Photo Shows McConnell In Front of Confederate Flag. So ?

The part of Virginia with no slavery became West Virginia. As for other areas, you are sadly mistaken as to their importance.
I sense you are misunderstanding me, because your post seems to make no sense, and I'm not "mistaken" about anything. Cotton and tobacco were grown in the coastal plain areas of the South, not in the mountain areas. Southern mountain people know nothing of slavery.

What are YOU talking about ? What "importance" do you think I was talking about ?

While slavery was not prevalent in mountainous areas, these regions were relatively small in comparison to the remainder of the geography and thus relatively unimportant. West Virginia was the exception as it was a very large area of Virginia. You are correct, but simply exaggerating the historical impact.
to honor someone isnt just about venerating them, its about learning from them. McConnell has learned from the Confederate past that it was the wrong course to take!
While slavery was not prevalent in mountainous areas, these regions were relatively small in comparison to the remainder of the geography and thus relatively unimportant. West Virginia was the exception as it was a very large area of Virginia. You are correct, but simply exaggerating the historical impact.
I'm not exaggerating, and the areas and states of the south that have significant mountainous land are not all that small. in fact, I might have UNDERstated it. Arkansas was one of the Confederate states, and I forgot to mention it. It's about 40% mountainous.

to honor someone isnt just about venerating them, its about learning from them. McConnell has learned from the Confederate past that it was the wrong course to take!
What about just defending themselves from attackers ?

Wrong to defend oneself ?
While slavery was not prevalent in mountainous areas, these regions were relatively small in comparison to the remainder of the geography and thus relatively unimportant. West Virginia was the exception as it was a very large area of Virginia. You are correct, but simply exaggerating the historical impact.
I'm not exaggerating, and the areas and states of the south that have significant mountainous land are not all that small. in fact, I might have UNDERstated it. Arkansas was one of the Confederate states, and I forgot to mention it. It's about 40% mountainous.


You have obviously never been to Arkansas if you believe that! The agricultural plain from the Mississippi extends from West Memphis westward across the state all the way into eastern Texas. There are only a few towns of any size along I-40 before you get to Little Rock, and not many more after that along I-30 into Texas..

Those "mountains" are called hills in most other states. In fact, the highest point in the state is called Signal Hill, and is in northwest Arkansas.

Yes, you are exaggerating.
You have obviously never been to Arkansas if you believe that! The agricultural plain from the Mississippi extends from West Memphis westward across the state all the way into eastern Texas. There are only a few towns of any size along I-40 before you get to Little Rock, and not many more after that along I-30 into Texas..

Those "mountains" are called hills in most other states. In fact, the highest point in the state is called Signal Hill, and is in northwest Arkansas.

Yes, you are exaggerating.
No I am not exaggerating, and the map I posted refuted your post before you posted it. Ho hum. I lived in Memphis for 6 months in 1977, and traveled back & forth to Knoxville in the mountainous eastern part of the state (of Tennessee) Between Nashville and Memphis. There are cottonfield for miles and miles.

Just like in east Tennessee, the cottonfields disappear in western Arkansas, where the terrain is too hilly and rugged for cotton farming. As I said, it's about 40% mountainous.

This map shows location of the Boston Mountains in NW Arkansas, and the Ouachita Mountains in west central Arkansas.

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You have obviously never been to Arkansas if you believe that! The agricultural plain from the Mississippi extends from West Memphis westward across the state all the way into eastern Texas. There are only a few towns of any size along I-40 before you get to Little Rock, and not many more after that along I-30 into Texas..

Those "mountains" are called hills in most other states. In fact, the highest point in the state is called Signal Hill, and is in northwest Arkansas.

Yes, you are exaggerating.
No I am not exaggerating, and the map I posted refuted your post before you posted it. Ho hum. I lived in Memphis for 6 months in 1977, and traveled back & forth to Knoxville in the mountainous eastern part of the state (of Tennessee) Between Nashville and Memphis. There are cottonfield for miles and miles.

Just like in east Tennessee, the cottonfields disappear in western Arkansas, where the terrain is too hilly and rugged for cotton farming. As I said, it's about 40% mountainous.

This map shows location of the Boston Mountains in NW Arkansas, and the Ouachita Mountains in west central Arkansas.


Well, at least in this post you proved you don't know how to read a map!

Where are all of the major cities in Arkansas? Do they look like they are in the mountains? The agricultural areas are in the eastern half and southern half of the state. That's about 75% of the state, which blows your 40% mountainous figure that you pulled out of your ass.

The map is exactly how I described the terrain. You are wrong. There was never even a major battle fought in Arkansas during the entire war. Why? The Union didn't see anything worthwhile in the state to invade.

Do you remember the old TV show, the Beverly Hillbillies? Guess where they were from? Arkansas. Note the term "hill" in "hillbillies".

Why are you such an arrogant asshole when you refuse to admit you are wrong? I don't know which is your worst trait, the ignorance or the arrogance!
U.S. troops maneuvering on U.S. territory are "invading" nothing. U.S. troops resisting rebellion are defending the U.S.
why was he standing in front of the flag of traitors? It was the traitors who fired on Fort Sumter. There was no "self-defense" involved. Presumptively, the military of the United States of America is welcomed in all of our states.
Well, at least in this post you proved you don't know how to read a map!

Where are all of the major cities in Arkansas? Do they look like they are in the mountains? The agricultural areas are in the eastern half and southern half of the state. That's about 75% of the state, which blows your 40% mountainous figure that you pulled out of your ass.

The map is exactly how I described the terrain. You are wrong. There was never even a major battle fought in Arkansas during the entire war. Why? The Union didn't see anything worthwhile in the state to invade.

