Peter Buttigieg threw away millions of votes

/----/ True. I can't argue your strawman arguments.
FYI: A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

Yawn, man up and own it. You guys lost your shit because a black guy got elected, fixed all the things Bush fucked up, and it would absolutely kill you to say, "Thank you!"

There was a one term president in the white house. All of the Christian things you spout you do not follow.
so you charge them for your ways.

Can you just once put together a coherent thought?
/-----/ "You guys lost your shit because a black guy got elected"

It's amazing....and highly watch modern Leftists turn into the most judgmental, self-righteous, purse-lipped finger-wagging Church Ladies that ever once were. I mean I go to my evangelical church to ESCAPE your judgment, Puritans, where people are cool and not so uptight your buttholes could turn coal into diamonds (hat tip Ferris Bueller).

Donald Trump did not stand in front of a nation and say, 'Here is my wife, and here is the woman with which I am fornicating day and night. I ask you all to accept this. Yes, and if you will not you know--Like Mike Pence will not--you are hateful and also a bigot."

That's basically what Mayor Pete is saying. He is engaging in daily, unremitting sin and he is asking us to ACCEPT it and not only that, if we do not, we are this, that and the other. It is not in his past. He is putting it upfront, a huge part of his identity, and WE. WILL. COMPLY or be called names.

NO, Mayor Pete. How 'bout that? You can go your way, but I do not endorse it. That is my right. You can even call me names, I do not care. No effect.
It's amazing....and highly watch modern Leftists turn into the most judgmental, self-righteous, purse-lipped finger-wagging Church Ladies that ever once were. I mean I go to my evangelical church to ESCAPE your judgment, Puritans, where people are cool and not so uptight your buttholes could turn coal into diamonds (hat tip Ferris Bueller).

Donald Trump did not stand in front of a nation and say, 'Here is my wife, and here is the woman with which I am fornicating day and night. I ask you all to accept this. Yes, and if you will not you know--Like Mike Pence will not--you are hateful and also a bigot."

Nobody faults Trump for banging his illegal alien Trophy Wife, we fault his for fucking Porn Stars and paying bribes to cover it up. And you bible thumpers just all think he soooo right with Jesus.

That's basically what Mayor Pete is saying. He is engaging in daily, unremitting sin and he is asking us to ACCEPT it and not only that, if we do not, we are this, that and the other. It is not in his past. He is putting it upfront, a huge part of his identity, and WE. WILL. COMPLY or be called names.

Yes, we WILL call you a Homophobic Twat if you act like a Homophobic twat.

NO, Mayor Pete. How 'bout that? You can go your way, but I do not endorse it. That is my right. You can even call me names, I do not care. No effect.

Yes, because we totally know you never get upset when people call you names.
Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

So when the economy goes into recession next year, will all these Evangelicals still be proud of how they sold their soul.

I find it amusing that the same people who screamed Clinton should be impeached for doing Monica Lewinsky are the ones that are just fine with paying off Stormy Daniels. Puts the lie to the whole "Family Values" thing.
If it were not for Linda Tripp recording her phone conversations
with Lewinsky, he'd still be denying any relationship with her
and, if she came forward during the #MeToo pile on....

Him AND Hillary would claim she was lying
and the media would have torn her to pieces
your problem is not with Trump as a person...your quarrel, sir, is with his CREATOR!

No,my quarrel is with all the people who support him after he again and again proves himself to be unfit for office.

If it were not for Linda Tripp recording her phone conversations
with Lewinsky, he'd still be denying any relationship with her
and, if she came forward during the #MeToo pile on....

Point was, Ms Lewinsky didn't come forward then... and she probably wouldn't have come forward now. Clinton and Lewinsky were consenting adults engaged in a consensual relationship.

Compared to the stuff with Stormy Daniels, where actual laws were broken.

Also- ICK! He banged her because she looks like his daughter.
your problem is not with Trump as a person...your quarrel, sir, is with his CREATOR!

No,my quarrel is with all the people who support him after he again and again proves himself to be unfit for office.

If it were not for Linda Tripp recording her phone conversations
with Lewinsky, he'd still be denying any relationship with her
and, if she came forward during the #MeToo pile on....

Point was, Ms Lewinsky didn't come forward then... and she probably wouldn't have come forward now. Clinton and Lewinsky were consenting adults engaged in a consensual relationship.

Compared to the stuff with Stormy Daniels, where actual laws were broken.

Also- ICK! He banged her because she looks like his daughter.
/----/ "No,my quarrel is with all the people who support him after he again and again proves himself to be unfit for office. "
That is just your opinion - not a documented fact. My opinion is he not only fit for office but the most qualified in the last Century -
If it were not for Linda Tripp recording her phone conversations
with Lewinsky, he'd still be denying any relationship with her
and, if she came forward during the #MeToo pile on....

Him AND Hillary would claim she was lying
and the media would have torn her to pieces
Point was, Ms Lewinsky didn't come forward then... and she probably wouldn't have come forward now. Clinton and Lewinsky were consenting adults engaged in a consensual relationship.
The above exchange was my reply
and your subsequent reply, following your previous comments...
I find it amusing that the same people who screamed Clinton should be impeached for doing Monica Lewinsky are the ones that are just fine with paying off Stormy Daniels. Puts the lie to the whole "Family Values" thing
Point is...
Clinton was being impeached for perjury...lying under oath
and obstruction of justice....not sexual indiscretions....
No better then Trump when it comes to Family Values
Compared to the stuff with Stormy Daniels, where actual laws were broken
Point is...
Trump and Stormy were consenting adults
and extortion is the crime that was committed

Compared to....


Perjury is the intentional act of swearing a false oath or falsifying an affirmation to tell the truth, whether spoken or in writing, concerning matters material to an official proceeding

Perjury is considered a serious offense, as it can be used to usurp the power of the courts, resulting in miscarriages of justice. In the United States, for example, the general perjury statute under federal law classifies perjury as a felony and provides for a prison sentence of up to five years.

Clinton and Lewinsky lying about,
a sitting President fucking around with a government intern
Also- ICK! He banged her because she looks like his daughter.
ICK! That you even stated as much, let alone, think it!
Point is...
Clinton was being impeached for perjury...lying under oath
and obstruction of justice....not sexual indiscretions....
No better then Trump when it comes to Family Values

Except Clinton never went out and told us how to run our families. Trump and his bunch do. they're telling us not to have abortions and gay marriages because they done der make Baby Jesus cry.

Clinton never should have been asked about his personal relationships to start with.

Point is...
Trump and Stormy were consenting adults
and extortion is the crime that was committed

No, the Crime Trump committed was paying hush money and not reporting it.

ICK! That you even stated as much, let alone, think it!

This is what Daniels said Trump said to her... which is ICK! On top of all Trump's other icky behavior towards his daughters.



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