Photo of new House members - notice any differences between the two parties?

I'm pointing out that corrupt cheating California accounts for all 3 million of Hillary's popular vote total, and that in the other 49 states the country clearly chose Trump over Hillary and this makes your heads explode, run home and cry to your momma.
Take away the reds states and Hillary won by a landslide. Wow, when you’re retarded and you just pick votes from any state you want you can declare any outcome!

Run along, inbred retard.

Now that makes total sense. Take away the red states and Hillary won. Well guess what genius, take away the blue states and Trump got the popular vote as well.

I destroyed his popular vote talking point by noting that Trump won the popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes, this unhinges the left.
No you didn’t, retard :cuckoo:

Bro I whooped your ass on this point, take your defeat like a man.
Lol yeah and Mexico paid for our border wall. Sit the fuck down, inbred.
Take away the reds states and Hillary won by a landslide. Wow, when you’re retarded and you just pick votes from any state you want you can declare any outcome!

Run along, inbred retard.

Now that makes total sense. Take away the red states and Hillary won. Well guess what genius, take away the blue states and Trump got the popular vote as well.

I destroyed his popular vote talking point by noting that Trump won the popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes, this unhinges the left.
No you didn’t, retard :cuckoo:

Bro I whooped your ass on this point, take your defeat like a man.
Lol yeah and Mexico paid for our border wall. Sit the fuck down, inbred.

Yeah they did, Trump bitch slapped Mexico renegotiating a fair trade deal, they paid for the wall and then some.
Now that makes total sense. Take away the red states and Hillary won. Well guess what genius, take away the blue states and Trump got the popular vote as well.

I destroyed his popular vote talking point by noting that Trump won the popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes, this unhinges the left.
No you didn’t, retard :cuckoo:

Bro I whooped your ass on this point, take your defeat like a man.
Lol yeah and Mexico paid for our border wall. Sit the fuck down, inbred.

Yeah they did, Trump bitch slapped Mexico renegotiating a fair trade deal, they paid for the wall and then some.
When was the trade deal put in place? :lmao:

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Looks to me like demotards vote for people based upon their appearance, rather than by the content of their character.

Very apropos.
One looks reasonable, relatively intelligent, and successful. The other looks like a bunch of Community Organizer types whose only experience has been giving out government cheese.
I destroyed his popular vote talking point by noting that Trump won the popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes, this unhinges the left.
No you didn’t, retard :cuckoo:

Bro I whooped your ass on this point, take your defeat like a man.
Lol yeah and Mexico paid for our border wall. Sit the fuck down, inbred.

Yeah they did, Trump bitch slapped Mexico renegotiating a fair trade deal, they paid for the wall and then some.
When was the trade deal put in place? :lmao:

I destroyed yet another of your talking points, I'm seeing a pattern here. :21:
No you didn’t, retard :cuckoo:

Bro I whooped your ass on this point, take your defeat like a man.
Lol yeah and Mexico paid for our border wall. Sit the fuck down, inbred.

Yeah they did, Trump bitch slapped Mexico renegotiating a fair trade deal, they paid for the wall and then some.
When was the trade deal put in place? :lmao:

I destroyed yet another of your talking points, I'm seeing a pattern here. :21:

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Looks to me like demotards vote for people based upon their appearance, rather than by the content of their character.

Very apropos.
Yeah that’s why they elected so many different looking people while you elected rich white men only :laugh:

29 of 40 Dems are white, that's over 72% white yet most Dem districts are minority districts. That's some racist shit right there, why are Dem's suppressing minorities?

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Looks to me like demotards vote for people based upon their appearance, rather than by the content of their character.

Very apropos.
Yeah that’s why they elected so many different looking people while you elected rich white men only :laugh:

29 of 40 Dems are white, that's over 72% white yet most Dem districts are minority districts. That's some racist shit right there, why are Dem's suppressing minorities?
Lol sorry you’re too retarded

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Looks to me like demotards vote for people based upon their appearance, rather than by the content of their character.

Very apropos.
Yeah that’s why they elected so many different looking people while you elected rich white men only :laugh:

29 of 40 Dems are white, that's over 72% white yet most Dem districts are minority districts. That's some racist shit right there, why are Dem's suppressing minorities?
Lol sorry you’re too retarded

Yet another BlackFlag talking point destroyed. Go ahead explain why so many white people represent your minority districts...:auiqs.jpg:
They both should keep their eyes peeled for disgusted patriots.

LOL...congratulations. You just admitted that Republicans do not consider anyone but 'white' males (except in extreme circumstances) qualified enough to be elected.

If Republicans elect only on qualifications? And everyone new they elected this time was 'white' and almost entirely male. Than that means that Republicans think that almost always, ONLY 'white' males can be qualified.
Wow...a flat out racist admission (by mistake - no doubt).
So noted.
Well, that relegates you to my Ignore List.
Ta ta.

For all you know, I'm a black be careful.

As far as your silly assertion, you read into it exactly what your limited capabilities allowed.

And I actually LOVE when Leftist put me on their ignore list. It means they cannot overcome my superior arguments and it allows me to comment on their future silliness without getting the interruption of their crap, such as you offer. If that's not a win, what is? ;) should just put everyone who disagrees with you on your silly really don't want your ignorance pointed out after all now do you? lol

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Looks to me like demotards vote for people based upon their appearance, rather than by the content of their character.

Very apropos.
Yeah that’s why they elected so many different looking people while you elected rich white men only :laugh:

You can only elect the people that are running.
Yeah that’s why they elected so many different looking people while you elected rich white men only :laugh:

This explains the plight of poor blacks quite well.
You would rather live in poverty than admit someone not your race might know better how to improve your condition.

If and when I need surgery, "Diversity" will definitely NOT be among the qualifications I'm seeking.

Likewise, putting people in positions of determining the nations destiny based on "Diversity" alone is about as ignorant as voting Democrat.
For the first time in history, we are more diverse than ever AND at the same time, falling further behind other nations in growth and strength. Coincidence? No.
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So, then do you agree with this comment...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended

No I don't trollface, go peddle your troll posts elsewhere.

Yet not a single one of you Trump sheep will callout your fellow Trump sheep that said it...why is that?

They are free to say whatever they wish in this country, I know that infuriates you intolerant leftists.

And people that do not agree with it are free to do so...your silence is the same as consent in this case

That's not what you intolerants are demanding, you are demanding that we silence opposing views. I can't understand why the intolerant left doesn't embrace their intolerance, openly advocate for silencing opposing views, be proud hold one of your pride parades.

All this dancing and huffing and puffing just to avoid calling what was said by a fellow Trump sheep out. Why not just come out and admit you agree with him, that would save so much time.
Worked out terribly. Most divided nation ever

Right, because Democrats never have anything to do with dividing the nation.

Remember calling me and mine soldier hating traitors for wanting to end the Iraq war that you now admit was wrong and stupid? Yeah, go fuck yourself, inbred.

No, I don't remember that at all. I remember calling the leftist protesters that, but not any solders.

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