Do you remember the old TV show, the Beverly Hillbillies? Guess where they were from? Arkansas. Note the term "hill" in "hillbillies".

Why are you such an arrogant asshole when you refuse to admit you are wrong? I don't know which is your worst trait, the ignorance or the arrogance!
Maybe you need to clean your glasses. The part of the state that is not green is mountainous, and where cotton farming would not be suitable. That is almost 50% of the state (easily 40%).

Maybe you're not getting enough sleep or something but (LOL) I haven't seen you show anything here where I've been wrong.

About 40% of the state is mountainous (or at least very hilly), the map clearly shows, and that's not suitable for cotton farming, so there would not be slavery there. Got it ?

As for the major cities, what the hell does that have to do with anything in this discussion ? Answer: Nothing.
U.S. troops maneuvering on U.S. territory are "invading" nothing. U.S. troops resisting rebellion are defending the U.S.
Traveling hundreds of miles to another people's land, and attacking them, is NOT DEFENDING. If those southerners were traveling hundreds of miles to the north (New York, Michigan, Minnesota) THAT would be defending.
why was he standing in front of the flag of traitors? It was the traitors who fired on Fort Sumter. There was no "self-defense" involved. Presumptively, the military of the United States of America is welcomed in all of our states.
So then the 1863 military of Texas, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, would be welcome in Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio ?

As for Fort Sumter, it was in South Carolina with Union politicians refusing to let South Carolinians have their fort, on their land.
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why was he standing in front of the flag of traitors? It was the traitors who fired on Fort Sumter. There was no "self-defense" involved. Presumptively, the military of the United States of America is welcomed in all of our states.
So then the 1863 military of Texas, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, would be welcome in Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio ?

As for Fort Sumter, it was in South Carolina with Union politicians refusing to let South Carolinians have their fort, on their land.

There never was any military that represented Texas, Georgia, Florida, or Alabama. Yes. People from these states participate in the military that defends the United States of America. Are you saying that people who live in South Carolina are not Americans?
There never was any military that represented Texas, Georgia, Florida, or Alabama. Yes. People from these states participate in the military that defends the United States of America. Are you saying that people who live in South Carolina are not Americans?
Sure there was a military that represented those states. It was the US military and the Confederate military + the state armies (National Guard)

No I'm not saying that people who live in South Carolina are not Americans. What kind of strange thinking could come up with a question like that ?
Yea, really, so what. Republicans are confederates. They like to say it's the Democrats, but all that changed in the 60's.

They don't even try to hide it anymore.

Yea, really, so what. Republicans are confederates. They like to say it's the Democrats, but all that changed in the 60's.

They don't even try to hide it anymore.

Why SHOULD they hide it ? If they're proud of their region, it's culture, it's music, it's heritage, why shouldn't they promote it ?
Yea, really, so what. Republicans are confederates. They like to say it's the Democrats, but all that changed in the 60's.

They don't even try to hide it anymore.

Why SHOULD they hide it ? If they're proud of their region, it's culture, it's music, it's heritage, why shouldn't they promote it ?

Because, like some American proud of their father working as a nazi spy in WWII, the forming of the Confederacy that led to the Civil War is nothing to be proud of. That's a dark moment in history.
to honor someone isnt just about venerating them, its about learning from them. McConnell has learned from the Confederate past that it was the wrong course to take!
What about just defending themselves from attackers ?

Wrong to defend oneself ?

Not at all. Now when it comes to joining a rebellion based on protecting and expanding race based slavery, then overrunning hundreds of US federal properties, forts, ports, ships, weapons caches, banks, mints, and gold depositories in an attack on the US government, I tend not to like that one. It's like saying the terrorists on board the flight that went down in Pennsylvania were only defending themselves against the upset passengers that they wanted control of the flight so we should build them some monuments for their loss.
So, what I "can't see the difference of is the different things that the Confederate flag represents". Really.

The Confederacy was created for one, and only one, purpose, to keep White supremacy, slavery, the ownership of human beings, and all the unspeakable brutality it entails, alive. Never, ever shall anyone be allowed to rewrite history and change the meaning of that flag, and your incoherent babbling sure doesn't. Gawd knows it's long past time these mendacious dinosaurs die out, and the world will be better off for it.
There isn't any CHANGE to the meaningS of the flag, and one of the meanings is that of self-defense of one's homeland. That meaning existed during the Civil War and for every year after it, including 2019, and YOU are not going to change THAT, with YOUR incoherent babbling.

No. Actually that flag was created because on the battlefield the flag of the rebels looked too close to that of the stars and stripes. So a "fire eater" (the guys who felt that owning blacks was a god given right and the slave trade should be re-opened was commissioned by a General (Same sickening one that said all black US soldiers who were caught or surrendered should be executed on the spot). It was a flag of war by a country attempting to form to protect and expand race based slavery.

Sure after the war it wasn't much in use until the KKK got their hands on it to continue their oppression and murder of blacks, and then of course dixiecrats bringing it back to oppose civil rights.

But yeah since day 1 it's been an icon of the oppression of blacks by white Supremacists.
The U.S. chose to abolish slavery. The Confederacy chose to murder hundreds of thousands to keep and expand that crime against humanity.

Protectionist and his ilk cannot see the difference.

Boggles the mind.
What YOU can't see the difference of is the different things that the Confederate flag represents, including those things having nothing to do with slavery. THAT's what boggles the mind.

We don't all accept the left's definitions of things, - that includes the Confederate flag.

I like that. "what YOU can't see the difference of is the different things that the Nazi flag, flags of ISIS, flags of Al Qaeda, etc represent that aren't bad. THAT's what boggles the mind.

Nah, it doesn't work does it.

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