PETITION: Voters target Electoral College members to switch their Trump ballots, elect Clinton

Of course any EC participants who violate the constitution as suggested are traitors and should be tried, then executed.

Enough electors changing votes from Trump to Clinton is almost certainly not going to happen, but how would any faithless electors be violating the constitution?

This is why:

Article II

Could you point out, specifically, where in Article II it says that electors must vote a certain way?

There have been plenty of faithless electors over the years. A very small percentage of total electors, but 70 or 80 electors that did not cast their ballot for whomever the people of their state or party had decided they wanted as president. None has ever been prosecuted or punished for acting outside the rules of the constitution. Nothing in Article II seems to say that the electors must vote a certain way.

Article II describes the basics of how electors are chosen. It says nothing about who those electors must cast their ballots for.

I think the founders gave mankind too much credit and expected them to act out of conscious and dignity in the future instead of partisanship. I'm sure if they had a time machine to go into the future and see how the Constitution has been torn apart pice by piece, they would have put in more safeguards, and for liberals, big color pictures so even they could understand.


Sorry, it doesn't work that way. If you ever want to change the way we elect out presidents, direct that stupid petition at Congress, have someone propose a constitutional amendment.

But the odds of that happening are infinitesimally low.

They always come up with these ideas when they lose, and then they have no power.

When Americans vote for Democrats, the system worked well and the people have spoken. When citizens vote against them, it's not because of something the Democrats have done, it's the system that's wrong.

This time they lost, and it's because we don't use the popular vote. Last time they lost, it was because of the Diebold machines and everybody around the country had to replace them. They even suggested we should not count the votes and just go by exit polling. When they lost the time before, it was because of punch card ballots because liberals didn't have the intelligence to punch a hole in a card, and again, nearly the entire country had to quit using them.


Sorry, it doesn't work that way. If you ever want to change the way we elect out presidents, direct that stupid petition at Congress, have someone propose a constitutional amendment.

But the odds of that happening are infinitesimally low.

They always come up with these ideas when they lose, and then they have no power.

When Americans vote for Democrats, the system worked well and the people have spoken. When citizens vote against them, it's not because of something the Democrats have done, it's the system that's wrong.

This time they lost, and it's because we don't use the popular vote. Last time they lost, it was because of the Diebold machines and everybody around the country had to replace them. They even suggested we should not count the votes and just go by exit polling. When they lost the time before, it was because of punch card ballots because liberals didn't have the intelligence to punch a hole in a card, and again, nearly the entire country had to quit using them.

It's important to note that one of the Big Motivators for the Left's trying go overturn the results of the election is that they are Very Afraid that Trump will treat them just as badly as they expected hiLIARy to treat non-Lefties.

They enabled and supported an abusive Imperial President for the past 8 years and now project all of their corruption upon the opposition. It's an interesting psychological spectacle, but it's not going to change the fact that Trump Won.
If this doesn't work, then it will only be a
Gee, what sore losers you people are.

Yup. Shittingbull just can't believe Hillary lost so she posts all these threads about how she won the popular vote and how things will change.

Hate to tell the dumbass this but Trump won and on January twentieth he will be sworn in as the forty fifth President of the United States.

Wonder if it finally will sink in that Hillary lost and Trump won.

No, this won't stop. It will never stop until Trump leaves office in four or eight years.

After Trump is sworn in, then you'll hear them talk about impeachment or Trump wanting to quit because it's too hard. If Trump does a great job, they will be telling us how it was DumBama's ideas that matured after Trump was elected, even though they've been telling us these last 8 years that Republicans in Congress is what stopped DumBama from creating a great economy. And if he does well, then we will have to go through this all over again in another four years when Trump gets reelected.

Here's the first problem a Trump presidency is going to experience: He doesn't want to be in the White House. He wants to rule (and he will try to rule, not lead) from his glass house in the middle of Manhattan. It's a security nightmare, if you are familiar with the location of Trump Tower. And it's also a logistical nightmare, because the main artery through NYC is 5th Avenue. ANY time a POTUS has been in Manhattan it completely fucks up the street traffic, which fucks up the subway, tunnel and bridge traffic, which fucks up the city until the POTUS goes back to D.C.

