Peter Buttigieg threw away millions of votes


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
Peter Buttigiegewrsdtgyh.jpg
He is correct. Evangelicals who would vote for a candidate who does not represent family values are nothing more than hypocrites
The point is the choices that the Voters had in the 2016 election.
Hillary is totally corrupt and she should be in prison.
Liberals hate the "family values" stuff and they hate the Evangelicals.
It seems like it was an easy choice for them.
Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

So when the economy goes into recession next year, will all these Evangelicals still be proud of how they sold their soul.

I find it amusing that the same people who screamed Clinton should be impeached for doing Monica Lewinsky are the ones that are just fine with paying off Stormy Daniels. Puts the lie to the whole "Family Values" thing.

You dumbasses said the economy would implode if he won the election.
Guess what....?

HE WON and the economy is cooking right along.

Not really. The best you can argue is that it hit a plateau..

The economy isn't really any better in 2019 than it was in 2016.
Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

So when the economy goes into recession next year, will all these Evangelicals still be proud of how they sold their soul.

I find it amusing that the same people who screamed Clinton should be impeached for doing Monica Lewinsky are the ones that are just fine with paying off Stormy Daniels. Puts the lie to the whole "Family Values" thing.
oh - so now it's NEXT YEAR.

hell, according to many on the left we should all be dead on a glowing blown up planet anyway.

you can't keep predicting doom and gloom when it fails time and again.

stop being an asinine twit.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615

Like the evangelicals would ever vote for an openly gay man. Gayness is the sin of all sins to them.

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Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

So when the economy goes into recession next year, will all these Evangelicals still be proud of how they sold their soul.

I find it amusing that the same people who screamed Clinton should be impeached for doing Monica Lewinsky are the ones that are just fine with paying off Stormy Daniels. Puts the lie to the whole "Family Values" thing.

Clinton was impeached for obstruction of Justice, lying under oath, not doing Monica Lewinsky. Get your facts straight. If he were impeached for doing Monica Lewinsky, he would not have been disbarred.
That's Mayor Pete.

He's honest even if the truth hurts
So when the economy goes into recession next year,


You dumbasses said the economy would implode if he won the election.
Guess what....?

HE WON and the economy is cooking right along.

Because Obamas policies were still in effect. We are about to get hit with Trumponomics.
How do you guys type this shit with a straight face?
For Obama's entire term BOOOOOOOSH was responsible for every failure and now under Trump every success is attributed to Obama.
And to top it off Trum0 killed many of Obama's regulations so if that shit was rolled back then the credit must go to BOOOOOOOSH since they would actually be his policies right?

Can you see the stupidity of your statement now?
So when the economy goes into recession next year,


You dumbasses said the economy would implode if he won the election.
Guess what....?

HE WON and the economy is cooking right along.

Because Obamas policies were still in effect. We are about to get hit with Trumponomics.
How do you guys type this shit with a straight face?
For Obama's entire term BOOOOOOOSH was responsible for every failure and now under Trump every success is attributed to Obama.
And to top it off Trum0 killed many of Obama's regulations so if that shit was rolled back then the credit must go to BOOOOOOOSH since they would actually be his policies right?

Can you see the stupidity of your statement now?

The fact is chump, Obama inherited a historically bad economy. Only FDR had it worse. Bush was the one that handed it to him so it was Bush's fault. Trump did not just walk into office and set records. The economy had been growing for 7 years. You maggots wanted to give Trump credit from the first second he took office and his ass hadn't done anything.

Now we are in Trumps 3rd year and this is when his policies will begin to be felt. Trump killing Obamas regulations had nothing to do with what Obama did to stimulate growth.

Can you see the stupidity of your statements now?
For Obama's entire term BOOOOOOOSH was responsible for every failure and now under Trump every success is attributed to Obama.

Bullshit. Bush was blamed (rightfully) for the Recession and housing/banking debacle that lead up to the Obama Presidency .

What lead up to the Trump Presidency? All economic indicators were improving and continued on the same track so...
For Obama's entire term BOOOOOOOSH was responsible for every failure and now under Trump every success is attributed to Obama.

Bullshit. Bush was blamed (rightfully) for the Recession and housing/banking debacle that lead up to the Obama Presidency .

What lead up to the Trump Presidency? All economic indicators were improving and continued on the same track so...

the housing bubble and fannie mae was because obama and co made you a demon if you didn't approve minority loans. if you did approve them in accordance of what they could pay back you were still being racist. so people got loans for more than they could afford to buy homes which drove up the price cause people could suddenly easily buy but not afford.

this *need* to make life easy cause a bulk of that and traditionally that's a leftist thing.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615

The demrats newest flavor of the month, Beto bozo is flaming out so in steps this guy for the moment.
Intelligent religious people, regardless of professed faith, support politicians who promote the policies they support.

Trump generally supports pro-family policies, individual responsibility, secure borders, American exceptionalism, the humanity of children in the womb, and Israel.

His political opponents - essentially all of them -
  • abhor the traditional nuclear family,
  • support government intervention over individual responsibility,
  • look at unborn children as "tissue,"
  • see Israel as a Fascist country,
  • see border crashers as their "constituents,"
  • defend pornography in all its forms,
  • seek to remove the tax-exempt status of religious charitable institutions, and
  • seek to remove all vestiges of Judeo-Christian values and tradition from the public sector.

It is not even a close call. If we were talking about choosing a Sunday school teacher, or selecting someone to be Godfather to their children, President Trump would not be suitable; but as President, he'll do.

Not to get personal, but anyone even advancing the question of whether it is hypocritical for a religious person to support President Trump is either stupid or disingenuous. Or both.

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