Peter Buttigieg threw away millions of votes

Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
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Meh, soon Pete’s skeletons will come out. Sadly, he just demonstrated that he is nothing but an empty suite like the rest of Washington. I guess he just can win on ideas so he has to go to personality cult crap.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
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He's right.....CRCs are they may not like being called out like that, but too bad.
Everyone is hypocritical sometimes. But here Mayor Pete is just saying God is not a reason for anyone to say their marriage or relationship is worth more than someone else's. That has broader implications than "just" being gay because gay is really irrelevant in that it doesn't make anyone different than anyone else.

I think that's a really good place for the dems to begin (or the gop if it was capable). Being black or woman or man or married or not straight doesn't mean anything in society. Laws do affect people differently though. Blacks on avg are poorer. More women will be single parents than men. Unmarried people pay for schools and taxes.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
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Meh, soon Pete’s skeletons will come out. Sadly, he just demonstrated that he is nothing but an empty suite like the rest of Washington. I guess he just can win on ideas so he has to go to personality cult crap.
Well he's not in Washington. I'm sure he has personal skeletons. Did you know Bush I had a mistress named ….. wait for it …. Jennifrer?

But that's not the test for a leader. We'll see about Mayor Pete though.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
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Pete doesn’t hate Christians, he is Christian and speaks proudly about it. Try a little harder to understand before critiquing.
heh - for me, i've simply gotten to the point where you can show me you're christian, not tell me. if you have to tell me then maybe they're doing it wrong.
I think that's what Buttigieg was saying.

The chief complaint about Evangelicals being hypocrites IMHO is that they are very selective in choosing which sins to gasp and bite their knuckles over, and strangely accepting of others. An example is what Jesus said about divorce and how it makes adulterers. And if we go back to the OT, masterbation is a big NoNo. We've also seen a lot of 'bearing false witness', but the more notable Evangels view that sin thru the filter of who is doing the bearing. There are scads more from Deuteronomy.

Pence evidently spoke critically about Buttigieg's sexuality, and the Mayor responded that his reality is nature, not nurture. And his eloquence hit home to a lot of people.
they choose which sins are sins, the left chooses what laws are laws... i don't see much of a difference in the actions really. just the reasons why.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615

Meh, soon Pete’s skeletons will come out. Sadly, he just demonstrated that he is nothing but an empty suite like the rest of Washington. I guess he just can win on ideas so he has to go to personality cult crap.
Well he's not in Washington. I'm sure he has personal skeletons. Did you know Bush I had a mistress named ….. wait for it …. Jennifrer?

But that's not the test for a leader. We'll see about Mayor Pete though.

He is nothing but a politician checking box’s off the list. Don’t give two fucks about some dead politicians fuck buddies, don’t care about their birth certificate or if the prefer pitching or catching. Ideas are what matter, and if all he has is “Christians are mean” and the typical, cynical list of political talking points then I don’t have time for them.
Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

So when the economy goes into recession next year, will all these Evangelicals still be proud of how they sold their soul.

I find it amusing that the same people who screamed Clinton should be impeached for doing Monica Lewinsky are the ones that are just fine with paying off Stormy Daniels. Puts the lie to the whole "Family Values" thing.
Lol, you predicted the economy was going south as soon as Trump was elected. Quit being a fool.
Who did that? What post was that?
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
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I don't think the Xian theocrats were gonna vote for him anyway.
Nope.....I'm pretty sure he's not losing any sleep over not having those hypocrites' votes.
JoeB131 said:
I find it amusing that the same people who screamed Clinton should be impeached for doing Monica Lewinsky
I Find It Amusing
You Continue To Lie That's What It Was About
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615

Meh, soon Pete’s skeletons will come out. Sadly, he just demonstrated that he is nothing but an empty suite like the rest of Washington. I guess he just can win on ideas so he has to go to personality cult crap.
Well he's not in Washington. I'm sure he has personal skeletons. Did you know Bush I had a mistress named ….. wait for it …. Jennifrer?

But that's not the test for a leader. We'll see about Mayor Pete though.

He is nothing but a politician checking box’s off the list. Don’t give two fucks about some dead politicians fuck buddies, don’t care about their birth certificate or if the prefer pitching or catching. Ideas are what matter, and if all he has is “Christians are mean” and the typical, cynical list of political talking points then I don’t have time for them.
His record is thin, but there is a pro-capitalist pro-worker element there.

And leaders are supposed to have positions on equality. So far, his is the best I've seen in either party. Although Biden was always an inclusive "happy political warrior," but time may have passed him by.

The current guy is toxic to the basis premise of the constitution that we're all in this together and we have to pull together or drown together. Of course, both parties share blame.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615

Meh, soon Pete’s skeletons will come out. Sadly, he just demonstrated that he is nothing but an empty suite like the rest of Washington. I guess he just can win on ideas so he has to go to personality cult crap.
Well he's not in Washington. I'm sure he has personal skeletons. Did you know Bush I had a mistress named ….. wait for it …. Jennifrer?

