Pissed off about progress with North Korea? You might be a partisan hack.

what don't you understand?

Are you giving credit to Kim for that?
No Kim and his father have always threatened shit.....Trump is the first President to be a cowboy.....saying draw motherfucker and I have a bigger gun and I draw faster.......it was a very Clint Eastwood....go ahead Kim...make my day......and in both the movie and real life.....the other guy didn't dare make a move.

Clownish. You would have been happy with any outcome. If Trump had walked away and ordered strikes, you'd be jerking off with excitement.

Nothing was accomplished during this summit.

wow you are a tard......you would have been happy with that, not me dipshit, quit projecting

If he walked away because Kim wasn't dealing......then I would be ok

wow people like you really buy the establishment bullshit........you need to take the red pill bro.

You have and will support any result that Trump achieves. You are a Trombie.
Funny from a dude that sucked Obamas dick for 8 years.....I alteast to criticize members of my party, unlike you.....so keep hoping for that Clinton win.

again look into that red pill
Yeah bc that was going so well.

Verification Process in Iran Deal Is Questioned by Some Experts

Iran Breaches the Nuclear Deal and UN Resolutions for Third Time | HuffPost

Iran once again exceeds a nuclear deal limit: IAEA report

Obama Administration Loosens Nuclear Deal After Iran Violates It

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
What progress?

Please, point it out.
first - why don't you and all those saying nothing was done tell us what you'd have done and what you consider progress so we can address from that point of view. all you're going to do here is go "no that's not progress!" and be a partisan hack at this point.
How about a denuclearization agreement with inspections and verifications like we had in Iran until Cheeto Jesus bless it up?
Yes, the tests have gone on, but they arent covered by the Joint plan of action. It was booked that they would take the opportunity to behave themselves better, but those are not breaches of the deal.
It's not anything but hot air. There's nothing there.

Can you at least attempt to be rational? Just for a change of pace.....
There's nothing there. Similar agreements were signed in 1994, 2003, and 2005 and the NKs never stood by any of them. We also managed to get those signed without giving any major concessions. This is nothing more than hot air. A photo op. Two of the biggest liars on the planet just signed an agreement with no specifics, no timetable, and no realistic goals.


Well thanks for attempting to be rational for a change, however you're simply regurgitating partisan talking points and completely ignoring the circumstances surrounding this agreement.

The fact of the matter is, it's a step forward from where we were less than a year ago, a tiny step to be sure but progress is progress and Daffy Don deserves at least a modicum of credit for taking it. We'll see what happens from here, it would behoove American Citizens to be as supportive as possible to improve the odds of a positive outcome for this process, however I know for some it's WAY too much to ask to hope for concrete progress towards peace when the POTUS has the wrong letter behind his name.
Lol, I'm telling the truth. You are entitled to your own opinion, but there's only one set of facts.

Uh-huh, unfortunately that set seems to keep eluding you, might have something to do with the propaganda drenched, partisan fog surrounding your brain.

Here's a hint: Then isn't now and the DPRK finds itself with not only with different leadership but also a completely different set of diplomatic, economic and military circumstances.
Lol, and? Still only one set of facts.
Iran defied the nuke deal more than once, but all you care about is that Trump violated it. Who’s fucking side are you on? Iran violated the deal and Obama did NOTHING. If NK violates this deal and Trump does nothing, what would you think about that? Too many Americans give passes to those they agree with, which is INSANITY.

Oh, and if you want to consult Google to find out how Iran violated the deal, make sure to add “2016” to your search query, else you’ll get mostly articles about how Trump violated the deal, even though you never typed in “Trump” to begin with.

Because Iran didn't violate the deal... that was the thing.

Was it a great deal? Nope. But it was better than nothing... unless you are a Zionist tool who wants a war between the US and Iran.
It is all partisan BS. Had Obama done the same as Trump, the left would be going nuts claiming what a great deal this is, how great Obama is and the right would be crying claiming how the US gave up too much and Obama gave North Korea legitimacy. The right would point to human rights violations and the left would shrug it all off say we have to start somewhere. We saw it with Cuba and Iran, and now North Korea, it is all partisan BS. The left and the right extremists are crazy nuts, war over peace by the other party, not really what is best for America. I also think the extremes are played by both parties.
Pissed off about progress with North Korea? You might be a partisan hack.

