Pete Buttigieg Says America Was Never That Great, Gets Destroyed On Twitter

So, you're claiming he believes America sucks, but Americans don't.

You're really not as smart as you think you are.

No, I'm claiming the headline is a fucking lie, and the OP was too goddam stupid to read his own link and figure that out.
Yes, but your judgement is fatally flawed and easily discarded.

Couldn't be easier. Because everybody in Duh Bubble is issued a set of fingers. :lalala:
It's plain to see what Pete meant. You, who have a directive to keep that meaning away from people, are doing what little you can to distract.

It's not working.
This is what he said:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,"
I know. I've read it. No need for you to keep spamming it.
No, I'm claiming the headline is a fucking lie, and the OP was too goddam stupid to read his own link and figure that out.
Yes, but your judgement is fatally flawed and easily discarded.

Couldn't be easier. Because everybody in Duh Bubble is issued a set of fingers. :lalala:
It's plain to see what Pete meant. You, who have a directive to keep that meaning away from people, are doing what little you can to distract.

It's not working.
This is what he said:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,"
I know. I've read it. No need for you to keep spamming it.
I provide it as a public service for those who either have not read it or do not wish to acknowledge it. Which are you?
It's plain to see what Pete meant. You, who have a directive to keep that meaning away from people, are doing what little you can to distract.

It's not working.

It's plain to see what some gadflies wish he had said too. But why let that stand in the way of a baitclick headline.

It's like "alternate facts". Now serving the world from Bowling Green to a very wonderful place in Germany.
You just make sure you don't question liberal dogma. You'll burst into flames.

Reading is fun-DUH-mental. :)
Indeed it is. Remember, you're the guy saying Pete didn't say what he said. That's a popular game among leftists, who tend to say stupid shit.
This is what Buttigieg said:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,"
"That past that he is promising to return us to..."

When is that? I want a Trump quote saying when.
Yes, but your judgement is fatally flawed and easily discarded.

Couldn't be easier. Because everybody in Duh Bubble is issued a set of fingers. :lalala:
It's plain to see what Pete meant. You, who have a directive to keep that meaning away from people, are doing what little you can to distract.

It's not working.
This is what he said:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,"
I know. I've read it. No need for you to keep spamming it.
I provide it as a public service for those who either have not read it or do not wish to acknowledge it. Which are you?
Obviously, neither.

Meanwhile, there's a question on the table.
Exact quote for those who have adult level reading comprehension skills:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,”
You know that doesn't change anything at all, right?

It doesn't? Let's parse this out...what when does Trump refer to when he wants to "make America great again"? How far back does he want to turn the clock?

Let's parse this out: Why do you assume that "make America great again" means "Turn back the clock to XYZ year and make everything EXACTLY that way again"?
Because it’s great emotional fodder to declare “they want us back in chains”
funny when it was they hanging and burning the blacks. I love the black face they do.
You want to go all the way back to the 1800s? You think that's when Trump meant?
Yup, I called it.
You didn't call shit. I asked you questions you aren't answering. I will try again. What period of time do you think Trump refers to when he thought America was great? Come on, its his slogan.
I said:

No matter what I say, you'll read BACK TO WHEN SLAVERY WAS LEGAL.
You immediately screeched YOU WANT TO BRING BACK SLAVERY.

You self-awareness meter is stuck on zero.
No, actually, I did nothing of the sort. I asked you a question and you jumped to slavery. I then asked you to clarify and you claimed an imaginary victory without ever answering the question. Total pussy move.

Well, here's what the two of you actually said:

Dave: No matter what I say, you'll read BACK TO WHEN SLAVERY WAS LEGAL.

Seabiscuit: You want to go all the way back to the 1800s? You think that's when Trump meant?

So yeah, you DID do exactly what he said you were going to do.
the slave party wants to go back to slaving, why else bring up their old habits?
So, you're claiming he believes America sucks, but Americans don't.

You're really not as smart as you think you are.

No, I'm claiming the headline is a fucking lie, and the OP was too goddam stupid to read his own link and figure that out.
Yes, but your judgement is fatally flawed and easily discarded.

