Peter Buttigieg threw away millions of votes

He is correct. Evangelicals who would vote for a candidate who does not represent family values are nothing more than hypocrites
/——/ The evangelists I know want to preserve our country and way of life. They voted for Trump for president- not for bishop. Name a goodie two shoes both sides would support. Mitt Romney???
/——/ The evangelists I know want to preserve our country and way of life. They voted for Trump for president- not for bishop. Name a goodie two shoes both sides would support. Mitt Romney???

You miss the point.

With Mitt Romney, the reason why he was rejected in 2008 was because he was Mormon. But by 2012, the Evangelicals were all cool with Mormonism because OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!!!

I'd have no problem if "Christians" did the things Jesus talks about, which were loving your neighbor, taking care of the poor, and forgiving others.

You guys seem to think Jesus was all about hating gays and Mexicans.
/——/ The evangelists I know want to preserve our country and way of life. They voted for Trump for president- not for bishop. Name a goodie two shoes both sides would support. Mitt Romney???

You miss the point.

With Mitt Romney, the reason why he was rejected in 2008 was because he was Mormon. But by 2012, the Evangelicals were all cool with Mormonism because OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!!!

I'd have no problem if "Christians" did the things Jesus talks about, which were loving your neighbor, taking care of the poor, and forgiving others.

You guys seem to think Jesus was all about hating gays and Mexicans.
/----/ "You guys seem to think Jesus was all about hating gays and Mexicans."
/——/ The evangelists I know want to preserve our country and way of life. They voted for Trump for president- not for bishop. Name a goodie two shoes both sides would support. Mitt Romney???

You miss the point.

With Mitt Romney, the reason why he was rejected in 2008 was because he was Mormon. But by 2012, the Evangelicals were all cool with Mormonism because OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!!!

I'd have no problem if "Christians" did the things Jesus talks about, which were loving your neighbor, taking care of the poor, and forgiving others.

You guys seem to think Jesus was all about hating gays and Mexicans.
Duly noted you couldn't argue the points.
/----/ True. I can't argue your strawman arguments.
FYI: A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."
/——/ The evangelists I know want to preserve our country and way of life. They voted for Trump for president- not for bishop. Name a goodie two shoes both sides would support. Mitt Romney???

You miss the point.

With Mitt Romney, the reason why he was rejected in 2008 was because he was Mormon. But by 2012, the Evangelicals were all cool with Mormonism because OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!!!

I'd have no problem if "Christians" did the things Jesus talks about, which were loving your neighbor, taking care of the poor, and forgiving others.

You guys seem to think Jesus was all about hating gays and Mexicans.
There was a one term president in the white house. All of the Christian things you spout you do not follow.
so you charge them for your ways.
For Obama's entire term BOOOOOOOSH was responsible for every failure and now under Trump every success is attributed to Obama.

Bullshit. Bush was blamed (rightfully) for the Recession and housing/banking debacle that lead up to the Obama Presidency .

What lead up to the Trump Presidency? All economic indicators were improving and continued on the same track so...

Oh BS the causes of the recession started long before Bush became president and it would have happened under anyone's watch.

Godddamn econ illiterate hack
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
He's right.....CRCs are they may not like being called out like that, but too bad.
Everyone is hypocritical sometimes. But here Mayor Pete is just saying God is not a reason for anyone to say their marriage or relationship is worth more than someone else's. That has broader implications than "just" being gay because gay is really irrelevant in that it doesn't make anyone different than anyone else.

I think that's a really good place for the dems to begin (or the gop if it was capable). Being black or woman or man or married or not straight doesn't mean anything in society. Laws do affect people differently though. Blacks on avg are poorer. More women will be single parents than men. Unmarried people pay for schools and taxes.

Maybe he could get around to telling us who actually said that and required him to "defend" himself and his marriage, because it's been my impression that he's too much of a non-entity for most people to bother.

Here Mayor Pete is saying, "Look, I'm a victim! PAY ATTENTION TO ME! VOTE FOR ME BECAUSE INTERSECTIONAL CRED!!!!"

Buttigieg knows that the left wing bigot donors hate the Evangelicals.
He is hate mongering for $MONEY$.
He is fanning the flames of
religious bigotry for $donations$.

thanks for admitting that the religious folk are the bigots
My, how shortsighted and historically ignorant you are.

The idea of "marrying for love", especially the nonsense that passes for "love" these days, is actually an incredibly recent societal concept.

