PETITION: Voters target Electoral College members to switch their Trump ballots, elect Clinton

Who says only people in those places would determine the president? That seems to rely on the assumption that those people would all vote the same way.

From everything I have read, including this election, only 5 times has a president been elected while losing the popular vote. That's 5 out of 58 elections. More than 90% of our presidential elections have already followed the popular vote.

It could be argued that only people in the battleground states pick the president with the current system. It could also be argued that people in some states get more representation than others with the current system, as the ratio of electors to population is not uniform. As it stands now, does it "make sense" for a Republican to vote in California? A Democrat to vote in Texas? An independent to vote anywhere? The EC doesn't seem to solve the problems with popular vote so much as shift them around a bit.

First of all, the population of a state like Idaho is about 1.5 million. New York city? Almost 9 million. So when you combine states that have large cities that have those populations, you have a small number of states with those cities deciding on the President for the entire country. After all, it would take six states like Idaho to equal the amount of people in one city like New York.

So it wouldn't make sense for the citizens of those states to vote. They would lose no matter how they voted unless most were liberals like those in New York.

Because the President is the president of all states, all states should have some kind of equal say in the matter. As I posted earlier, when our federal government was formed, it was thought that representatives should equal the size and population of a state. Great if you live in Texas--bad if you live in Rhode Island. So they also incorporated a Senate where there was equal representation for all states since all states get two Senators.

The point is, getting rid of the EC would be very similar to getting rid of the US Senate, and just relying on Congress to make all our laws in the country. Again, great if you live in California, bad if you live in Idaho.

Why wouldn't it make sense for citizens of small states to vote in a popular vote based election? In such a case, every individual vote is worth exactly the same as every other. Is it only worth it for a small state's citizens to vote if their vote is worth more than someone else's?

I feel as though the winner-take-all nature of the EC in most states has colored your view of voting. Yes, far more voters in New York vote Democrat than Republican. In this election, that meant 4.1 million votes for Clinton.....but also 2.6 million votes for Trump. In the current EC system, Trump voters in New York might reasonably have felt it was not important or worthless to vote. In a popular vote system, their votes would be just as important as the Clinton voters.

Let's look at Idaho. Just how much more do you think presidents pay attention to or represent the state of Idaho because it has 4 electoral votes rather than 600,000-1,000,000 voters?

Or how about governors or senators? They represent their entire state, yet are elected by popular vote. In a state like New York, wouldn't that mean NYC elects the governor or senataor and it's pointless for someone upstate to vote? Should governors and senators be elected by electoral college?

And although I am arguing about the merits of popular vote elections, I would be happy just to see more states take a proportional distribution method for their electoral votes. I am more opposed to the winner-take-all nature of the current system than I am to the idea of the EC in general. I understand the arguments for small population states getting more proportional representation in presidential elections. It is the way the current system lends itself to lesser-of-two-evils voting and a two-party system that most upsets me. I wouldn't be strongly opposed to the president being elected by popular vote, but neither am I clamoring to see it.

To reiterate, Trump is the president-elect. The system is what it is and I'm not upset that he won the EC while Clinton won the popular vote. I didn't want Clinton to be president either. :)
While it's true that the US is a republic, this constant refrain when it comes to the presidential election is silly. There are many, many elections which are based solely on popular vote. That doesn't mean we no longer have a republic. If the president were elected by popular vote, that wouldn't mean we would no longer have a republic.

The electoral college is not the only thing that makes the US a constitutional republic.

Maybe not, but certainly a part of it.

We can't change the system every single time a Democrat loses the presidency. We changed it after Gore. Most everybody across the land had to get rid of their punch card ballots even though they were pretty reliable. After Kerry lost, everybody with a voting machine made my Diebold had to get rid of those too because of some phony unproven allegations that the machines were rigged for Bush. Now get rid of the college?

It's getting silly already. Our baseball team lost the world series, but we didn't demand the league change the rules because our starting pitching was just worn out and didn't have enough days to rest because of our pitching injuries, we just accepted the loss and will live to fight another day.

If the next Democrat contender loses to a Republican because they were greatly outspent, will they be asking for spending limits next because our guy had too much money to blow?

That's the result of a nation that feelings the need to introduce the participation award. Entitlement is the mindset that undermines determination and character.

Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19

On December 19, the Electors of the Electoral College will cast their ballots. If they all vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump will win. However, they can vote for Hillary Clinton if they choose. Even in states where that is not allowed, their vote would still be counted, they would simply pay a small fine - which we can be sure Clinton supporters will be glad to pay!

We are calling on the Electors to ignore their states' votes and cast their ballots for Secretary Clinton. Why?

Mr. Trump is unfit to serve. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic.

Secretary Clinton WON THE POPULAR VOTE and should be President.

Hillary won the popular vote. The only reason Trump "won" is because of the Electoral College.

But the Electoral College can actually give the White House to either candidate. So why not use this most undemocratic of our institutions to ensure a democratic result?


There is no reason Trump should be President.

"It's the 'People's Will'"

No. She won the popular vote.

"Our system of government under our Constitution says he wins"

No. Our Constitution says the Electors choose.

"Too many states prohibit 'Faithless Electors'"

24 states bind electors. If electors vote against their party, they usually pay a fine. And people get mad. But they can vote however they want and there is no legal means to stop them in most states.


Electoral College Electors: Electoral College Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19

Voters target Electoral College members to switch their Trump ballots, elect Clinton

Great news! There is still time to save America on December 19!

Let me ask you a question, and feel free to consider it open-book and look it up somewhere if you need to:

What is the process for electing Presidents in the United States of America? And as a follow-up, where might the information on this process be found?
Holy shit, Hillary is up much more than I thought. Another great reason to make Hillary president on December 19.

