Pissed off about progress with North Korea? You might be a partisan hack.

So it seems that China knew ahead of time we were going to cancel the military exercise to make NK happy, but Japan, SK snd our own Pentagon did not.


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Definitely a bit surprising. Where do you think they got that information? Either way it's a good indicator that China very seriously wants us to stop that shit too. China is not our enemy, and hopefully they never will be. If we're offending them we should stop regardless of North Korea.
So the HuffPost and all those other sources are just wrong? The UN and IAEA claiming Iran violated the deal... they were wrong? Wow good thing they had someone like you to consult them.

Oh wait...

Yeah bc that was going so well.

Verification Process in Iran Deal Is Questioned by Some Experts

Iran Breaches the Nuclear Deal and UN Resolutions for Third Time | HuffPost

Iran once again exceeds a nuclear deal limit: IAEA report

Obama Administration Loosens Nuclear Deal After Iran Violates It

Give credit where it is due. This is a good thing.
What progress?

Please, point it out.
first - why don't you and all those saying nothing was done tell us what you'd have done and what you consider progress so we can address from that point of view. all you're going to do here is go "no that's not progress!" and be a partisan hack at this point.
How about a denuclearization agreement with inspections and verifications like we had in Iran until Cheeto Jesus bless it up?
Yes, the tests have gone on, but they arent covered by the Joint plan of action. It was booked that they would take the opportunity to behave themselves better, but those are not breaches of the deal.
Don’t care if you think I’m wrong. I’ve seen enough conversations in forums such as this to predict how people would react to things such as this. I know Trump haters will hate him no matter what he does or doesn’t do, just like Obama’s haters would never be happy with him no matter what. The evidence for this is everywhere—here, Twitter, other political forums... Go ahead and try to convince me otherwise. If you can be civil about it, it could be an interesting conversation.

The downside is Trump was involved. If Obama had done this same thing, the same people who are criticizing it would be celebrating it, and those who are celebrating it would be criticizing it.

Meh, not that impressed with a photo op that elevates a toad. (I mean Kim, not Trump, but I guess maybe two toads.)

It really doesn't solve the underlying problem.
It's a first step.....Obama gave cash for nothing.
Clinton would have wanted regime change
We got prisoners freed and are starting a dialog......there is no downside.


Keep saying it. Maybe it will come true. Try tapping your heels together.
Kinda like you do with Russia

Bawahahahahaahaha........ 6 /12 more years bro.....get used to the Trumpster
So you can’t be civil. Figures. Not surprising you and your closed mind don’t want to have a reasonable conversation. If you’ve no intention of discussing it, maybe keep your mouth shut (fingers off the keys) in the first place.

Don’t care if you think I’m wrong. I’ve seen enough conversations in forums such as this to predict how people would react to things such as this. I know Trump haters will hate him no matter what he does or doesn’t do, just like Obama’s haters would never be happy with him no matter what. The evidence for this is everywhere—here, Twitter, other political forums... Go ahead and try to convince me otherwise. If you can be civil about it, it could be an interesting conversation.

The downside is Trump was involved. If Obama had done this same thing, the same people who are criticizing it would be celebrating it, and those who are celebrating it would be criticizing it.

Meh, not that impressed with a photo op that elevates a toad. (I mean Kim, not Trump, but I guess maybe two toads.)

It really doesn't solve the underlying problem.
It's a first step.....Obama gave cash for nothing.
Clinton would have wanted regime change
We got prisoners freed and are starting a dialog......there is no downside.


Keep saying it. Maybe it will come true. Try tapping your heels together.
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So you can’t be civil. Figures. Not surprising you and your closed mind don’t want to have a reasonable conversation. If you’ve no intention of discussing it, maybe keep your mouth shut (fingers off the keys) in the first place. I’m not here to deal with insignificant trolls who poke fun at others just bc they’ve a different opinion. I’m an adult, not a child.

Don’t care if you think I’m wrong. I’ve seen enough conversations in forums such as this to predict how people would react to things such as this. I know Trump haters will hate him no matter what he does or doesn’t do, just like Obama’s haters would never be happy with him no matter what. The evidence for this is everywhere—here, Twitter, other political forums... Go ahead and try to convince me otherwise. If you can be civil about it, it could be an interesting conversation.

The downside is Trump was involved. If Obama had done this same thing, the same people who are criticizing it would be celebrating it, and those who are celebrating it would be criticizing it.

It's a first step.....Obama gave cash for nothing.
Clinton would have wanted regime change
We got prisoners freed and are starting a dialog......there is no downside.


Keep saying it. Maybe it will come true. Try tapping your heels together.
no he cant keep his mouth off of Obama's member....
Yes, they did. :102: Do I really have to list the sources AGAIN? They didn’t continuously abide by the terms and it’s a choice to not believe this. A choice by those who don’t care about the truth.

Iran defied the nuke deal more than once, but all you care about is that Trump violated it. Who’s fucking side are you on? Iran violated the deal and Obama did NOTHING. If NK violates this deal and Trump does nothing, what would you think about that? Too many Americans give passes to those they agree with, which is INSANITY.

Oh, and if you want to consult Google to find out how Iran violated the deal, make sure to add “2016” to your search query, else you’ll get mostly articles about how Trump violated the deal, even though you never typed in “Trump” to begin with.

Because Iran didn't violate the deal... that was the thing.

Was it a great deal? Nope. But it was better than nothing... unless you are a Zionist tool who wants a war between the US and Iran.
I don’t know if there’s proof or not that Iran’s military sites were strictly off limits. Iran said they were, the US said they weren’t

Who in the US said they weren't?

Here is a quote from this article: Access To Military Sites Debated As White House Reconsiders Iran Nuclear Deal from NPR written September 13, 2017

“IAEA Director-General Yukia Amano defends the verification regime as the ‘most robust’ being conducted anywhere today and insists that military sites are not off-limits.

Iranian officials say just the opposite.”

"Iranian officials say just the opposite."

Indeed they did, and inspections of military sites were not permitted.
no that was obama
it's ok, Obama did nothing......as usual.....atleast he didn't apologize to kim....he may be the only leader Obama didn't apologize to.

So you are upset Obama apologized for Bush's fuckups? I'm kind of glad someone did.

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