If doing it "wrong" means staying married for 25 years instead of getting divorced within the first seven as so many couples do these days, I'm not interested in your concept of "right".

I have been married for 26, I married for love.

Must suck like hell to be stuck in a marriage for 25 years that is not about love. no wonder you are such a grouchy bitch all the time

Must suck like hell to spend so much effort trying to make up excuses why people just don't like you. Consider the possibility that their lives are fine, and you're just an asswad.
He is correct. Evangelicals who would vote for a candidate who does not represent family values are nothing more than hypocrites
So glad we all voted for Trump who's platform is pro family and pro life.

Nobody is more pro-family than Trump, that is why he has had so many different ones!!!!

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Nobody is more judgemental than a "tolerant" leftist.

you are left of me sweetheart, quit being a silly bitch.

Not even in Bizarro World. Quit being a delusional moron.
Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

So when the economy goes into recession next year, will all these Evangelicals still be proud of how they sold their soul.

I find it amusing that the same people who screamed Clinton should be impeached for doing Monica Lewinsky are the ones that are just fine with paying off Stormy Daniels. Puts the lie to the whole "Family Values" thing.

Men and women have affairs and Sexual trysts, it happens everyday. Most remain discreet! Until one party sees an opportunity to make a buck( Avenatti). Or for many other reasons. It doesn't make them any less of a proponent of Family values. And the people who accused Bill Clinton and ultimately Impeached him (you obviously didn't realize he was Impeached) had Real Evidence, "She dribbled on her dress"! People stray it doesn't make them any less dedicated to their family's or their beliefs. Go back to school and stop making us all dumber for reading your posts:desk::fu:

Actually if you cheat on a spouse you have no dedication to your family and should not be trusted in any thing.

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Nope, sorry, the left spent the entire Clinton presidency and several years after it insisting at the top of their lungs that marital fidelity has nothing to do with job performance and "everyone lies about sex". Too late to start singing a different tune now. That lesson was taught, and that ship has sailed, Chuckles.

Trust me sweetheart, you never heard those words come out of my mouth or my keyboard.

quit projecting.

Everything's not about you. Quit flattering yourself. If I want to say that YOU said something, that's what I will say.

Turn off your competely undeserved ego for two seconds and re-read the post for the ACTUAL words, navel gazer.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
He's right.....CRCs are they may not like being called out like that, but too bad.
Everyone is hypocritical sometimes. But here Mayor Pete is just saying God is not a reason for anyone to say their marriage or relationship is worth more than someone else's. That has broader implications than "just" being gay because gay is really irrelevant in that it doesn't make anyone different than anyone else.

I think that's a really good place for the dems to begin (or the gop if it was capable). Being black or woman or man or married or not straight doesn't mean anything in society. Laws do affect people differently though. Blacks on avg are poorer. More women will be single parents than men. Unmarried people pay for schools and taxes.

Maybe he could get around to telling us who actually said that and required him to "defend" himself and his marriage, because it's been my impression that he's too much of a non-entity for most people to bother.

Here Mayor Pete is saying, "Look, I'm a victim! PAY ATTENTION TO ME! VOTE FOR ME BECAUSE INTERSECTIONAL CRED!!!!"

Buttigieg knows that the left wing bigot donors hate the Evangelicals.
He is hate mongering for $MONEY$.
He is fanning the flames of religious bigotry for $donations$.

Exactly. Same shitbag Democrat as all the other shitbag Democrats.

Pity. I was actually sorta respecting him, and that's over now. From what I can see, the only Democrat candidate who's worth the powder to blow him up is Andrew Yang.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'
He's dead-on correct.

Buttigieg is not throwing away votes. It's not as if those hypocritical bigots will vote for a gay man. Duh!

Vote Adulterer Trump's Family Values™, but for GOD's SAKE DON'T BAKE A CAKE FOR A HOMO!

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

So when the economy goes into recession next year, will all these Evangelicals still be proud of how they sold their soul.

I find it amusing that the same people who screamed Clinton should be impeached for doing Monica Lewinsky are the ones that are just fine with paying off Stormy Daniels. Puts the lie to the whole "Family Values" thing.

