PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

Since the President is the highest Law Enforcement Officer in the nation, if he says Arpaio is innocent of all charges, he is innocent. Case closed.
You're an idiot. POTUS is not the highest LEO in the nation - he isn't even an LEO. Jeff Sessions is the highest LEO in the nation. And he can't make someone innocent by declaring it, either.

There's nothing worse than some dumb, poor deluded jackass going around calling others an idiot while not having a fucking clue himself what he's talking about! Do not pass go, do not collect $200 Alcoholic, do not refill your glass of rotgut whiskey, you better check your facts again once you sober up, the President IS the highest law officer in the land otherwise he could not give executive clemency, having authority over the Attorney General, all the Generals, Admirals, etc., in the military. They ALL answer to HIM. And I did not say Arpaio was innocent, I said that Trump had made him INNOCENT (free) OF ALL CHARGES. His misdemeanor conviction and sentencing for disobeying an unlawful judge's order has been removed from his record. Poor dumb bastard can't even frickin' read.

Isn't it funny how the Left feels that no judge can render a bad decision when it suits them? Just wait till Judge Gorsuch renders a decision------ I bet then every single one of them will be WRONG.

According to the Department of Justice, a pardon "does not signify innocence." Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Executive Clemency | PARDON | Department of Justice

Also according to the DoJ, the Attorney General is the "chief law enforcement officer of the Federal Government." About the Office | AG | Department of Justice
So a county cop should enforce federal law he has no jurisdiction in?

Federal law covers his county, dickhead.

The Supreme Court laid out how much latitude local law enforcement has in enforcing immigration law. Arpaio violated those constraints. You clearly do not believe in people's constitutional rights.

No, he did not. That is what the criminal 0bama appointed judge made up.

Nothing was made up. You cannot ask someone for their papers based of their ethnicity. Their constitutional rights were violated. Even conservatives like Justin Amash agree.

That's what was made up. He didn't ask them for their papers based on their ethnicity. The judge made that up. Illegals have no constitutional rights and no American Citizens rights were violated. that was fabricated by a corrupt judge.

As I pointed out in a previous thread, according to the Supreme Court, illegals do have rights under the constitution. See post #659. At the minimum, illegals are protected by the Due Process Clause while in the US.
We are not discussing Obama. Just because Obama does something does not make it okay. To put it in a language your infantile mind can understand, two wrongs do not make a right.
I am talking about Trump, and I never said 2 wrongs make a right. So what's your point?

Trump, again - despite snowflakes declaring otherwise - did not do anything wrong. He did not pardon terrorists and drug dealers who preyed upon Americans as Obama did. He legally exercised his right of 'pardon' to pardon a man who broke the law in how he PROTECTED Americans.

Thank you for demonstrating you are allergic to the hypocritical BS snowflakes are shoveling, though.

You are using a moral equivalence argument. Trump did something wrong. He pardoned a law enforcement officer who violated the constitutional rights of Americans. No one is allowed to do that. It shows Trump has no respect for the rule of law. I hold Trump to the same standard I held Obama and Clinton.
‘"Regarding the Arpaio pardon, I would have preferred that the President honor the judicial process and let it take its course," Flake tweeted Friday night, in an acknowledgment of the political fallout of Trump's pardoning of Arpaio.

Arizona's senior senator, Republican John McCain, said in a statement on the pardon that "no one is above the law and the individuals entrusted with the privilege of being sworn law officers should always seek to be beyond reproach in their commitment to fairly enforcing the laws they swore to uphold."

"Mr. Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt for continuing to illegally profile Latinos living in Arizona based on their perceived immigration status in violation of a judge's orders," McCain said. "The President has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions."’

Trump makes a mess for Arizona GOP with Arpaio pardon - CNNPolitics

At least two Republicans get it.
You aren't helping your case by citing the two biggest Republican weasels in the Senate.
‘"Regarding the Arpaio pardon, I would have preferred that the President honor the judicial process and let it take its course," Flake tweeted Friday night, in an acknowledgment of the political fallout of Trump's pardoning of Arpaio.

Arizona's senior senator, Republican John McCain, said in a statement on the pardon that "no one is above the law and the individuals entrusted with the privilege of being sworn law officers should always seek to be beyond reproach in their commitment to fairly enforcing the laws they swore to uphold."

"Mr. Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt for continuing to illegally profile Latinos living in Arizona based on their perceived immigration status in violation of a judge's orders," McCain said. "The President has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions."’

Trump makes a mess for Arizona GOP with Arpaio pardon - CNNPolitics

At least two Republicans get it.
You aren't helping your case by citing the two biggest Republican weasels in the Senate.

