Pete Buttigieg Says America Was Never That Great, Gets Destroyed On Twitter

Oh, I have no expectation of getting an answer from her. She has a lot in common with you.

Why do you call Rump a "her"?

See what I mean about reading comp?
I see it better than you do. I asked that question of bodecea, who is indeed a woman.

You fucking idiot.

Once again:

I want a Trump quote saying when.

Who da idiot now, beeyatch?
I asked bodecea to provide the quote. I didn't ask Trump.


If there is a "Trump quote" (about anything) ----- guess who said it.

"Message" / "Messenger". Know the difference.

I know who said it. You can tell because I asked her for a Trump quote.

Dood. You fucked up. Quit blaming me for it.

"That past that he is promising to return us to..."

When is that? I want a Trump quote saying when.

My guess was right...

The answer, Trump explained, was during periods of military and industrial expansion at the onset of the 20th century and again in the years after World War II.

"If you look back, it really was, there was a period of time when we were developing at the turn of the century which was a pretty wild time for this country and pretty wild in terms of building that machine, that machine was really based on entrepreneurship," he told the Times.

Trump also pointed to the "late '40s and '50s," a time when, he said, "we were not pushed around, we were respected by everybody, we had just won a war, we were pretty much doing what we had to do."
Thank you. So what's wrong with that time?

If you were a white male, not a thing.
I don't see Trump mentioning white males in there. Do you think it's possible he wants that same success and optimism for everybody?

Sycophantic hero-worship is so hard to watch. :(
There it is again, a leftist projecting his moral failings on others.
My guess was right...

The answer, Trump explained, was during periods of military and industrial expansion at the onset of the 20th century and again in the years after World War II.

"If you look back, it really was, there was a period of time when we were developing at the turn of the century which was a pretty wild time for this country and pretty wild in terms of building that machine, that machine was really based on entrepreneurship," he told the Times.

Trump also pointed to the "late '40s and '50s," a time when, he said, "we were not pushed around, we were respected by everybody, we had just won a war, we were pretty much doing what we had to do."
Thank you. So what's wrong with that time?

If you were a white male, not a thing.
I don't see Trump mentioning white males in there. Do you think it's possible he wants that same success and optimism for everybody?

He doesn't have to say it...You can see it in the GOP.

Then don't you think it's odd that minority unemployment is lower than it's been in a long time? I mean, if Trump and the GOP are so racist, why aren't they arranging things so that only white men have more jobs?

You need to explain that.

That's easy...Trump didn't do shit.

Thank you. So what's wrong with that time?

If you were a white male, not a thing.
I don't see Trump mentioning white males in there. Do you think it's possible he wants that same success and optimism for everybody?

He doesn't have to say it...You can see it in the GOP.

Then don't you think it's odd that minority unemployment is lower than it's been in a long time? I mean, if Trump and the GOP are so racist, why aren't they arranging things so that only white men have more jobs?

You need to explain that.

That's easy...Trump didn't do shit.

Uh huh. Funny how Democrats are taking credit for the economy -- but are also insisting it sucks.

Y'all need to get your stories straight.
If you were a white male, not a thing.
I don't see Trump mentioning white males in there. Do you think it's possible he wants that same success and optimism for everybody?

He doesn't have to say it...You can see it in the GOP.

Then don't you think it's odd that minority unemployment is lower than it's been in a long time? I mean, if Trump and the GOP are so racist, why aren't they arranging things so that only white men have more jobs?

You need to explain that.

That's easy...Trump didn't do shit.

Uh huh. Funny how Democrats are taking credit for the economy -- but are also insisting it sucks.

Y'all need to get your stories straight.

Nobody is saying our economy sucks. The economy is chugging along despite Trump not because if him. Our economy and income inequality are not the same thing.
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If you were a white male, not a thing.
I don't see Trump mentioning white males in there. Do you think it's possible he wants that same success and optimism for everybody?

He doesn't have to say it...You can see it in the GOP.

Then don't you think it's odd that minority unemployment is lower than it's been in a long time? I mean, if Trump and the GOP are so racist, why aren't they arranging things so that only white men have more jobs?

You need to explain that.

That's easy...Trump didn't do shit.

Uh huh. Funny how Democrats are taking credit for the economy -- but are also insisting it sucks.

Y'all need to get your stories straight.

Trump took credit for an economy he did not create. You won't like the one he has created.
I don't see Trump mentioning white males in there. Do you think it's possible he wants that same success and optimism for everybody?

He doesn't have to say it...You can see it in the GOP.

Then don't you think it's odd that minority unemployment is lower than it's been in a long time? I mean, if Trump and the GOP are so racist, why aren't they arranging things so that only white men have more jobs?

You need to explain that.

That's easy...Trump didn't do shit.

Uh huh. Funny how Democrats are taking credit for the economy -- but are also insisting it sucks.

Y'all need to get your stories straight.

Nobody is saying our economy sucks. The economy is chugging along despite Trump not because if him. Our economy and income inequality are not the same thing.
Nobody is saying the economy sucks?

Not exactly.

But the partisan divide is striking, too. Under Obama in October 2016, just 37 percent of Democrats and 11 percent of Republicans rated the economy as excellent or good. Today, 83 percent of Republicans say the economy is excellent or good versus 28 percent of Democrats. So Republicans under Trump are more than twice as positive on the economy as Democrats were under Obama.

There are people who believe this economy is doing poorly.

Do you believe they're Republicans, or Democrats?
I don't see Trump mentioning white males in there. Do you think it's possible he wants that same success and optimism for everybody?

He doesn't have to say it...You can see it in the GOP.