Men and women have affairs and Sexual trysts, it happens everyday. Most remain discreet! Until one party sees an opportunity to make a buck( Avenatti). Or for many other reasons. It doesn't make them any less of a proponent of Family values. And the people who accused Bill Clinton and ultimately Impeached him (you obviously didn't realize he was Impeached) had Real Evidence, "She dribbled on her dress"! People stray it doesn't make them any less dedicated to their family's or their beliefs. Go back to school and stop making us all dumber for reading your posts:desk::fu:

Actually if you cheat on a spouse you have no dedication to your family and should not be trusted in any thing.

Sent from my iPhone using

Nope, sorry, the left spent the entire Clinton presidency and several years after it insisting at the top of their lungs that marital fidelity has nothing to do with job performance and "everyone lies about sex". Too late to start singing a different tune now. That lesson was taught, and that ship has sailed, Chuckles.
Actually, Clinton paid dearly for his marital infidelity, although not in hush money dollars, but he was hounded by righteous Republicans who felt that taking Bubba's infidelity to court was right and proper even as he sat in the oval office. Once in court, he waffled, as his accusers knew he would, and then they hopped with glee. My how you've changed now that the shoe is on the other foot.

However, you are right, in my case at least. I overlooked what I would have gone ballistic over if done by my own kids because I thought Clinton was good for America. Only the kingdom of heaven is run on righteousness. Here on Earth, kingdoms are run by fallible, if hopefully competent, humans. And the key word is competent.

Actually, Clinton was "taken to court" for indulging his wandering penis amongst his work subordinates. That's a whole 'nother thing. If he'd simply been picking up big-haired chicks in bars, it would have been disgraceful but not exactly shocking news.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
Pete doesn’t hate Christians, he is Christian and speaks proudly about it. Try a little harder to understand before critiquing.
heh - for me, i've simply gotten to the point where you can show me you're christian, not tell me. if you have to tell me then maybe they're doing it wrong.

Politicians are usually asked.

Yes, but if that's the only visible sign of it, you're probably doing it wrong.

Absolutely! {Cough, Trump, cough}

I must have missed where Trump claimed to be a devout Christian, or even particularly religious. Admittedly, I listen to him as little as I can manage, because he annoys me, but my impression has always been that he said he believed in God and respected Christianity.
So when the economy goes into recession next year, will all these Evangelicals still be proud of how they sold their soul.

I find it amusing that the same people who screamed Clinton should be impeached for doing Monica Lewinsky are the ones that are just fine with paying off Stormy Daniels. Puts the lie to the whole "Family Values" thing.

Men and women have affairs and Sexual trysts, it happens everyday. Most remain discreet! Until one party sees an opportunity to make a buck( Avenatti). Or for many other reasons. It doesn't make them any less of a proponent of Family values. And the people who accused Bill Clinton and ultimately Impeached him (you obviously didn't realize he was Impeached) had Real Evidence, "She dribbled on her dress"! People stray it doesn't make them any less dedicated to their family's or their beliefs. Go back to school and stop making us all dumber for reading your posts:desk::fu:

Actually if you cheat on a spouse you have no dedication to your family and should not be trusted in any thing.

Sent from my iPhone using

Nope, sorry, the left spent the entire Clinton presidency and several years after it insisting at the top of their lungs that marital fidelity has nothing to do with job performance and "everyone lies about sex". Too late to start singing a different tune now. That lesson was taught, and that ship has sailed, Chuckles.
Actually, Clinton paid dearly for his marital infidelity, although not in hush money dollars, but he was hounded by righteous Republicans who felt that taking Bubba's infidelity to court was right and proper even as he sat in the oval office. Once in court, he waffled, as his accusers knew he would, and then they hopped with glee. My how you've changed now that the shoe is on the other foot.

However, you are right, in my case at least. I overlooked what I would have gone ballistic over if done by my own kids because I thought Clinton was good for America. Only the kingdom of heaven is run on righteousness. Here on Earth, kingdoms are run by fallible, if hopefully competent, humans. And the key word is competent.

Clinton lost his license to practice law and paid a fine. Just because Donnie Small Hands paid hush money already won't protect him from paying any fines in civil or criminal court.

What would he pay fines for? Did it become illegal to consensually bang porn stars?
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'
He's dead-on correct.

Buttigieg is not throwing away votes. It's not as if those hypocritical bigots will vote for a gay man. Duh!

Vote Adulterer Trump's Family Values™, but for GOD's SAKE DON'T BAKE A CAKE FOR A HOMO!

Everyone gets it.
The Liberal Bigots hate Christians.

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