Petitioners in Georgia Are Refiling Lawsuit against Fulton County over Suspected Fraud in 2020 Election


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Wow, more proof of fraud. Will it ever end?

---Petitioners in Georgia are (re)filing the lawsuit against Fulton County. The alleged “big name” petitioners are demanding that 140,000 mail-in ballots in Fulton County be unsealed, investigated, and audited from the 2020 election.---

Wow, more proof of fraud. Will it ever end?

---Petitioners in Georgia are (re)filing the lawsuit against Fulton County. The alleged “big name” petitioners are demanding that 140,000 mail-in ballots in Fulton County be unsealed, investigated, and audited from the 2020 election.---

There is no proof of fraud - on any sort of scale and substance sufficient to overturn election results in any jurisdiction you can name.

This is nothing more than another round of beer-belching redneck bull$hit that may cost real taxpayer money and not yield diddly-squat.


If the judge has any brains he-or-she will laugh this one out of court, just like both GOP and Dem judges and justices laughed-out the other sixty lame attempts.

Hell.. audit the heck outta the sampling batch... no problem... so long as the plaintiffs agree to pay up front for the operating costs of the audit.

And so long as the State retains control and possession of the ballots so that the chain-of-custody remains in trustworthy hands.

I mean... after all... the minions of the Orange Piece-of-Krap are not exactly trustworthy custodians of the Republic nor its traditions, at present.
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Wow, more proof of fraud. Will it ever end?

---Petitioners in Georgia are (re)filing the lawsuit against Fulton County. The alleged “big name” petitioners are demanding that 140,000 mail-in ballots in Fulton County be unsealed, investigated, and audited from the 2020 election.---

You guys really want Rafael Warnock elected to a full term, don't you.
There is no proof of fraud - on any sort of scale and substance sufficient to overturn election results in any jurisdiction you can name.

This is nothing more than another round of beer-belching redneck bull$hit that may cost real taxpayer money and not yield diddly-squat.


If the judge has any brains he-or-she will laugh this one out of court, just like both GOP and Dem judges and justices laughed-out the other sixty lame attempts.

Hell.. audit the heck outta the sampling batch... no problem... so long as the plaintiffs agree to pay up front for the operating costs of the audit.

And so long as the State retains control and possession of the ballots so that the chain-of-custody remains in trustworthy hands.

I mean... after all... the minions of the Orange Piece-of-Krap are not exactly trustworthy custodians of the Republic nor its traditions, at present.
Then looking at the ballots should be no problem. Thanks.
No problem at all... so long as you-and-yours pay the freight for the audit, and so long as the chain-of-custody (the State) remains intact during the course of the audit.
Chain of custody in GA. is a joke. Especially in Fulton county.
I'm sure someone will be by in a few weeks to tell us why this latest move by the Blob supporters failed also. The only variable is who will be accused of corruption this time.
Communist country's use "minders" too...
True. But so do democracies. In certain circumstances where trust is broken. Such settings are called "audit controls". Ask your tax attorney.

Nice try, advocating for your bumper-sticker beer-belching trailer-trash to get hold of the ballots without supervision. You fail. But nice try. :auiqs.jpg:
True. But so do democracies. In certain circumstances where trust is broken. Such settings are called "audit controls". Ask your tax attorney.

Nice try, advocating for your bumper-sticker beer-belching trailer-trash to get hold of the ballots without supervision. You fail. But nice try. :auiqs.jpg:
"Beer-belching trailer trash"???

Suck a bag of dicks commie.
There is no proof of fraud - on any sort of scale and substance sufficient to overturn election results in any jurisdiction you can name.

This is nothing more than another round of beer-belching redneck bull$hit that may cost real taxpayer money and not yield diddly-squat.


If the judge has any brains he-or-she will laugh this one out of court, just like both GOP and Dem judges and justices laughed-out the other sixty lame attempts.

Hell.. audit the heck outta the sampling batch... no problem... so long as the plaintiffs agree to pay up front for the operating costs of the audit.

And so long as the State retains control and possession of the ballots so that the chain-of-custody remains in trustworthy hands.

I mean... after all... the minions of the Orange Piece-of-Krap are not exactly trustworthy custodians of the Republic nor its traditions, at present.
Trump must do the Prog mantra. It is understandable. Repitition. Over and over and over. To make sure the people remember. Repubs have let the Progs walk over them for far to long. We have been given a road map.
Trump must do the Prog mantra. It is understandable. Repitition. Over and over and over. To make sure the people remember. Repubs have let the Progs walk over them for far to long. We have been given a road map.
More self-excusing juicy-rationalization bull$hit to try (and fail) to excuse your flim-flam-man's channeling of the Ghost of Joseph Goebbels and your own gullibility.

By the way... and I've said this before... the "The other guy did it too" defense stopped working by about fifth grade or so... or had you not noticed?

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