Pissed off about progress with North Korea? You might be a partisan hack.

The problem is people on both sides are judging the agreement when there’s literally been a day and a half since it was signed. Only time will tell how well it works. Criticism of the points of the deal make sense, but criticism of the outcome before there has been any is just plain foolish.

Notice the difference between Trump and Obama. Obama's lame half measures on Iran kicking the nuclear can down the road vs Trump total denuclearization of NK. Poor Obama president Trump schools him again. :auiqs.jpg:
Please show me the denuclearization deal tRump has with NK.

Here ya go...

Read the full text of the Trump-Kim agreement here

"Convinced that the establishment of new U.S.-DPRK relations will contribute to the peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula and of the world, and recognizing that mutual confidence building can promote the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un state the following:

  1. The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.
  2. The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.
  3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
  4. The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified."
Of course the term "denuclearization" requires clarification because it's unclear whether or not the DPRK defines the term that same way as the U.S. defines it and this agreement is vague with respect to details like the specific steps to be taken, the timetable and so forth, but it's a start.

There was no agreement. What was signed was non-binding.

Why do you put your replies ABOVE the quote you are replying to?
You are a pathetic liar. Kim agreed to end the nukes.

By when?
Bc it’s easier that way with my device. Why do you put your quote below the one you’re replying to? Why does it matter? Who the fuck cares?

The problem is people on both sides are judging the agreement when there’s literally been a day and a half since it was signed. Only time will tell how well it works. Criticism of the points of the deal make sense, but criticism of the outcome before there has been any is just plain foolish.

Notice the difference between Trump and Obama. Obama's lame half measures on Iran kicking the nuclear can down the road vs Trump total denuclearization of NK. Poor Obama president Trump schools him again. :auiqs.jpg:
Please show me the denuclearization deal tRump has with NK.

Here ya go...

Read the full text of the Trump-Kim agreement here

"Convinced that the establishment of new U.S.-DPRK relations will contribute to the peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula and of the world, and recognizing that mutual confidence building can promote the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un state the following:

  1. The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.
  2. The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.
  3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
  4. The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified."
Of course the term "denuclearization" requires clarification because it's unclear whether or not the DPRK defines the term that same way as the U.S. defines it and this agreement is vague with respect to details like the specific steps to be taken, the timetable and so forth, but it's a start.

There was no agreement. What was signed was non-binding.

Why do you put your replies ABOVE the quote you are replying to?

It is weird. That is why it matters.
The downside is Trump was involved. If Obama had done this same thing, the same people who are criticizing it would be celebrating it, and those who are celebrating it would be criticizing it.

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.

Meh, not that impressed with a photo op that elevates a toad. (I mean Kim, not Trump, but I guess maybe two toads.)

It really doesn't solve the underlying problem.
It's a first step.....Obama gave cash for nothing.
Clinton would have wanted regime change
We got prisoners freed and are starting a dialog......there is no downside.

Ignorance, in this case, is a choice. Maybe go back to 2011 - 2016 and see how relations between NK and the US were going, then come back here and explain to me how Trump’s meeting with KJU isn’t progress.
Oh, let's go farther back than that!


In order to eliminate the danger of nuclear war through the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, to create conditions and an environment favourable to peace and the peaceful unification of Korea, and thus to contribute to the peace and security of Asia and the world, Declare as follows;

1. South and North Korea shall not test, manufacture, produce, receive, possess, store, deploy or use nuclear weapons.

2. South and North Korea shall use nuclear energy solely for peaceful purposes.

3. South and North Korea shall not possess nuclear reprocessing and uranium enrichment facilities.

1993: Joint Statement of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States of America

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States of America held governmental-level talks in New York from the 2nd through the 11th of June, 1993.


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States have agreed to principles of:

- Assurances against the threat and use of force, including nuclear weapons;

- Peace and security in a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula, including impartial application of fullscope safeguards, mutual respect for each other's sovereignty, and non-interference in each other's internal affairs;

2005: Joint Statement of the Fourth Round of the Six-Party Talks

The Six Parties unanimously reaffirmed that the goal of the Six-Party Talks is the verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner.

A year later, North Korea detonated their first nuclear weapon.

2007: Six-Party Talks -- Second-Phase Action

I. On Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

1. The DPRK agreed to disable all existing nuclear facilities subject to abandonment under the September 2005 Joint Statement and the February 13 agreement.

So the idea that Trump made "progress" is hilarious. It's same old-same old bullshit.

Hope that puts your erection in perspective.

Trump rolled over. He agreed to stop US military exercises in the South in exchange for....nothing.

And he gave a tin pot murderous dictator prestige by allowing him to share a stage with the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth.

Not one of those previous agreements was enforced by the US president at that time, this one will be, that's the difference.

whereas Obama put the murderous Iranian ayatollas on the world stage and then gave them pallets money to use to build nukes, support terrorism, and denigrate the USA in their media. AFTER obozo gave them the money, they burned American flags and screamed death to America in their parliament. WTF is wrong with you that you cannot see the difference?
Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.

The good thing is that our president has stopped threatening to bomb NK.

I give him credit for that.

he only did that after Lil Kim stopped threatening to bomb the US or its allies.

Say what?

what don't you understand?

Are you giving credit to Kim for that?

Ok, let me go slow. Kim threatens to nuke Guam, Hawaii, or LA. Trump says if you do that you and your country will cease to exist. Kim stops making threats and testing missiles, Trump says Ok good, now we wont blow your ass up.
The good thing is that our president has stopped threatening to bomb NK.

I give him credit for that.

he only did that after Lil Kim stopped threatening to bomb the US or its allies.

Say what?

what don't you understand?

