Piketty: Cargo Cult Economics

But then, you have proven that you are a con tool again with your normal bat shit crazy con web site quotes. And your total inability to argue an economic point of view. RedState??? Really???? RedState??? Jesus. Are you just trying to prove yourself irrelevant again????

Congratulations, you again are successful.

But on the bright side, nice to see you still know how to copy and paste. The stock and trade of a paid con tool.

"Congratulations, you again are successful."

It is a constant for me.....

...and 'success,' the missing ingredient in your existence, is both what you crave, and what enrages you.

Right, worm?

If you get run over by a car, it shouldn't be listed under accidents.
So, cut and paste or childish attacks. That is the capability of PC. Sad but true.
But then, she has nothing else to do. And it pays a little. She is working on her book, "life as a paid conservative shill". Uses small words so her audience, other mindless cons, can hope to understand it. But then, for the greatest part, it is a simple thing. Just more cut and paste.

You may think of me as a parhelion....or, with one.
"Congratulations, you again are successful."

It is a constant for me.....

...and 'success,' the missing ingredient in your existence, is both what you crave, and what enrages you.

Right, worm?

If you get run over by a car, it shouldn't be listed under accidents.
So, cut and paste or childish attacks. That is the capability of PC. Sad but true.
But then, she has nothing else to do. And it pays a little. She is working on her book, "life as a paid conservative shill". Uses small words so her audience, other mindless cons, can hope to understand it. But then, for the greatest part, it is a simple thing. Just more cut and paste.

You may think of me as a parhelion....or, with one.
Nah. I think of you, in that vein, more like a turd. Only you think of yourself as a parhelion.
PC, you'll enjoy this read:

Word Problem No. 1: It’s lunchtime for Mrs. Piketty’s second-grade class. Bobby has 20 Gummi Worms, and Jenny has 20 SweeTarts. Bobby and Jenny both like Gummi Worms and SweeTarts, but both like SweeTarts a little bit more, so Jenny trades three of her SweeTarts for four of Bobby’s Gummi Worms. Both are happy with this trade, so they do it again. Question: How many pieces of candy do the two students end up with for dessert?

Word Problem No. 2: Mrs. Piketty is unhappy with the inequality in her second-grade classroom. Jenny’s 20 SweeTarts are valued much more highly than are Bobby’s 20 Gummi Worms, trading at a rate of 3:4. To even things out, Mrs. Piketty gives Bobby a voucher for seven SweeTarts. Question: How many pieces of candy do the two students end up with for dessert?

Word Problem No. 3: Mrs. Piketty’s attempt to solve the problem of inequality in her classroom has yielded unsatisfactory results. Bobby has his 20 Gummi Worms, and Jenny has her 20 SweeTarts, and SweeTarts still trade for Gummi Worms at a rate of 3:4. So Mrs. Piketty enacts some new policies. First, she hires Bobby as a hall monitor and decrees that hall monitors receive a minimum income of at least ten SweeTarts or the equivalent value in Gummi Worms. Also, she decrees that the high price of SweeTarts — three of them cost four Gummi Worms — is oppressive, but she’s not an all-the-way-to-the-wall outright red, either, more of a social-democrat type with a subscription to The Nation, so she simply enacts some counteracting price supports for Gummi Worms, decreeing that they cannot be traded at a price less than 13/15th of a SweeTart. She enlists Mrs. Yellen from the next classroom over to provide zero-interest financing for the purchase of up to five SweeTarts per lunch period, increases Bobby’s voucher allowance to nine SweeTarts per lunch period, and offsets that on her budget with a “fairness” tax of two SweeTarts per lunch period on Jenny, who is the sole member of her tax bracket. Question: How many pieces of candy do the two students end up with for dessert?

Answers: (1.) 40; (2.) 40; (3.) 40. There are only 40 pieces of candy, and rules, vouchers, taxes, zero-interest loans, redistribution, and mandates do not magic more pieces of candy into existence. If Jenny does not like the trading price imposed by Mrs. Piketty, she can keep all of her SweeTarts, while Bobby gets none. If Mrs. Piketty sends out her second-grade tactical SWAT unit to seize Jenny’s SweeTarts and put some serious asset-forfeiture and social-by-God-justice up in her smug little 1-percenter face, Jenny can still leave her SweeTarts at home, eating them before or after school, and maybe even save them up in the hopes that her third-grade teacher next year will not be a howling moonbat. Faced with that inconvenient reality, Mrs. Piketty may demand the repatriation of these SweeTart assets and denounce Jenny as an “economic traitor,” but she does not have any real power outside her classroom. Plus, Jenny and her SweeTarts are sort of popular, and she’s a pretty good student to boot, and so there are other classrooms that would just love to have her, with Mr. Lee’s nicely air-conditioned classroom across the hall offering some very attractive laissez-faire policies vis-à-vis SweeTarts and confectionery gains in general....

Welcome to the Paradise of the Real | National Review Online

Dear boedicca
here's the illustrated version from a $250 textbook
The social sciences are called the soft sciences for a reason. There are so many facets to economics and all the facets have to be in a row for a prediction to even come close. Add to the basic economic facets the sub-facets and one has a real problem. But the most questionable of any factor in the social sciences is the human one.

Actually, economics is called "the dismal science"

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