Photo of new House members - notice any differences between the two parties?

and HIllary

the worst candidate in history
If you have fake news propaganda blaring from every direction with the aid of an enemy government, yes. And she still got 3 million more votes.

Yes she did, three million more votes in one state loaded with illegals and a motor-voter policy.
3 million more votes period. Don’t be a retard.

Blkfag and others are still struggling to understand why the EC exists. 2016 was the prime example
The popular vote movement has picked up more steam than ever before. Republicans have stuck us with 2 disasters this century despite America voting against them. Need to fix that.

Just with you sore losers

Think hard, snot nose
Yes she did, three million more votes in one state loaded with illegals and a motor-voter policy.
3 million more votes period. Don’t be a retard.

Trump won the popular vote by 1 million votes in 49 states. Hillary won 4 million more votes in California than Trump, but then how many millions of illegals live in California? In the other 49 states Trump kicked her ass. Here you need these :itsok::itsok::itsok:
If you want to subtract states and dick around, feel free, retard. More Americans, to the tune of millions, voted against your fat fuck than for him.

I'm pointing out that corrupt cheating California accounts for all 3 million of Hillary's popular vote total, and that in the other 49 states the country clearly chose Trump over Hillary and this makes your heads explode, run home and cry to your momma.
Take away the reds states and Hillary won by a landslide. Wow, when you’re retarded and you just pick votes from any state you want you can declare any outcome!

Run along, inbred retard.

Trump won the popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes choke on it :auiqs.jpg:
Yes she did, three million more votes in one state loaded with illegals and a motor-voter policy.
3 million more votes period. Don’t be a retard.

Trump won the popular vote by 1 million votes in 49 states. Hillary won 4 million more votes in California than Trump, but then how many millions of illegals live in California? In the other 49 states Trump kicked her ass. Here you need these :itsok::itsok::itsok:
If you want to subtract states and dick around, feel free, retard. More Americans, to the tune of millions, voted against your fat fuck than for him.

I'm pointing out that corrupt cheating California accounts for all 3 million of Hillary's popular vote total, and that in the other 49 states the country clearly chose Trump over Hillary and this makes your heads explode, run home and cry to your momma.
Take away the reds states and Hillary won by a landslide. Wow, when you’re retarded and you just pick votes from any state you want you can declare any outcome!

Run along, inbred retard.

Now that makes total sense. Take away the red states and Hillary won. Well guess what genius, take away the blue states and Trump got the popular vote as well.
Yes she did, three million more votes in one state loaded with illegals and a motor-voter policy.
3 million more votes period. Don’t be a retard.

I'm a retard and you don't understand how our elections work yet?

Three million votes, huh? Well that's like you and I playing a game of 8 ball, and after you win, I claim I really won because I got more balls in the pocket than you did.

If the race was about PV, then both candidates would have ran their campaigns entirely different. But the name of the game was Electoral College votes. You can't say that Hillary got more votes when that was not the goal and something Trump didn't even try for. He virtually ignored liberal owned states and cities and campaigned where he thought he could get the most Electoral votes.
If you take away all the red states Hillary won by over 60 million votes! Damn, look at my debate skills.

Run along, retard

Yeah, she just took he country, didn't she?

View attachment 230104
Empty red wasteland. Where nothing happens.

Well something did happen, they voted for Trump and that's how he won the EC.
One party elects people based on qualifications......

The other, diversification IS the qualification (regardless of ability to make wise decisions)

Which party elected Ocasio Cortez ??? CASE CLOSED.

LOL...congratulations. You just admitted that Republicans do not consider anyone but 'white' males (except in extreme circumstances) qualified enough to be elected.

If Republicans elect only on qualifications? And everyone new they elected this time was 'white' and almost entirely male. Than that means that Republicans think that almost always, ONLY 'white' males can be qualified.

Wow...a flat out racist admission (by mistake - no doubt).

So noted.

Well, that relegates you to my Ignore List.

Ta ta.
3 million more votes period. Don’t be a retard.

Trump won the popular vote by 1 million votes in 49 states. Hillary won 4 million more votes in California than Trump, but then how many millions of illegals live in California? In the other 49 states Trump kicked her ass. Here you need these :itsok::itsok::itsok:
If you want to subtract states and dick around, feel free, retard. More Americans, to the tune of millions, voted against your fat fuck than for him.

I'm pointing out that corrupt cheating California accounts for all 3 million of Hillary's popular vote total, and that in the other 49 states the country clearly chose Trump over Hillary and this makes your heads explode, run home and cry to your momma.
Take away the reds states and Hillary won by a landslide. Wow, when you’re retarded and you just pick votes from any state you want you can declare any outcome!

Run along, inbred retard.

Now that makes total sense. Take away the red states and Hillary won. Well guess what genius, take away the blue states and Trump got the popular vote as well.
^ hey look the retard’s starting to get it
One party elects people based on qualifications......

The other, diversification IS the qualification (regardless of ability to make wise decisions)

Which party elected Ocasio Cortez ??? CASE CLOSED.

LOL...congratulations. You just admitted that Republicans do not consider anyone but 'white' males (except in extreme circumstances) qualified enough to be elected.

If Republicans elect only on qualifications? And everyone new they elected this time was 'white' and almost entirely male. Than that means that Republicans think that almost always, ONLY 'white' males can be qualified.

Wow...a flat out racist admission (by mistake - no doubt).

So noted.

Well, that relegates you to my Ignore List.

Ta ta.