Are you giving credit to Kim for that?

Ok, let me go slow. Kim threatens to nuke Guam, Hawaii, or LA. Trump says if you do that you and your country will cease to exist. Kim stops making threats and testing missiles, Trump says Ok good, now we wont blow your ass up.

And....who gets the credit?
he only did that after Lil Kim stopped threatening to bomb the US or its allies.

Say what?

what don't you understand?

Are you giving credit to Kim for that?

Ok, let me go slow. Kim threatens to nuke Guam, Hawaii, or LA. Trump says if you do that you and your country will cease to exist. Kim stops making threats and testing missiles, Trump says Ok good, now we wont blow your ass up.

And....who gets the credit?

are you really that dumb?
Say what?

what don't you understand?

Are you giving credit to Kim for that?

Ok, let me go slow. Kim threatens to nuke Guam, Hawaii, or LA. Trump says if you do that you and your country will cease to exist. Kim stops making threats and testing missiles, Trump says Ok good, now we wont blow your ass up.

And....who gets the credit?

are you really that dumb?

He definitely seems confused about something.

Never trusted them.
Lol, who do you think will be overseeing the unlikely denuclearization of the Korean peninsula?

Americans primarily, and others.
Wrong-o kiddo! It will be the IAEA.

One can guarantee Americans will be running things. It's our deal.
It might be our potential future deal, you mean. So far we haven't got much.

Indeed, but I suspect Kim understands the consequences should he not comply.
The downside is Trump was involved. If Obama had done this same thing, the same people who are criticizing it would be celebrating it, and those who are celebrating it would be criticizing it.

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.

Meh, not that impressed with a photo op that elevates a toad. (I mean Kim, not Trump, but I guess maybe two toads.)

It really doesn't solve the underlying problem.
It's a first step.....Obama gave cash for nothing.
Clinton would have wanted regime change
We got prisoners freed and are starting a dialog......there is no downside.
I'm not so sure, atleast for me if we had open dialog with Iran and a process that was transparent I might. The other thing is with Trump he knows emotion. He didn't take Kim's shit and fired back, to which the left thought we were gonna get nuked. I never bought that. It was Trump earning respect by telling that guy, I'm not a man to fuck with...you hit us, I will not hesitate to obliterate your country. So China, and Russia probably told Kim, back off....this guy is not pussy politician

So now we get the meeting and he butters Kim up....gives Kim a taste of being a big man in the world....but at the same time, Kim knows, TRump can take it all away.....so the goal is to shift the paradigm from being an isolated killer to a world leader. It's a reall good strat......
Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.

The good thing is that our president has stopped threatening to bomb NK.

I give him credit for that.

he only did that after Lil Kim stopped threatening to bomb the US or its allies.

Say what?

what don't you understand?

Are you giving credit to Kim for that?
No Kim and his father have always threatened shit.....Trump is the first President to be a cowboy.....saying draw motherfucker and I have a bigger gun and I draw faster.......it was a very Clint Eastwood....go ahead Kim...make my day......and in both the movie and real life.....the other guy didn't dare make a move.
what don't you understand?

Are you giving credit to Kim for that?

Ok, let me go slow. Kim threatens to nuke Guam, Hawaii, or LA. Trump says if you do that you and your country will cease to exist. Kim stops making threats and testing missiles, Trump says Ok good, now we wont blow your ass up.

And....who gets the credit?

are you really that dumb?

He definitely seems confused about something.

I gave Trump credit. Why are the Trombies arguing with me?
The good thing is that our president has stopped threatening to bomb NK.

I give him credit for that.

he only did that after Lil Kim stopped threatening to bomb the US or its allies.

Say what?

what don't you understand?

Are you giving credit to Kim for that?
No Kim and his father have always threatened shit.....Trump is the first President to be a cowboy.....saying draw motherfucker and I have a bigger gun and I draw faster.......it was a very Clint Eastwood....go ahead Kim...make my day......and in both the movie and real life.....the other guy didn't dare make a move.

Clownish. You would have been happy with any outcome. If Trump had walked away and ordered strikes, you'd be jerking off with excitement.

Nothing was accomplished during this summit.
he only did that after Lil Kim stopped threatening to bomb the US or its allies.

Say what?

what don't you understand?

Are you giving credit to Kim for that?
No Kim and his father have always threatened shit.....Trump is the first President to be a cowboy.....saying draw motherfucker and I have a bigger gun and I draw faster.......it was a very Clint Eastwood....go ahead Kim...make my day......and in both the movie and real life.....the other guy didn't dare make a move.

Clownish. You would have been happy with any outcome. If Trump had walked away and ordered strikes, you'd be jerking off with excitement.

Nothing was accomplished during this summit.

wow you are a tard......you would have been happy with that, not me dipshit, quit projecting

If he walked away because Kim wasn't dealing......then I would be ok

wow people like you really buy the establishment bullshit........you need to take the red pill bro.
Say what?

what don't you understand?

Are you giving credit to Kim for that?
No Kim and his father have always threatened shit.....Trump is the first President to be a cowboy.....saying draw motherfucker and I have a bigger gun and I draw faster.......it was a very Clint Eastwood....go ahead Kim...make my day......and in both the movie and real life.....the other guy didn't dare make a move.

Clownish. You would have been happy with any outcome. If Trump had walked away and ordered strikes, you'd be jerking off with excitement.

Nothing was accomplished during this summit.

wow you are a tard......you would have been happy with that, not me dipshit, quit projecting

If he walked away because Kim wasn't dealing......then I would be ok

wow people like you really buy the establishment bullshit........you need to take the red pill bro.

You have and will support any result that Trump achieves. You are a Trombie.

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