Pick A Crime

1. You can not convict anyone of a crime in absentia.
What the ever loving hell are you talking about? Do you even know what in absentia means?

He's there. He's present. Sleeping and farting his way through the trial, whining at length at the end of every day. He has been provided privileges and given leeway never extended to ordinary defendants.
Here are the judge's instructions to the jury: https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/People v. DJT Jury Instructions and Charges FINAL 5-23-24.pdf

Now you can see for your dumb selves that your propagandists are lying to you.

It will be a mystery for the ages why you tards keep going back to be fed manufactured BULLSHIT by the same makers of that bullshit.

Seriously. Why do you lend your profitable eyeballs to a company that lies to you?!?

Tell us what 'predicate' crime they proved?

Judge: To convict Trump of felonies, jury does not need to unanimously agree on what 'predicate' crime he committed​

I provided you the instructions. The judge read the exact same instructions to them, twice.

What part of That offense is Falsifying Business Records in the FirstDegree – 34 Counts is not penetrating your profoundly dense skull?

Are you stupid?? That's not what is being asked. 🤡
I have read the jury instructions for myself. I did not need your gaslighting lying liars of your media to explain it to me. Unlike you tards, I am quite capable of reading things for myself.

I have thoroughly debunked the lying liars of the MAGA media's claims. The jury MUST be unanimous. The jury MUST all deliberate together. There is ONE, and only ONE, crime they must deliberate.

It's all right there in black and white, but the gaslighting of the MAGA cattle is so thorough, you literally can't see what is right in front of your eyes.

This is January 6 all over again. A deluded herd of morons furious over the misinformation you have been fed.

Can they convict if they don't agree on the 'predicated' crime that wasn't proven, if they all believe it was a different 'predicated' crime? Yes, they can. You don't understand what is even being asked, let alone having answered it. 🤡
Are you stupid?? That's not what is being asked. 🤡
I provided the instructions more than once.

What more do you need? Do you need someone literate to read them to you? I'm pretty sure there are AI programs capable of doing that if you need help.
I provided the instructions more than once.

What more do you need? Do you need someone literate to read them to you? I'm pretty sure there are AI programs capable of doing that if you need help.

Those weren't the 'instructions' that were being discussed, fool.

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