He admitted no such thing

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Yes, Republicans have 30 points higher IQ.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

I notice the same difference that I always do: that Democrats are shallow, racist, and sexist, and judge people by their surface appearance without knowing or caring about who they are as people.

One of your fellow Trump sheep just said this...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended.

But it is the Dems that are shallow, racist, and sexist, and judge people by their surface appearance! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Stopped reading at "Trump". Always a sure sign that whatever comes after is mindless parroting twaddle.

Of course you did, that way you can pretend you are not a racist also.
3 million more votes period. Don’t be a retard.

Trump won the popular vote by 1 million votes in 49 states. Hillary won 4 million more votes in California than Trump, but then how many millions of illegals live in California? In the other 49 states Trump kicked her ass. Here you need these :itsok::itsok::itsok:
If you want to subtract states and dick around, feel free, retard. More Americans, to the tune of millions, voted against your fat fuck than for him.

I'm pointing out that corrupt cheating California accounts for all 3 million of Hillary's popular vote total, and that in the other 49 states the country clearly chose Trump over Hillary and this makes your heads explode, run home and cry to your momma.
Take away the reds states and Hillary won by a landslide. Wow, when you’re retarded and you just pick votes from any state you want you can declare any outcome!

Run along, inbred retard.

Now that makes total sense. Take away the red states and Hillary won. Well guess what genius, take away the blue states and Trump got the popular vote as well.

I destroyed his popular vote talking point by noting that Trump won the popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes, this unhinges the left.
Trump won the popular vote by 1 million votes in 49 states. Hillary won 4 million more votes in California than Trump, but then how many millions of illegals live in California? In the other 49 states Trump kicked her ass. Here you need these :itsok::itsok::itsok:
If you want to subtract states and dick around, feel free, retard. More Americans, to the tune of millions, voted against your fat fuck than for him.

I'm pointing out that corrupt cheating California accounts for all 3 million of Hillary's popular vote total, and that in the other 49 states the country clearly chose Trump over Hillary and this makes your heads explode, run home and cry to your momma.
Take away the reds states and Hillary won by a landslide. Wow, when you’re retarded and you just pick votes from any state you want you can declare any outcome!

Run along, inbred retard.

Now that makes total sense. Take away the red states and Hillary won. Well guess what genius, take away the blue states and Trump got the popular vote as well.
^ hey look the retard’s starting to get it

Bro we are not laughing with you :auiqs.jpg:
I see no difference, but then I don't judge people on their skin color.

So, then do you agree with this comment...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended

No I don't trollface, go peddle your troll posts elsewhere.

Yet not a single one of you Trump sheep will callout your fellow Trump sheep that said it...why is that?

They are free to say whatever they wish in this country, I know that infuriates you intolerant leftists.

And people that do not agree with it are free to do so...your silence is the same as consent in this case
Trump won the popular vote by 1 million votes in 49 states. Hillary won 4 million more votes in California than Trump, but then how many millions of illegals live in California? In the other 49 states Trump kicked her ass. Here you need these :itsok::itsok::itsok:
If you want to subtract states and dick around, feel free, retard. More Americans, to the tune of millions, voted against your fat fuck than for him.

I'm pointing out that corrupt cheating California accounts for all 3 million of Hillary's popular vote total, and that in the other 49 states the country clearly chose Trump over Hillary and this makes your heads explode, run home and cry to your momma.
Take away the reds states and Hillary won by a landslide. Wow, when you’re retarded and you just pick votes from any state you want you can declare any outcome!

Run along, inbred retard.

Now that makes total sense. Take away the red states and Hillary won. Well guess what genius, take away the blue states and Trump got the popular vote as well.

I destroyed his popular vote talking point by noting that Trump won the popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes, this unhinges the left.
No you didn’t, retard :cuckoo:
I see no difference, but then I don't judge people on their skin color.

So, then do you agree with this comment...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended

No I don't trollface, go peddle your troll posts elsewhere.

Yet not a single one of you Trump sheep will callout your fellow Trump sheep that said it...why is that?

They are free to say whatever they wish in this country, I know that infuriates you intolerant leftists.

And people that do not agree with it are free to do so...your silence is the same as consent in this case

That's not what you intolerants are demanding, you are demanding that we silence opposing views. I can't understand why the intolerant left doesn't embrace their intolerance, openly advocate for silencing opposing views, be proud hold one of your pride parades.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

I notice the same difference that I always do: that Democrats are shallow, racist, and sexist, and judge people by their surface appearance without knowing or caring about who they are as people.

One of your fellow Trump sheep just said this...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended.

But it is the Dems that are shallow, racist, and sexist, and judge people by their surface appearance! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Stopped reading at "Trump". Always a sure sign that whatever comes after is mindless parroting twaddle.

Of course you did, that way you can pretend you are not a racist also.

Another moron plays the worn out race card
If you want to subtract states and dick around, feel free, retard. More Americans, to the tune of millions, voted against your fat fuck than for him.

I'm pointing out that corrupt cheating California accounts for all 3 million of Hillary's popular vote total, and that in the other 49 states the country clearly chose Trump over Hillary and this makes your heads explode, run home and cry to your momma.
Take away the reds states and Hillary won by a landslide. Wow, when you’re retarded and you just pick votes from any state you want you can declare any outcome!

Run along, inbred retard.

Now that makes total sense. Take away the red states and Hillary won. Well guess what genius, take away the blue states and Trump got the popular vote as well.

I destroyed his popular vote talking point by noting that Trump won the popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes, this unhinges the left.
No you didn’t, retard :cuckoo:

Bro I whooped your ass on this point, take your defeat like a man.

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