Trump lost to Hillary in Manhattan by 87%. Not a typo. New York did not want their native son in office. And now he's going to fuck up things even more for these neighbors and workers since he deigns to think the White House is not suitable digs for him and his churlish bunch of brats and soft-porn star wife. Got it?
Sounds like sour grapes.
While it's true that the US is a republic, this constant refrain when it comes to the presidential election is silly. There are many, many elections which are based solely on popular vote. That doesn't mean we no longer have a republic. If the president were elected by popular vote, that wouldn't mean we would no longer have a republic.

The electoral college is not the only thing that makes the US a constitutional republic.

Maybe not, but certainly a part of it.

We can't change the system every single time a Democrat loses the presidency. We changed it after Gore. Most everybody across the land had to get rid of their punch card ballots even though they were pretty reliable. After Kerry lost, everybody with a voting machine made my Diebold had to get rid of those too because of some phony unproven allegations that the machines were rigged for Bush. Now get rid of the college?

It's getting silly already. Our baseball team lost the world series, but we didn't demand the league change the rules because our starting pitching was just worn out and didn't have enough days to rest because of our pitching injuries, we just accepted the loss and will live to fight another day.

If the next Democrat contender loses to a Republican because they were greatly outspent, will they be asking for spending limits next because our guy had too much money to blow?
Yes they will. They already complain about too much money in politics, as long as the other guy spends more.
Of course any EC participants who violate the constitution as suggested are traitors and should be tried, then executed.

Enough electors changing votes from Trump to Clinton is almost certainly not going to happen, but how would any faithless electors be violating the constitution?

Not the Constitution, but many of them would be violating the law in their states. However, the legal penalty for doing so is a monetary fine, not death. I'm thinking Henry might need to speak to his doctor about his overactive gland problem.
They would pay a fine, but would also be known as the electors that disenfranchised the voters of their states. Ironically, they would be violating the popular vote to implement the popular vote.
All patriotic Americans should put pressure on the electors to do the right thing! Hillary won the PV.

Yes! Do the right thing and follow the popular vote in your state. Honor the will of the voters in your state! Don't let people in other states dictate your actions!
Holy shit, Hillary is up much more than I thought. Another great reason to make Hillary president on December 19.

She is up by 1.8 million votes, with millions still being counted in California.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing
Millions still being created is much more accurate. The left is going to rewrite the history books to show that Clinton won by 500 million more votes than Trump.

No, just by a couple million. That's enough.
Enough for what?

Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19

On December 19, the Electors of the Electoral College will cast their ballots. If they all vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump will win. However, they can vote for Hillary Clinton if they choose. Even in states where that is not allowed, their vote would still be counted, they would simply pay a small fine - which we can be sure Clinton supporters will be glad to pay!

We are calling on the Electors to ignore their states' votes and cast their ballots for Secretary Clinton. Why?

Mr. Trump is unfit to serve. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic.

Secretary Clinton WON THE POPULAR VOTE and should be President.

Hillary won the popular vote. The only reason Trump "won" is because of the Electoral College.

But the Electoral College can actually give the White House to either candidate. So why not use this most undemocratic of our institutions to ensure a democratic result?


There is no reason Trump should be President.

"It's the 'People's Will'"

No. She won the popular vote.

"Our system of government under our Constitution says he wins"

No. Our Constitution says the Electors choose.

"Too many states prohibit 'Faithless Electors'"

24 states bind electors. If electors vote against their party, they usually pay a fine. And people get mad. But they can vote however they want and there is no legal means to stop them in most states.


Electoral College Electors: Electoral College Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19

Voters target Electoral College members to switch their Trump ballots, elect Clinton

Great news! There is still time to save America on December 19!

Oh and if Trump won the PV and Hillary got the electoral votes to win I'm sure you'd have a thread posted declaring Trump the winner. LMAO

Trump won. Get the fuck over it. Grow a brain.

God you are one biased asshole of a hack.
Faithless electors do not disregard a constitutionally established process, they act completely within the rules of a constitutionally established process. They may disregard the laws of their state if that state is one that has created such.
Faithless electors violate the will of the people.
Faithless electors do not disregard a constitutionally established process, they act completely within the rules of a constitutionally established process. They may disregard the laws of their state if that state is one that has created such.
Faithless electors violate the will of the people.

That's certainly true, but also how the system was set up. And, to go with the whole basis of this thread, it can be argued that the Electoral College has violated the will of the people when the winner of the popular vote doesn't win the election. ;)

Either system, EC or PV, has flaws. :dunno:
All patriotic Americans should put pressure on the electors to do the right thing! Hillary won the PV.

