Pick A Crime

'Pick a crime' that's what judge Marchan told the jury. In order to convict Trump of a felony, he had to have done the hush payoffs in conjunction to a higher crime. Taxes, campain violation or a higher crime but, the jury does not have to agree upon which crime. This Marchan is a real piece of work.

Wow! The General in charge of the War-on-Christmas! We won that one thanks to him.
I am not a stupid moron like you. My IQ=158. Judging from a multitude of your posts that demonstrate a lack of reasoning skills it is safe to say that your IQ is way the fuck below 100.

The odds that your IQ is even within 50 points of mine are very slim. To me, you are practically subhuman.

And yet you didn’t check the source, you didn’t look it up to confirm the facts. Are you too smart to do that? Or too dumb?
I blame some of this on Trump's lawyers. They should have implied, with every witness, the mystery crime was jaywalking. The persecution and judge would have been forced to specify what the mystery crime was at that point.

The crime is specified. You idiots just can’t read and won’t even consider reading anything that isn’t full blown Reich Wing propaganda.
Can they convict if they don't agree on the 'predicated' crime that wasn't proven, if they all believe it was a different 'predicated' crime? Yes, they can. You don't understand what is even being asked, let alone having answered it. 🤡
Let's say Donald Trump is being tried for shooting Michael Cohen on Fifth Avenue. Trump is claiming innocence.

The prosecution strives to prove means, motive, and opportunity.

For means, they show Trump has a YUGE gun collection. These are the best guns ever made, by the best gunsmiths. Some people are saying they have never seen a better gun collection before. George Washington used some of these guns to take over the airports in the American Revolution.

For opportunity, they prove Trump was seen buying lunch for everyone in a bodega just 50 feet from where Cohen was shot ten minutes later.

They then show three separate motives for Trump to shoot Cohen.

1. Trump caught Cohen screwing his wife. Melania takes the stand and testifies she told Donald that Cohen was the best sex she ever had.

2. Cohen stole $50,000 from Trump and the prosecution plays a tape of Cohen bragging about it on Meet The Press.

3. Trump discovered Cohen provided the civil court the records needed to prove Trump stole from cancer kids.

The judge instructs the jury Trump is charged with murder. He instructs them they must deliberate together and must be unanimous in their verdict. He further instructs them they don't all have to agree which of the three motives drove Trump to murder Cohen. It could have been one, two, or all three. But they must all be unanimous that Trump did commit the murder.

Trump had three motives for falsifying his business records. All three have been proven, and Cohen has already served time for committing those crimes for Trump.

The jury do no have to agree on which motives were behind his crime. They just have to be unanimous that he did commit the crime. He deliberately falsified his business records to conceal one, two, or all three crimes.
The crime is specified. You idiots just can’t read and won’t even consider reading anything that isn’t full blown Reich Wing propaganda.
The mystery crime is not stated, otherwise post the statute. This whole farce is predicated on the 'word' of the prosecutor. Even the dumbest liberals should see the inherent danger of that.
You fucking fool, you think Biden is any better?? 🤡🤡🤡
"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but BIDEN!"

Yes, as a human being, Biden is leaps and bounds better than Trump. It's not even close.

Despite all their best efforts for more than a year, pedophile-enabler Jim Jordan and low-IQ James Comer have been unable to find a single crime every committed by Joe Biden.

Sorry, bitch, but that's a fact.
The mystery crime is not stated, otherwise post the statute. This whole farce is predicated on the 'word' of the prosecutor. Even the dumbest liberals should see the inherent danger of that.
Okay, this is getting way past bizarre.

Why are you tards literally blind to the crime, even though I have posted it in large font and bolded? Several times!

This is truly getting paranormal.
What the ever loving hell are you talking about? Do you even know what in absentia means?

He's there. He's present. Sleeping and farting his way through the trial, whining at length at the end of every day. He has been provided privileges and given leeway never extended to ordinary defendants.

(That's the sound of a point flying over someone's head). ^^^

The OTHER crime, dumb shit. The one they can't agree on, or even find.

(That's the sound of a point flying over someone's head). ^^^

The OTHER crime, dumb shit. The one they can't agree on, or even find.
My god.

I have provided the jury instructions SEVERAL TIMES.

Why are you tards doing everything you can not to read it?!?

Because you are gaslighted, that's why.

And what the fuck are you on about with this in absentia bullshit?
Okay, this is getting way past bizarre.

Why are you tards literally blind to the crime, even though I have posted it in large font and bolded? Several times!

This is truly getting paranormal.
Why are you too stupid to understand that the mystery crime is the whole basis of the felony charges? Why can't you comprehend that the predicating mystery crime only exists because they say it exists, without a shred of evidence.
The mystery crime is not stated, otherwise post the statute. This whole farce is predicated on the 'word' of the prosecutor. Even the dumbest liberals should see the inherent danger of that.

