PETITION: Voters target Electoral College members to switch their Trump ballots, elect Clinton

I loving watching the REP winners rubbing Hillary's shit in her assliker's DEM faces!
The best part is this will last for YEARS!
The better President Trump does the more blood will come out of the LIB's eyeballs!
After four years the best our resident Pocahantas will come up with for a post is: "oh ya?"
Fucking priceless!
I'm kinda glad they keep clinging to their straggling shreds of hope. It's going to make their despair, and their salty, delicious tears of anguish that much more enjoyable once they're crushed.

They never accept crushed, Every little thing that goes wrong from Trump's first day will be the topic of discussion for the liberals here. And if Trump is successful, they will credit DumBama claiming that Trump benefited from all of DumBama's hard work.
They are the reason SHE LOST, what's funny about it is what they are doing right now only makes those states that voted her out even MORE determined to keep them out FOREVER. People don't like to be stopped by mobs when they are going to work and getting their ass chewed by lowlife shit that border on an IQ of 50 or so. I hope the stupid shit keep on, and the media too, It will prove everything that was inferred about how vile, disgusting, dishonorable and completely DISHONEST they ALL are. Keep it up shit of the earth, next time the Repubs will have millions of new voters, and control all of the States and all of the FEDERAL government too. Also it will not just be cities that lose funding all of the Blue states will too. Of course because of levied fines the Blue states will have to pay in ten times the current tax burden in Fines and Recompense for all of the "problems" their actions cause. Have a nice day liberals and enjoy being under the Thumb of those you hate so much. It is so nice to piss you off and make you cry, we control your infantile minds so easily.
I'm kinda glad they keep clinging to their straggling shreds of hope. It's going to make their despair, and their salty, delicious tears of anguish that much more enjoyable once they're crushed.

They never accept crushed, Every little thing that goes wrong from Trump's first day will be the topic of discussion for the liberals here. And if Trump is successful, they will credit DumBama claiming that Trump benefited from all of DumBama's hard work.

That's fine. The longer and more loudly they're miserable, the more enjoyment I get. Sometimes, being petty and vindictive pays big dividends. :2up:
Have you signed up?

No. And if you did, you will be on record here advocating for the removal of a constitutionally established system of election. In favor of a popular vote. Constitutionally. Established. In favor of a popular vote.

So, why do you hate the Constitution so much Lakhota? Does it only apply to Republicans and not to the brats out there signing your stupid petition?
Since Hillary has won the popular vote - electors should switch to her!



Sorry, it doesn't work that way. If you ever want to change the way we elect out presidents, direct that stupid petition at Congress, have someone propose a constitutional amendment.

But the odds of that happening are infinitesimally low.
No, losers go to online message boards and use pointy-headed avatars of guys pointing guns. Compensate much?

Losers go to online message boards and call other people losers, and have Elizabeth Warren as their avatar. No wonder you're so eccentric. Do you think you're an Indian too?

Project much?
Of course any EC participants who violate the constitution as suggested are traitors and should be tried, then executed.

Enough electors changing votes from Trump to Clinton is almost certainly not going to happen, but how would any faithless electors be violating the constitution?

This is why:

Article II

Could you point out, specifically, where in Article II it says that electors must vote a certain way?

There have been plenty of faithless electors over the years. A very small percentage of total electors, but 70 or 80 electors that did not cast their ballot for whomever the people of their state or party had decided they wanted as president. None has ever been prosecuted or punished for acting outside the rules of the constitution. Nothing in Article II seems to say that the electors must vote a certain way.

Article II describes the basics of how electors are chosen. It says nothing about who those electors must cast their ballots for.
Could you point out, specifically, where in Article II it says that electors must vote a certain way?

That is a loophole that needs to be fixed. But it won't. That is why the parties elect their own electors, to avoid the possibility of a revolt like that from happening.

I'm simply asking this: what does it say to the character of the persons who would (theoretically) vote to overturn a certified result, of a constitutionally established election?

When a faithless elector plays stuff like that, they show a blatant disregard for a constitutionally established process which has elected president after president for generations.
Could you point out, specifically, where in Article II it says that electors must vote a certain way?

That is a loophole that needs to be fixed. But it won't. That is why the parties elect their own electors, to avoid the possibility of a revolt like that from happening.

I'm simply asking this: what does it say to the character of the persons who would (theoretically) vote to overturn a certified result, of a constitutionally established election?

When a faithless elector plays stuff like that, they show a blatant disregard for a constitutionally established process which has elected president after president for generations.

There are different reasons electors may be faithless. Some have been better than others.

The states are the ones that determine the rules for their electors....although since no faithless elector has ever been prosecuted or even fined, from what I've read, those rules are pretty toothless.

Faithless electors have been around almost from the beginning of our presidential elections. The first faithless elector was in the 1796 election. So the process which has elected president after president for generations has almost always included at least the possibility of faithless electors. It was set up without any requirements for how the electors vote. No requirements for how the electors vote were added when the system was changed with the 12th amendment.

Faithless electors do not disregard a constitutionally established process, they act completely within the rules of a constitutionally established process. They may disregard the laws of their state if that state is one that has created such.

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