Pity the South

:beer:Soon as I retire I'll be heading south !!

The saying nowadays is, make your fortune in the north, then retire in the south.

Incredibly low real estate prices (you should see the freaking mansion my brother bought in Texas last year for $279K !!!! Absolutely beyond belief !!

Great weather ! Low taxes ! Great food !

Absolutely cannot wait to say goodbye to the liberal snobs and shithole weather, taxes, prices !!!

Yeah baby !!! :dance::dance:

Did you ever stop to think that maybe there's a reason why things are cheaper in the South?

Sure, but what do I care ? I'm just happy that we have diversity. We have places where libs can go to fulfill many of their nanny-state dreams (although they would be even happier if they kept going north to Canada) and we have places where the rest of us can go to be as little effected by government regulations and taxes as possible. :eusa_clap:

I guess I pity them as well...but not for economic reasons. The endless hatred spewed by many from the South..for Americans who disagree w them ...and our POTUS ....
This saddens me. They must hate themselves to hate so much..and to see hatred in those who bear them no ill will..like our first lady. She has done nothing but be positive since her hubby took office...both at home and abroad.

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This is the first time moochelle has felt proud of her country. So I guess she's found nothing to be proud of in our first few centuries of existence? Fucken Racist bitch.

Thank u for proving my point...A statement made by Mischelle during the prez campaign that she is "finally proud" of her country is sufficient to keep ur HATE reservoir for her and the prez filled 6 years later...
Do u even recognize what u do?
You pretend to be a phychologist but you assign hate to someone that mentions a stupid comment by Michelle (learn to spell, btw) that was outrageous in nature and illustrated an anti-American mindset. I think you're the hateful one.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe there's a reason why things are cheaper in the South?

Or why foreign car manufacturers locate there, as they do in the third world.

High quality of life and low cost of living. If they wanted something resembling the Third World, there's always Detroit or Trenton

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Did you ever stop to think that maybe there's a reason why things are cheaper in the South?

Or why foreign car manufacturers locate there, as they do in the third world.

So...detroit is a good auto manufacturing location and San Antonio is a bad location?
Hmmmmm..forgive me if I dont follow in the footsteps of failure.
Retiring (boom) in the South is cheap-----cheap because lifelong southerners are content to live with less-on-less and-----and retired people have lived long enough to not worry about the low life expectancy caused by southern attitude, lifestyle, polluted water, tainted seafood, et al.

Map of US states by life expectancy at birth (years)


I wonder if they actually live a whole 3 or 4 years longer (on average), or does it just seem that way?

I'm really glad you're happy with your life in Florida, I'm sure I will be very happy when I follow a couple of friends and move to The Villages within the next couple of years but-----but our personal lives are only a tiny part (at most) of the overall inability of southerners to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, get themselves healthy, get educated, and demand an end to the de facto plantation mentality that is keeping the southern working poor and middle class from participating in American upward mobility.

Northerners can help but-----but it's up to southerners pull off the yoke of plutocracy. Until southerners decide to get out from under the thumb of the plutocrats, get off the northern teat and demand the ability to earn a piece of the American pie - southerners will continue to be the unhappiest Americans...

I have not denied there are issue to deal with. My point is that the margins of difference are minor.

You show polls that list the best places being in the northeast and west. My links showed a significant share of the best places to live & work being in the south.

The idea that the south is so much worse that it deserves pity is simply nonsense. When the average life spans are only a couple of years apart, it doesn't show much difference.

Much of the scorn for the south is based on stereotypes that have little or no bearing on reality for most southerners.

As I said, I believe this is more about belittling one area to make you feel better about yourself.

If you don't like the south, then don't move here. Personally, I am quite fond of this region. (and btw, while I have worked in FL, I live in a suburb of Atlanta and I am originally from Tuscaloosa)
Did you ever stop to think that maybe there's a reason why things are cheaper in the South?

Or why foreign car manufacturers locate there, as they do in the third world.

