Pit bulls are safe around children!

You got me in a dumbass moment of my own lol. Not changing my opinion of Pitts.

I wasnt trying to get you to change your opinion. I was just proving your opinion was wrong. The rest is up to you.

Well all I know is that out of all dogs I have been around-dobermans, rotts, shepherds, labs etc. none have i ever seen so violent as a pitt, ever. Not all of them are, but the fact remains it is a violent breed. I won't back down from that. Because it is fucking obvious lol.

Pit owners just need to be extra cautious around kids, I know i am escpecialy, though I try to socialize him with them just in case he ever gets out of the yard somehow or gets loose. I have also learned that you need to know what mode your dog is in and how to snap them out of a mode that you dont want. This guy here is about 95 percent in throw me the ball mode. There are differences between pitts, my neighbor down the street has one and I cant walk next to the chainlink fence without it charging the gate. My dog, a stranger can walk right in my back yard or front door and he doesnt care.
I still think over all it is a good breed, because there are still millions of these dogs who never hurt anyone, and in many instances have protected people from violent crime, is that ever considered? Yeah though she had many types of dogs, Helen keller even had a pitbull as a companion dog
You got me in a dumbass moment of my own lol. Not changing my opinion of Pitts.

I wasnt trying to get you to change your opinion. I was just proving your opinion was wrong. The rest is up to you.

Well all I know is that out of all dogs I have been around-dobermans, rotts, shepherds, labs etc. none have i ever seen so violent as a pitt, ever. Not all of them are, but the fact remains it is a violent breed. I won't back down from that. Because it is fucking obvious lol.

I can't remember the last time or better yet ever reading or hearing a story of a
Lab or another breed mauling a child...

It always seems to be a pit bull...

I can't understand why anyone would want them as a pet.
I really can't understand why anyone would want them around a child.
Pit bulls are safe around children!

Well, yes, the pit bulls are safe but the children are in deep do-do.
I agree. It's like saying you can keep a bomb in your house and as long as you treat it properly, there is no problem, but if something goes wrong k-boom and someone is dead or seriously injured. The love of pitbulls is completely irrational. The breed needs to be made extinct.

I don't agree. You cannot get rid of an entire breed simply because the dog MIGHT attack. You are tarring the entire breed with the same brush. You cannot do that people, so why is it okay to do it to animals?

We have had both Pitts an Rotties never a problem, they were protective of the children, now we have female Pitt and is great with the grand kids, Like with any other breed people should not inbreed them so be careful of the breeder if you buy
I agree. It's like saying you can keep a bomb in your house and as long as you treat it properly, there is no problem, but if something goes wrong k-boom and someone is dead or seriously injured. The love of pitbulls is completely irrational. The breed needs to be made extinct.

I don't agree. You cannot get rid of an entire breed simply because the dog MIGHT attack. You are tarring the entire breed with the same brush. You cannot do that people, so why is it okay to do it to animals?

We have had both Pitts an Rotties never a problem, they were protective of the children, now we have female Pitt and is great with the grand kids, Like with any other breed people should not inbreed them so be careful of the breeder if you buy

I wonder if the breeding has something to do with the temperment between dogs. i notice some Pitbulls look very different from each other, the one i have seems built as a runner but I see some of them that look like tanks and will knock you over if they run into you, and then there are the brindles with the tiger stripes. Also the age that they are fixed may also
have something to do with it. People have told me my dog was probably fixed a little to young because he still behaves like a puppy, while hes probably between 2 and three years of age.
Asslickius provides the perfect example of someone who should not own a pit bull or any other breed of dog. Irrational, irresponsible punks like him are not fit to steward any of God's creatures.

It is not the fault of pit bulls for being what they are, but there is no legitimate reason for having a dog where another breed is not a MUCH better choice. Reading some of these posts, you get the feeling that some people own pit bulls just to say "Oh yeah? Well I can do it!" which in the end is really no different than the punk-ass teenager doing the 'over-compensation strut' down the sidewalk with some poor dog at the end of a heavy length of chain completely inappropriate for restraining it.

Stupid punks will be stupid punks, even after they are too old to wear their jeans around mid-ass because their mid-ass disappeared a few decades ago.

People claiming to know what the perfect breed of dog is for someone else are the most irrational and whiny people alive. Whiny punks like you are funny and pathetic all at the same time. You are scared of pit bulls and you think everyone else should share your fear. Unk. You are nothing but the rawest of pussies.

