PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

Hitler could not have said it better. Jack booted fascists like you will be defeated.

Your "Progressive" Society is coming apart at the seams because it is antithetical to every basic societal concept. It doesn't work. It never has and never will. Then who will be left to pick up the pieces?... those of us who are Conservatives.

We've learned our lesson. There will be no second chance to lose this nation to the idealistic fools like you if/when we are even in power again. We made that mistake once and in 1861 it cost us the nation we had carved out if this continent...

NEVER AGAIN will we give the masses the chance to steal humanities last chance from us. For we truly are humanities last chance to prove we are worthy to continue to exist.

Who is "we"? From what I've seen of your postings here, the majority of conservatives disagree with a lot of your ideas, too. ;)

Really? You apparently only see what you want to see. I don't know of anything he posts that I disagree with.

Do you agree with these, then?
Marijuana growers, distributors and users shoild be executed, sans trial; jyst like every other drug, alcohol, and tobacco user in the country. It's time to clean our Society up, once and for all.
Believe it or not, those of us who identify wjth thise issues dont like Trump either; but he was by far the lesser of two evils. He's the anti-establishment candidate. Democrat AND Republican establishment. He's too incompetent to do any serious damage as well.
Why the hell would I want a child of mjne exposed to the demonic idea of debate? They've already been taught Right and Wrong by ME. There is no need for debate.
This one is a remark about ISIS:
Nah. Their yoo religiously ofiented for my tastes. They are on the right track, though.
Conservative women know their place is in the home, not in politics. Therrfore any woman who votes or is in any way involved in politics cannot be Conservative.

That's just a small sample, of course. Do you think a majority of conservatives believe in killing everyone in the country that uses drugs or alcohol or tobacco? Do you think the majority of conservatives think ISIS is "too religiously oriented . . . on the right track, though"? Do a majority of conservatives believe women cannot vote or be involved in politics, and be conservative?

But I'm sure I'm just seeing what I want to see...
View attachment 146305

This was a good pardon hands down. We have seen some shady pardons from Clinton, Obama and even Bush done at night at the end of their administration like the cowards they all are.
Trump did it in broad daylight like a bold leader would. Three cheers for Trump!

I don't know....

Bush wouldn't pardon Libby you know...even though Cheney pressured him to. I think, if I remember right, it was because Libby showed no remorse or responsibility for what he had done. I admired that in him.

Even when Obama was pardoning people for drug offenses - he followed a strict criteria for those eligible.
View attachment 146305

This was a good pardon hands down. We have seen some shady pardons from Clinton, Obama and even Bush done at night at the end of their administration like the cowards they all are.
Trump did it in broad daylight like a bold leader would. Three cheers for Trump!

I don't know....

Bush wouldn't pardon Libby you know...even though Cheney pressured him to. I think, if I remember right, it was because Libby showed no remorse or responsibility for what he had done. I admired that in him.

Even when Obama was pardoning people for drug offenses - he followed a strict criteria for those eligible.
Good point...I still think Scooter Libby was railroaded though.
Sheriff Arapio was railroaded by Obama's operatives. Joe was just doing his job.
The Supreme Court laid out how much latitude local law enforcement has in enforcing immigration law. Arpaio violated those constraints. You clearly do not believe in people's constitutional rights.

No, he did not. That is what the criminal 0bama appointed judge made up.

Nothing was made up. You cannot ask someone for their papers based of their ethnicity. Their constitutional rights were violated. Even conservatives like Justin Amash agree.

That's what was made up. He didn't ask them for their papers based on their ethnicity. The judge made that up. Illegals have no constitutional rights and no American Citizens rights were violated. that was fabricated by a corrupt judge.

Yes he did. He targeted Hispanics. There are many Hispanics in this country that are American citizens. The only thing that is made up is what you say.
It's idiotic to accuse him of "targeting" Hispanics. Who else would he be suspected of being an illegal alien in AZ?
How about 40k Poles in the country illegally?
Sheriff Arapio was railroaded by Obama's operatives. Joe was just doing his job.
His job doesn't include federal immigration enforcement..

That is the leftist simplistic talking point. He was charged inappropriately with no jury. Eric Holder (the disgraced U.S. Atty General) launched this kangaroo investigation. Here is a link with more info.