Then don't you think it's odd that minority unemployment is lower than it's been in a long time? I mean, if Trump and the GOP are so racist, why aren't they arranging things so that only white men have more jobs?

You need to explain that.

That's easy...Trump didn't do shit.

Uh huh. Funny how Democrats are taking credit for the economy -- but are also insisting it sucks.

Y'all need to get your stories straight.

Trump took credit for an economy he did not create. You won't like the one he has created.
Yeah, what's the lag on that? Let me guess...the very second the economy turns down, you'll stop saying it's Obama's economy.
More apologies from of your left wing nuts. This BS will not play well with Republicans or Independants.
Well, here's what the two of you actually said:

Dave: No matter what I say, you'll read BACK TO WHEN SLAVERY WAS LEGAL.

Seabiscuit: You want to go all the way back to the 1800s? You think that's when Trump meant?

So yeah, you DID do exactly what he said you were going to do.

So bitchiness effects reading comprehension. Interesting side effect. He brought up slavery, I did not. The 1800s did not cross my mind. I think Trump, like old many white men, think the 50s were "great" and that is the "when" he refers to. What do you think?

No, my reading comprehension hasn't been "effected" at all, Noah Webster. He told you that you were going to read anything he said as, "You want to go back to . . ." and then you responded . . . by reading what he said as him wanting to go back to that.

As for what I think, I think Dave's right and you're going to read the response you wish we made, no matter what the actual words are.

We’ll never know since he refused to speculate or even look. He parrots the MAGA line without even knowing what his candidate meant. Now we know it was as I guessed.

No, now YOU "know" that, because you were going to "know" that no matter what happened. We've established that. What I know is that Trump referred to specific qualities about America which have been damaged by the likes of you since that time, which he wants to bring back. You appear to ASSume Trump wants to recreate the 50s down to every detail.

The "likes of me"? Retired military personnel that have dedicated their lives to public service? That kind of "the likes of me"?

We don't know he doesn't want to either. We know it's pretty much impossible without a World War destroying manufacturing in every developed country but ours...

Dipshits who think claiming to have done one good thing in life - unsubstantiated - somehow makes them right about everything and morally superior at all times.

I don't give a shit what you say you did. You're still a lousy example of a human being and a waste of oxygen.
When the left either stops being a bunch of deranged, psychotic children or stops being treated like serious adults despite being deranged, psychotic children.

Meanwhile back in reality, Trump supporters are mowing down people in their cars and mailing explosives to their political opponents. By definition the actions of people who are deranged and psychotic.
And Trump haters are shooting kids in schools.

Dylan Root is a trump hater?
No. Devon Erickson is.

Was he the guy in New Zealand who cited Trump as his inspiration?

This is what happens when you get all your news - AND your thoughts - from talking points memos. The Christchurch shooter was only a Trump fan in the minds of desperate obsessives like you.
When the left either stops being a bunch of deranged, psychotic children or stops being treated like serious adults despite being deranged, psychotic children.

Meanwhile back in reality, Trump supporters are mowing down people in their cars and mailing explosives to their political opponents. By definition the actions of people who are deranged and psychotic.

Meanwhile, in the ACTUAL reality, leftist atrocities vastly outnumber anything you want to attribute - correctly or incorrectly, as is often the case - the right-wing, and the Democrats and media (but I repeat myself) talk about it for a whole five minutes, furiously excusing it, and then drop it down the memory hole, never to be mentioned again.

You want to start pointing fingers about "deranged and psychotic"? We can go there.

Yeah…call us when you can come up with relevant examples equal to Trump supporters mailing explosives to people, driving over them in their car—one of Trump’s “very fine people” at the wheel no doubt.
Don't forget the CG LT with the hit list who googled "civil war if Trump is impeached". (The asshole could be released)

Trump supporters are so pre-disposed to violence, hate, racism, etc… the it all sort of blends together at this point. I doubt anyone will be surprised at the next instance of hillbilly hate.
You, and people like you, are the reason Trump won.

Keep it up. It's good for America.
Oh, I have no expectation of getting an answer from her. She has a lot in common with you.

Why do you call Rump a "her"?

See what I mean about reading comp?
I see it better than you do. I asked that question of bodecea, who is indeed a woman.

You fucking idiot.

Once again:

I want a Trump quote saying when.

Who da idiot now, beeyatch?
I asked bodecea to provide the quote. I didn't ask Trump.


If there is a "Trump quote" (about anything) ----- guess who said it.

"Message" / "Messenger". Know the difference.

Good grief, are you still pathetically insisting you didn't say what you said?

Well, leftists do have a pathological need to rewrite history. That's because reality doesn't support your beliefs.
Exact quote for those who have adult level reading comprehension skills:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city, That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again. That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,”
You know that doesn't change anything at all, right?

It doesn't? Let's parse this out...what when does Trump refer to when he wants to "make America great again"? How far back does he want to turn the clock?
Why do partisan retards act like they don't know what he means?
You loons act like he wants to being back the Democrat parties Jim crow or something.
What did Pete say?

Your link:

“So many of the solutions, I believe, are gonna come from our communities. Communities like the one where I grew up, which is an industrial mid-western city,

"That is exactly the kind of place that our current president targeted with a message saying that we could find greatness by just stopping the clock and turning it back and making America great again.

"That past that he is promising to return us to was never as great as advertised, especially for marginalized Americans… and there’s no going back anyway,”

That past includes centuries of genocide, chattel slavery, and Jim Crow which makes it pretty hard to find any "greatness" in those core values of America.
Mayor Pete was gonna go on The Rubin Report, but after twitter slammed him for it he wont go on.

but he will do a FOX News town hall this Sunday

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