Pit bulls are safe around children!

And I was attacked by my pit. He would have killed me if my son, daughter and wife didn't intervene.

STOP spewing garbage.

I think you should approach this issue with a calm mind.

The argument in this thread is that all pit bulls are dangerous and in need of regulation.

The hyped up lies and misinformation notwithstanding, there are many sweet, loving, gentle, good-natured pit bulls out there. What is nonsense is people completely ignoring that it's bad people who make dogs aggressive, strong, and violent.

You are talking out of your ass.

I have had dogs all my life. I did nothing to "make that dog aggressive, strong, and violent"

You truly are an IDIOT

I never heard your actually story. How did you get the dog off you first off, then what did you do after getting it off of you? Did you put it down yourself, or take it somewhere to have it done?
How many times are we going to see these stories of people being mauled by pit bulls? You always hear the same thing from pit bull enthusiasts, "it depends on how they are raised. My pit bull is as gentle as can be!". Its funny how the owners of the pit bulls that attack people always say "I cant believe it, my pit bulls played with my children." Well guess what, this kid was around these pit bulls before without incident, then suddenly one day these "peaceful" dogs killed a child and mauled his pregnant mother.

These dogs are ticking time bombs, therefore they aren't fit for domestication. They should be outlawed!

Police identify boy, 4, killed in dog attack

I know many people with pit bulls and they are great dogs. That being said, there is no way I would own one with children younger than teenagers. While any dog can turn or just get too rough, pit bulls are extremely powerful and their jaws can crush a child easily. The risk far outweighs any possible benefit of owning one if you have young kids. For adults without kids, or with teenagers, I think it's a personal decision. Again, these dogs are usually great pets if raised properly.
And I was attacked by my pit. He would have killed me if my son, daughter and wife didn't intervene.

STOP spewing garbage.

I think you should approach this issue with a calm mind.

The argument in this thread is that all pit bulls are dangerous and in need of regulation.

The hyped up lies and misinformation notwithstanding, there are many sweet, loving, gentle, good-natured pit bulls out there. What is nonsense is people completely ignoring that it's bad people who make dogs aggressive, strong, and violent.

Is every pitbull a danger to the people around it? Maybe, maybe not, but until someone comes up with a machine that can tell us which ones are going to attack, they should all be banned. Theres a reason why its illegal to have tigers as pets, and I believe pitbulls should be illegal for the same reason.

Tigers are not domesticated animals dumbass.
The problem. When pitts do bite they bite to kill and don't stop until they do. I had to stomp on ones neck to get it off my own mother, it was clamped to the bone. This is after it killed her dog. Pitts are an aggressive breed, it isn't a conspiracy against Pitt owners. It is true. And if any one of them even touches a paw to anyone in my family again I will kill it.

Canine experts say you are wrong about the aggressiveness. You are also wrong about them biting to kill in all cases. I have been bitten by a pit before and immediately it let go with no damage. I know a lot of other people that have been bitten by pits and they let them go. All dogs do the same thing. I would agree pits are dangerous. Just like any animal capable of killing a human is dangerous. I dont think its a conspiracy but it is mass hysteria very similar to the radio program War of the Worlds. Some people believe anything the media feeds them.


The pit bull's genetic traits are not in dispute. Many appellate courts agree that pit bulls pose a significant danger to society and can be regulated accordingly. Some of the genetic traits courts have identified include: unpredictability of aggression, tenacity ("gameness" the refusal to give up a fight), high pain tolerance and the pit bull's "hold and shake" bite style. According to forensic medical studies, similar injuries have only been found elsewhere on victims of shark attacks.

Perpetuators of this myth also cannot account for the many instances in which pit bull owners and family members are victimized by their pet dogs. From 2005 to 2013, pit bulls killed 176 Americans, about one citizen every 18.6 days. Of these deaths, 52% involved a family member and a household pit bull. Notably, in the first 8 months of 2011, nearly half of those killed by a pit bull was its owner. One victim was an "avid supporter" of Bad Rap, a recipient of Michael Vick's dogs.

Doesnt matter what appellate courts agree. They are not experts. The fact is the dog is not people aggressive specifically because they were bred that way. If you knew anything at all about the history of the breed it would be impossible to fight them according to the rules if they were people aggressive. Your story is full of holes and contradictions. If the dog had a high pain tolerance why would stepping on his neck make it let go? How did you get the pit off you if it didnt let go?
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I think you should approach this issue with a calm mind.