What progress?


I'm not so sure, atleast for me if we had open dialog with Iran and a process that was transparent I might. The other thing is with Trump he knows emotion. He didn't take Kim's shit and fired back, to which the left thought we were gonna get nuked.

Naw, we never really thought that, as North Korea can't hit the US.

So now we get the meeting and he butters Kim up....gives Kim a taste of being a big man in the world....but at the same time, Kim knows, TRump can take it all away.....so the goal is to shift the paradigm from being an isolated killer to a world leader. It's a reall good strat.....

Again, Kim is what Trump aspires to, a cult leader whose followers will rationalize anything..
Can you at least attempt to be rational? Just for a change of pace.....
There's nothing there. Similar agreements were signed in 1994, 2003, and 2005 and the NKs never stood by any of them. We also managed to get those signed without giving any major concessions. This is nothing more than hot air. A photo op. Two of the biggest liars on the planet just signed an agreement with no specifics, no timetable, and no realistic goals.


Well thanks for attempting to be rational for a change, however you're simply regurgitating partisan talking points and completely ignoring the circumstances surrounding this agreement.

The fact of the matter is, it's a step forward from where we were less than a year ago, a tiny step to be sure but progress is progress and Daffy Don deserves at least a modicum of credit for taking it. We'll see what happens from here, it would behoove American Citizens to be as supportive as possible to improve the odds of a positive outcome for this process, however I know for some it's WAY too much to ask to hope for concrete progress towards peace when the POTUS has the wrong letter behind his name.
Lol, I'm telling the truth. You are entitled to your own opinion, but there's only one set of facts.

Uh-huh, unfortunately that set seems to keep eluding you, might have something to do with the propaganda drenched, partisan fog surrounding your brain.

Here's a hint: Then isn't now and the DPRK finds itself with not only with different leadership but also a completely different set of diplomatic, economic and military circumstances.
Lol, and? Still only one set of facts.

Yeah... let me know when you find some of them, perhaps a reason and evidence based conversation might ensue.

… in the meantime enjoy those partisan parrot crackers.

There's nothing there. Similar agreements were signed in 1994, 2003, and 2005 and the NKs never stood by any of them. We also managed to get those signed without giving any major concessions. This is nothing more than hot air. A photo op. Two of the biggest liars on the planet just signed an agreement with no specifics, no timetable, and no realistic goals.


Well thanks for attempting to be rational for a change, however you're simply regurgitating partisan talking points and completely ignoring the circumstances surrounding this agreement.

The fact of the matter is, it's a step forward from where we were less than a year ago, a tiny step to be sure but progress is progress and Daffy Don deserves at least a modicum of credit for taking it. We'll see what happens from here, it would behoove American Citizens to be as supportive as possible to improve the odds of a positive outcome for this process, however I know for some it's WAY too much to ask to hope for concrete progress towards peace when the POTUS has the wrong letter behind his name.
Lol, I'm telling the truth. You are entitled to your own opinion, but there's only one set of facts.

Uh-huh, unfortunately that set seems to keep eluding you, might have something to do with the propaganda drenched, partisan fog surrounding your brain.

Here's a hint: Then isn't now and the DPRK finds itself with not only with different leadership but also a completely different set of diplomatic, economic and military circumstances.
Lol, and? Still only one set of facts.

Yeah... let me know when you find some of them, perhaps a reason and evidence based conversation might ensue.

… in the meantime enjoy those partisan parrot crackers.

You refusing to believe them doesn't change the facts.
Well then let’s not try anything at all, is that what you’re saying? Let’s just let him threaten us, threaten us and threaten us some more without trying anything to dispel the situation, yeah?

Also you’re not even giving this deal ANY time whatsoever to play out. You’re just predicting it will fail and while you may be right, that remains to be seen.

Ignorance, in this case, is a choice. Maybe go back to 2011 - 2016 and see how relations between NK and the US were going, then come back here and explain to me how Trump’s meeting with KJU isn’t progress.
Oh, let's go farther back than that!


In order to eliminate the danger of nuclear war through the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, to create conditions and an environment favourable to peace and the peaceful unification of Korea, and thus to contribute to the peace and security of Asia and the world, Declare as follows;

1. South and North Korea shall not test, manufacture, produce, receive, possess, store, deploy or use nuclear weapons.

2. South and North Korea shall use nuclear energy solely for peaceful purposes.

3. South and North Korea shall not possess nuclear reprocessing and uranium enrichment facilities.

1993: Joint Statement of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States of America

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States of America held governmental-level talks in New York from the 2nd through the 11th of June, 1993.


