Photo of new House members - notice any differences between the two parties?


Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

How many pole puffers, carpet munchers, chicks with dicks, anchor babies and Ragheads are in the Mexicratic bunch?
Enough to investigate Crooked Ivanka’s e-mails

Hold on, I though you fools said it was okay to send .GOV emails over personal accounts?
It was okay to use a private server for .GOV e-mails before there was any mention of servers in the law. Ivanka will be prosecuted.

Oh I see, you’ve spun it into a matter of law now..because you Tards hold law and order in such high it.
Always have. If Ivanka broke the law, she belongs in prison.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

How many pole puffers, carpet munchers, chicks with dicks, anchor babies and Ragheads are in the Mexicratic bunch?

Enough to piss off assholes like you no doubt.

What do you mean...I point and laugh at the circus...I find lots of entertainment value in watching the Party of Filth make complete asses of themselves.
I see no difference, but then I don't judge people on their skin color.

So, then do you agree with this comment...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended
I don't really care who you guys put in there, as long as we have people in there to stop whatever it is they're trynna do to ram it to us all nice and good again.
So, then do you agree with this comment...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended

Name ONE Anglo European Nation that doesn't fit that description ?
Diversity is a modern Progressive, Globalist goal....not so much 200 years ago.

China is currently the worlds fastest growing economy AND military. Do you know anything about their policies on "Diversification" ?
I love how these Democrats try to lie as if the parties pick their people. Truth is both parties are open to anybody joining, it's just minorities have been duped into believing Democrats are on their side. The insinuation of course is that the Republicans keep women and minorities out.

We do have minorities and women in the party, it's just that the party of equality and racial harmony considers those minorities House N's or Uncle Tom's. They are very overt about it dare a Republican bring up a name like Sowell, Thomas, Rice or Carson. Because they didn't march in lockstep like a bunch of Nazi solders on display, they are turncoats and ousted from their race.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended.....

As usual you are full of shit.
This nation was not founded and built by whites.
It was invaded by whites and built by minorities.
Sucks, huh?

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LefTard Logic:
“The dude pushing the broom in the warehouse at Microsoft built Microsoft.”

Please STFU you’re making a total ass of yourself in public.
One party elects people based on qualifications......

The other, diversification IS the qualification (regardless of ability to make wise decisions)

Which party elected Ocasio Cortez ??? CASE CLOSED.

LOL...which party elected Donald Trump as POTUS?


Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

How many pole puffers, carpet munchers, chicks with dicks, anchor babies and Ragheads are in the Mexicratic bunch?
Enough to investigate Crooked Ivanka’s e-mails

Think she'll end up with the same sentence Hillary got?
As long as she didn't break the law. But she’s a Trump and half retarded, so she probably did.
I love how these Democrats try to lie as if the parties pick their people. Truth is both parties are open to anybody joining, it's just minorities have been duped into believing Democrats are on their side. The insinuation of course is that the Republicans keep women and minorities out.

We do have minorities and women in the party, it's just that the party of equality and racial harmony considers those minorities House N's or Uncle Tom's. They are very overt about it dare a Republican bring up a name like Sowell, Thomas, Rice or Carson. Because they didn't march in lockstep like a bunch of Nazi solders on display, they are turncoats and ousted from their race.
The Republican Party makes it very plain just how much they HATE minorities. Every. Single. Day.

[cue doom music]

FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Welcome to another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly. But before we get to the latest atrocity committed by a negro, a reminder that homos, Muslims, and Mexicans are just minutes away from raping your daughters and your dog.

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