Pity the South

have you ever considered the logistics of pulling up stakes and moving a family?

Yes, have you?

Or you do like many of us working in the utility construction business. You have the family at home and you go on the road working. I have worked all over the US, and my family mostly stayed in one place.

Is it easy? No, it isn't. But the money is good, the benefits are good, and I did whatever it took to support my family.

Chances are very good that your cable and phone lines were put up or buried by contractors working a long way from home. Any recent powerlines were probably done by the same sort of folks. Most of the cell towers and the fiber that supports your life was done this way too.
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Military families know that constant relocation is their lot in life. They can avail themselves of base housing, eliminating the risk of selling their homes in soft real estate markets. They have support from the military in their moves. The comparison does not bear up.
A little kid doesn't know anything other than every once in awhile they are pulled out of school and their friends to start all over. Somehow those families survive.

Base housing isn't always available or desirable. Many military people own homes and deal with needing to sell in a hurry or handle the business of renting.

Bottom line if you have to move to work, you do what you have to make a living and it is done by military families all the time without the tragedy you implied.
Or why foreign car manufacturers locate there, as they do in the third world.

That's an easy one: Cheap Labor.

lots of us give a shit leftard

jobs and people are leaving Blue states and moving to Red states

go cry

Yea, because people in Red States are too fucking stupid to learn the job. Duh. Did that have to be explained? What's wrong with these right wingers? Is this how they "debate"? You think Red States are at full employment so that's why educated need to be "lured" from Blue States? Because there are so many jobs?
That's an easy one: Cheap Labor.

lots of us give a shit leftard

jobs and people are leaving Blue states and moving to Red states

go cry

Yea, because people in Red States are too fucking stupid to learn the job. Duh. Did that have to be explained? What's wrong with these right wingers? Is this how they "debate"? You think Red States are at full employment so that's why educated need to be "lured" from Blue States? Because there are so many jobs?

Texas has an unemployment rate of 5.7
Cant get much lower then that.
Pulling the kids out of school and away from routine is traumatic. Elderly parents who need help from time to time, isit really that simple to walk away?
Thousands of military families do it every two years, not only across the US but overseas. Somehow their kids turn out okay, families are a lot more resilient than you think.

Yes, the TAXPAYERS pay for the family's move, too.

Not so with taxpaying citizens who are simply moving in the HOPES of finding better (any) employment.
Pity the South... compared to the rest of the country Southerners are poverty stricken, unhealthy, smokers, whose teenagers get knocked up more often than in other parts of the country and-----and Southerners have less chance of moving up the economic ladder - is it any wonder then, that Southerners are also the unhappiest Americans? Check out all nine maps, geez, it must be depressing to be a Southerner (pun intended).

These 9 Maps Should Absolutely Outrage Southerners

Emily Cohn


Many living in poverty in the South are being denied access to
affordable health care.

Source: Urban Institute
States that didn't choose to expand Medicaid under Obamacare are highlighted in lighter gray.
...which is costing these states a ton of money.


Source: The Huffington Post
This map shows how much money the 19 states that rejected Medicaid expansion will lose by 2022 as a result of doing so (assuming all other states participate).
This is particularly troubling because the
South has several health crises on its hands. Like obesity.



I pity people like you who looks down their noses on others and then advertises it on a message board for atta boys from people just like you
your type make's me sick
lots of us give a shit leftard

jobs and people are leaving Blue states and moving to Red states

go cry

Yea, because people in Red States are too fucking stupid to learn the job. Duh. Did that have to be explained? What's wrong with these right wingers? Is this how they "debate"? You think Red States are at full employment so that's why educated need to be "lured" from Blue States? Because there are so many jobs?

Texas has an unemployment rate of 5.7
Cant get much lower then that.

Yea, you are right. You can't get much lower than Texas. In salary I mean.
Texas has the highest number making minimum wage. The most without healthcare or benefits. The largest number of children without health care.

texas number one in minimum wage

Remember the post some time back about people working at McDonald's cost the country 7 billion annually? Why is that? Because they work for minimum wage without benefits.

Only Republicans could be proud of that. Only Republicans.


I heard swimming and fishing in Texas is fun.
Retiring (boom) in the South is cheap-----cheap because lifelong southerners are content to live with less-on-less and-----and retired people have lived long enough to not worry about the low life expectancy caused by southern attitude, lifestyle, polluted water, tainted seafood, et al.

Map of US states by life expectancy at birth (years)


I wonder if they actually live a whole 3 or 4 years longer (on average), or does it just seem that way?

I'm really glad you're happy with your life in Florida, I'm sure I will be very happy when I follow a couple of friends and move to The Villages within the next couple of years but-----but our personal lives are only a tiny part (at most) of the overall inability of southerners to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, get themselves healthy, get educated, and demand an end to the de facto plantation mentality that is keeping the southern working poor and middle class from participating in American upward mobility.

Northerners can help but-----but it's up to southerners pull off the yoke of plutocracy. Until southerners decide to get out from under the thumb of the plutocrats, get off the northern teat and demand the ability to earn a piece of the American pie - southerners will continue to be the unhappiest Americans...

Happiest Cities In America - Business Insider

Julie Zeveloff
March 25, 2014


Here are the U.S. communities with the highest rates of wellbeing, according to Gallup. They tend to be spread across the northeast, northwest, and California.



unHappiest Cities In America - Business Insider

On the flip side are the cities with the lowest rates of wellbeing. Last year, Charleston, W. Va. came in last. This year, it was displaced by Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH, which was second-from-the-bottom on last year's ranking.

Many of the cities at the bottom of the ranking are located in the northeast and south.



