Pity the South

I pity the south for the liberals moving down to escape the shithole they created only to start it all over again.

More people live in liberal California than a much bigger Texas.

And the number of people living in Liberalfornia is dropping like a stone every year while Texas sees increases.

Now why is that?

Sorry...that question required thinking. Something you Libs are incapable of doing. My bad!
escape? lol There are no fences. More people live in liberal California than a much bigger Texas.
The word escape was figurative, that has to be explained to you? Many Californians, especially businesses, are moving to Texas.

Sorry you couldn't grasp my point. But California goes to the highest bidders...the losers have to settle for Texas.


The corporations heading to Texas from Cali are hardly "losers".

Try again, Libturd.
The word escape was figurative, that has to be explained to you? Many Californians, especially businesses, are moving to Texas.

Sorry you couldn't grasp my point. But California goes to the highest bidders...the losers have to settle for Texas.


The corporations heading to Texas from Cali are hardly "losers".

Try again, Libturd.

EMBARRASSING: 40% Of Texas Job Growth Since 2007 Went To Illegal Immigrants

Texas growth myth, but this report from the Center for Immigration Studies really stings.
The non-partisan group found that newly-arrived immigrants claimed 81% of state job growth from 2007 to 2011. What's worse, half of those immigrants were illegal -- representing 40% of state growth.

Obviously this won't go over well on the Perry campaign.

Newly-arrived immigrants dominated job growth despite representing only 29% of population growth.

Robert Reich, Paul Krugman and others have previously noted that most of the jobs added in Texas were low wage.

Read more: EMBARRASSING: 40% Of Texas Job Growth Since 2007 Went To Illegal Immigrants - Business Insider

Texas don't mind giving them jobs,they just don't want them to have healthcare, college degrees or become citizens.
And somehow, in the Bizzaro World of Conservatopia, making less is preferable to making more.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

as opposed to losing jobs completely and your city becoming a ghost town like Detroit leftard?

talk about Bizarro world

Yes, picking up your family and chasing ever lower paying jobs around the country every so many years is certainly preferable to no job at all.

Sort of a nomadic lifestyle.

Why would you do that? You a migrant farm worker?
So how much do you make picking lettuce compared to say..oranges?
Wake up and smell the democrat desperation. The champion, obama, is going down under a Russian boot so the democrats have to say "the south is bad". Newsflash the south will be here long after the Russians take New York.

in other words, you know nothing and you have nothing to say except regurgitating nonsense.

but we already knew that.

Clear ^^^ Concise ^^^ and SPOT ON! ^^^
And somehow, in the Bizzaro World of Conservatopia, making less is preferable to making more.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

as opposed to losing jobs completely and your city becoming a ghost town like Detroit leftard?

talk about Bizarro world

Yes, picking up your family and chasing ever lower paying jobs around the country every so many years is certainly preferable to no job at all.

Sort of a nomadic lifestyle.

Yes, competing is preferable to throwing in the towel.
as opposed to losing jobs completely and your city becoming a ghost town like Detroit leftard?

talk about Bizarro world

Yes, picking up your family and chasing ever lower paying jobs around the country every so many years is certainly preferable to no job at all.

Sort of a nomadic lifestyle.

Yes, competing is preferable to throwing in the towel.
It sounds so simple. Almost simple enough to put on a bumper sticker or simple enough for Limbaugh to shout, but have you ever considered the logistics of pulling up stakes and moving a family? Can you sell the house at all, let alone get a good price for it? Pulling the kids out of school and away from routine is traumatic. Elderly parents who need help from time to time, isit really that simple to walk away? What will you live on and where will you live until you get a job. And does that new job provide health insurance? What about pay in the south that proclaims pride in cheap labor?

It's simple to sit back and sneer and say move, get a job, tear your life apart.

Simplicity is something Conservatives embrace. Simplicity is an argument made by the inexperienced, the immature, the unaware.
Sorry you couldn't grasp my point. But California goes to the highest bidders...the losers have to settle for Texas.


The corporations heading to Texas from Cali are hardly "losers".

Try again, Libturd.

EMBARRASSING: 40% Of Texas Job Growth Since 2007 Went To Illegal Immigrants

Texas growth myth, but this report from the Center for Immigration Studies really stings.
The non-partisan group found that newly-arrived immigrants claimed 81% of state job growth from 2007 to 2011. What's worse, half of those immigrants were illegal -- representing 40% of state growth.

Obviously this won't go over well on the Perry campaign.

Newly-arrived immigrants dominated job growth despite representing only 29% of population growth.

Robert Reich, Paul Krugman and others have previously noted that most of the jobs added in Texas were low wage.

