Pity the South

Top 15 fattest U.S. states:

1. Mississippi
2. Alabama
3. West Virginia
4. Tennessee
5. Louisiana
6. Kentucky
7. Oklahoma
8. South Carolina
9. Arkansas
10. Michigan
11. Missouri
12. Texas
13. Ohio
14. North Carolina
15. Indiana

15. Indiana - F as in Fat: Top 15 fattest U.S. states - Pictures - CBS News

We do love our food. If you choose to pity a region (or try to demean it) based on a obesity, knock yourself out. Yes, there are health issues that go with being overweight. But I hardly see that as a reason to pity anyone.

According to the link you posted, the #15 fattest state lists 29.1% of their population as obese. The #2 state shows 32.3% of the population being obese.

That is hardly a huge margin of difference.

I was just thinking about the heath issues raised in the OP. But I reserve the right to flame SEC fans.

Yes, there are some serious health issues associated with obesity. I do not mean to downplay those issues.

But, for the most part, obesity is about lifestyle choices. I would not tell anyone what choices to make. Besides, I am too much of a foodie to have room to talk. I have to work to maintain a healthy weight. But it is worth it.
Top 15 fattest U.S. states:

1. Mississippi
2. Alabama
3. West Virginia
4. Tennessee
5. Louisiana
6. Kentucky
7. Oklahoma
8. South Carolina
9. Arkansas
10. Michigan
11. Missouri
12. Texas
13. Ohio
14. North Carolina
15. Indiana

15. Indiana - F as in Fat: Top 15 fattest U.S. states - Pictures - CBS News

We do love our food. If you choose to pity a region (or try to demean it) based on a obesity, knock yourself out. Yes, there are health issues that go with being overweight. But I hardly see that as a reason to pity anyone.

According to the link you posted, the #15 fattest state lists 29.1% of their population as obese. The #2 state shows 32.3% of the population being obese.

That is hardly a huge margin of difference.

I was just thinking about the heath issues raised in the OP. But I reserve the right to flame SEC fans.

Oh, and flame away. I am a hardcore Bama fan. I know what it is like to suck and what it is like to win. I proudly wore my Crimson Tide gear when we went 3-8 under Mike Dubose. I am loving what Saban has done for us. But the cycle will turn and we will have crappy seasons again. I just hope it isn't anytime soon.
This thread shows something that is becoming increasingly common.

Rather than brag about the qualities of one thing, people want to demean something else to try and make their own look better.

If you live in the northeast, the west, or the midwest by choice, then be proud of that. Trying to make them look better by claiming another region deserves pity only shows your own petty nature.

I also wonder how many who try to discuss the south have actually been down here enough to really know the region. Stats are fine. But they hardly define life in any region, especially when the margin of difference is basically minor.
The word escape was figurative, that has to be explained to you? Many Californians, especially businesses, are moving to Texas.

Sorry you couldn't grasp my point. But California goes to the highest bidders...the losers have to settle for Texas.
I understood your point, it was stupid. Sorry you didn't understand the answer. The highest bidder? That's what you call taxing the shit out of people?

The highest bidder is someone willing to pay $2000. a month for a 1 bedroom flat..I'm not. I almost took a job in California.
I guess I pity them as well...but not for economic reasons. The endless hatred spewed by many from the South..for Americans who disagree w them ...and our POTUS ....
This saddens me. They must hate themselves to hate so much..and to see hatred in those who bear them no ill will..like our first lady. She has done nothing but be positive since her hubby took office...both at home and abroad.

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This thread shows something that is becoming increasingly common.

Rather than brag about the qualities of one thing, people want to demean something else to try and make their own look better.

If you live in the northeast, the west, or the midwest by choice, then be proud of that. Trying to make them look better by claiming another region deserves pity only shows your own petty nature.

I also wonder how many who try to discuss the south have actually been down here enough to really know the region. Stats are fine. But they hardly define life in any region, especially when the margin of difference is basically minor.

When I saw the title I thought this was a flame thread.
This thread shows something that is becoming increasingly common.

Rather than brag about the qualities of one thing, people want to demean something else to try and make their own look better.

If you live in the northeast, the west, or the midwest by choice, then be proud of that. Trying to make them look better by claiming another region deserves pity only shows your own petty nature.