She is up by 1.8 million votes, with millions still being counted in California.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing

Dear Lakhota and shouldn't voters in TX and FL and other Red states
also be given the chance to get more voters out if the law was changed
in advance to go by popular vote.

How many more conservatives might come out instead of stay home?
If you are going to change the rules, tell voters in advance.

Then see how the vote comes out.
The Third parties might have merged with the others, who knows?

You tell them! Start a petition. You mean there are some ignorant peckerwoods who didn't already vote?

Perhaps you could cite me the place in our laws that says the President is chosen by petitions, mobs in the streets, and threats to officials.
Holy shit, Hillary is up much more than I thought. Another great reason to make Hillary president on December 19.

She is up by 1.8 million votes, with millions still being counted in California.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing

She is up by 1.8 million votes,

That and $5 can get you a yummy drink at Starbucks!

Which Starbucks are YOU going to? My local one has NOTHING on the menu for a mere $5.

But I digress.
Of course any EC participants who violate the constitution as suggested are traitors and should be tried, then executed.

Enough electors changing votes from Trump to Clinton is almost certainly not going to happen, but how would any faithless electors be violating the constitution?

Not the Constitution, but many of them would be violating the law in their states. However, the legal penalty for doing so is a monetary fine, not death. I'm thinking Henry might need to speak to his doctor about his overactive gland problem.
You think you are going to get nearly forty electors to jump ship? And you think you can do this without causing a civil war? Are you insane?

Pretty sure one doesn't get to the point of becoming an elector in this country by crumbling at the first sign of opposition.
More reason to sign up:

More reason to march:

They should use all that marching energy for a job.

In just a few short months, Trump will be our President and all those people that THINK they are doing something productive will realize they their time was wasted; accept those who were getting paid to do it. And the best thing? You''ll still never see his tax returns. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

If these people were capable of realizing - let alone caring - when their time is being wasted, would they be leftist Democrats?
Who are they sending the petitions to?

The Electoral College for this election doesn't yet exist.

Well, they're still collecting signatures, so one assumes they'll send them to whoever gets picked? Or maybe they're harassing likely electors? Who the hell knows with these ancephalic freaks.
You think you are going to get nearly forty electors to jump ship? And you think you can do this without causing a civil war? Are you insane?

Pretty sure one doesn't get to the point of becoming an elector in this country by crumbling at the first sign of opposition.

I agree. Most are party loyalists

In the Republican Party they all are.

Very high positioned Party people.

If any ever flipped they would have to find a new party or get out of politics.
You think you are going to get nearly forty electors to jump ship? And you think you can do this without causing a civil war? Are you insane?

Pretty sure one doesn't get to the point of becoming an elector in this country by crumbling at the first sign of opposition.

I agree. Most are party loyalists

And they've all been active in politics for a long time, so good luck with these freaks intimidating them.
You think you are going to get nearly forty electors to jump ship? And you think you can do this without causing a civil war? Are you insane?

Pretty sure one doesn't get to the point of becoming an elector in this country by crumbling at the first sign of opposition.

I agree. Most are party loyalists

In the Republican Party they all are.

Very high positioned Party people.

If any ever flipped they would have to find a new party or get out of politics.

Not just the Republican Party, Chuckles. You think the Democrats are just picking names out of the phone book for their electors?
On December 19, the Electors of the Electoral College will cast their ballots for President Trump

They will vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump has won

However, they can vote for Hillary Clinton if they if their butts require medical attention.

Even in states where that is not allowed, their vote would still be counted, they would pay a small fine - which we can be sure Clinton supporters will be glad to pay! but of course they'd have their asses handed to them, and they're all talk anyway.

We are calling on the Electors to ignore their states' votes and cast their ballots for Secretary Clinton. Why? Because our butts hut.

Mr. Trump is unfit to service the liberal narrative.

His scapegoating of so many Americans Scapegoating?

and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic, on the condition we exaggerate the truth, ignore crooked Hillary, and are sensitive to straight talk.

Secretary Clinton WON THE POPULAR VOTE and should be President if we're no longer a Republic and we ignore the Constitution.

Hillary won the popular vote and I'm butt-hurt

The only reason Trump "won" is because simple to comprehend rules say he did.

But the Electoral College can actually give the White House to either candidate by breaking the law.

So why not make this a Democrat institution to ensure a Democrat result?

SHE WON THE POPULAR VOTE and I'm butt-hurt

There is no reason Trump should be President if we ignore the Constitution and invite civil war. A civil war that we can't win, because while we have plenty of thugs, college students and feminists, the military and police force lean conservative, the government leans conservative, and the left would have instigated war against the United States itself.

"It's some 'People's Will'"

No. She won the popular vote and I'm butt-hurt

"Our system of government, the electoral rules and our Constitution dictate he won"

No. Our Constitution says the Electors choose and I'm butt-hurt.

"Too many states prohibit 'Faithless Electors'" and I'm butt-hurt.

24 states bind electors. If electors vote against their party, they usually pay a fine. And people get mad. But they can vote however they want and there is no legal means to stop them in most states and I'm butt-hurt.

PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE with anyone else with a boo boo butt.

Great news! There is still time to give America to Hillary on December 19!, because Democrats are entitled to it.
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Holy shit, Hillary is up much more than I thought. Another great reason to make Hillary president on December 19.

She is up by 1.8 million votes, with millions still being counted in California.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing

She is up by 1.8 million votes,

That and $5 can get you a yummy drink at Starbucks!

Which Starbucks are YOU going to? My local one has NOTHING on the menu for a mere $5.

But I digress.

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