Peter Buttigieg threw away millions of votes

Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
Pete doesn’t hate Christians, he is Christian and speaks proudly about it. Try a little harder to understand before critiquing.
heh - for me, i've simply gotten to the point where you can show me you're christian, not tell me. if you have to tell me then maybe they're doing it wrong.

Ain't THAT the truth. In all the years I knew him before he passed, I never once heard my father tell anyone that he was a Christian; he never had to. Everyone just knew.
More likely, everyone just assumed, since that was true of literally 90% + of everyone around him.
He is correct. Evangelicals who would vote for a candidate who does not represent family values are nothing more than hypocrites

The definition of "hypocrite" is NOT "someone who practices his beliefs differently than how I think he should". Just FYI. It also is not "someone who refuses to condemn others for not living life according to his/her own beliefs."

The definition of a hypocrite is someone who talks about how “sinful” Mayor Pete is while being a Trump supporter.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
Pete doesn’t hate Christians, he is Christian and speaks proudly about it. Try a little harder to understand before critiquing.
heh - for me, i've simply gotten to the point where you can show me you're christian, not tell me. if you have to tell me then maybe they're doing it wrong.

Ain't THAT the truth. In all the years I knew him before he passed, I never once heard my father tell anyone that he was a Christian; he never had to. Everyone just knew.

Politicians don’t usually volunteer their religion...they’re asked.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
Buttplug will never be POTUS.
He is correct. Evangelicals who would vote for a candidate who does not represent family values are nothing more than hypocrites

The definition of "hypocrite" is NOT "someone who practices his beliefs differently than how I think he should". Just FYI. It also is not "someone who refuses to condemn others for not living life according to his/her own beliefs."

The definition of a hypocrite is someone who talks about how “sinful” Mayor Pete is while being a Trump supporter.
Mayor Pete Buttplug is a joke.
He is correct. Evangelicals who would vote for a candidate who does not represent family values are nothing more than hypocrites

Christians aren't perfect, but forgiven!

How about your hypocrisy?

That's mighty convenient isn't it? You can keep supporting Trump, knowing that he's a lying, cheating antithesis of Christ as long as you keep asking forgiveness? Is this an unlimited get out of Hell card?

You misunderstand (quel surprise). We don't have to ask forgiveness for voting for Trump (those who do; I didn't), because IT'S NOT A SIN. Doesn't matter HOW much your judgemental, strident ass keeps screeching about how awful it is; that doesn't make it a sin.

The point I believe Admiral is trying to make is that Christians know that we ourselves are not perfect, and we therefore do not feel the need to condemn others to perdition because THEY aren't perfect. We leave that level of unforgiving, mouth-frothing judgementalism to leftists.

Jesus told a parable that leftist "theologians" probably don't know, since it doesn't lend itself well to their cherrypicking needs. A man owed a debt to the king which he couldn't repay. He went before the king and begged for mercy, and the king forgave his debt. On his way out of the king's palace, the man encountered another man who owed him money. The second man begged for mercy, but the first man demanded that he be thrown in prison for his debt. Hearing this, the king had the first man seized and imprisoned instead.

The moral being: if I, knowing the sins I have committed and the mistakes I have made, can consider myself still worthy of forgiveness and able to provide something useful to the world around me, how can I possibly decide that someone else's sins and mistakes deserve eternal condemnation? That really WOULD make me a hypocrite.
He is correct. Evangelicals who would vote for a candidate who does not represent family values are nothing more than hypocrites

The definition of "hypocrite" is NOT "someone who practices his beliefs differently than how I think he should". Just FYI. It also is not "someone who refuses to condemn others for not living life according to his/her own beliefs."

The definition of a hypocrite is someone who talks about how “sinful” Mayor Pete is while being a Trump supporter.
Mayor Pete Buttplug is a joke.

No, he’s a candidate that’s getting some attention. We’ll see in six months. This time in 2016, Romney was the GOP front runner.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
I think “Da Mayor” is the bottom in this relationship. He called this guy his “husband” in an interview. I don’t want anyone in charge of our nuclear arsenal if he’s taking a shit seeking missile up his southern border.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
I think “Da Mayor” is the bottom in this relationship. He called this guy his “husband” in an interview. I don’t want anyone in charge of our nuclear arsenal if he’s taking a shit seeking missile up his southern border.
Oh look, the self loathing closet faggots are speaking up....
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
I think “Da Mayor” is the bottom in this relationship. He called this guy his “husband” in an interview. I don’t want anyone in charge of our nuclear arsenal if he’s taking a shit seeking missile up his southern border.
Oh look, the self loathing closet faggots are speaking up....
I did notice you posted. Nice of you to come out.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615

A truly moral and ethical person would have no problem losing the votes of extremists who do NOT embrace the real values of America.

