Pissed off about progress with North Korea? You might be a partisan hack.

Remember all the rhetoric democrats were spewing about Trump moving us closer to war with NK because of the strong position he was taking?
This summit was just the beginning of a long process that’ll play out over the next few years.
As you can see the far left wants Trump to fail!

Just like they needed Iraq to be a failure in order to match their religious dogma.

Getting rid of Nukes is a good thing, no matter how much the far left thinks it is not!

No nukes have gone away yet.

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if you think there's been progress, you're probably a partisan hack

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
The talks are a good thing.

However, I'll give credit when we have an actual agreement that works. Not one in which we agree in principle, but have no way of verifying it; such as the Iranian deal.

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
The talks are a good thing.

However, I'll give credit when we have an actual agreement that works. Not one in which we agree in principle, but have no way of verifying it; such as the Iranian deal.

why do you lie about the iranian deal?

I found it extremely entertaining back when Trump and Kim were insulting & threatening each other.

I'm going to miss that.

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
It sure is better than lots of missile tests...

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.

What's good about it?

What did we get?

Some of you are really phony-baloneys.

What we got was just like our NEGATIVE rights! (if you don't know what that means, look it up, I refuse to educate incompetents) What we got was no missiles flying, no nuclear tests, no sabre rattling rhetoric, no threats, which is a far cry what we had after the MESS Obysmal left us in!

Do I think anything will come of it? Right now, that is NOT the question...……….the question is------->are we better off today, or better off the day Obysmal left office, and warned Trump about North Korea, which Obysmal admitted was his biggest fear...…...and he had done NOTHING about it for 8 years?

What is the solution Leftists, if this doesn't work? War? Leave them alone, meaning they and China can blackmail the whole area as Japan and South Korea have no nukes thanks to other Presidents? So what is it? What should we do? You are excellent at criticizing this path, what would you do, and why didn't Obysmal do it if it is sooooo damn good!

And some GENIUS said the NK would NEVER make a deal like this because of what happened to Libya. Wrong! The NK is Chinas protectorate, and the buffer zone between the rest of the area. That was proven during the Korean war, and still exists today.

I can NOT PROVE it, but I have a feeling that Trump told the ruler of China that he would NOT allow North Korea to have nukes that could hit the US, and that it would mean WAR! I believe that is EXACTLY what China told North Korea, because China would rather have a North Korean buffer with no nukes, then no North Korea, or a war with the United States. Nobody would win, and yes, they probably think Trump is crazy enough to do it!

Finally, I ask all of you from either side of the aisle a very, simple question--------------> Was JFK correct to force the USSR to remove its nuclear missiles from Cuba? Yes or no!

Well, at that time, missiles could NOT shoot as far as they can today. To attack one another, we actually had to fly planes almost like the Enola Gay did, to deliver a nuclear bomb.

But today, an ICBM can deliver a devastating nuclear strike in almost the same amount of time it took for a missile from Cuba to hit New York, from the NK, IF they have the technology for re-entry.

So in essence, this is virtually the SAME situation as the Cuban missile crisis. The mls apart mean NOTHING!

So what does a President do?

Oh, I dunno, how about take a page out of the JFK playbook! You either remove/eliminate them, or it means bad-bad things. Then put ships on top of them to show you mean business, and tell everyone who has contact with them that----------->this is no joke, and we WILL NOT ALLOW IT!
only morons believe trump about anything


Well, when he says if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, I will agree with you-)

who knew health care was so complicated, right?


Right, about as complicated as the NK, and Iran...…..which is why Obysmal failed at 2, and ignored the 3rd.

come back when you're sentient

Just remember, just 2 more days-) 2 more, and the whole Obysmal legacy is going to start being dismantled.

We are making popcorn, and plenty of adult beverages for that day!
This summit was just the beginning of a long process that’ll play out over the next few years.

No question about it. It may or may not work. History will decide.

It has gotten to the point where I can't even watch the night time political shows anymore. They are all BS. They are now strictly made for entertainment and to get their key demographic riled up. Nothing more. It is like a sports radio show host taking a contrarian view to provoke fights with the callers. I suppose it has always been this way to some extent, but just not in your face 24/7.
This summit was just the beginning of a long process that’ll play out over the next few years.

No question about it. It may or may not work. History will decide.

It has gotten to the point where I can't even watch the night time political shows anymore. They are all BS. They are now strictly made for entertainment and to get their key demographic riled up. Nothing more. It is like a sports radio show host taking a contrarian view to provoke fights with the callers. I suppose it has always been this way to some extent, but just not in your face 24/7.
I couldn’t agree more.

I stopped watching CNN and MSNBC before the election because of the ridiculous level of nonsense.
Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.

What's good about it?

What did we get?
Did you think everything was going to be solved in a few hours? lol
IGS - or the "Instant Gratification Society" - if it doesn't happen NOW it never will.
Some people, like theDoctorisIn, have a hard time with recognizing complex issues. It's why they’re quick to denounce important first steps.
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In Iran we had inspections

Military bases were off limits, for starters. Ergo, we didn't have inspections.
That isn't true according to the nuclear inspectors themselves.

What nuclear inspectors?

Surely you've heard of them?

Verification and Monitoring in Iran | IAEA


Never trusted them.
Lol, who do you think will be overseeing the unlikely denuclearization of the Korean peninsula?
That isn't true according to the nuclear inspectors themselves.

What nuclear inspectors?

Surely you've heard of them?

Verification and Monitoring in Iran | IAEA


Never trusted them.

The IAEA were 100% correct about Iraq and I bet you didn't trust them then either. But you trust Trump, a proven pathological liar. Amazing.

it always amuses me when you Clinton and Obama supporters bring up pathological liars.
Lol, you might have a point if your idol wasn't setting new records for untuthfulness every single day. As things stand you are trying to win a rock throwing contest from the bottom of a well.
Military bases were off limits, for starters. Ergo, we didn't have inspections.
That isn't true according to the nuclear inspectors themselves.

What nuclear inspectors?

Surely you've heard of them?

Verification and Monitoring in Iran | IAEA


Never trusted them.
Lol, who do you think will be overseeing the unlikely denuclearization of the Korean peninsula?

Americans primarily, and others.

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