Read more: EMBARRASSING: 40% Of Texas Job Growth Since 2007 Went To Illegal Immigrants - Business Insider

Texas don't mind giving them jobs,they just don't want them to have healthcare, college degrees or become citizens.

As long as they're here legally they are more then welcome to those things,as long as they work for them.
As far as citizenship goes? Do it the legal way or stay the hell out.

The corporations heading to Texas from Cali are hardly "losers".

Try again, Libturd.

EMBARRASSING: 40% Of Texas Job Growth Since 2007 Went To Illegal Immigrants

Texas growth myth, but this report from the Center for Immigration Studies really stings.
The non-partisan group found that newly-arrived immigrants claimed 81% of state job growth from 2007 to 2011. What's worse, half of those immigrants were illegal -- representing 40% of state growth.

Obviously this won't go over well on the Perry campaign.

Newly-arrived immigrants dominated job growth despite representing only 29% of population growth.

Robert Reich, Paul Krugman and others have previously noted that most of the jobs added in Texas were low wage.

Read more: EMBARRASSING: 40% Of Texas Job Growth Since 2007 Went To Illegal Immigrants - Business Insider

Texas don't mind giving them jobs,they just don't want them to have healthcare, college degrees or become citizens.

As long as they're here legally they are more then welcome to those things,as long as they work for them.
As far as citizenship goes? Do it the legal way or stay the hell out.

40% of the jobs are going to Illegal Immigrants. Until they hold the corporations responsible for who they hire there will always be problems.
Pulling the kids out of school and away from routine is traumatic. Elderly parents who need help from time to time, isit really that simple to walk away?
Thousands of military families do it every two years, not only across the US but overseas. Somehow their kids turn out okay, families are a lot more resilient than you think.
Pity the South... compared to the rest of the country Southerners are poverty stricken, unhealthy, smokers, whose teenagers get knocked up more often than in other parts of the country and-----and Southerners have less chance of moving up the economic ladder - is it any wonder then, that Southerners are also the unhappiest Americans? Check out all nine maps, geez, it must be depressing to be a Southerner (pun intended).

These 9 Maps Should Absolutely Outrage Southerners

Emily Cohn


Many living in poverty in the South are being denied access to
affordable health care.

Source: Urban Institute
States that didn't choose to expand Medicaid under Obamacare are highlighted in lighter gray.
...which is costing these states a ton of money.


Source: The Huffington Post
This map shows how much money the 19 states that rejected Medicaid expansion will lose by 2022 as a result of doing so (assuming all other states participate).
This is particularly troubling because the
South has several health crises on its hands. Like obesity.



Are you talking about hillbillies? :lol:
Texas don't mind giving them jobs,they just don't want them to have healthcare, college degrees or become citizens.

As long as they're here legally they are more then welcome to those things,as long as they work for them.
As far as citizenship goes? Do it the legal way or stay the hell out.

40% of the jobs are going to Illegal Immigrants. Until they hold the corporations responsible for who they hire there will always be problems.

No argument from me on that point. But I will add that they shouldn't be allowed any benefits from the gov of any kind including schooling.
Make it impossible for them to live here and they'll stop coming.
But we both know thats not going to happen after watching both parties throw us under the bus on this issue.
Pulling the kids out of school and away from routine is traumatic. Elderly parents who need help from time to time, isit really that simple to walk away?
Thousands of military families do it every two years, not only across the US but overseas. Somehow their kids turn out okay, families are a lot more resilient than you think.

Military families know that constant relocation is their lot in life. They can avail themselves of base housing, eliminating the risk of selling their homes in soft real estate markets. They have support from the military in their moves. The comparison does not bear up.
Pity the South... compared to the rest of the country Southerners are poverty stricken, unhealthy, smokers, whose teenagers get knocked up more often than in other parts of the country and-----and Southerners have less chance of moving up the economic ladder - is it any wonder then, that Southerners are also the unhappiest Americans? Check out all nine maps, geez, it must be depressing to be a Southerner (pun intended).

These 9 Maps Should Absolutely Outrage Southerners

Emily Cohn


Many living in poverty in the South are being denied access to
affordable health care.

Source: Urban Institute
States that didn't choose to expand Medicaid under Obamacare are highlighted in lighter gray.
...which is costing these states a ton of money.


Source: The Huffington Post
This map shows how much money the 19 states that rejected Medicaid expansion will lose by 2022 as a result of doing so (assuming all other states participate).
This is particularly troubling because the
South has several health crises on its hands. Like obesity.



go take a flying fuck, Star...

we're doing just fine down here...

prolly happier than you'll ever be, pathetic li'l oh-my-god-the-world-sucks hand-wringing cry-baby lib...

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