Phil Robertson on Cancel Culture: ‘They Hate People Who Love God’

Jesus never mentioned it. If it was the big deal many made it out to be, I believe he would have. Besides as I said, even if it is, that is between the person and God and not between the person and me.

Jesus H. Christ never glorified sodomy, and indeed denounced it in Luke 10.

If there was going to be a change in the policy of same sex booty bandits, don't you think that Mr. Christ would have mentioned it.
So if Jesus didnt specifically say you can't do it it's ok? That's in interesting take.

I'm saying that certain things are mentioned far more often. Adultery for one. If that keeps you from God, heaven is going to be a mighty lonely place.
Jesus H. Christ never glorified sodomy, and indeed denounced it in Luke 10.

If there was going to be a change in the policy of same sex booty bandits, don't you think that Mr. Christ would have mentioned it.

See above.
Jesus never mentioned it. If it was the big deal many made it out to be, I believe he would have. Besides as I said, even if it is, that is between the person and God and not between the person and me.
Be careful. He probably didn't HAVE to say anything about it because the Mosaic Law and society were very clear on the topic of homosexuality. Jesus also said nothing about having sex with animals. Do you think that means He condoned it?
Be careful. He probably didn't HAVE to say anything about it because the Mosaic Law and society were very clear on the topic of homosexuality. Jesus also said nothing about having sex with animals. Do you think that means He condoned it?

I don't think Jesus was big on condemning and being hateful. He wasn't thrilled with the money changers but outside of that he was pretty laid back.
I'm saying that certain things are mentioned far more often. Adultery for one. If that keeps you from God, heaven is going to be a mighty lonely place.
Committing a sin doesnt keep you from heaven. There would be no humans in it if it did. The whole point of Jesus coming to earth as a man was to die for those sins so that we could enter the Kingdom. That doesnt alleviate the requirement for you to reduce or stop committing sins. You don't get to just do whatever the heck you want. That's not repentance. That's not acknowledgement of the price Christ paid on the cross for your actions.
I don't think Jesus was big on condemning and being hateful. He wasn't thrilled with the money changers but outside of that he was pretty laid back.
You are aware that Jesus, God and the Holy Ghost are all one being right?
Committing a sin doesnt keep you from heaven. There would be no humans in it if it did. The whole point of Jesus coming to earth as a man was to die for those sins so that we could enter the Kingdom. That doesnt alleviate the requirement for you to reduce or stop committing sins. You don't get to just do whatever the heck you want. That's not repentance. That's not acknowledgement of the price Christ paid on the cross for your actions.

I believe that saying someone who is gay is sinning the same way I would in thinking someone being born blind is a sinner.
I don't think Jesus was big on condemning and being hateful. He wasn't thrilled with the money changers but outside of that he was pretty laid back.
That's because He's in the business of forgiveness and restoration but doesn't want sin to continue. Remember, "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more". It's loving, not hateful, to hold fellow Christians to God's standards.
I believe that saying someone who is gay is sinning the same way I would in thinking someone being born blind is a sinner.
BTW that line of belief is right in line with Satanism. The worship of oneself or worshiping a god of your creation that does what you want it to do.
I believe that saying someone who is gay is sinning the same way I would in thinking someone being born blind is a sinner.
For what it's worth the blind guy is a sinner as well. I dont even have to meet him to know that.
That's because He's in the business of forgiveness and restoration but doesn't want sin to continue. Remember, "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more". It's loving, not hateful, to hold fellow Christians to God's standards.

The way for people to understand that is not to drive them off.

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