Pissed off about progress with North Korea? You might be a partisan hack.

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
It's better than a kick in the teeth. I hope the negotiations jump into high gear, because I predict by next weekend I will be utterly sick of hearing all the predictions of what is going to happen now. Or ten years from now.

No one expected any kind of firm "deal" out of this summit, but to me it seems the only thing that got "given" was that we will suspend our joint military exercises with So. Korea while the negotiations are ongoing. Other than that, was it mostly nice words from Kim that we have been hearing for months.

Don’t forget those prisoners, maybe you could call their families and tell them how you feel about this, they would probably love to hear from you!

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Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
They will not. They will celebrate every disappointment and downplay every victory.

That's what partisans do. That's who they are. It is what it is.
Just like during the Obama years. :biggrin:
Yet Obama and every president since failed to do what Trump has done. I hope it gives all of you heart attacks. Never have I seen such SCUM hate success like you animals do.

What has Trump done exactly?

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Gave a brutal dictator equal standing with the United States. What he's done is given Kim Jong Un legitimacy.

But we keep the stranglehold on kim, maybe if we gave them $150 billion dollars you would like this deal to.

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What nuclear inspectors?

Surely you've heard of them?

Verification and Monitoring in Iran | IAEA


Never trusted them.
Lol, who do you think will be overseeing the unlikely denuclearization of the Korean peninsula?

Americans primarily, and others.
Wrong-o kiddo! It will be the IAEA.

One can guarantee Americans will be running things. It's our deal.


Never trusted them.
Lol, who do you think will be overseeing the unlikely denuclearization of the Korean peninsula?

Americans primarily, and others.
Wrong-o kiddo! It will be the IAEA.

One can guarantee Americans will be running things. It's our deal.
Lol. You really don't understand how this stuff works do you.

Never trusted them.
Lol, who do you think will be overseeing the unlikely denuclearization of the Korean peninsula?

Americans primarily, and others.
Wrong-o kiddo! It will be the IAEA.

One can guarantee Americans will be running things. It's our deal.
Lol. You really don't understand how this stuff works do you.

Au contraire.
Notice the difference between Trump and Obama. Obama's lame half measures on Iran kicking the nuclear can down the road vs Trump total denuclearization of NK. Poor Obama president Trump schools him again. :auiqs.jpg:
Please show me the denuclearization deal tRump has with NK.

Here ya go...

Read the full text of the Trump-Kim agreement here

"Convinced that the establishment of new U.S.-DPRK relations will contribute to the peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula and of the world, and recognizing that mutual confidence building can promote the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un state the following:

  1. The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.
  2. The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.
  3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
  4. The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified."
Of course the term "denuclearization" requires clarification because it's unclear whether or not the DPRK defines the term that same way as the U.S. defines it and this agreement is vague with respect to details like the specific steps to be taken, the timetable and so forth, but it's a start.
It's not anything but hot air. There's nothing there.

Can you at least attempt to be rational? Just for a change of pace.....
There's nothing there. Similar agreements were signed in 1994, 2003, and 2005 and the NKs never stood by any of them. We also managed to get those signed without giving any major concessions. This is nothing more than hot air. A photo op. Two of the biggest liars on the planet just signed an agreement with no specifics, no timetable, and no realistic goals.


Well thanks for attempting to be rational for a change, however you're simply regurgitating partisan talking points and completely ignoring the circumstances surrounding this agreement.

The fact of the matter is, it's a step forward from where we were less than a year ago, a tiny step to be sure but progress is progress and Daffy Don deserves at least a modicum of credit for taking it. We'll see what happens from here, it would behoove American Citizens to be as supportive as possible to improve the odds of a positive outcome for this process, however I know for some it's WAY too much to ask to hope for concrete progress towards peace when the POTUS has the wrong letter behind his name.


Never trusted them.
Lol, who do you think will be overseeing the unlikely denuclearization of the Korean peninsula?

Americans primarily, and others.
Wrong-o kiddo! It will be the IAEA.

One can guarantee Americans will be running things. It's our deal.
It might be our potential future deal, you mean. So far we haven't got much.
Nice words from Kim Jong Un are better than threats... and he’s given plenty of those throughout his tenure.

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
It's better than a kick in the teeth. I hope the negotiations jump into high gear, because I predict by next weekend I will be utterly sick of hearing all the predictions of what is going to happen now. Or ten years from now.

No one expected any kind of firm "deal" out of this summit, but to me it seems the only thing that got "given" was that we will suspend our joint military exercises with So. Korea while the negotiations are ongoing. Other than that, was it mostly nice words from Kim that we have been hearing for months.
What’s your point? Hannity’s opinion has no bearing on anything and anyone who acts surprised that he’s a hypocrite (like you kind of are by posting this video) is full of shit. It’s not surprising that a Trump fan, from Fox News no less likes something when Trump does it and dislikes something when Obama does (or tries to do) it. Fox News is to Obama what WaPo, NY Times, CNN, etc. are to Trump <—- extremely biased.

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.