The biggest Republican weasels in the Senate are Republicans who claim to be conservatives then support Trump. McCain won his Senate race easily while Trump narrowly won.
Incumbent Senators almost always win their seats easily, dumbass. The advantages of incumbency are just too great. That's why Americans want to put term limits on them.

Probably at least half the votes McCain gets are from Democrats. That's why he's such a douche bag.

You are the douche bag. I have had differences with McCain but I am glad he is putting people over party as he did in the healthcare debate. Thank you John McCain for not selling your soul to the devil.
So a county cop should enforce federal law he has no jurisdiction in?

Federal law covers his county, dickhead.

The Supreme Court laid out how much latitude local law enforcement has in enforcing immigration law. Arpaio violated those constraints. You clearly do not believe in people's constitutional rights.

No, he did not. That is what the criminal 0bama appointed judge made up.

Nothing was made up. You cannot ask someone for their papers based of their ethnicity. Their constitutional rights were violated. Even conservatives like Justin Amash agree.

That's what was made up. He didn't ask them for their papers based on their ethnicity. The judge made that up. Illegals have no constitutional rights and no American Citizens rights were violated. that was fabricated by a corrupt judge.

Yes he did. He targeted Hispanics. There are many Hispanics in this country that are American citizens. The only thing that is made up is what you say.
‘"Regarding the Arpaio pardon, I would have preferred that the President honor the judicial process and let it take its course," Flake tweeted Friday night, in an acknowledgment of the political fallout of Trump's pardoning of Arpaio.

Arizona's senior senator, Republican John McCain, said in a statement on the pardon that "no one is above the law and the individuals entrusted with the privilege of being sworn law officers should always seek to be beyond reproach in their commitment to fairly enforcing the laws they swore to uphold."

"Mr. Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt for continuing to illegally profile Latinos living in Arizona based on their perceived immigration status in violation of a judge's orders," McCain said. "The President has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions."’

Trump makes a mess for Arizona GOP with Arpaio pardon - CNNPolitics

At least two Republicans get it.
You aren't helping your case by citing the two biggest Republican weasels in the Senate.
‘"Regarding the Arpaio pardon, I would have preferred that the President honor the judicial process and let it take its course," Flake tweeted Friday night, in an acknowledgment of the political fallout of Trump's pardoning of Arpaio.

Arizona's senior senator, Republican John McCain, said in a statement on the pardon that "no one is above the law and the individuals entrusted with the privilege of being sworn law officers should always seek to be beyond reproach in their commitment to fairly enforcing the laws they swore to uphold."

"Mr. Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt for continuing to illegally profile Latinos living in Arizona based on their perceived immigration status in violation of a judge's orders," McCain said. "The President has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions."’

Trump makes a mess for Arizona GOP with Arpaio pardon - CNNPolitics

At least two Republicans get it.
You aren't helping your case by citing the two biggest Republican weasels in the Senate.

The biggest Republican weasels in the Senate are Republicans who claim to be conservatives then support Trump. McCain won his Senate race easily while Trump narrowly won.
Incumbent Senators almost always win their seats easily, dumbass. The advantages of incumbency are just too great. That's why Americans want to put term limits on them.

Probably at least half the votes McCain gets are from Democrats. That's why he's such a douche bag.

You are the douche bag. I have had differences with McCain but I am glad he is putting people over party as he did in the healthcare debate. Thank you John McCain for not selling your soul to the devil.
McCain is a back stabbing douche bag. Let him not sell his soul in the Democrat party. He doesn't belong in the Republican party.

It's academic at this point because he will probably be dead in 18 months. I hope he becomes mentally incapacitated in the next 6 months. Then we can get Obamacare repealed.
Federal law covers his county, dickhead.

The Supreme Court laid out how much latitude local law enforcement has in enforcing immigration law. Arpaio violated those constraints. You clearly do not believe in people's constitutional rights.

No, he did not. That is what the criminal 0bama appointed judge made up.

Nothing was made up. You cannot ask someone for their papers based of their ethnicity. Their constitutional rights were violated. Even conservatives like Justin Amash agree.

That's what was made up. He didn't ask them for their papers based on their ethnicity. The judge made that up. Illegals have no constitutional rights and no American Citizens rights were violated. that was fabricated by a corrupt judge.

