Pissed off about progress with North Korea? You might be a partisan hack.

See the far left wishes America failure.

When will people wake up and realize that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.

This from a Trump worshiper!

Love the irony

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This from a far left drone troll!

As they continue to show that they are irony impaired!

Issue for issue I bet a hundred bucks I am far right of you on 90% of them.

You just confuse not worshiping Trump as being a leftist action, which is ironic since Trump is a liberal

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wow. and you just confuse not attacking trump 24x7 as worshiping him.

seems to be a common problem.
The MSM now is claiming that Trump and Kim are lying about the negotiations done last night. The MSM critics are getting really lazy. They can't even make an argument for this document being anything than successful at this point.
The MSM now is claiming that Trump and Kim are lying about the negotiations done last night. The MSM critics are getting really lazy. They can't even make an argument for this document being anything than successful at this point.

Yep, they did succeed in talking to each other!

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Maybe we will be lucky & this will reduce the chance of nuclear bombs.it could be a start.
that said, what Trump gave Kim, global standing, equal footing with meeting, US will commit to providing security Guarantees in exchange. Trump announced that he will freeze US military exercises with South Korea.
what Trump got, conversation about denuclearization no time lines no details no commitment no verification.
Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
Progress? What progress?

You mean those ICBM's capable of hitting the US which Trump promised would never happen?

You mean Kim's hydrogen bomb?

What progress?

Oh. You mean Trump agreeing with Kim that our troops are "provocative" and appeasing Kim by stopping US exercises in exchange for...nothing?

What progress?
See the far left wishes America failure.

When will people wake up and realize that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.

This from a Trump worshiper!

Love the irony

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This from a far left drone troll!

As they continue to show that they are irony impaired!

Issue for issue I bet a hundred bucks I am far right of you on 90% of them.

You just confuse not worshiping Trump as being a leftist action, which is ironic since Trump is a liberal

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wow. and you just confuse not attacking trump 24x7 as worshiping him.

seems to be a common problem.

Not at all. There are those that have worshiped him from day one and then folks like you that said one or two bad things about him a year ago but have since been born again and now are like the rest

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See the far left wishes America failure.

When will people wake up and realize that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.

This from a Trump worshiper!

Love the irony

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This from a far left drone troll!

As they continue to show that they are irony impaired!

Issue for issue I bet a hundred bucks I am far right of you on 90% of them.

You just confuse not worshiping Trump as being a leftist action, which is ironic since Trump is a liberal

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
wow. and you just confuse not attacking trump 24x7 as worshiping him.

seems to be a common problem.

Not at all. There are those that have worshiped him from day one and then folks like you that said one or two bad things about him a year ago but have since been born again and now are like the rest

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Yes we know far left drone!

Carry on, like you always do following far left religious dogma!

Obama: messiah or mess?
As you can see the far left wants Trump to fail!

Just like they needed Iraq to be a failure in order to match their religious dogma.

Getting rid of Nukes is a good thing, no matter how much the far left thinks it is not!
This from a Trump worshiper!

Love the irony

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This from a far left drone troll!

As they continue to show that they are irony impaired!

Issue for issue I bet a hundred bucks I am far right of you on 90% of them.

You just confuse not worshiping Trump as being a leftist action, which is ironic since Trump is a liberal

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
wow. and you just confuse not attacking trump 24x7 as worshiping him.

seems to be a common problem.

Not at all. There are those that have worshiped him from day one and then folks like you that said one or two bad things about him a year ago but have since been born again and now are like the rest

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Yes we know far left drone!

Carry on, like you always do following far left religious dogma!

Obama: messiah or mess?

You can search this forum and never find a single post from me supporting to agreeing with Obama.

You are just projecting your feelings on me

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As you can see the far left wants Trump to fail!

Just like they needed Iraq to be a failure in order to match their religious dogma.

Getting rid of Nukes is a good thing, no matter how much the far left thinks it is not!

No nukes have gone away yet.

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if you think there's been progress, you're probably a partisan hack
Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
The talks are a good thing.

However, I'll give credit when we have an actual agreement that works. Not one in which we agree in principle, but have no way of verifying it; such as the Iranian deal.
I found it extremely entertaining back when Trump and Kim were insulting & threatening each other.

I'm going to miss that.
Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
The talks are a good thing.

However, I'll give credit when we have an actual agreement that works. Not one in which we agree in principle, but have no way of verifying it; such as the Iranian deal.

why do you lie about the iranian deal?
I'm not lying about the Iranian deal. You're just stuck with your head buried in the sand.


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