Couldn't be easier. Because everybody in Duh Bubble is issued a set of fingers. :lalala:
It's plain to see what Pete meant. You, who have a directive to keep that meaning away from people, are doing what little you can to distract.

It's not working.
This is what he said:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,"
and yet we have manufacturing back. hmmmmmm guess how he did that? oh wait, you don't care, you'd prefer welfare nation goals.
You just make sure you don't question liberal dogma. You'll burst into flames.

Reading is fun-DUH-mental. :)
Indeed it is. Remember, you're the guy saying Pete didn't say what he said. That's a popular game among leftists, who tend to say stupid shit.

Haha, you spelled "literates" wrong.
it was a quote!!
And this is the quote:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,"
what does it mean to you? i know what it means to me, but you wouldn't give a shit cause you don't get it.
It's plain to see what some gadflies wish he had said too. But why let that stand in the way of a baitclick headline.

It's like "alternate facts". Now serving the world from Bowling Green to a very wonderful place in Germany.
You just make sure you don't question liberal dogma. You'll burst into flames.

Reading is fun-DUH-mental. :)
Indeed it is. Remember, you're the guy saying Pete didn't say what he said. That's a popular game among leftists, who tend to say stupid shit.
This is what Buttigieg said:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,"
"That past that he is promising to return us to..."

When is that? I want a Trump quote saying when.

Rotsa ruck on that one. :rolleyes:

If you get an answer perhaps you can let us all know where "a very wonderful place in Germany" is.
Exact quote for those who have adult level reading comprehension skills:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,”
You know that doesn't change anything at all, right?

It doesn't? Let's parse this out...what when does Trump refer to when he wants to "make America great again"? How far back does he want to turn the clock?

Let's parse this out: Why do you assume that "make America great again" means "Turn back the clock to XYZ year and make everything EXACTLY that way again"?
What does it mean to you?
what does it mean to you? let's hear your view of the comment. I'm happy to tell you what I think and know it means.
You should see a doctor about that stretched groin muscle. :lol:
No stretch required. Research Sharia Law. REAL research, not what you lefty morons tell each other.

Why should I? I live in America where there is no danger of "Sharia".
Ask the teachers of Oregon

Why would I do that? America is not in danger of adopting sharia law.
sure they are, your party is moving forward toward it. check out the teachers in Oregon.

BTW, you can ignore the facts, but it doesn't need your blessing to have it happening. it is.

No, we aren't, chicken little. Your tin foil needs adjusting.
You just make sure you don't question liberal dogma. You'll burst into flames.

Reading is fun-DUH-mental. :)
Indeed it is. Remember, you're the guy saying Pete didn't say what he said. That's a popular game among leftists, who tend to say stupid shit.
This is what Buttigieg said:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,"
"That past that he is promising to return us to..."

When is that? I want a Trump quote saying when.

Rotsa ruck on that one. :rolleyes:

If you get an answer perhaps you can let us all know where "a very wonderful place in Germany" is.
Oh, I have no expectation of getting an answer from her. She has a lot in common with you.
Exact quote for those who have adult level reading comprehension skills:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,”
You know that doesn't change anything at all, right?

It doesn't? Let's parse this out...what when does Trump refer to when he wants to "make America great again"? How far back does he want to turn the clock?

Let's parse this out: Why do you assume that "make America great again" means "Turn back the clock to XYZ year and make everything EXACTLY that way again"?

The word again. The slogan is not "make America greater". The word "again" makes a world of difference.
You want to go all the way back to the 1800s? You think that's when Trump meant?
Yup, I called it.
You didn't call shit. I asked you questions you aren't answering. I will try again. What period of time do you think Trump refers to when he thought America was great? Come on, its his slogan.
I said:

No matter what I say, you'll read BACK TO WHEN SLAVERY WAS LEGAL.
You immediately screeched YOU WANT TO BRING BACK SLAVERY.

You self-awareness meter is stuck on zero.

It's amazing how leftist "questions" are always in the "when did you stop beating your wife?" mold.
Indeed. And they think it scores them devastating points.