I don't agree. You cannot get rid of an entire breed simply because the dog MIGHT attack. You are tarring the entire breed with the same brush. You cannot do that people, so why is it okay to do it to animals?

We have had both Pitts an Rotties never a problem, they were protective of the children, now we have female Pitt and is great with the grand kids, Like with any other breed people should not inbreed them so be careful of the breeder if you buy

I wonder if the breeding has something to do with the temperment between dogs. i notice some Pitbulls look very different from each other, the one i have seems built as a runner but I see some of them that look like tanks and will knock you over if they run into you, and then there are the brindles with the tiger stripes. Also the age that they are fixed may also
have something to do with it. People have told me my dog was probably fixed a little to young because he still behaves like a puppy, while hes probably between 2 and three years of age.

Breeding has everything to do with it. The pits you see im most pics in this thread are no t pits at all, but instead products of line breeding and cross breeding to produce the 100 pound monsters called pit bulls today. And many of the mixed things that are doing most of the biting that makes the news today. For years breeders have attempted to clean up the lines and get back to the real pit bulls. They have also been culling puppies that have shown dog/human aggressiveness and focus on the best quality of the breed. The same was done with Dobies, Shepherds, Rotts, name the breed. With all of them there are two things that are consistent. One group sees fit to infringe others rights while they pissed and moan about theirs being messed with. The others are the apologists for the breed who mean well, but do more harm then good. Bad dogs need to be killed. Good dogs need to be bread. And so you know, no amount of love and trainning will help the breed. Just a fact.
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Bad dogs need to be killed. Good dogs need to be bread. And so you know, no amount of love and trainning will help the breed. Just a fact.

There you Mundanes go with your delusions of "good" and "bad" again. The ignorance of Homo Hubris knows no bounds.
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I wasnt trying to get you to change your opinion. I was just proving your opinion was wrong. The rest is up to you.

Well all I know is that out of all dogs I have been around-dobermans, rotts, shepherds, labs etc. none have i ever seen so violent as a pitt, ever. Not all of them are, but the fact remains it is a violent breed. I won't back down from that. Because it is fucking obvious lol.

I can't remember the last time or better yet ever reading or hearing a story of a
Lab or another breed mauling a child...

It always seems to be a pit bull...

I can't understand why anyone would want them as a pet.
I really can't understand why anyone would want them around a child.

well the pit I have is definately sweeter than any German Shepard I have ever seen. It may have something to do with how damn smart he is, He opens the sliding glass door by himself, and my sliding back truck window, when I first got him , I found him waiting in the bed of my truck after he figured how to get it open somehow.
Im cautious with him around Kids.. just because. But the ones he knows he greets everytime with the tinniest of licks, Ive taken him to the dog park, he doesnt run after other dogs. Well hes always on leash there, but I take him off to catch the ball. He has had his moments of growling at other large dogs, but never the little ones. He seems to know the difference

The only incident was when a German Shepherd got to his ball first and ran over to its owner. My pit followed, and as I arrived the guy gave my dog the ball back .... at which the Shephard attacked my Pit. I had hustled over there so just arrived as it happened and grabbed my dog by its harness and easily pulled him away, ..what I couldnt do was stop the other guys shepherd from attacking because the other guy lost control of his leash, while i was holding my dog off the ground. All in all they just raked teeth and got a few scratches.

Why would someone want a pit as a pet? Why do people want any dog for a pet? I guess you have to have one to know. Maybe its a human failing.
I've lived with pitbulls and, if they're raised with love, they are the most loving animals out there.

They're not evil, but misunderstood. It is the owner who abuses the dogs that is to blame here.

I agree Wake, and I think that no one should ever leave a small child unattended with any dog anyways because anything can happen. I've heard of an incident before where a child was tangled in the leash of a dog while unattended and strangled to death.
I've lived with pitbulls and, if they're raised with love, they are the most loving animals out there.

They're not evil, but misunderstood. It is the owner who abuses the dogs that is to blame here.

I agree Wake, and I think that no one should ever leave a small child unattended with any dog anyways because anything can happen. I've heard of an incident before where a child was tangled in the leash of a dog while unattended and strangled to death.

Yeah, maybe their just to strong, and also you never know if the kid might pull on its tail or poke it in thhe face. thats th ething that worries me the most, otherwise a dog wouldnt have much reason to attack a kid it knows .
I've lived with pitbulls and, if they're raised with love, they are the most loving animals out there.