So if you were against Obama talking to N.K., but are enthusiastically for Trump doing it, what are you?

Are you one of those who didn’t start paying attention to things before Trump became president? Kim Jong Un used to routinely threaten to nuke the US and other western countries. I’d say a deal b/t the two countries and less hostility from a psychotic world power is a good thing.

Ignorance, in this case, is a choice. Maybe go back to 2011 - 2016 and see how relations between NK and the US were going, then come back here and explain to me how Trump’s meeting with KJU isn’t progress.

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
What progress?

Please, point it out.
Please show me the denuclearization deal tRump has with NK.

Here ya go...

Read the full text of the Trump-Kim agreement here

"Convinced that the establishment of new U.S.-DPRK relations will contribute to the peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula and of the world, and recognizing that mutual confidence building can promote the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un state the following:

  1. The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.
  2. The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.
  3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
  4. The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified."
Of course the term "denuclearization" requires clarification because it's unclear whether or not the DPRK defines the term that same way as the U.S. defines it and this agreement is vague with respect to details like the specific steps to be taken, the timetable and so forth, but it's a start.
It's not anything but hot air. There's nothing there.

Can you at least attempt to be rational? Just for a change of pace.....
There's nothing there. Similar agreements were signed in 1994, 2003, and 2005 and the NKs never stood by any of them. We also managed to get those signed without giving any major concessions. This is nothing more than hot air. A photo op. Two of the biggest liars on the planet just signed an agreement with no specifics, no timetable, and no realistic goals.


Well thanks for attempting to be rational for a change, however you're simply regurgitating partisan talking points and completely ignoring the circumstances surrounding this agreement.

The fact of the matter is, it's a step forward from where we were less than a year ago, a tiny step to be sure but progress is progress and Daffy Don deserves at least a modicum of credit for taking it. We'll see what happens from here, it would behoove American Citizens to be as supportive as possible to improve the odds of a positive outcome for this process, however I know for some it's WAY too much to ask to hope for concrete progress towards peace when the POTUS has the wrong letter behind his name.
Lol, I'm telling the truth. You are entitled to your own opinion, but there's only one set of facts.
Are you one of those who didn’t start paying attention to things before Trump became president? Kim Jong Un used to routinely threaten to nuke the US and other western countries. I’d say a deal b/t the two countries and less hostility from a psychotic world power is a good thing.

Ignorance, in this case, is a choice. Maybe go back to 2011 - 2016 and see how relations between NK and the US were going, then come back here and explain to me how Trump’s meeting with KJU isn’t progress.

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
What progress?

Please, point it out.
Lol, no. But you may be. This is 1994, 2002, and 2005 all over again. No progress. tRump is being played.
Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
It's better than a kick in the teeth. I hope the negotiations jump into high gear, because I predict by next weekend I will be utterly sick of hearing all the predictions of what is going to happen now. Or ten years from now.

No one expected any kind of firm "deal" out of this summit, but to me it seems the only thing that got "given" was that we will suspend our joint military exercises with So. Korea while the negotiations are ongoing. Other than that, was it mostly nice words from Kim that we have been hearing for months.

Don’t forget those prisoners, maybe you could call their families and tell them how you feel about this, they would probably love to hear from you!
Two of the three prisoners were taken on Trump's watch and then returned to the US to stroke Trump's ego.

Prior to their release, Trump was inflaming the Korean situation almost back into another hot war. But then Kim took some more hostages and then released them to stroke Trump's ego.

Ever since, Trump has been publicly fellating Kim.

Kim played Trump like a fiddle.

Now Trump is spewing Kim's party line. He's become Kim's mouthpiece.

And it has cost Kim nothing.
Iran defied the nuke deal more than once, but all you care about is that Trump violated it. Who’s fucking side are you on? Iran violated the deal and Obama did NOTHING. If NK violates this deal and Trump does nothing, what would you think about that? Too many Americans give passes to those they agree with, which is INSANITY.

Oh, and if you want to consult Google to find out how Iran violated the deal, make sure to add “2016” to your search query, else you’ll get mostly articles about how Trump violated the deal, even though you never typed in “Trump” to begin with.

What has Trump done exactly?

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Gave a brutal dictator equal standing with the United States. What he's done is given Kim Jong Un legitimacy.
damn. i guess he could have made a treaty with them, send 400 million dollars over there to release a few people, launder their money and help them get their nuke program going.

that seems to be the democrats idea of how to handle hostile governments.

Are you trying to describe the Iran deal? You're doing a very hacky job of telling the Fox lies about it.

THE FACTS: It’s not true that world powers paid billions to Iran. The deal allowed Iran to regain access to its own money, which had been frozen abroad as part of the sanctions that were lifted. As for Iran specifically getting some cash, that refers to a debt the U.S. had with Iran dating to the rupture in relations in the 1970s. Iran, under the shah, had paid the U.S. some $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the Islamic revolution cut off ties.