Yes he did. He targeted Hispanics. There are many Hispanics in this country that are American citizens. The only thing that is made up is what you say.
It's idiotic to accuse him of "targeting" Hispanics. Who else would he be suspected of being an illegal alien in AZ?
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.
Next up are transgender types, Ludd. You will be required to show proof you had an addadictome...or had your dick the case may be. Best you get prepared.
Hitler could not have said it better. Jack booted fascists like you will be defeated.

Your "Progressive" Society is coming apart at the seams because it is antithetical to every basic societal concept. It doesn't work. It never has and never will. Then who will be left to pick up the pieces?... those of us who are Conservatives.

We've learned our lesson. There will be no second chance to lose this nation to the idealistic fools like you if/when we are even in power again. We made that mistake once and in 1861 it cost us the nation we had carved out if this continent...

NEVER AGAIN will we give the masses the chance to steal humanities last chance from us. For we truly are humanities last chance to prove we are worthy to continue to exist.
Hitler could not have said it better. Jack booted fascists like you will be defeated.

Your "Progressive" Society is coming apart at the seams because it is antithetical to every basic societal concept. It doesn't work. It never has and never will. Then who will be left to pick up the pieces?... those of us who are Conservatives.

We've learned our lesson. There will be no second chance to lose this nation to the idealistic fools like you if/when we are even in power again. We made that mistake once and in 1861 it cost us the nation we had carved out if this continent...

NEVER AGAIN will we give the masses the chance to steal humanities last chance from us. For we truly are humanities last chance to prove we are worthy to continue to exist.

Who is "we"? From what I've seen of your postings here, the majority of conservatives disagree with a lot of your ideas, too. ;)
None of this $hit matters.

What DOES matter is that Sheriff Joe has been pardoned, and there isn't diddly-squat that LibTards can do about it now.

Drumpf is a walking clusterphukk, but even a broken clock is right, twice a day... well-played, Imperial Cheeto... well-played.. thank you.
Who is "we"? From what I've seen of your postings here, the majority of conservatives disagree with a lot of your ideas, too. ;)

"We" are the silent majority of Americans. Those whose families came here for the REAL American Dream.

People whose ancestors tell tales of being at places like Lexington, Saratoga, and Valley Forge. Who fought and died at places like Gettysburg, Manassas, San Juan Hill, Iwo Jima, and Bastogne to name but a few.

People whose view of what this nation should be can be boiled down to eight hand written pages from the late 18th Century. People who understand living a proper kife is more important than kiving a long life.

We are all around you. Blending into your Godless, Immoral Society. Laying low and waiting. We've given up on voting and politics as a means to correct Society. Instead we prepare for the moment when a new nation will be born out of the blood and gore of this nation's death.
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Federal law covers his county, dickhead.

The Supreme Court laid out how much latitude local law enforcement has in enforcing immigration law. Arpaio violated those constraints. You clearly do not believe in people's constitutional rights.

No, he did not. That is what the criminal 0bama appointed judge made up.

Nothing was made up. You cannot ask someone for their papers based of their ethnicity. Their constitutional rights were violated. Even conservatives like Justin Amash agree.

That's what was made up. He didn't ask them for their papers based on their ethnicity. The judge made that up. Illegals have no constitutional rights and no American Citizens rights were violated. that was fabricated by a corrupt judge.

Yes he did. He targeted Hispanics. There are many Hispanics in this country that are American citizens. The only thing that is made up is what you say.

No dumbass, he did not. That was made up entirely by his accusors. There is absolutely zero evidence he did anything like that at all.
Hitler could not have said it better. Jack booted fascists like you will be defeated.

Your "Progressive" Society is coming apart at the seams because it is antithetical to every basic societal concept. It doesn't work. It never has and never will. Then who will be left to pick up the pieces?... those of us who are Conservatives.

We've learned our lesson. There will be no second chance to lose this nation to the idealistic fools like you if/when we are even in power again. We made that mistake once and in 1861 it cost us the nation we had carved out if this continent...

NEVER AGAIN will we give the masses the chance to steal humanities last chance from us. For we truly are humanities last chance to prove we are worthy to continue to exist.

Who is "we"? From what I've seen of your postings here, the majority of conservatives disagree with a lot of your ideas, too. ;)

Really? You apparently only see what you want to see. I don't know of anything he posts that I disagree with.
...We are all around you. Blending into your Godless, Immoral Society. Laying low and waiting. We've given up on voting and politics as a means to correct Society. Instead we prepare for the moment when a new nation will be born out of the blood and gore of this nation's death.

This was a good pardon hands down. We have seen some shady pardons from Clinton, Obama and even Bush done at night at the end of their administration like the cowards they all are.
Trump did it in broad daylight like a bold leader would. Three cheers for Trump!

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