Yes! Do the right thing and follow the popular vote in your state. Honor the will of the voters in your state! Don't let people in other states dictate your actions!

I have no doubt the electors know exactly what their job is, even if Lakhota hasn't the first clue. Explains why THEY are electors, and SHE isn't.
Faithless electors do not disregard a constitutionally established process, they act completely within the rules of a constitutionally established process. They may disregard the laws of their state if that state is one that has created such.
Faithless electors violate the will of the people.
That's certainly true, but also how the system was set up. And, to go with the whole basis of this thread, it can be argued that the Electoral College has violated the will of the people when the winner of the popular vote doesn't win the election. ;)
But... the people do not elect the President, so that doe snot matter.
Faithless electors do not disregard a constitutionally established process, they act completely within the rules of a constitutionally established process. They may disregard the laws of their state if that state is one that has created such.
Faithless electors violate the will of the people.
They do, but the Electoral College was put in place as one last backstop against mob rule. As such, they can vote for what they feel is best. It is actually their responsibility to do so. And if they decide to overturn the results of an election, they are well within their rights to do so.

That said, in reality the Electors won't overturn the election, and if they did Congress would refuse to validate the results, tossing us to the Constitutional solution and giving Trump and Pence the Presidency and Vice Presidency regardless. So this is a bit futile. The only way to stop a Trump presidency at this point would be to convince the Electors to toss out the election results in their state (unlikely), exercise their Constitutional responsibility and vote for whom they think is best (unlikely), convince them the best result is not Trump (unlikely), convince enough of them that the best result is not only not Trump, but a compromise outcome (unlikely), then get Congress to either accept the Elector's result (unlikely if it violates the State by State results) or select someone other than Trump once it falls under their purview (Very unlikely).

At this point, if you're betting, Trump is pretty much a near certainty. If you want odds for someone other than Trump, I'd tell you Evan McMullin has a far greater chance than Hillary as the kind of folks that would have to defect from Trump to make this work are far far more likely to pick him than Hillary.
Faithless electors do not disregard a constitutionally established process, they act completely within the rules of a constitutionally established process. They may disregard the laws of their state if that state is one that has created such.
Faithless electors violate the will of the people.
They do, but the Electoral College was put in place as one last backstop against mob rule. As such, they can vote for what they feel is best. It is actually their responsibility to do so. And if they decide to overturn the results of an election, they are well within their rights to do so.
The point being,. of course, that "the will of the people" is not exactly a compelling argument for an elector to overturn the will of the people.
Faithless electors do not disregard a constitutionally established process, they act completely within the rules of a constitutionally established process. They may disregard the laws of their state if that state is one that has created such.
Faithless electors violate the will of the people.
They do, but the Electoral College was put in place as one last backstop against mob rule. As such, they can vote for what they feel is best. It is actually their responsibility to do so. And if they decide to overturn the results of an election, they are well within their rights to do so.
The point being,. of course, that "the will of the people" is not exactly a compelling argument for an elector to overturn the will of the people.
I'd argue it's a moot point. Each elector goes to the table with the certified results from their state. It's understood that unless a truly compelling argument exists to overturn, they should represent the results from their state (not the nationwide result, but State result). It's also understood that should an extraordinary reason exist, they are there to overturn the results as one last backstop against mob rule. Then Congress acts as the final arbiter.

I don't see any arguments right now that would justify replacing Trump. I voted Hillary, but again, Trump won the votes in enough States to win the Electoral Vote assuming the Electors are faithful. It would really take something incredible to force that option to take place.
The left are victims of public education. They don't have a clue that all the Electors voting are hand picked by the GOP.
The left are victims of public education. They don't have a clue that all the Electors voting are hand picked by the GOP.
Yeah, Electors are usually picked by the winning party in the States. At least last time I checked on this that was how things worked. As an aside: That's ridiculous. The Electoral College exists for a few different reasons, but one of the big ones is it's ability to check a demagogue. If the demagogue's party appoints the Elector, that makes the check kinda silly.

Again though, it makes any scenario where Hillary can somehow still win very ridiculous. If Trump isn't selected by the Electors, a far more likely outcome would be Pence or Evan McMullin being the resulting choice.

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