That transaction was one of many complex claims that took decades to sort out in tribunals and arbitration. For its part, Iran paid settlements of more than $2.5 billion to U.S. citizens and businesses left short when relations ruptured.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump vs. truth on the Iran nuclear deal
he gave them $400m and got hostages back. he paid a ransom. no way around it.
he setup a treaty then set it aside to allow them to launder money. no way around it.

if trump did either of these things, you'd shit kittens in anger.

No, that is not what occurred. What occurred was a complex deal worked out among multiple super powers. In that deal, Iran got back their own money.

Why should N.K. make any deals with the U.S. when Trump demonstrated to the world that the U.S. doesn't honor negotiations?
Are you trying to describe the Iran deal? You're doing a very hacky job of telling the Fox lies about it.

THE FACTS: It’s not true that world powers paid billions to Iran. The deal allowed Iran to regain access to its own money, which had been frozen abroad as part of the sanctions that were lifted. As for Iran specifically getting some cash, that refers to a debt the U.S. had with Iran dating to the rupture in relations in the 1970s. Iran, under the shah, had paid the U.S. some $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the Islamic revolution cut off ties.

That transaction was one of many complex claims that took decades to sort out in tribunals and arbitration. For its part, Iran paid settlements of more than $2.5 billion to U.S. citizens and businesses left short when relations ruptured.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump vs. truth on the Iran nuclear deal
he gave them $400m and got hostages back. he paid a ransom. no way around it.
he setup a treaty then set it aside to allow them to launder money. no way around it.

if trump did either of these things, you'd shit kittens in anger.

And if Trump did either of those things you would still worship him

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Except Obama didn't. Fox is lying to him. Trump is lying to him. Why can't these people turn on NPR for a day?

Because NPR was taken over by filthy liberals who lie through their teeth?
why can't you watch MY news? why can't you see it MY way???

why can't people step outside their own views for a bit and look around?

Bc they can’t face the reality that maybe they don’t know what they’re talking about. Some people don’t want to be proven wrong so they believe they’re NEVER wrong, go to pains to remain ALWAYS right, even when it’s clear they aren’t right. It’s a dangerously ignorant mindset to have. I’ve been dealing with a poster in another thread who suffers from it. They deflect, redirect and outright ignore any challenges to their claims. It’s exhausting as hell.
Ignorance, in this case, is a choice. Maybe go back to 2011 - 2016 and see how relations between NK and the US were going, then come back here and explain to me how Trump’s meeting with KJU isn’t progress.
Oh, let's go farther back than that!


In order to eliminate the danger of nuclear war through the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, to create conditions and an environment favourable to peace and the peaceful unification of Korea, and thus to contribute to the peace and security of Asia and the world, Declare as follows;

1. South and North Korea shall not test, manufacture, produce, receive, possess, store, deploy or use nuclear weapons.

2. South and North Korea shall use nuclear energy solely for peaceful purposes.

3. South and North Korea shall not possess nuclear reprocessing and uranium enrichment facilities.

1993: Joint Statement of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States of America

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States of America held governmental-level talks in New York from the 2nd through the 11th of June, 1993.


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States have agreed to principles of:

- Assurances against the threat and use of force, including nuclear weapons;

- Peace and security in a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula, including impartial application of fullscope safeguards, mutual respect for each other's sovereignty, and non-interference in each other's internal affairs;

2005: Joint Statement of the Fourth Round of the Six-Party Talks

The Six Parties unanimously reaffirmed that the goal of the Six-Party Talks is the verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner.

A year later, North Korea detonated their first nuclear weapon.

2007: Six-Party Talks -- Second-Phase Action

I. On Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

1. The DPRK agreed to disable all existing nuclear facilities subject to abandonment under the September 2005 Joint Statement and the February 13 agreement.

So the idea that Trump made "progress" is hilarious. It's same old-same old bullshit.

Hope that puts your erection in perspective.

Trump rolled over. He agreed to stop US military exercises in the South in exchange for....nothing.

And he gave a tin pot murderous dictator prestige by allowing him to share a stage with the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth.
he gave them $400m and got hostages back. he paid a ransom. no way around it.
he setup a treaty then set it aside to allow them to launder money. no way around it.

if trump did either of these things, you'd shit kittens in anger.

And if Trump did either of those things you would still worship him

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Except Obama didn't. Fox is lying to him. Trump is lying to him. Why can't these people turn on NPR for a day?

Because NPR was taken over by filthy liberals who lie through their teeth?
why can't you watch MY news? why can't you see it MY way???

why can't people step outside their own views for a bit and look around?

Bc they can’t face the reality that maybe they don’t know what they’re talking about. Some people don’t want to be proven wrong so they believe they’re NEVER wrong, go to pains to remain ALWAYS right, even when it’s clear they aren’t right. It’s a dangerously ignorant mindset to have. I’ve been dealing with a poster in another thread who suffers from it. They deflect, redirect and outright ignore any challenges to their claims. It’s exhausting as hell.
/----/ I blame the lack of critical thinking. It's no longer taught. Just accept the teacher's dogma as gospel.
Why Public Schools Don't Teach Critical Thinking -- Part 1 | HuffPost

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