But that's not the test for a leader. We'll see about Mayor Pete though.

He is nothing but a politician checking box’s off the list. Don’t give two fucks about some dead politicians fuck buddies, don’t care about their birth certificate or if the prefer pitching or catching. Ideas are what matter, and if all he has is “Christians are mean” and the typical, cynical list of political talking points then I don’t have time for them.
His record is thin, but there is a pro-capitalist pro-worker element there.

And leaders are supposed to have positions on equality. So far, his is the best I've seen in either party. Although Biden was always an inclusive "happy political warrior," but time may have passed him by.

The current guy is toxic to the basis premise of the constitution that we're all in this together and we have to pull together or drown together. Of course, both parties share blame.

He does have ideas, and I am even willing to listen, but when the identity politics start I change the channel. And yes, both parts are horrible about it. That’s why I hate all of them.
That's Mayor Pete.

He's honest even if the truth hurts

The question seems to be is his butt hurting?
How original. :71:

Yeah, bout as original as “I was in Afghanistan, I’m gay, I married a gay guy, Christians are mean, trump sucks, yadda, yadda.
Why would he say "christians are mean..." when he is one?

He is a Christian the way he sees it. No christen will accept him being gay as normal. Many non religious people will look at it As normal. Most people don’t care because they are busy living. Him making a big deal about pence being mean and all that only demonstrates how little faith he has in himself.
Pete Buttigieg slams evangelical support for Trump given Stormy Daniels payoff | Daily Mail Online

2020 candidate Peter Buttigieg condemned Evangelical Christians for supporting Trump.
Peter Buttigieg said 'I can't believe that somebody that was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person they want to be leading this nation,'

Well besides being a bigot, Buttigieg is really dumb. Christians are just like any other group, they will not vote for a candidate who hates them. Everyone gets it. The Nazis hate Jews, the Klan hates Blacks and Liberal Bigots hate Evangelical Christians. The 2016 election was an easy choice for millions of voters. Hillary is a treasonous lying crook who should be in prison. Trump is a total outsider who is shaking-up the system. He is doing what's right for the country. He's doing a great job.

Buttigieg's wedding picture.
View attachment 254615

Meh, soon Pete’s skeletons will come out. Sadly, he just demonstrated that he is nothing but an empty suite like the rest of Washington. I guess he just can win on ideas so he has to go to personality cult crap.
Well he's not in Washington. I'm sure he has personal skeletons. Did you know Bush I had a mistress named ….. wait for it …. Jennifrer?

But that's not the test for a leader. We'll see about Mayor Pete though.

He is nothing but a politician checking box’s off the list. Don’t give two fucks about some dead politicians fuck buddies, don’t care about their birth certificate or if the prefer pitching or catching. Ideas are what matter, and if all he has is “Christians are mean” and the typical, cynical list of political talking points then I don’t have time for them.
His record is thin, but there is a pro-capitalist pro-worker element there.

And leaders are supposed to have positions on equality. So far, his is the best I've seen in either party. Although Biden was always an inclusive "happy political warrior," but time may have passed him by.

The current guy is toxic to the basis premise of the constitution that we're all in this together and we have to pull together or drown together. Of course, both parties share blame.

He does have ideas, and I am even willing to listen, but when the identity politics start I change the channel. And yes, both parts are horrible about it. That’s why I hate all of them.

I think Mayor Pete is arguing AGAINST identity politics. He's saying he's no different from me even though he's gay and I'm not. And he's right about that. And PENCE is very wrong.
Meh, soon Pete’s skeletons will come out. Sadly, he just demonstrated that he is nothing but an empty suite like the rest of Washington. I guess he just can win on ideas so he has to go to personality cult crap.
Well he's not in Washington. I'm sure he has personal skeletons. Did you know Bush I had a mistress named ….. wait for it …. Jennifrer?

But that's not the test for a leader. We'll see about Mayor Pete though.

He is nothing but a politician checking box’s off the list. Don’t give two fucks about some dead politicians fuck buddies, don’t care about their birth certificate or if the prefer pitching or catching. Ideas are what matter, and if all he has is “Christians are mean” and the typical, cynical list of political talking points then I don’t have time for them.
His record is thin, but there is a pro-capitalist pro-worker element there.

And leaders are supposed to have positions on equality. So far, his is the best I've seen in either party. Although Biden was always an inclusive "happy political warrior," but time may have passed him by.

The current guy is toxic to the basis premise of the constitution that we're all in this together and we have to pull together or drown together. Of course, both parties share blame.

He does have ideas, and I am even willing to listen, but when the identity politics start I change the channel. And yes, both parts are horrible about it. That’s why I hate all of them.

I think Mayor Pete is arguing AGAINST identity politics. He's saying he's no different from me even though he's gay and I'm not. And he's right about that. And PENCE is very wrong.

Left Wingers want to change America into an amoral culture.
Wiser people disagree.
When does disagreement turn into hate?

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