The argument in this thread is that all pit bulls are dangerous and in need of regulation.

The hyped up lies and misinformation notwithstanding, there are many sweet, loving, gentle, good-natured pit bulls out there. What is nonsense is people completely ignoring that it's bad people who make dogs aggressive, strong, and violent.

Is every pitbull a danger to the people around it? Maybe, maybe not, but until someone comes up with a machine that can tell us which ones are going to attack, they should all be banned. Theres a reason why its illegal to have tigers as pets, and I believe pitbulls should be illegal for the same reason.

Tigers are not domesticated animals dumbass.

Mike Tysons tigers slept in his bed with him every night. Id say they are about as domesticated as these pitbulls.
Is every pitbull a danger to the people around it? Maybe, maybe not, but until someone comes up with a machine that can tell us which ones are going to attack, they should all be banned. Theres a reason why its illegal to have tigers as pets, and I believe pitbulls should be illegal for the same reason.

Tigers are not domesticated animals dumbass.

Mike Tysons tigers slept in his bed with him every night. Id say they are about as domesticated as these pitbulls.

You would say a lot of stupid things. That doesnt make them correct just because you said it.
Canine experts say you are wrong about the aggressiveness. You are also wrong about them biting to kill in all cases. I have been bitten by a pit before and immediately it let go with no damage. I know a lot of other people that have been bitten by pits and they let them go. All dogs do the same thing. I would agree pits are dangerous. Just like any animal capable of killing a human is dangerous. I dont think its a conspiracy but it is mass hysteria very similar to the radio program War of the Worlds. Some people believe anything the media feeds them.


The pit bull's genetic traits are not in dispute. Many appellate courts agree that pit bulls pose a significant danger to society and can be regulated accordingly. Some of the genetic traits courts have identified include: unpredictability of aggression, tenacity ("gameness" the refusal to give up a fight), high pain tolerance and the pit bull's "hold and shake" bite style. According to forensic medical studies, similar injuries have only been found elsewhere on victims of shark attacks.

Perpetuators of this myth also cannot account for the many instances in which pit bull owners and family members are victimized by their pet dogs. From 2005 to 2013, pit bulls killed 176 Americans, about one citizen every 18.6 days. Of these deaths, 52% involved a family member and a household pit bull. Notably, in the first 8 months of 2011, nearly half of those killed by a pit bull was its owner. One victim was an "avid supporter" of Bad Rap, a recipient of Michael Vick's dogs.

Doesnt matter what appellate courts agree. They are not experts. The fact is the dog is not people aggressive specifically because they were bred that way. If you knew anything at all about the history of the breed it would be impossible to fight them according to the rules if they were people aggressive. Your story is full of holes and contradictions. If the dog had a high pain tolerance why would stepping on his neck make it let go? How did you get the pit off you if it didnt let go?

It is a fact that a pitbull's bite is lethal, and if antagonized or frightened, any dog could bite...and the pit bull's bite is different and can kill or maim quickly. Probably why most pit bull owners have them heavily chained. I would be very cautious about allowing children around any pit bull, no matter how nice it was brought up because, even though the owner of the pit bull is doing all the right things, unless he knows the history of the dog and its ancestors, he don't know if the aggressive traits were passed on and part of his makeup.

Today’s pit bull is a descendant of the original English bull-baiting dog—a dog that was bred to bite and hold bulls, bears and other large animals around the face and head. When baiting large animals was outlawed in the 1800s, people turned instead to fighting their dogs against each other. These larger, slower bull-baiting dogs were crossed with smaller, quicker terriers to produce a more agile and athletic dog for fighting other dogs.

Some pit bulls were selected and bred for their fighting ability. That means that they may be more likely than other breeds to fight with dogs. It doesn’t mean that they can’t be around other dogs or that they’re unpredictably aggressive. Other pit bulls were specifically bred for work and companionship. These dogs have long been popular family pets, noted for their gentleness, affection and loyalty. And even those pit bulls bred to fight other animals were not prone to aggressiveness toward people. Dogs used for fighting needed to be routinely handled by people; therefore aggression toward people was not tolerated. Any dog that behaved aggressively toward a person was culled, or killed, to avoid passing on such an undesirable trait. Research on pet dogs confirms that dog aggressive dogs are no more likely to direct aggression toward people than dogs that aren’t aggressive to other dogs.