Well, if they didn't celebrate victory when people laugh at them, they'd never celebrate victory at all.
Reading is fun-DUH-mental. :)
Indeed it is. Remember, you're the guy saying Pete didn't say what he said. That's a popular game among leftists, who tend to say stupid shit.
This is what Buttigieg said:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,"
"That past that he is promising to return us to..."

When is that? I want a Trump quote saying when.

Rotsa ruck on that one. :rolleyes:

If you get an answer perhaps you can let us all know where "a very wonderful place in Germany" is.
Oh, I have no expectation of getting an answer from her. She has a lot in common with you.

Why do you call Rump a "her"?

See what I mean about reading comp?
You want to go all the way back to the 1800s? You think that's when Trump meant?
Yup, I called it.
You didn't call shit. I asked you questions you aren't answering. I will try again. What period of time do you think Trump refers to when he thought America was great? Come on, its his slogan.
I said:

No matter what I say, you'll read BACK TO WHEN SLAVERY WAS LEGAL.
You immediately screeched YOU WANT TO BRING BACK SLAVERY.

You self-awareness meter is stuck on zero.
No, actually, I did nothing of the sort. I asked you a question and you jumped to slavery. I then asked you to clarify and you claimed an imaginary victory without ever answering the question. Total pussy move.

Well, here's what the two of you actually said:

Dave: No matter what I say, you'll read BACK TO WHEN SLAVERY WAS LEGAL.

Seabiscuit: You want to go all the way back to the 1800s? You think that's when Trump meant?

So yeah, you DID do exactly what he said you were going to do.

So bitchiness effects reading comprehension. Interesting side effect. He brought up slavery, I did not. The 1800s did not cross my mind. I think Trump, like old many white men, think the 50s were "great" and that is the "when" he refers to. What do you think?
Exact quote for those who have adult level reading comprehension skills:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,”
You know that doesn't change anything at all, right?

It doesn't? Let's parse this out...what when does Trump refer to when he wants to "make America great again"? How far back does he want to turn the clock?

Let's parse this out: Why do you assume that "make America great again" means "Turn back the clock to XYZ year and make everything EXACTLY that way again"?
What does it mean to you?
what does it mean to you? let's hear your view of the comment. I'm happy to tell you what I think and know it means.
It means just this:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,"
It's plain to see what some gadflies wish he had said too. But why let that stand in the way of a baitclick headline.

It's like "alternate facts". Now serving the world from Bowling Green to a very wonderful place in Germany.
You just make sure you don't question liberal dogma. You'll burst into flames.

Reading is fun-DUH-mental. :)
Indeed it is. Remember, you're the guy saying Pete didn't say what he said. That's a popular game among leftists, who tend to say stupid shit.
This is what Buttigieg said:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,"
"That past that he is promising to return us to..."

When is that? I want a Trump quote saying when.

My guess was right...

The answer, Trump explained, was during periods of military and industrial expansion at the onset of the 20th century and again in the years after World War II.

"If you look back, it really was, there was a period of time when we were developing at the turn of the century which was a pretty wild time for this country and pretty wild in terms of building that machine, that machine was really based on entrepreneurship," he told the Times.

Trump also pointed to the "late '40s and '50s," a time when, he said, "we were not pushed around, we were respected by everybody, we had just won a war, we were pretty much doing what we had to do."
No stretch required. Research Sharia Law. REAL research, not what you lefty morons tell each other.

Why should I? I live in America where there is no danger of "Sharia".
Ask the teachers of Oregon

Why would I do that? America is not in danger of adopting sharia law.
sure they are, your party is moving forward toward it. check out the teachers in Oregon.

BTW, you can ignore the facts, but it doesn't need your blessing to have it happening. it is.

No, we aren't, chicken little. Your tin foil needs adjusting.
as I already stated, you can ignore the facts. We're not.
You know that doesn't change anything at all, right?

It doesn't? Let's parse this out...what when does Trump refer to when he wants to "make America great again"? How far back does he want to turn the clock?

Let's parse this out: Why do you assume that "make America great again" means "Turn back the clock to XYZ year and make everything EXACTLY that way again"?
What does it mean to you?
what does it mean to you? let's hear your view of the comment. I'm happy to tell you what I think and know it means.
It means just this:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,"
so how far back? you have no opinion? what use are you then for a discussion?

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