They're not evil, but misunderstood. It is the owner who abuses the dogs that is to blame here.

I agree Wake, and I think that no one should ever leave a small child unattended with any dog anyways because anything can happen. I've heard of an incident before where a child was tangled in the leash of a dog while unattended and strangled to death.

Yeah, maybe their just to strong, and also you never know if the kid might pull on its tail or poke it in thhe face. thats th ething that worries me the most, otherwise a dog wouldnt have much reason to attack a kid it knows .

My cousin had a pit bull, and I have a story but I don't want to make sound like I'm fear mongering because I don't think such behavior is just limited to the pit bull breed. I think attacks can happen with really any dog. Like someone mentioned already, some people treat their animals mean too, which can contribute, and since the pit bull does have the reputation it has, you know that SOME people who get them are not getting them for the right reasons necessarily.

Anyway, I would never leave a small child alone with any dog.
I hate when people pull lies out of their asses. Pits are not the most aggressive dog. Apartments do allow pits depending on where you live. My first one was raised in an apartment. That was one of the reasons I got a pit. I needed one that would be ok in an apartment.

The Most Aggressive Dog Breeds in the World?

The problem. When pitts do bite they bite to kill and don't stop until they do. I had to stomp on ones neck to get it off my own mother, it was clamped to the bone. This is after it killed her dog. Pitts are an aggressive breed, it isn't a conspiracy against Pitt owners. It is true. And if any one of them even touches a paw to anyone in my family again I will kill it.

Canine experts say you are wrong about the aggressiveness. You are also wrong about them biting to kill in all cases. I have been bitten by a pit before and immediately it let go with no damage. I know a lot of other people that have been bitten by pits and they let them go. All dogs do the same thing. I would agree pits are dangerous. Just like any animal capable of killing a human is dangerous. I dont think its a conspiracy but it is mass hysteria very similar to the radio program War of the Worlds. Some people believe anything the media feeds them.


The pit bull's genetic traits are not in dispute. Many appellate courts agree that pit bulls pose a significant danger to society and can be regulated accordingly. Some of the genetic traits courts have identified include: unpredictability of aggression, tenacity ("gameness" the refusal to give up a fight), high pain tolerance and the pit bull's "hold and shake" bite style. According to forensic medical studies, similar injuries have only been found elsewhere on victims of shark attacks.

Perpetuators of this myth also cannot account for the many instances in which pit bull owners and family members are victimized by their pet dogs. From 2005 to 2013, pit bulls killed 176 Americans, about one citizen every 18.6 days. Of these deaths, 52% involved a family member and a household pit bull. Notably, in the first 8 months of 2011, nearly half of those killed by a pit bull was its owner. One victim was an "avid supporter" of Bad Rap, a recipient of Michael Vick's dogs.
I've been bitten by a pit bull before, and I can say with certainty that they can and do let go.

Best not to believe everything one hears on the internet. Firsthand experience is valuable.
I've been bitten by a pit bull before, and I can say with certainty that they can and do let go.

Best not to believe everything one hears on the internet. Firsthand experience is valuable.

And I was attacked by my pit. He would have killed me if my son, daughter and wife didn't intervene.

STOP spewing garbage.
I've been bitten by a pit bull before, and I can say with certainty that they can and do let go.

Best not to believe everything one hears on the internet. Firsthand experience is valuable.

And I was attacked by my pit. He would have killed me if my son, daughter and wife didn't intervene.

STOP spewing garbage.

I think you should approach this issue with a calm mind.

The argument in this thread is that all pit bulls are dangerous and in need of regulation.

The hyped up lies and misinformation notwithstanding, there are many sweet, loving, gentle, good-natured pit bulls out there. What is nonsense is people completely ignoring that it's bad people who make dogs aggressive, strong, and violent.
I've been bitten by a pit bull before, and I can say with certainty that they can and do let go.

Best not to believe everything one hears on the internet. Firsthand experience is valuable.

And I was attacked by my pit. He would have killed me if my son, daughter and wife didn't intervene.

STOP spewing garbage.

I think you should approach this issue with a calm mind.

The argument in this thread is that all pit bulls are dangerous and in need of regulation.

The hyped up lies and misinformation notwithstanding, there are many sweet, loving, gentle, good-natured pit bulls out there. What is nonsense is people completely ignoring that it's bad people who make dogs aggressive, strong, and violent.

