Pilots walk out after Biden's speech and demands.

Nothing was illegal about asking the leader of Ukraine to look into Biden's criminal activity. Now Biden's call to the leader of Afghanistan, asking him to lie about the position of the Taliban. Cost American lives and he should be impeached and imprisoned.

Yes it was. There was absolutely no evidence of any crimes that Biden committed. Trump and his supporters are the ones who should be jailed.
Do they?
Are they tested and vetted?

Do you Batcat even accept the phrase 'vetted' or do you believe it is a sham?
The blathering is that all of these refugees have been fully vetted. Considering we bugged out of Afghanistan faster than you can say "I-keeeeel-you," I rate these statements as beyond insulting.
Airplane Joke:

A plane has five passengers on board: Donald Trump, the Pope, Anthony Fauci, Hillary Clinton, and a ten-year-old school girl.
Unfortunately, the plane is about to crash and there are only four parachutes.

Dr. Fauci quickly grabs the first. “I need this because I have to help develop a cure for the global health crisis caused by COVID19!” He straps on the parachute and jumps, yelling "Cowabunga!..." as he disappears below.
The pope grabs the second. “I need this because I have to help spiritually guide people through the global health crisis that is COVID19!” He quickly puts it on and jumps. ... "Praise the Lord and ... ... help me Jesus! Ahhhhh-mmmennnn!" He quickly disappears out of sight.
Hillary grabs the next one and shouts, ‘‘I need this because I’m the smartest woman in the country. Now get out of my way before I Seth-Rich your ass!" Off she jumps into the wild blue yonder. "Woo-Hoo-ooo-ooo ...! Me for everything!!"
President Trump is last, pausing for a moment to thoughtfully turn and bow down to the little girl. “You can have the last parachute" he confides. "I’ve lived my life, but yours is just starting.”
The child chuckles and shrugs, “Thank you, Mister President, but don’t worry. There are two parachutes left. The smartest woman in the United States took my school book pack.”

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