Joe Arpaio vows to go public about 'abuse' he endured during Obama administration's investigation
As Soledad O'Brien just pointed out on Twitter, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And once you accept a pardon you no longer can plead the fifth. He is only pardoned for criminal acts, and that admission of guilt will be used in civil cases against him.
Bullshit. It's admission of nothing. Arpaio doesn't even have the choice of whether to accept it or not.
As always, you have no fucking clue what you're slobbering over.


1. That the court cannot give the prisoner the benefit of the pardon, unless he claims the benefit of it, and relies on it by plea or motion. The form in which he may ask it, is not material to this inquiry; but the claim must be made in some shape by him. It is a grant to him; it is his property; and he may accept it or not, as he pleases. The ancient doctrine was, that his plea of 'not guilty' waived it, and that he could not afterwards rely on it; that a general plea of not guilty, was equivalent to a refusal to accept it. This doctrine is not meant to be contended for. It is admitted, that he may avail himself of it, at any time, by plea, before or after verdict or confession. But is insisted, that unless he pleads it, or in some way claims its benefit, thereby denoting his acceptance of the proffered grace, the court cannot notice it, nor allow it to prevent them from passing sentence. The whole current of authority establishes this principle. 2 Hawk. P. C. ch. 37, § 59, 64, 56; 4 Bl. Com. 402; Arch. Plead. & Ev. 55; 5 Bac. Abr. 292-3, tit. Pardon, E; Comyn's Dig.; 13 Petersd. Abr. 82; Kelyng 24; Radcliffe's Case, Fost. 40; 1 Wils. 150; King v. Haines, Ibid. 214; Jenk. Cent. p. 12, ca. 62. The necessity of his pleading it, or claiming it in some other manner, grows out of the nature of the grant; he must accept it.
Hitler could not have said it better. Jack booted fascists like you will be defeated.

Your "Progressive" Society is coming apart at the seams because it is antithetical to every basic societal concept. It doesn't work. It never has and never will. Then who will be left to pick up the pieces?... those of us who are Conservatives.

We've learned our lesson. There will be no second chance to lose this nation to the idealistic fools like you if/when we are even in power again. We made that mistake once and in 1861 it cost us the nation we had carved out if this continent...

NEVER AGAIN will we give the masses the chance to steal humanities last chance from us. For we truly are humanities last chance to prove we are worthy to continue to exist.

Who is "we"? From what I've seen of your postings here, the majority of conservatives disagree with a lot of your ideas, too. ;)

Really? You apparently only see what you want to see. I don't know of anything he posts that I disagree with.

Do you agree with these, then?
Marijuana growers, distributors and users shoild be executed, sans trial; jyst like every other drug, alcohol, and tobacco user in the country. It's time to clean our Society up, once and for all.
Believe it or not, those of us who identify wjth thise issues dont like Trump either; but he was by far the lesser of two evils. He's the anti-establishment candidate. Democrat AND Republican establishment. He's too incompetent to do any serious damage as well.
Why the hell would I want a child of mjne exposed to the demonic idea of debate? They've already been taught Right and Wrong by ME. There is no need for debate.
This one is a remark about ISIS:
Nah. Their yoo religiously ofiented for my tastes. They are on the right track, though.
Conservative women know their place is in the home, not in politics. Therrfore any woman who votes or is in any way involved in politics cannot be Conservative.

That's just a small sample, of course. Do you think a majority of conservatives believe in killing everyone in the country that uses drugs or alcohol or tobacco? Do you think the majority of conservatives think ISIS is "too religiously oriented . . . on the right track, though"? Do a majority of conservatives believe women cannot vote or be involved in politics, and be conservative?

But I'm sure I'm just seeing what I want to see...

Lol, ok. I didn't recall anything if his I disagreed with, but yeah, I disagree with those.
Sheriff Arapio was railroaded by Obama's operatives. Joe was just doing his job.
His job doesn't include federal immigration enforcement..

That is the leftist simplistic talking point. He was charged inappropriately with no jury. Eric Holder (the disgraced U.S. Atty General) launched this kangaroo investigation. Here is a link with more info.