I also wonder how many who try to discuss the south have actually been down here enough to really know the region. Stats are fine. But they hardly define life in any region, especially when the margin of difference is basically minor.

When I saw the title I thought this was a flame thread.

Sadly it is not. Although an argument could be made that it is a flame thread, just couched in stats that show a slanted view.
The whole premise of this thread is that any state that does not accept the TEMPORARY federal Medicaid assistance offered by O'care is harming its citizens.

Those of us who understand what the fuck is going on realize a couple things that the knee-pad Dems don't. First, it is not a good thing when the Feds fund something you don't want and can't afford TEMPORARILY. Because when the federal money dries up YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR IT! Then, when you don't the Democrat politicians will whine like stuck pigs about those mean Republicans CUTTING FUNDING for it.

Second, this sort of thing should be handled internally, by the individual states, according to their own best judgment. And until we see the Happy Day of (totally unconstitutional) "Single Payer," the Feds should just stay the fuck out of it and let the states work things out in their own way.
The South is actually doing much better than the north. Texas particularly is booming with all the business it got from California.
:beer:Soon as I retire I'll be heading south !!

The saying nowadays is, make your fortune in the north, then retire in the south.

Incredibly low real estate prices (you should see the freaking mansion my brother bought in Texas last year for $279K !!!! Absolutely beyond belief !!

Great weather ! Low taxes ! Great food !

Absolutely cannot wait to say goodbye to the liberal snobs and shithole weather, taxes, prices !!!

Yeah baby !!! :dance::dance:

Did you ever stop to think that maybe there's a reason why things are cheaper in the South?

This thread shows something that is becoming increasingly common.

Rather than brag about the qualities of one thing, people want to demean something else to try and make their own look better.

If you live in the northeast, the west, or the midwest by choice, then be proud of that. Trying to make them look better by claiming another region deserves pity only shows your own petty nature.

I also wonder how many who try to discuss the south have actually been down here enough to really know the region. Stats are fine. But they hardly define life in any region, especially when the margin of difference is basically minor.

You really need to live in an area or country for a while to really get a feel for it. A quick vacation or business trip does not fill the ticket.
:beer:Soon as I retire I'll be heading south !!

The saying nowadays is, make your fortune in the north, then retire in the south.

Incredibly low real estate prices (you should see the freaking mansion my brother bought in Texas last year for $279K !!!! Absolutely beyond belief !!

Great weather ! Low taxes ! Great food !

Absolutely cannot wait to say goodbye to the liberal snobs and shithole weather, taxes, prices !!!

Yeah baby !!! :dance::dance:

Did you ever stop to think that maybe there's a reason why things are cheaper in the South?

Liberals don't run things there
I guess I pity them as well...but not for economic reasons. The endless hatred spewed by many from the South..for Americans who disagree w them ...and our POTUS ....
This saddens me. They must hate themselves to hate so much..and to see hatred in those who bear them no ill will..like our first lady. She has done nothing but be positive since her hubby took office...both at home and abroad.

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This is the first time moochelle has felt proud of her country. So I guess she's found nothing to be proud of in our first few centuries of existence? Fucken Racist bitch.
If the South is so bad, why are you fucking Yankees moving here in droves?

Denigrating all people from the North is no better than when some pretentious, self-important douche from NYC or Cambridge or SF tries to look down their nose at the South.

Don't fight unAmerican, divisive bullshit with unAmerican, divisive bullshit.
If the South is so bad, why are you fucking Yankees moving here in droves?

Because it's cheaper and warmer.

And since the Yankees have the money, the rebs will eventually bend to their will.

Ever been around a yankee that has been in the south for a while? They sound and act more southern. Sure, bring your money down here. We'll teach you to be southern.
I guess I pity them as well...but not for economic reasons. The endless hatred spewed by many from the South..for Americans who disagree w them ...and our POTUS ....
This saddens me. They must hate themselves to hate so much..and to see hatred in those who bear them no ill will..like our first lady. She has done nothing but be positive since her hubby took office...both at home and abroad.

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This is the first time moochelle has felt proud of her country. So I guess she's found nothing to be proud of in our first few centuries of existence? Fucken Racist bitch.

Thank u for proving my point...A statement made by Mischelle during the prez campaign that she is "finally proud" of her country is sufficient to keep ur HATE reservoir for her and the prez filled 6 years later...
Do u even recognize what u do?

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