That is why the Judge covered intent for two pages. Describing the definition and how it could be applied to these charges.

The intent was to affect the outcome of the election.


The cover up is always worse than the original act. See Nixon, and Clinton if you doubt me.
Let's say Donald Trump is being tried for shooting Michael Cohen on Fifth Avenue. Trump is claiming innocence.

The prosecution strives to prove means, motive, and opportunity.

For means, they show Trump has a YUGE gun collection. These are the best guns ever made, by the best gunsmiths. Some people are saying they have never seen a better gun collection before. George Washington used some of these guns to take over the airports in the American Revolution.

For opportunity, they prove Trump was seen buying lunch for everyone in a bodega just 50 feet from where Cohen was shot ten minutes later.

They then show three separate motives for Trump to shoot Cohen.

1. Trump caught Cohen screwing his wife. Melania takes the stand and testifies she told Donald that Cohen was the best sex she ever had.

2. Cohen stole $50,000 from Trump and the prosecution plays a tape of Cohen bragging about it on Meet The Press.

3. Trump discovered Cohen provided the civil court the records needed to prove Trump stole from cancer kids.

The judge instructs the jury Trump is charged with murder. He instructs them they must deliberate together and must be unanimous in their verdict. He further instructs them they don't all have to agree which of the three motives drove Trump to murder Cohen. It could have been one, two, or all three. But they must all be unanimous that Trump did commit the murder.

Trump had three motives for falsifying his business records. All three have been proven, and Cohen has already served time for committing those crimes for Trump.

The jury do no have to agree on which motives were behind his crime. They just have to be unanimous that he did commit the crime. He deliberately falsified his business records to conceal one, two, or all three crimes.

Your little scenario is bogus, motive is a completely different concept than what is happening in this court case. This wouldn't even be a felony charge without one of the predicated crimes having taken place, and they haven't proven that any took place at all. When is Trump going to actually be charged with any of the predicated crimes that turns these supposed expired misdemeanors into a felony?
This is the last time I am going to do this. Please refer any tards to this post going forward.

From the indictment:

THE GRAND JURY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK, by this indictment, accuses the defendant of the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE, in violation of Penal Law §175.10, committed as follows:
The defendant, in the County of New York and elsewhere, on or about February 14, 2017,with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof, made and caused a false entry in the business records of an enterprise, to wit, an invoice from Michael Cohen dated February 14, 2017, marked as a record of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, and kept and maintained by the Trump Organization.

All 34 counts read the same. The same crime, the same penal law.

Now, from the jury instructions:

The Charged Crimes

I will now instruct you on the law applicable to the charged offenses.

That offense is Falsifying Business Records in the FirstDegree – 34 Counts.

You see that? 100 percent consistent.

There is only one crime Trump is being charged with, 34 times.

I say it again. ONE crime.

Not two crimes, not three crimes. One crime.

Say it with me: One crime.

The crime is one.

He is accused of breaking that one law 34 times.

One crime.


Trump is accused of committing that ONE crime to "conceal another crime".

Trump is not accused of committing another crime.

Let's say that again so it sinks in: Trump is not accused of committing another crime.

Trump's is accused of committing ONE crime to CONCEAL another crime.

Trump did not commit that other crime. Michael Cohen committed that other crime, and he was charged and convicted of that crime.

In fact, with respect to Trump's crime, Cohen was convicted of committing THREE crimes. Trump committed his ONE crime to conceal one, two, or all three of Cohen's crimes.

Cohen committed his three crimes on Trump's behalf. Then to cover up the dirty deeds, Trump committed his ONE crime, 34 times.

So what are those three PROVEN crimes which Cohen committed, you may incredibly be wondering. If you are wondering, then you clearly didn't read the jury instructions I have provided multiple times. You have stupidly relied on known lying propagandists to gaslight you instead.

You know, the rube always does most of the heavy lifting in any con. And the rubes are doing all the heavy lifting for their lying propagandists. This has proven to be very profitable for those outlets, and for Trump. You are literally making them a LOT of money with your astonishing repetitive willingness to swallow their lies.

Anyway, let's go to the jury instructions where Cohen's three crimes are very plainly delineated:


By providing $130,000 to Trump's porn mistress, Cohen exceeded the $2,700 contribution limit.

So that's the first crime Cohen committed for Trump.


Cohen formed a fraudulent shell company to funnel money to the porn star. He falsified bank records as to the purpose of the shell company.


Cohen provided "materially false or fraudulent information" in connection with his tax return.

Cohen was found guilty of these three crimes he committed for Trump, along with other crimes unrelated to Trump.

Trump is charged with falsifying his business records to conceal one or all of these Cohen crimes.

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