Joe Arpaio vows to go public about 'abuse' he endured during Obama administration's investigation
Yes I am aware of that and it was done for a reason you dope....To allow him to appeal and have it dropped..Duh...But a local cop unless certified to do INS work, has no authority to do as such..Plain and simple..Joe was ordered by a court to cease and desist which he did not..So Joe broke the law, was in contempt of court and you applaud that sort of behavior out of people that are suppose to be a model for others to follow...And cops wonder why they have low approval ratings and have people who dislike them..and Joe was no novice about giving abuse..
Hitler could not have said it better. Jack booted fascists like you will be defeated.

Your "Progressive" Society is coming apart at the seams because it is antithetical to every basic societal concept. It doesn't work. It never has and never will. Then who will be left to pick up the pieces?... those of us who are Conservatives.

We've learned our lesson. There will be no second chance to lose this nation to the idealistic fools like you if/when we are even in power again. We made that mistake once and in 1861 it cost us the nation we had carved out if this continent...

NEVER AGAIN will we give the masses the chance to steal humanities last chance from us. For we truly are humanities last chance to prove we are worthy to continue to exist.

Who is "we"? From what I've seen of your postings here, the majority of conservatives disagree with a lot of your ideas, too. ;)

Really? You apparently only see what you want to see. I don't know of anything he posts that I disagree with.

Do you agree with these, then?
Marijuana growers, distributors and users shoild be executed, sans trial; jyst like every other drug, alcohol, and tobacco user in the country. It's time to clean our Society up, once and for all.
Believe it or not, those of us who identify wjth thise issues dont like Trump either; but he was by far the lesser of two evils. He's the anti-establishment candidate. Democrat AND Republican establishment. He's too incompetent to do any serious damage as well.
Why the hell would I want a child of mjne exposed to the demonic idea of debate? They've already been taught Right and Wrong by ME. There is no need for debate.
This one is a remark about ISIS:
Nah. Their yoo religiously ofiented for my tastes. They are on the right track, though.
Conservative women know their place is in the home, not in politics. Therrfore any woman who votes or is in any way involved in politics cannot be Conservative.

That's just a small sample, of course. Do you think a majority of conservatives believe in killing everyone in the country that uses drugs or alcohol or tobacco? Do you think the majority of conservatives think ISIS is "too religiously oriented . . . on the right track, though"? Do a majority of conservatives believe women cannot vote or be involved in politics, and be conservative?

But I'm sure I'm just seeing what I want to see...

Lol, ok. I didn't recall anything if his I disagreed with, but yeah, I disagree with those.

No reason to think you'd have seen anything like all of his posts. I happen to have read a number of times that Anathema has espoused some......I'm not sure the best way to describe them, very old-school values? I can't speak for him, but I believe he has said on a few occasions that he believes certain of humanity's values were at their best hundreds of years ago: the place of women in particular comes to mind.

That's why I wondered about the "we" he brought up; some of his views seem to be very much outliers. :dunno:
.... I happen to have read a number of times that Anathema has espoused some......I'm not sure the best way to describe them, very old-school values? I can't speak for him, but I believe he has said on a few occasions that he believes certain of humanity's values were at their best hundreds of years ago: the place of women in particular comes to mind.

Very old school. Back when people knew their place and society had no use for those who couldn't or wouldn't fit into those roles.

Hundreds if not thousands of years ago.
Barry's base was street critters so the more that could be let in the better for him and he did not want no Sherrif Joe to get too much publicity for enforcing the law
This was a good pardon hands down. We have seen some shady pardons from Clinton, Obama and even Bush done at night at the end of their administration like the cowards they all are.
Trump did it in broad daylight like a bold leader would. Three cheers for Trump!

Trump did it for purely political reasons. There was no legal justification for it, especially since Arpaio hadn't even been sentenced. The judge could have thrown the book at him, or the judge could have given him probation. Now we'll never know.

This is also one of the earliest pardons in a presidents term. They normally let the DOJ research pardon applications for a year or more, before hand. This case, Trump did it on his own, without asking the DOJ, the US Attorney, the Pardon attorney, or the judge for the specifics in the case.
Good point...I still think Scooter Libby was railroaded though.

How was he railroaded into lying to federal investigators.

What is it with republicans who think to impeach a president for lying, but not go after Libby, or Flynn for lying to investigators.

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