Pick A Crime

In other words, you are full of shit and soon to and soon to meet the fate of your fellow Democrats in the last civil war if you FAAFO.

Bring it on. Lose your head.
You've already been owned. I provided the jury instructions. I have debunked the bullshit about a non-unanimous jury. Post 17.

I have provided you with the crime Trump is being charged with. Post 15.

Go back and read them again. Learn something.
Are you saying Trump committed purjery when he was asked if he understood the charges against him as all defendants are asked?

Are you also saying Trump is so dumb he plead not guilty to no crimes?

It is beyond a stretch to get campaign finance violation out of these charges.
I blame some of this on Trump's lawyers. They should have implied, with every witness, the mystery crime was jaywalking. The persecution and judge would have been forced to specify what the mystery crime was at that point.
See post 15. Let me know if any words are too big for you.
So far no judge or attorney I have read or listened to can recall any case at any time in which the jury was given a choice of crimes to declare guilty.
A lie. See post 15.

It didn't have to be unanimous.
Another lie. See post 17.

Why do you tards keep parroting these lies when you have been shown they are lies?

What the ever loving fuck is wrong with you?
I know exactly what is going to be said by you tards. You're going to say something really stupid because the instructions will contradict the bullshit your propagandists fed you to keep you confused. You won't be able to comprehend what is right in front of your face because you have been so thoroughly gaslighted.

But it is actually very simple to understand. IF you want to!
What happened is that since Reagan the push to a world government made great advances. Even in his second term the globalist wing helped it along. President Obama was the administration that broke the back. So now you use the flaws of a flawed man and former president to destroy him for running for the position again as he has the audacity to promote America First. And yes, he could have done better in his first term. Even with that he created wealth until the globalists released Covid.
Now post the judges instructions to the jury when they asked him what the crime was?
I provided you the instructions. The judge read the exact same instructions to them, twice.

What part of That offense is Falsifying Business Records in the FirstDegree – 34 Counts is not penetrating your profoundly dense skull?
The MAGA cockknobbers don't understand the case is being done strictly by the law.

Donald broke the law.

All of you need to read the jury instructions for finding of guilt: they are very clear.
The MAGA tards don't want to understand. They are doing mental flips and twists to avoid understanding this very simple case.

They have been very professionally gaslighted.
Please post what your propagandists told you.
I have read the jury instructions for myself. I did not need your gaslighting lying liars of your media to explain it to me. Unlike you tards, I am quite capable of reading things for myself.

I have thoroughly debunked the lying liars of the MAGA media's claims. The jury MUST be unanimous. The jury MUST all deliberate together. There is ONE, and only ONE, crime they must deliberate.

It's all right there in black and white, but the gaslighting of the MAGA cattle is so thorough, you literally can't see what is right in front of your eyes.

This is January 6 all over again. A deluded herd of morons furious over the misinformation you have been fed.
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The MAGA tards don't want to understand. They are doing mental flips and twists to avoid understanding this very simple case.

They have been very professionally gaslighted.
1. You can not convict anyone of a crime in absentia. Doing so is specifically unconstitutional. Ex post facto is also specifically unconstitutional.

2. "Pick a crime" is overly vague and broad. The courts will strike down the NY law, on appeal or may r even before that.

3. If Donald Trump is convicted it will guarantee his election. Is that what you really want?

It is beyond a stretch to get campaign finance violation out of these charges.
Trump is not charged with a campaign finance violation. Cohen was charged and convicted of a campaign finance violation.

Here is what Trump is charged with: That offense is Falsifying Business Records in the FirstDegree – 34 Counts.

For some reason, you tards can't see that. You are literally blind to it!

Someone should study this phenonemon.
What happened is that since Reagan the push to a world government made great advances. Even in his second term the globalist wing helped it along. President Obama was the administration that broke the back. So now you use the flaws of a flawed man and former president to destroy him for running for the position again as he has the audacity to promote America First. And yes, he could have done better in his first term. Even with that he created wealth until the globalists released Covid.
Trump broke the law. He's a criminal. That is the reason he is in court.

Trump has been breaking the law his entire life. He managed to always pay for his crimes in civil court. He managed to escape criminal court.

Until now. Sooner or later, a criminal's bullshit catches up to them.

Trump thought he could live a life of crime forever because he kept getting away with it, paying the occasional fine.

Trump stole from the elderly and paid a fine and had his fake university shut down. No jail time. For stealing from the elderly. Sickening.

Trump stole from cancer kids, and other victims, and had to repay the $2 million he stole from them. No jail time. For stealing from cancer kids. Sickening.

Trump's foundation was shut down for massive fraud. No jail time. Sickening.

Trump's organization was shut down for massive fraud. No jail time. Sickening.

This is who you fuckwits admire and defend.

As for your Covid conspiracy theory, you have demonstrated you are in the low double-digits in intelligence.
Trump broke the law. He's a criminal. That is the reason he is in court.

Trump has been breaking the law his entire life. He managed to always pay for his crimes in civil court. He managed to escape criminal court.

Until now. Sooner or later, a criminal's bullshit catches up to them.

Trump thought he could live a life of crime forever because he kept getting away with it, paying the occasional fine.

Trump stole from the elderly and paid a fine and had his fake university shut down. No jail time. For stealing from the elderly. Sickening.

Trump stole from cancer kids, and other victims, and had to repay the $2 million he stole from them. No jail time. For stealing from cancer kids. Sickening.

Trump's foundation was shut down for massive fraud. No jail time. Sickening.

Trump's organization was shut down for massive fraud. No jail time. Sickening.

This is who you fuckwits admire and defend.

As for your Covid conspiracy theory, you have demonstrated you are in the low double-digits in intelligence.

Another fool. 🤡

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