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States have agreed to principles of:

- Assurances against the threat and use of force, including nuclear weapons;

- Peace and security in a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula, including impartial application of fullscope safeguards, mutual respect for each other's sovereignty, and non-interference in each other's internal affairs;

2005: Joint Statement of the Fourth Round of the Six-Party Talks

The Six Parties unanimously reaffirmed that the goal of the Six-Party Talks is the verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner.

A year later, North Korea detonated their first nuclear weapon.

2007: Six-Party Talks -- Second-Phase Action

I. On Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

1. The DPRK agreed to disable all existing nuclear facilities subject to abandonment under the September 2005 Joint Statement and the February 13 agreement.

So the idea that Trump made "progress" is hilarious. It's same old-same old bullshit.

Hope that puts your erection in perspective.

Trump rolled over. He agreed to stop US military exercises in the South in exchange for....nothing.

And he gave a tin pot murderous dictator prestige by allowing him to share a stage with the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth.
Don’t care if you think I’m wrong. I’ve seen enough conversations in forums such as this to predict how people would react to things such as this. I know Trump haters will hate him no matter what he does or doesn’t do, just like Obama’s haters would never be happy with him no matter what. The evidence for this is everywhere—here, Twitter, other political forums... Go ahead and try to convince me otherwise. If you can be civil about it, it could be an interesting conversation.

The downside is Trump was involved. If Obama had done this same thing, the same people who are criticizing it would be celebrating it, and those who are celebrating it would be criticizing it.

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.

Meh, not that impressed with a photo op that elevates a toad. (I mean Kim, not Trump, but I guess maybe two toads.)

It really doesn't solve the underlying problem.
It's a first step.....Obama gave cash for nothing.
Clinton would have wanted regime change
We got prisoners freed and are starting a dialog......there is no downside.

I don’t know if there’s proof or not that Iran’s military sites were strictly off limits. Iran said they were, the US said they weren’t

Who in the US said they weren't?

Here is a quote from this article: Access To Military Sites Debated As White House Reconsiders Iran Nuclear Deal from NPR written September 13, 2017

“IAEA Director-General Yukia Amano defends the verification regime as the ‘most robust’ being conducted anywhere today and insists that military sites are not off-limits.

Iranian officials say just the opposite.”
I'm not so sure, atleast for me if we had open dialog with Iran and a process that was transparent I might. The other thing is with Trump he knows emotion. He didn't take Kim's shit and fired back, to which the left thought we were gonna get nuked.

Naw, we never really thought that, as North Korea can't hit the US.

So now we get the meeting and he butters Kim up....gives Kim a taste of being a big man in the world....but at the same time, Kim knows, TRump can take it all away.....so the goal is to shift the paradigm from being an isolated killer to a world leader. It's a reall good strat.....

Again, Kim is what Trump aspires to, a cult leader whose followers will rationalize anything..
no that was obama
it's ok, Obama did nothing......as usual.....atleast he didn't apologize to kim....he may be the only leader Obama didn't apologize to.
So it seems that China knew ahead of time we were going to cancel the military exercise to make NK happy, but Japan, SK snd our own Pentagon did not.


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Don’t care if you think I’m wrong. I’ve seen enough conversations in forums such as this to predict how people would react to things such as this. I know Trump haters will hate him no matter what he does or doesn’t do, just like Obama’s haters would never be happy with him no matter what. The evidence for this is everywhere—here, Twitter, other political forums... Go ahead and try to convince me otherwise. If you can be civil about it, it could be an interesting conversation.

The downside is Trump was involved. If Obama had done this same thing, the same people who are criticizing it would be celebrating it, and those who are celebrating it would be criticizing it.

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.

Meh, not that impressed with a photo op that elevates a toad. (I mean Kim, not Trump, but I guess maybe two toads.)

It really doesn't solve the underlying problem.
It's a first step.....Obama gave cash for nothing.
Clinton would have wanted regime change
We got prisoners freed and are starting a dialog......there is no downside.


Keep saying it. Maybe it will come true. Try tapping your heels together.

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