Which is why GOP candidates don't give a rat's fat furry ass if you leftist nutbags don't like them.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
Pete doesn’t hate Christians, he is Christian and speaks proudly about it. Try a little harder to understand before critiquing.
heh - for me, i've simply gotten to the point where you can show me you're christian, not tell me. if you have to tell me then maybe they're doing it wrong.

Politicians are usually asked.

Yes, but if that's the only visible sign of it, you're probably doing it wrong.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
Pete doesn’t hate Christians, he is Christian and speaks proudly about it. Try a little harder to understand before critiquing.

conservatives believe that ONLY evangelicals are REAL christians and anyone who speaks out against their antics and lunacies (including moderate and liberal christians) "hates christians!"...


You are once again projecting YOUR idea of what people you would never actually talk to think onto them. And yeah, if you're "speaking out against antics and lunacies" that exist only in your own head, we do actually consider that to be hating Christians.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
I think “Da Mayor” is the bottom in this relationship. He called this guy his “husband” in an interview. I don’t want anyone in charge of our nuclear arsenal if he’s taking a shit seeking missile up his southern border.
Oh look, the self loathing closet faggots are speaking up....
I did notice you posted. Nice of you to come out.
Ah, the pee wee herman defense.
That's Mayor Pete.

He's honest even if the truth hurts
Buttigieg is being dishonest.
He is just trying to make a big splash to attract money from other left wing bigot donors.

He's also being a self-absorbed me-monkey, like all leftists do at some point. He's assuming that he's far more important and interesting to people than he actually is. Truth is, most evangelicals barely know who he is, and really don't give much of a crap about him. He simply doesn't ping on their radar very much.
So when the economy goes into recession next year,


You dumbasses said the economy would implode if he won the election.
Guess what....?

HE WON and the economy is cooking right along.

Because Obamas policies were still in effect. We are about to get hit with Trumponomics.
How do you guys type this shit with a straight face?
For Obama's entire term BOOOOOOOSH was responsible for every failure and now under Trump every success is attributed to Obama.
And to top it off Trum0 killed many of Obama's regulations so if that shit was rolled back then the credit must go to BOOOOOOOSH since they would actually be his policies right?

Can you see the stupidity of your statement now?

The fact is chump, Obama inherited a historically bad economy. Only FDR had it worse. Bush was the one that handed it to him so it was Bush's fault. Trump did not just walk into office and set records. The economy had been growing for 7 years. You maggots wanted to give Trump credit from the first second he took office and his ass hadn't done anything.

Now we are in Trumps 3rd year and this is when his policies will begin to be felt. Trump killing Obamas regulations had nothing to do with what Obama did to stimulate growth.

Can you see the stupidity of your statements now?

Nope. Your precious half white Barry has nothing to with what's going on. What we can see is your racist need to save your messiah.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
I don't think the Xian theocrats were gonna vote for him anyway.

I don't think the "tolerant leftists" will nominate him, so we'll never find out.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it.

Quite a leap of logic there. If he's a bigot, he's bigoted against adulters, not Xtians. If that is indeed the case, he is correct.
He's saying, in a very nice and polite way, that he's not giving homophobes a pass of "oh it's just their religious beliefs" for saying gay somehow offend God

He's saying, in a sanctimonious way, that he's assuming people are "homophobes" who actually didn't say anything of the sort and who weren't paying any attention to him, anyway. And you're making lame excuses for him by trying to pass it off as "defensive" against an attack that hasn't happened.

In other words, he's following the leftist playbook by playing victim in order to bully others. I kinda vaguely respected him as an opposition candidate before; now I just see him as the same shitbag Democrat as all the others.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615
Pete doesn’t hate Christians, he is Christian and speaks proudly about it. Try a little harder to understand before critiquing.
heh - for me, i've simply gotten to the point where you can show me you're christian, not tell me. if you have to tell me then maybe they're doing it wrong.
I think that's what Buttigieg was saying.

The chief complaint about Evangelicals being hypocrites IMHO is that they are very selective in choosing which sins to gasp and bite their knuckles over, and strangely accepting of others. An example is what Jesus said about divorce and how it makes adulterers. And if we go back to the OT, masterbation is a big NoNo. We've also seen a lot of 'bearing false witness', but the more notable Evangels view that sin thru the filter of who is doing the bearing. There are scads more from Deuteronomy.

Pence evidently spoke critically about Buttigieg's sexuality, and the Mayor responded that his reality is nature, not nurture. And his eloquence hit home to a lot of people.

No, the chief complaint about Evangelicals being "hypocrites" is that leftists misunderstand and resent the idea of moral standards, and think the way to deal with being imperfect is to embrace and celebrate it.

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