It is likely that that the vast majority of pit bull type dogs in our communities today are the result of random breeding—two dogs being mated without regard to the behavioral traits being passed on to their offspring. The result of random breeding is a population of dogs with a wide range of behavioral predispositions. For this reason it is important to evaluate and treat each dog, no matter its breed, as an individual.

Position Statement on Pit Bulls | ASPCA
Proud owner of a Pit bull, German shepard, Rottweiler and an 8lb Morkie.

Mindy (the Morkie) rules the roost.... the rest are big babies.

Am i careful with them around strangers? yes, of course... any one of the 4 will attack if they feel threatened.


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And I was attacked by my pit. He would have killed me if my son, daughter and wife didn't intervene.

STOP spewing garbage.

I think you should approach this issue with a calm mind.

The argument in this thread is that all pit bulls are dangerous and in need of regulation.

The hyped up lies and misinformation notwithstanding, there are many sweet, loving, gentle, good-natured pit bulls out there. What is nonsense is people completely ignoring that it's bad people who make dogs aggressive, strong, and violent.

You are talking out of your ass.

I have had dogs all my life. I did nothing to "make that dog aggressive, strong, and violent"

You truly are an IDIOT

I can understand your own personal experience with that pit bull, Bfgrn, and I'm going to respect you by not downplaying or denying the scary experience that you had. You did nothing to make the dog aggressive, strong, or violent, and I believe you. What should be explored is when the dog in question was bought. There is a chance that it was abused before you bought it; I can't say, and whatever you assert I'll assume as truth.

But even past that, if the dog did snap and wasn't mistreated, that was from that dog alone. I too have owned a few dogs, from cocker spaniels to pit bulls, from pink-bellied puppies, and none have snapped at me, ever. Bfgrn, I feel there are good pit bulls out there that aren't inclined to snap or react unpredictably. I can't explain or understand why your dog did what it did without more information.

You're not a person that abuses dogs, or hurts them to make them vicious guards. I do ask that you consider not demonizing every dog in the breed based on the actions of some. You've had a negative experience with a pit, and I have had multiple positive experiences with pits. That in no way downplays your experience, or makes your opinion less valid. I just think it's not fair to want to ban me from owning pit bulls, or call my dogs bad, based on the actions of other dogs. There is good, and there is bad. There are also many variables unsaid.

My experience with the breed has been good overall. Yours hasn't. I think we can both learn a lot and understand the world a little better if we continued talking about this.
I respect that some of you like and defend pit bulls and want to claim that they are no more dangerous than other dogs. The data clearly supports the fact that pit bulls are more dangerous than other dogs. I hope your pit bull doesn't turn on you, it would be your own fault if he ever does. The facts are pretty convincing. Keep telling yourself that your pit bull couldn't hurt a fly, but please don't let him near children, especially children that are not your own.

Report: U.S. Dog Bite Fatalities January 2006
to December 2008
A 2009 report issued by DogsBite.org shows that 19 dog breeds contributed to 88 deaths in a recent 3-year period. Pit bulls accounted for 59% followed by rottweilers with 14%.
Of the 88 fatal dog attacks recorded by DogsBite.org, pit bull type dogs were responsible for 59% (52). This is equivalent to a pit bull killing a U.S. citizen every 21 days during this 3-year period.
The data also shows that pit bulls commit the vast majority of off-property attacks that result in death. Only 18% (16) of the attacks occurred off owner property, yet pit bulls were responsible for 81% (13).

When I volunteered at the Humane Society here we had strict requirements on Pit Bull adoptions. You were required to sign up for an obedience class, the dogs were temperment tested, spayed or neutered, and they were not allowed to be adopted out to any household with children under 8.

This was for the benefit of the dog and the children in the home. There are other breeds that are not good with kids. Chows, Akitas, etc.

All breeds can have specific dogs that are nice as can be and all dogs can have a crap owner that turns them into a terrible dog.

All dogs, especially these large, aggressive dogs, need firm handling and something to do to occupy their time. Many pits are not good around other dogs or cats. There are always exceptions.

I hear more horror stories about Rottweilers around here killing people than pits but you hear it about both breeds.

I blame the owners because they are responsible for keeping their aggressive dogs in a proper enclosure but still the dogs can and do escape and can and do injure and kill people and kids. Will all dogs do this? Nope. But it only takes one to make a bad name for the entire breed and you hear a lot more about Pits attacking than other breeds.

