PETITION: Voters target Electoral College members to switch their Trump ballots, elect Clinton

All patriotic Americans should put pressure on the electors to do the right thing! Hillary won the PV.

I am a patriotic American, I don't want the commie bitch hillary anywhere near the White House.
Holy shit, Hillary is up much more than I thought. Another great reason to make Hillary president on December 19.

She is up by 1.8 million votes, with millions still being counted in California.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing
Millions still being created is much more accurate. The left is going to rewrite the history books to show that Clinton won by 500 million more votes than Trump.
Holy shit, Hillary is up much more than I thought. Another great reason to make Hillary president on December 19.

She is up by 1.8 million votes, with millions still being counted in California.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing
Millions still being created is much more accurate. The left is going to rewrite the history books to show that Clinton won by 500 million more votes than Trump.

No, just by a couple million. That's enough.
Gee, what sore losers you people are.
I think a lot of this BS could be avoided if Trump would offer say...the position of healthcare czar to Hillary and bury the hatchet. It would reunite the nation and the GOP needs to accept that UH (which is properly Hillary's baby and she should get the credit in history for) is the only way out of our debt and economic crisis.

1. Tax sodas, sugars, booze & tobacco proportionate to value at each register sale. (the sick actually pay for their own healthcare this way)

2. Small co-pay at visits, to discourage overuse and pay for actual costs.

3. Reform costs, taking away the current 10,000% markup at hospitals.

4. Malpractice reform. If the doctor sews you up with a clamp left inside, he loses. If you rebreak your arm because you took your cast off a week early, you lose.

5. People can still opt for private premium insurance. This forces insurance companies to compete with UH...which drives down costs on premiums.


This system will restore hiring at businesses with new money freed up to not have to cover employee healthcare. Those currently paying their own healthcare immediate have the equivalent of a 2nd mortgage freed up each month. That surplus pumps back into the economy in the form of consuming...driving up demand...driving up jobs. More jobs mean more people qualify for lending.. Housing market improves. Construction picks up...more jobs still.

The only losers in such a system would be the private healthcare moguls currently raping the public while our economy spirals down the tubes.

Appoint Hillary UH-Czar and her heart will be mended...and her constituents will be at least partially pacified and happy with Trump.
Holy shit, Hillary is up much more than I thought. Another great reason to make Hillary president on December 19.

She is up by 1.8 million votes, with millions still being counted in California.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing
Millions still being created is much more accurate. The left is going to rewrite the history books to show that Clinton won by 500 million more votes than Trump.

No, just by a couple million. That's enough.

Enough to get drunk with the last non-President who could say that, Gore.......
Gee, what sore losers you people are.
I think a lot of this BS could be avoided if Trump would offer say...the position of healthcare czar to Hillary and bury the hatchet. It would reunite the nation and the GOP needs to accept that UH (which is properly Hillary's baby and she should get the credit in history for) is the only way out of our debt and economic crisis.

1. Tax sodas, sugars, booze & tobacco proportionate to value at each register sale. (the sick actually pay for their own healthcare this way)

2. Small co-pay at visits, to discourage overuse and pay for actual costs.

3. Reform costs, taking away the current 10,000% markup at hospitals.

4. Malpractice reform. If the doctor sews you up with a clamp left inside, he loses. If you rebreak your arm because you took your cast off a week early, you lose.

5. People can still opt for private premium insurance. This forces insurance companies to compete with UH...which drives down costs on premiums.


This system will restore hiring at businesses with new money freed up to not have to cover employee healthcare. Those currently paying their own healthcare immediate have the equivalent of a 2nd mortgage freed up each month. That surplus pumps back into the economy in the form of consuming...driving up demand...driving up jobs. More jobs mean more people qualify for lending.. Housing market improves. Construction picks up...more jobs still.

The only losers in such a system would be the private healthcare moguls currently raping the public while our economy spirals down the tubes.

Appoint Hillary UH-Czar and her heart will be mended...and her constituents will be at least partially pacified and happy with Trump.

And we want Hillary as "Czar" of anything because why? I don't give a rat's fat furry ass if her heart - presuming she has one - is mended or not, and I'm enjoying her followers' anguish, and therefore have no desire to end it.

Say it with me now: GOOD FOR AMERICA! The only thing that matters, and Hillary sure as hell isn't. Don't know yet if Trump will be or not, but we'll go with what facts we currently have established. She's bad for America, she lost, she and her cadre of snivelers can suck it up.
Gee, what sore losers you people are.
I think a lot of this BS could be avoided if Trump would offer say...the position of healthcare czar to Hillary and bury the hatchet. It would reunite the nation and the GOP needs to accept that UH (which is properly Hillary's baby and she should get the credit in history for) is the only way out of our debt and economic crisis.

1. Tax sodas, sugars, booze & tobacco proportionate to value at each register sale. (the sick actually pay for their own healthcare this way)

2. Small co-pay at visits, to discourage overuse and pay for actual costs.

3. Reform costs, taking away the current 10,000% markup at hospitals.

4. Malpractice reform. If the doctor sews you up with a clamp left inside, he loses. If you rebreak your arm because you took your cast off a week early, you lose.

5. People can still opt for private premium insurance. This forces insurance companies to compete with UH...which drives down costs on premiums.


This system will restore hiring at businesses with new money freed up to not have to cover employee healthcare. Those currently paying their own healthcare immediate have the equivalent of a 2nd mortgage freed up each month. That surplus pumps back into the economy in the form of consuming...driving up demand...driving up jobs. More jobs mean more people qualify for lending.. Housing market improves. Construction picks up...more jobs still.

The only losers in such a system would be the private healthcare moguls currently raping the public while our economy spirals down the tubes.

Appoint Hillary UH-Czar and her heart will be mended...and her constituents will be at least partially pacified and happy with Trump.

One, they would do no such thing. They won't be happy with Trump no matter what he does.

Two, Hillary would never even think of considering any position from Trump.

Three, why would he hire a person who has proven herself to be crooked, irresponsible, and criminal? Trump is not using cabinet positions to make friends, he is using those positions to put the best people in charge.
It ain't over yet.

It's your funeral. Do yourself a favor though, on December 18th, remove all the alcohol from your home. You'll thank yourself later.

I'm kinda glad they keep clinging to their straggling shreds of hope. It's going to make their despair, and their salty, delicious tears of anguish that much more enjoyable once they're crushed.

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