Photo of new House members - notice any differences between the two parties?

So as I was saying, the Republican party and its propaganda organs have made it very, very clear just how much they HATE minorities.




The US flag. A cross. The Holy Bible. The Confederate flag. A sword.

This old time Klansman can't possibly be a right winger! No effing way!

I bet he loves the federal government and high taxes.


Check the oil.....
There's a DEMOCRAT under the hood
The US flag. A cross. The Holy Bible. The Confederate flag. A sword.

This old time Klansman can't possibly be a right winger! No effing way!

I bet he loves the federal government and high taxes.


Check the oil.....
There's a DEMOCRAT under the hood
Yep. A far right Christian terrorist Democrat.

Could be your grandpappy.
The tards will try to dine out on "KKK wuz Demcrats" for the next hundred years. Always very careful to ignore the fact they were right wing Christians.

As if those old time conservatives would be pro-Obamacare, gay rights, civil rights, gun control and high taxes.

This kind of willful blindness and stupidity is pathetic.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended.....Sorry that hurts your feelings. Sucks huh?
Naturalization Act Of 1790 look it up.
Here’s a photo of the Japanese Government, they’re all Japanese...weird huh?

Japanese are Japanese.

The Democratic Party is the melting pot of America.

The republic party is milktoast white.

Got it.

Funny....explain to me why the most diverse county in the country is conservative?
[cue doom music]
Welcome to another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly, where we confirm all your worst biases with stories that will make you shit your pants every time you see a negro. Over to you Biff!

Thanks, Tad! Yes, another beautiful white woman has been murdered by a darkie who also is said to have used food stamps to buy steaks and champagne.
[cue loud doom music]

FOX HOST: Irregardless is being used as a word. Marxist brainwashing or Taliban plot? It can only be one or the other. We report, you decide. Fair and balanced. I'm joined now by the always beautiful Fox contributor Bambi Hotness, and also by one seriously ugly libtard from Berkeley whose name I am going to mispronounce "accidentally" at least three times in the next two minutes while never letting him complete a sentence.

[cue the sound of multiple explosions, crashing airplanes, dropped cymbals, and shrieking accompanied by apocalyptic music]

FOX HOST: Uh, we're going to interrupt this segment to take you live to a shooting in a mall in middle America. We have Biff Hunk from our local affiliate on the scene. How many dead are there so far, Biff, and have the police waxed the shooter yet?

BIFF: I don't know.

FOX HOST: Is the shooter a Democrat?

BIFF: Most likely.

FOX HOST: And I bet he has an ID, too. So much for the claim there are Democratic voters who don't have Voter IDs! Irregardless, Biff, what are the police doing right now?
MORNING HOST TAD: (cue Doom-Doom-DOOOOOM! music) Immigrant darkie bastard children have started the enterovirus plague!

MORNING HOST BIFF: (cue stock photo of dark complected children) These wetback kids have been flooding into this country and infecting our young. Can you bleev dat? Why isn't our black President Barack HUSSEIN Obama doing something about this?

TAD: I'm feeling pretty angry, Biff. (shoot cuffs and sneers)

BIFF: I don't blame you, Tad. I'm angry, too. And if anyone has any kids, they should be afraid. Be very afraid of these disease infested hordes pouring over our Southern border, breathing and sweating all over your children.

HOT MORNING CHICK HOST: I'm going to uncross and cross my legs and flash my panties real quick for our fans so they can make a YouTube video of this moment.
So...yeah. It's a real mystery why them darkies refuse to line up'n vote Republican.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended.....Sorry that hurts your feelings. Sucks huh?
Naturalization Act Of 1790 look it up.
Here’s a photo of the Japanese Government, they’re all Japanese...weird huh?

Japanese are Japanese.

The Democratic Party is the melting pot of America.

The republic party is milktoast white.

Got it.

Funny....explain to me why the most diverse county in the country is conservative?

The 10 most diverse counties in the country...

  1. Aleutians West Census Area, Alaska
  2. Queens County, NY
  3. Maui County, Hawaii
  4. Alameda County, Calif.
  5. Aleutians East Borough, Alaska
  6. Hawaii County, Hawaii
  7. Fort Bend County, Texas
  8. Kauai County, Hawaii
  9. Solano County, Calif.
  10. Honolulu County, Hawaii
So an idiot is actually on this thread trying to claim that only whites can be Americans.....But Trump lovers aren't racist?? Cool
FOX NEWS HOST: Our goddam black President has just signed a MASSIVE three trillion dollar spending bill. These people love spending other people's money.

[Fast forward to the day after Trump signs a four trillion dollar spending bill.]

FOX NEWS HOST: Man, this guy Trump. Does his shit not stink, or what? The sun rose in the east today, and do the liberals thank him for it? NooooOOOOooooo!
The Republican Party makes it very plain just how much they HATE minorities. Every. Single. Day.

[cue doom music]

FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Welcome to another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly. But before we get to the latest atrocity committed by a negro, a reminder that homos, Muslims, and Mexicans are just minutes away from raping your daughters and your dog.

So....guess which party has done the VAST majority of black lynchings in the last 200 years?

You have 100 years to figure it out (I know you need time).....GO!!!
You have to go back a long way to find those old timey conservative Christian terrorist Democrats who used to lynch negroes, doncha tard. :lol:

They are your political ancestors, dude.

Also, the Klan dominated the GOP in many areas of the country, too. Something your propagandists don't tell you. They totally depend on your massive ignorance of American history.

The Democratic party has been the LIBERAL civil rights party for over half a century now, dumbass. Try to catch up.


Starting with the Roosevelt Administration and with the 1964 Civil Rights Law the Democratic Party let the Dixiecrat party move republican.

Now you celebrate them.


Mississippi history at its best!

The antebellum south pre-civil war candidate in Mississippi who...wait for it... is running as a conservative in the republic party.
FOX NEWS HOST: Our goddam black President has just signed a MASSIVE three trillion dollar spending bill. These people love spending other people's money.

[Fast forward to the day after Trump signs a four trillion dollar spending bill.]

FOX NEWS HOST: Man, this guy Trump. Does his shit not stink, or what? The sun rose in the east today, and do the liberals thank him for it? NooooOOOOooooo!

Man, you're posting some bizarre stuff. becomes clear.....

Here...this link might help....hope you get better soon :itsok:
19 Symptoms of Alcoholism, Being an Alcoholic

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