I used to work in a Vet clinic years ago. We'd give the same advice out to people about all these large breed dogs and that is they need obedience training, lots of exercise, and an owner that has the time to take care of them properly. I hate when people get dogs and then tie them up outside and ignore them. This can make a dog aggressive and unsocial. A really bad combination.
I see many so called 'dangerous' dogs around town. Ain't never been attacked by any of them don't expect to, either.
If a parent is abusive and violent with their child it's a good bet the child will grow up to be the same way why would be any different if dog is raised that way? Some dogs have more aggressive natures than other's it's up to the owner to know this and understand how to raise and handle the dog.
If a parent is abusive and violent with their child it's a good bet the child will grow up to be the same way why would be any different if dog is raised that way? Some dogs have more aggressive natures than other's it's up to the owner to know this and understand how to raise and handle the dog.

That's a good point, but in the case of my cousin who was attacked by her pit, it was just an old dog, and they think it just got confused and didn't recognize her.
If a parent is abusive and violent with their child it's a good bet the child will grow up to be the same way why would be any different if dog is raised that way? Some dogs have more aggressive natures than other's it's up to the owner to know this and understand how to raise and handle the dog.

That's a good point, but in the case of my cousin who was attacked by her pit, it was just an old dog, and they think it just got confused and didn't recognize her.

Could be what people have to understand is dogs much like people have their own personalities and have to be treated accordingly pit bulls and labs are both dogs but have very different personalities.
If a parent is abusive and violent with their child it's a good bet the child will grow up to be the same way why would be any different if dog is raised that way? Some dogs have more aggressive natures than other's it's up to the owner to know this and understand how to raise and handle the dog.

That's a good point, but in the case of my cousin who was attacked by her pit, it was just an old dog, and they think it just got confused and didn't recognize her.

Could be what people have to understand is dogs much like people have their own personalities and have to be treated accordingly pit bulls and labs are both dogs but have very different personalities.

Oh sure, I agree. My only point is that sometimes a person can be a good dog handler and still be attacked because it just happens sometimes. Animals can't talk to you, and they can be unpredictable at times. That is why, earlier in the thread, I said that I don't think it would ever be a good idea to leave a young child alone with ANY dog.
That's a good point, but in the case of my cousin who was attacked by her pit, it was just an old dog, and they think it just got confused and didn't recognize her.

Could be what people have to understand is dogs much like people have their own personalities and have to be treated accordingly pit bulls and labs are both dogs but have very different personalities.

Oh sure, I agree. My only point is that sometimes a person can be a good dog handler and still be attacked because it just happens sometimes. Animals can't talk to you, and they can be unpredictable at times. That is why, earlier in the thread, I said that I don't think it would ever be a good idea to leave a young child alone with ANY dog.
Could be what people have to understand is dogs much like people have their own personalities and have to be treated accordingly pit bulls and labs are both dogs but have very different personalities.

Oh sure, I agree. My only point is that sometimes a person can be a good dog handler and still be attacked because it just happens sometimes. Animals can't talk to you, and they can be unpredictable at times. That is why, earlier in the thread, I said that I don't think it would ever be a good idea to leave a young child alone with ANY dog.

I heard a story once about a child who was playing in his yard with his dog which was tied and somehow the leash got twisted around the boy's neck and strangled him, so accidents can happen, especially when it's a little one.
How many times are we going to see these stories of people being mauled by pit bulls? You always hear the same thing from pit bull enthusiasts, "it depends on how they are raised. My pit bull is as gentle as can be!". Its funny how the owners of the pit bulls that attack people always say "I cant believe it, my pit bulls played with my children." Well guess what, this kid was around these pit bulls before without incident, then suddenly one day these "peaceful" dogs killed a child and mauled his pregnant mother.

These dogs are ticking time bombs, therefore they aren't fit for domestication. They should be outlawed!

Police identify boy, 4, killed in dog attack

I have a hard time with people who want to ban things they don't want to put effort into.

Why ban a dog but save a kitty in the subway? And what does "ban" actually mean? Kill them or?

Knowing the history of Pitbulls is important in this case to debate. But people have to decide, are they inherently violent or are they just many classifications of humans that have been put through hard times and react in the wrong way sometimes.

Again, what does "ban" mean in your perspective? I have no emotion tied to this, I'd gladly shoot any significantly dangerous animal. But is this what you mean?

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