Financing that ADDITIONAL $2 TRILLION PLUS in debt will destroy wealth; not create wealth.

I don't require a lesson in economics but I am confident you require a fucking lobotomy.

So what is the Democrat Plan for budget cuts to pay down the debt?

I haven't heard a word from any of them, in fact all I heard was unanimous endorsement of the $94 Trillion New Green Deal.

you could ask your Congress critter; I'm not a House member & if I were your representative I would likely kill myself

Rep. Kelly is a Republican and doesn't have any say in the goings on in the house.
Liberals hate the military, even 'closet liberal' military members....
More liberals actually serve in the military, whereas conservatives are more like President Bone Spurs here, who found every trick in the book to skip out on serving his country, in its time of need.

But keep supporting that draft dodger, shows, "good form", doesn't it?

Well asshole, I'm conservative, always have been and I served seven years including Vietnam. I was in the air force which always has been strictly voluntarily so no draft was needed in my case.

BTW most vets that I've known have also been conservative.
In fact I see few if any lefttards at the VA and there are vets of all ages and wars there.

Quite simply, you've been caught talking out of your ass yet AGAIN!
I'm not sure how many people actually met someone like Trump.
I can name several modern "captains of industry" who have incredible business skills:
Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.
Waltons (Walmart)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Bill Gates (Microsoft)
Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City)

Politicians are not cut from this "driven" cloth. Most pols are lawyers by trade, and solicit bribes from K-Street and other PAC donors who need favors done.
I'm glad Trump won, and hope that most people see that he is doing a fine job and should be re-elected in 2020.
Dems don't appreciate competence, socialists only see wealth to tax, but don't appreciate what it takes to create wealth.

You equate adding over $2 trillion to the deficit as "create wealth?"

LOFL, and you keep your brain where; in your ****?

You obviously don't understand the difference between GDP and Debt.
Its easy fixing the Debt: Kill Medicaid, Welfare, Foreign Aid, Education, and cut $200b from Defense, there the Budget is balanced.
Cutting spending does NOT create wealth, duh. Growing the economy creates wealth.

I don't? LOFL, I understand.

Creating over $2 TRILLION in additional DEBT during a time in which Trump's mouth is moving (LYING) telling US the economy is better than ever in the history of Uranus is EXACTLY THE TIME when the US should be paying down debt.

Financing that ADDITIONAL $2 TRILLION PLUS in debt will destroy wealth; not create wealth.

I don't require a lesson in economics but I am confident you require a fucking lobotomy.

So who writes the fucking 2020 Budget? That's right the dems in the House. So why the fuck aren't they doing it?

Sorry Annette but I'm discussing the past two (fiscal) years in which the Republicunts had a House majority, in which King Trump accrued the $2 TRILLION extra condom sales, from his House majority

Funny, if Trump wanted to obstruct it, he had the authority to fire Mueller at any time! Of course, that would have only made them assign someone new, it wouldn't have obstructed anything. Indeed, the very fact that Mueller COMPLETED the report shows that he was never obstructed, in fact, I don't recall Mueller saying in the report there was ANYTHING he tried to investigate that Trump ever obstructed!

Understandably, like me, Trump didn't much like having to face an obstructionary investigation imposed upon him at the very START of his presidency, based solely on accusations by people whom he knew their motives were purely PARTISAN, based not only on fraudulent criminal fabricated claims, but by THE VERY PEOPLE WHOM HAD ACTUALLY BEEN CAVORTING WITH THE RUSSIANS and obstructing elections! From:
  1. Obama's criminal unpunished use of the IRS to obstruct Romney organizations impeding them so that he could win in 2012, to
  2. The DNC's fixing Sander's Campaign to fail so he would drop out making Hillary a shoe-in, to
  3. The FBI skewing their felony investigation of Hillary's criminal pay for play loosy-goosy with national secrets out of her SoS office to keep her in the race, to
  4. Her and the DNC's loading the FISA court with the Steele Crock of Shit to launch the Mueller investigation IN THE FIRST PLACE!
No. I can see where Trump might not like that ONE BIT.

Now the shoe's on the other foot. Really sucks to be a democrap, now.

Donald-Trump-Angry 2.jpg

The cobra never forgets.
The democrats have finally figured out how to handle a 300 pound whiny little bitch...troll him mercilessly. Give this fucking moron all the rope he needs, and he will gleefully hang himself.

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