Third world? Really? If you are trying to claim that the south is a third world type place, you obviously need to get out more. There are reasons for the manufacturers coming to the south. But it is not because we are a third world area.
That's an easy one: Cheap Labor.

lots of us give a shit leftard

jobs and people are leaving Blue states and moving to Red states

go cry

And somehow, in the Bizzaro World of Conservatopia, making less is preferable to making more.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

as opposed to losing jobs completely and your city becoming a ghost town like Detroit leftard?

talk about Bizarro world
lots of us give a shit leftard

jobs and people are leaving Blue states and moving to Red states

go cry

And somehow, in the Bizzaro World of Conservatopia, making less is preferable to making more.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

as opposed to losing jobs completely and your city becoming a ghost town like Detroit leftard?

talk about Bizarro world

Yes, picking up your family and chasing ever lower paying jobs around the country every so many years is certainly preferable to no job at all.

Sort of a nomadic lifestyle.
I dipped a toe into the pool called Southern Living back in the 1980s. I lived in Sarasota, Florida from 1984 to 1988.

All those years, I waited to come back north at Christmas for Christmas, not the ersatz Yuletide held in perpetual summertime. I waited to come back home for a descant slice of pizza, not the cardboard with tomato soup stuff they served down there.

But most of all, I waited to come back home so I could afford to buy a great house at a great price. One of the many McMansions tossed up in former orange groves would have cost me the equivalent of five years salary. No basements, lawns infested with fire ants (fire ants! frickin' ants that bite and sting!), the constant threat of cockroaches (don't use the euphemism 'water bugs'. that does not make them appealing.)

Sarasota is a beautiful place, but if, like me, you were born in a temperate climate, perpetual summer goes on like a hypnotist's spell. Here in the north, we recollect life's events in terms of the weather. "Remember when Grace died? That was the winter that was so snowy." or "Remember when Steve graduated? It rained every weekend that May except the weekend of the commencement ceremony."

Bless the south for it's virtues. They gave us William Faulkner, Tennessee Williams, Johnny Mercer and Harper Lee. They gave us Louis Armstrong, Duane Allman and Patsy Cline.

But they also gave us George Wallace, James Stennis, Strom Thurmond and David Duke.

I guess we'll still have to wait and see whether the sins of the sons of the south completely counter balance the gifts the sons and daughters of the south so graciously bestowed on American culture.
And somehow, in the Bizzaro World of Conservatopia, making less is preferable to making more.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

as opposed to losing jobs completely and your city becoming a ghost town like Detroit leftard?

talk about Bizarro world

Yes, picking up your family and chasing ever lower paying jobs around the country every so many years is certainly preferable to no job at all.

Sort of a nomadic lifestyle.

it's ok leftard; have the Left's Leming Horde just sit back and collect welfare; your leaders have taken to advertising how empowring it is to be jobless lately

who gives a shit?
Did you ever stop to think that maybe there's a reason why things are cheaper in the South?

Or why foreign car manufacturers locate there, as they do in the third world.

That's an easy one: Cheap Labor.

And many of the southern states are ofering very attractive tax packages to the auto manufacturers. The states make less off of the car manufacturers, but bring in jobs at decent wages and get the taxes from all the businesses that come with the original manufacturer.
The blue states will take up the slack while the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.

Blue states....like California or Illinois, where corporations are fleeing in droves (and to Southern RED States too)? Cali and Illinois....who are facing budget crunches. How many Cali cities have filed for bankruptcy since Obama took office?
Yeah it sucks down here stay the fuck out.

You know, I've noticed that your posts are all alike. You can't write simple sentences that include punctuation and correct spelling. Like this one should read:

Yeah, it sucks down here. Stay the fuck out.

Where were you ed-U-muh-kated?

So..Duddly has taken the job as the board's official "Grammer/Spelling/Punctuation Nazi"?

It's an internet messageboard...not a job application.

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