No wonder northerners are called upon to subsidize southerners. Not only are southerners so cowed by the oligarchs they won't stand up for themselves, southerners don't stand up -- period.

Sedentary States


Indiana 41

Alabama 42

Texas 42

Oklahoma 44

Tennessee 45

Kentucky 46

Louisiana 47

Mississippi 48

West Virginia 49

Arkansas 50
I wonder if they actually live a whole 3 or 4 years longer (on average), or does it just seem that way?

I'm really glad you're happy with your life in Florida, I'm sure I will be very happy when I follow a couple of friends and move to The Villages within the next couple of years but-----but our personal lives are only a tiny part (at most) of the overall inability of southerners to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, get themselves healthy, get educated, and demand an end to the de facto plantation mentality that is keeping the southern working poor and middle class from participating in American upward mobility.

Northerners can help but-----but it's up to southerners pull off the yoke of plutocracy. Until southerners decide to get out from under the thumb of the plutocrats, get off the northern teat and demand the ability to earn a piece of the American pie - southerners will continue to be the unhappiest Americans...

Happiest Cities In America - Business Insider

Julie Zeveloff
March 25, 2014


Here are the U.S. communities with the highest rates of wellbeing, according to Gallup. They tend to be spread across the northeast, northwest, and California.



unHappiest Cities In America - Business Insider

On the flip side are the cities with the lowest rates of wellbeing. Last year, Charleston, W. Va. came in last. This year, it was displaced by Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH, which was second-from-the-bottom on last year's ranking.

Many of the cities at the bottom of the ranking are located in the northeast and south.



No wonder northerners are called upon to subsidize southerners. Not only are southerners so cowed by the oligarchs they won't stand up for themselves, southerners don't stand up -- period.

Sedentary States


Indiana 41

Alabama 42

Texas 42

Oklahoma 44

Tennessee 45

Kentucky 46

Louisiana 47

Mississippi 48

West Virginia 49

Arkansas 50

The map on your link shows that there are plenty of states outside the south that rank pretty low.

I listed studies showing Best States in which to live, Best States in which to make a living, and you go with Most Sedentary? And look at the ranges on your own link. The actual differences are pretty minor.

Keep trying.
Wake up and smell the democrat desperation. The champion, obama, is going down under a Russian boot so the democrats have to say "the south is bad". Newsflash the south will be here long after the Russians take New York.

What a truly asinine post but no supprise considering the source.
I'm really glad you're happy with your life in Florida, I'm sure I will be very happy when I follow a couple of friends and move to The Villages within the next couple of years but-----but our personal lives are only a tiny part (at most) of the overall inability of southerners to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, get themselves healthy, get educated, and demand an end to the de facto plantation mentality that is keeping the southern working poor and middle class from participating in American upward mobility.

Northerners can help but-----but it's up to southerners pull off the yoke of plutocracy. Until southerners decide to get out from under the thumb of the plutocrats, get off the northern teat and demand the ability to earn a piece of the American pie - southerners will continue to be the unhappiest Americans...

Happiest Cities In America - Business Insider

Julie Zeveloff
March 25, 2014


Here are the U.S. communities with the highest rates of wellbeing, according to Gallup. They tend to be spread across the northeast, northwest, and California.



unHappiest Cities In America - Business Insider

On the flip side are the cities with the lowest rates of wellbeing. Last year, Charleston, W. Va. came in last. This year, it was displaced by Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH, which was second-from-the-bottom on last year's ranking.

Many of the cities at the bottom of the ranking are located in the northeast and south.



No wonder northerners are called upon to subsidize southerners. Not only are southerners so cowed by the oligarchs they won't stand up for themselves, southerners don't stand up -- period.

Sedentary States


Indiana 41

Alabama 42

Texas 42

Oklahoma 44

Tennessee 45

Kentucky 46

Louisiana 47

Mississippi 48

West Virginia 49

Arkansas 50

The map on your link shows that there are plenty of states outside the south that rank pretty low.

I listed studies showing Best States in which to live, Best States in which to make a living, and you go with Most Sedentary? And look at the ranges on your own link. The actual differences are pretty minor.

Keep trying.

Actually not considering urban and rural. Seems there are only two in the "happiest range", whatever that means, One in Texas and one in Florida.

In the unhappiest, looks concentrated in southern states and northern states with Republican governors. Take Scott Walker for example. If Walker's policies were so great, he wouldn't be working desperately to cut the number of voting locations, cutting the number of days to vote and limiting the number of hours you can vote. If your policies were any good, you would be doing the opposite. It's just that simple.

Scott Walker's Wisconsin Falls To 49th In Economic Outlook
Yea, because people in Red States are too fucking stupid to learn the job. Duh. Did that have to be explained? What's wrong with these right wingers? Is this how they "debate"? You think Red States are at full employment so that's why educated need to be "lured" from Blue States? Because there are so many jobs?

Texas has an unemployment rate of 5.7
Cant get much lower then that.

Yea, you are right. You can't get much lower than Texas. In salary I mean.
Texas has the highest number making minimum wage. The most without healthcare or benefits. The largest number of children without health care.

texas number one in minimum wage

Remember the post some time back about people working at McDonald's cost the country 7 billion annually? Why is that? Because they work for minimum wage without benefits.

Only Republicans could be proud of that. Only Republicans.


I heard swimming and fishing in Texas is fun.

The only people making min wage are people like you.
The rest of us actually work and do very well in Texas. And thats the way I like things...lazy dumb fucks getting paid what they're worth.
And as you know,I dont give a rats ass about the plight of the min wage class.
If they're so stupid that they dont see the way out of their own predicament they deserve what they're making. Fuke em....

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