Is every pitbull a danger to the people around it? Maybe, maybe not, but until someone comes up with a machine that can tell us which ones are going to attack, they should all be banned. Theres a reason why its illegal to have tigers as pets, and I believe pitbulls should be illegal for the same reason.
I've been bitten by a pit bull before, and I can say with certainty that they can and do let go.

Best not to believe everything one hears on the internet. Firsthand experience is valuable.

And I was attacked by my pit. He would have killed me if my son, daughter and wife didn't intervene.

STOP spewing garbage.

I think you should approach this issue with a calm mind.

The argument in this thread is that all pit bulls are dangerous and in need of regulation.

The hyped up lies and misinformation notwithstanding, there are many sweet, loving, gentle, good-natured pit bulls out there. What is nonsense is people completely ignoring that it's bad people who make dogs aggressive, strong, and violent.

You are talking out of your ass.

I have had dogs all my life. I did nothing to "make that dog aggressive, strong, and violent"

You truly are an IDIOT
The Front Burner: Banning pit bulls saves lives and protects the innocent
May 24, 2013

Whether to ban pit bulls is a human health and safety issue that should be steered by health and safety officials. Public safety is not the profession of animal advocates. Thus, public policy coming from animal advocates concerning protecting humans from pit bulls is fundamentally flawed.

So far this year, 13 of the 14 Americans who have been killed by dogs — 93 percent — were killed by pit bulls and pit mixes. This is well above the average of 60 percent from 2005 to 2012.

As the pit bull population rises, more human fatalities ensue. During the last eight-year period that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studied fatal attacks by breed (1991 to 1998), pit bulls were estimated at 1 percent of the U.S. dog population. Pit bulls killed an average of three people per year.

The pit bull population has since grown to 4 percent. During the most recent eight-year period (2005-12), pit bulls killed an average of 19 people per year.

Miami-Dade County, which banned pit bulls in 1989, has avoided this loss of life. Other Florida counties — prohibited by state law from regulating dogs by breed — continue to experience deaths and disfigurements due to pit bulls. Since 1989, 18 Florida citizens have been killed by pit bulls — none within Miami-Dade.

The threat from pit bulls results from the combination of the animals' inclination to attack without warning — an essential trait of fighting dogs — and the type of injuries that pit bulls typically inflict.

Most dogs bite and retreat, but pit bulls have a hold-and-shake bite style, and tenaciously refuse to stop an attack once begun.

Often a pit bull releases its grip only when dead — the trait dog fighters describe as being "dead game."

Ban opponents often blame dismembering and fatal attacks on environmental factors, such as neglect. That, unfortunately, is the plight of too many dogs of all breeds, not just those who kill and maim.

Opponents also fail to distinguish dog-bite-injury severity. They argue that bans "do not reduce all dog bites." Of the 4.7 million Americans bitten by dogs each year, 9,500 require hospitalization for severe dog-bite injuries. The most extreme injury level, mauling injury, requires life-saving procedures at trauma centers.

The purpose of a pit bull ban is to eradicate mauling injuries and deaths inflicted by pit bulls, the breed involved in more than half of all severe and mauling attacks.

Since 1986, 18 appellate decisions have upheld lower-court findings that pit bulls are more dangerous than other dog breeds.

Since 1988, four peer-reviewed studies published in leading medical journals have reviewed the severity of pit bull injury. "Mortality, Mauling and Maiming by Vicious Dogs," published in the Annals of Surgery in 2011, concluded the following:

"Attacks by pit bulls are associated with higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than are attacks by other breeds of dogs. Strict regulation of pit bulls may substantially reduce the U.S. mortality rates related to dog bites."

In April 2012, the highest court in Maryland declared pit bulls "inherently dangerous," altering common law pertaining to pit bull attacks. Pit bulls are prima facia dangerous in Maryland and held to a strict liability standard. In instances of a tenant's pit bull attacking, this liability extends to the landlord. The court cited the entire abstract of the 2011 Annals of Surgery study in its opinion.

Influential pit bull advocates have supported regulation in the past and are doing so now. On its Facebook page, the Villalobos Rescue Center, founded by Tia Torres of Animal Planet's Pit Bulls & Parolees — expressed support for a proposal in Louisiana on the heels of a mutilating attack on a woman by her own pit bulls.

It is time for Florida pit bull advocacy groups to follow suit.

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